FiX Fanfiction by ChatGPT pt3
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- Dieses Thema hat 4 Antworten sowie 2 Teilnehmer und wurde zuletzt vor vor 1 Jahr, 9 Monaten von GroupXyz aktualisiert.
12. März 2023 um 22:52 Uhr #5453GroupXyzSpieler
Ok ich kanns einfach nicht lassen, hier ist mal wieder einiges schiefgelaufen!
The day of the Wargearfight had finally arrived, and the lobby was buzzing with excitement. Players from all over the world had gathered to compete in the highly anticipated event, including Friderik, Hoelli135, Juja03, niklasp523, OOOODavidOOOO, Pneumatisch, Chaoscaot, Enderlander, TheBreadBeard, TheDarkHunter2, and TheReaper22122.
The arena was massive, with towering walls made of obsidian and a floor littered with obstacles. The players split into six teams: Fix, PL, ITA, HLCY, EV, and DEF, each determined to come out on top.
Friderik, a skilled member of the Fix team, took charge of his team, coordinating their attacks and defenses with ease. They had been practicing for weeks and were ready to show off their skills.
As the countdown began, the players frantically made last-minute preparations, adjusting their gear and testing their cannons. Suddenly, the buzzer sounded, and chaos erupted. Explosions filled the arena as TNT canons fired in every direction, and players darted around, dodging projectiles and trying to gain the upper hand.
The Fix team, led by Friderik, quickly took control of the battlefield, dominating their opponents with well-timed attacks and impeccable teamwork. However, the PL team, led by Schwach, proved to be a formidable opponent, using their powerful three-projectile shotgun to great effect.
The ITA team, led by MLG-Tech, had come up with some innovative new cannons that surprised their opponents, while the HLCY team, led by WarMachine, relied on brute force to overwhelm their enemies.
Meanwhile, the EV team, led by LightningBolt, had brought an impressive warship to the battle, but they soon realized that it was no match for Atom65 and his airship.
As the fight raged on, Chaoscaot, Enderlander, TheBreadBeard, TheDarkHunter2, and TheReaper22122, all members of the DEF team, struggled to keep up with their more experienced opponents. However, they refused to give up, determined to prove themselves as worthy competitors.
After hours of intense fighting, the PL team emerged victorious, with the Fix team coming in a close second. The ITA, HLCY, and EV teams all put up a valiant effort, while the DEF team, though they didn’t win, gained the respect of their fellow competitors.
As the players left the arena, exhausted but exhilarated, they knew that they had just been a part of something truly special. And though they may have been rivals on the battlefield, they were all united by their love for the game and the thrill of competition.
The second Wargearfight on was even bigger and more intense than the first, with more teams and players joining in on the action. One of the teams competing was Fix, led by GroupXyz, with SunkenHero, LS_Gamer2, _neq, and DirkPitNCC1701.
As the battle began, Fix found themselves in the thick of the action, with other teams targeting them from all sides. They held their ground, though, with their TNT cannons firing relentlessly and their armor holding up against the enemy attacks.
The other teams were also putting up a good fight, with ITA and HLCY once again showing their prowess in battle. The newcomers, DEF, were (pieeeep… chatgpt hat was gegen def, kann nix dafür) and arrogant, but they were also skilled fighters, able to hold their own against the more experienced teams.
Meanwhile, WGT, WT, PX, GP, GÄMA, and GD were all fighting tooth and nail, each team trying to gain the upper hand in the battle.
As the fight continued, it became clear that the teams were evenly matched. Fix was doing their best to hold their own, but they were still seen as underdogs compared to the other teams.
However, as the fight began to wind down, a strange thing happened. The other teams started to take notice of Fix, realizing that they had been underestimating them all along.
With a renewed sense of determination, Fix launched a surprise attack on their opponents, catching them off guard and quickly gaining the upper hand. The other teams were stunned, realizing too late that they had made a mistake in dismissing Fix as a serious threat.
In the end, Fix emerged victorious, much to the surprise of everyone watching. It was a stunning upset, and the other teams could only watch in awe as Fix celebrated their hard-earned victory.
As the players packed up their gear and prepared to leave the arena, a group of admins approached GroupXyz with an offer. They had been impressed with Fix’s performance and wanted to offer them a spot on the official team.
GroupXyz and the rest of Fix were stunned, but they happily accepted the offer, excited for the opportunity to represent on a bigger stage.
And so, the underdogs of Fix proved that they were more than just a minor player in the Wargearfight scene. With hard work and determination, they had come out on top, proving that sometimes, the most underestimated team can end up being the strongest one of all.
12. März 2023 um 22:56 Uhr #5454GroupXyzSpielerOK ich glaub ich muss noch etwas sagen, außer ein paar Namen und Beschreibungen hab ich ChatGPT nix gegeben und hab auch nix ausgebessert bis auf das eine, ich habe keine Ahnung warum ChatGPT so random stuff macht
13. März 2023 um 21:42 Uhr #5455AnonymInaktivGuten Abend,
Bei den ganzen „Fan fictions“, die auf einmal dieses Forum zumüllen, muss ich mich wohl auch einmal zu Wort melden.
Ich kann ja verstehen, warum die Fan fictions auf einmal so im Trend sind.
Aber die ganze Sache über ChatGPT zu machen geht meiner Meinung nach ein ganzes Stück zu weit.
Ich habe an der letzten Folge der Proxima Fan fiction über einen Monat geschrieben. Sie fasst insgesamt 3782 Wörter und hat eine klare Handlung sowie Dialoge und Charakterbeziehungen. Kurzum, sie ist eine wirkliche Geschichte.
Diese „Fan fictions“, die mit Hilfe von ChatGPT in weniger als 5 Minuten hingeschissen werden, zeugen hier nicht nur von der Faulheit der jeweiligen „Autoren“, sie entwerten auch die Fan fiction an sich. Ich und auch Itona31 haben uns viel Mühe dafür gegeben, euch zu unterhalten, während GroupXyz und vor allem TheBreadBeard offenbar nur an den Reaktionen interessiert sind und nicht am Schreiben einer vernünftigen Geschichte.
Machen wir uns nichts vor: Die ChatGPT „Fan fictions“ sind scheiße. Sie enthalten keine Dialoge, keine kohärenten Handlungsstränge, keine Insider, keine vernünftigen Jokes, keine Liebe zum Detail und keine Trivia zur WarGear-Geschichte.
Es handelt sich hier offensichtlich nur um ein paar erbärmliche Versuche, ohne jeglichen Arbeitsaufwand auf den Fan fiction Hype mit aufzuspringen.
Um es einmal klarzustellen: Ich habe nichts dagegen, wenn ihr eigene Fan fictions zu bestimmten Themen der WarGear-Szene schreibt. Es macht mich sogar stolz, dass ich mit meinen Fan fictions diese Art der Geschichten innerhalb der WarGear-Szene populär gemacht habe und damit in gewisser Weise einen Trend erschaffen habe.
Aber bitte, wenn ihr Fan fictions schreiben wollt, schreibt sie verdammt nochmal selbst.
Wenn ihr mit Hilfe von KIs irgendwelche schlecht geschriebenen, englischen Texte hier ins Forum spamt, ist das nicht lustig oder cool oder innovativ sondern einfach nur erbärmlich und schlicht faul.
cbt_inspector14. März 2023 um 7:28 Uhr #5456GroupXyzSpielerIch seh‘s so, es ist in spam, und halt einfach ne andere Art. Es ist halt mehr was zum drüber lachen weils teilweise so cringe ist xD Ihr Professionellen Fanfictionschreiber macht natürlich den qualitativeren content ist klar, aber in Spam passen halt viele Arten von Fanfiction. Ein bisschen verstehe ich dich auch, deshalb werde ich es umbenennen. LG Group
14. März 2023 um 7:36 Uhr #5457GroupXyzSpielerKanns anscheinend nicht umbenennen aber falls es irgendein dev sieht erstz das fan bitte mal durch cringe oder so bei den 3 artikeln
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