geforkt von Mirrors/Velocity
Update Velocity (might fix Command problems) and fix PluginMessages... #4
@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ import com.velocitypowered.api.event.player.ServerResourcePackSendEvent;
import com.velocitypowered.api.event.proxy.ProxyPingEvent;
import com.velocitypowered.api.proxy.messages.ChannelIdentifier;
import com.velocitypowered.api.proxy.messages.LegacyChannelIdentifier;
import com.velocitypowered.api.proxy.messages.MinecraftChannelIdentifier;
import com.velocitypowered.api.proxy.player.ResourcePackInfo;
import com.velocitypowered.proxy.VelocityServer;
import com.velocitypowered.proxy.command.CommandGraphInjector;
@ -288,31 +290,14 @@ public class BackendPlaySessionHandler implements MinecraftSessionHandler {
return true;
// Register and unregister packets are simply forwarded to the server as-is.
if (PluginMessageUtil.isRegister(packet) || PluginMessageUtil.isUnregister(packet)) {
return false;
if (PluginMessageUtil.isMcBrand(packet)) {
PluginMessagePacket rewritten = PluginMessageUtil
server.getVersion(), playerConnection.getProtocolVersion());
return true;
if (serverConn.getPhase().handle(serverConn, serverConn.getPlayer(), packet)) {
// Handled.
return true;
ChannelIdentifier id = server.getChannelRegistrar().getFromId(packet.getChannel());
if (id == null) {
return false;
byte[] copy = ByteBufUtil.getBytes(packet.content());
PluginMessageEvent event = new PluginMessageEvent(serverConn, serverConn.getPlayer(), id, copy);
String channel = packet.getChannel();
PluginMessageEvent event = new PluginMessageEvent(serverConn, serverConn.getPlayer(), channel.indexOf(':') == -1 ? new LegacyChannelIdentifier(channel) : MinecraftChannelIdentifier.from(channel), copy);
server.getEventManager().fire(event).thenAcceptAsync(pme -> {
if (pme.getResult().isAllowed() && !playerConnection.isClosed()) {
PluginMessagePacket copied = new PluginMessagePacket(
@ -340,43 +340,25 @@ public class ClientPlaySessionHandler implements MinecraftSessionHandler {
if (!player.getPhase().handle(player, packet, serverConn)) {
ChannelIdentifier id = server.getChannelRegistrar().getFromId(packet.getChannel());
if (id == null) {
// We don't have any plugins listening on this channel, process the packet now.
if (!player.getPhase().consideredComplete() || !serverConn.getPhase()
.consideredComplete()) {
// The client is trying to send messages too early. This is primarily caused by mods,
// but further aggravated by Velocity. To work around these issues, we will queue any
// non-FML handshake messages to be sent once the FML handshake has completed or the
// JoinGame packet has been received by the proxy, whichever comes first.
// We also need to make sure to retain these packets, so they can be flushed
// appropriately.
} else {
// The connection is ready, send the packet now.
} else {
byte[] copy = ByteBufUtil.getBytes(packet.content());
PluginMessageEvent event = new PluginMessageEvent(player, serverConn, id, copy);
server.getEventManager().fire(event).thenAcceptAsync(pme -> {
if (pme.getResult().isAllowed()) {
PluginMessagePacket message = new PluginMessagePacket(packet.getChannel(),
if (!player.getPhase().consideredComplete() || !serverConn.getPhase()
.consideredComplete()) {
// We're still processing the connection (see above), enqueue the packet for now.
} else {
byte[] copy = ByteBufUtil.getBytes(packet.content());
String channel = packet.getChannel();
PluginMessageEvent event = new PluginMessageEvent(player, serverConn, channel.indexOf(':') == -1 ? new LegacyChannelIdentifier(channel) : MinecraftChannelIdentifier.from(channel), copy);
server.getEventManager().fire(event).thenAcceptAsync(pme -> {
if (pme.getResult().isAllowed()) {
PluginMessagePacket message = new PluginMessagePacket(packet.getChannel(),
if (!player.getPhase().consideredComplete() || !serverConn.getPhase()
.consideredComplete()) {
// We're still processing the connection (see above), enqueue the packet for now.
} else {
}, backendConn.eventLoop()).exceptionally((ex) -> {
logger.error("Exception while handling plugin message packet for {}", player, ex);
return null;
}, backendConn.eventLoop()).exceptionally((ex) -> {
logger.error("Exception while handling plugin message packet for {}", player, ex);
return null;
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