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# Base server folder
Folder: ""
# Server java archive
ServerJar: ""
# Available arenas
Maps: []
# Names to address the game mode in the chat interface
ChatNames: []
# If the game mode should be marked as a historic game mode
Historic: false # defaults to false if missing
# If ranked matches should be available for the game mode
Ranked: false # defaults to false if missing
# The questions that have to be answered to accept the schematic
CheckQuestions: [] # Disables check schem type if missing
# The available schematic ranks
Ranks: [] # Disables ranks for this schematic type if missing
# Time in seconds the server stops after starting if nobody joins
NoPlayersOnlineDuration: 30 # defaults to 30 if missing
# Time in seconds the team leaders have to choose their schematic
PreSchemPasteDuration: 120 # defaults to 120 if missing
# Time in seconds for preparing
SetupDuration: 300 # defaults to 300 if missing
# Time in seconds the final countdown is long
PreFightDuration: 30 # defaults to 30 if missing
# Time in seconds to spectate the arena after the fight
SpectatorDuration: 30 # defaults to 30 if missing
# The amount of blocks the schematics should be pasted under the surface
WaterDepth: 0 # defaults to 0 if missing
# The outer border of the arena, measured in blocks around the schematic areas
x: 24 # defaults to 24 if missing
z: 24 # defaults to 24 if missing
# The size of the team areas are expanded around the schematics
BorderFromSchematic: 12 # defaults to 12 if missing
# If ground walkable, teams can walk below the lower arena border during setup
GroundWalkable: true # defaults to true if missing
# Disable snow and ice melting
DisableSnowMelt: false # defaults to false if missing
# Allow leaving the arena area as spectator
Leaveable: false # defaults to false if missing
2022-06-07 15:09:42 +02:00
# Allow missiles to fly to the enemy and not stop at the schem border.
# This overrides the 'EnterStages' setting if present otherwise if any 'EnterStages' are present this defaults to 'true'.
AllowMissiles: false # defaults to false if missing
2019-04-05 19:32:59 +02:00
# The size of the schematics
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
# The schematic type that can be chosen in this arena
Type: Normal # defaults to Normal if missing
# Shortcut of the schematic type
Shortcut: "" # defaults to "" if missing
# Spigot (1.8) material for GUIs
Material: STONE_BUTTON # defaults to STONE_BUTTON if missing
# If the schematics should be rotated during pasting
Rotate: true # defaults to true if missing
# If the schematics should be pasted aligned to the borders instead of centered
PasteAligned: false # defaults to false if missing
# If only public schematics are allowed
OnlyPublicSchematics: false # defaults to false if missing
# If the public only force should be completely disabled
IgnorePublicOnly: false # defaults to false if missing
# If obsidian and bedrock should be replaced during PRE_RUNNING
ReplaceObsidianBedrock: false # defaults to false if missing
# If the replacement should happen with block updates
ReplaceWithBlockupdates: false # defaults to false if missing
# Maximal amount of blocks allowed in the schematic
MaxBlocks: 0 # defaults to 0 (ignored) if missing
# Maximal amount of items per dispenser
MaxDispenserItems: 128 # defaults to 128 if missing
# List of limited material (combinations)
# List contains tags Amount (integer) and Materials (List of material names in Spigot 1.12 AND Spigot 1.15 format)
- Materials: []
Amount: 0
# The name of the game mode presented to the players
GameName: WarGear # defaults to WarGear if missing
# The prefix used for team chats
TeamChatPrefix: + # defaults to + if missing
Name: Blau # defaults to Blue if missing
Prefix: '§3' # defaults to '§3' if missing
Name: Rot # defaults to Red if missing
Prefix: '§c' # defaults to '§c' if missing
# The list of active win conditions
WinConditions: # defaults to none if missing
2022-06-07 15:09:42 +02:00
2022-02-10 18:33:41 +01:00
# The time of any of the timeout win conditions in seconds
TimeoutTime: 1200 # defaults to 1200 if missing
# The percentage when any of the percent win conditions limits or triggers a win
PercentWin: 7.0 # defaults to 7.0 if missing
# Special Blocks (Valid spigot material values) used by the percent win conditions
Blocks: [] # defaults to none if missing
2019-04-13 14:25:25 +02:00
# The kit file for this configuration
File: kits.yml # defaults to kits.yml if missing
# The default kit for team members
MemberDefault: default # defaults to default if missing
# The default kit for team leaders
LeaderDefault: default # defaults to default if missing
# If the personal kit system is active
PersonalKits: false # defaults to false if missing
# Items (Valid spigot material values) that are not allowed in the personal kit
ForbiddenItems: [] # defaults to none if missing
# A list of integers containing the waiting time of this enter stage in the fight
EnterStages: [] # defaults to no enter stages (empty list) if missing
2019-05-28 06:16:16 +02:00
# The tech hider blocks/materials have to be valid lowercase minecraft material names
# Activates the tech hider
Active: false # defaults to false if missing
# Which block the tech hider replaces to.
ObfuscateWith: end_stone # defaults to end_stone if missing
# A list of all hidden blocks. "water" results in the hiding of all waterlogged blocks as well.
HiddenBlocks: [] # defaults to none if missing
# The block entity contents that are hidden (here with minecraft:nametag)
HiddenBlockEntites: [] # defaults to none if missing
# The following configuration must be in the world folder/config.yml
# # The lower arena border under which players get damage
# UnderBorder: 0 # defaults to BlueCorner.y if missing
# # The lowest corner in all axis of the blue team schematic area
# BlueCorner:
# x: 0
# y: 0
# z: 0
# # The offset between the lowest corner of the blue area and the lowest corner of the red area
# BlueToRed:
# x: 0 # defaults to 0 if missing
# y: 0 # defaults to 0 if missing
# z: 0 # defaults to Schematic.Size.z + 50 if missing
# # The offset the teams spawn relative to the center of their area
# SpawnOffset:
# x: 0 # defaults to 0 if missing
# y: 0 # defaults to Schematic.Size.y if missing
# z: 0 # defaults to 0 if missing