- handle - Variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.events.PacketContainer
- handle - Variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedChunkCoordinate
- handle - Variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedDataWatcher
- handle - Variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedWatchableObject
- handleDisconnect() - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.injector.player.NetworkObjectInjector
- handleDisconnect(Player) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.injector.player.PlayerInjectionHandler
Invoke special routines for handling disconnect before a player is uninjected.
- HANDSHAKE - Static variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.Packets.Client
- hasAsynchronousListeners(PacketEvent) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.async.AsyncFilterManager
- hasAsynchronousListeners(PacketEvent) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.AsynchronousManager
Determine if a given synchronous packet has asynchronous listeners.
- hasExpired() - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.async.AsyncMarker
Determine if this packet has expired.
- hasExpired(long) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.async.AsyncMarker
Determine if this packet has expired given this time.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.async.AsyncMarker
- hashCode() - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.concurrency.AbstractIntervalTree.Entry
- hashCode() - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.events.ListeningWhitelist
- hashCode() - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.injector.PrioritizedListener
- hashCode() - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.fuzzy.AbstractFuzzyMember
- hashCode() - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.fuzzy.FuzzyFieldContract
- hashCode() - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.fuzzy.FuzzyMethodContract
- hashCode() - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.ChunkPosition
- hashCode() - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedChunkCoordinate
- hashCode() - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedDataWatcher
- hashCode() - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.WrappedWatchableObject
- hasListener(int) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.injector.player.NetworkObjectInjector
- hasLogin() - Method in enum com.comphenix.protocol.injector.GamePhase
Determine if the current value represents the login phase.
- hasMember(int) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.IntEnum
Determines whether or not the given member exists.
- hasPacketHandler(int) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.injector.packet.PacketInjector
Determine if packets with the given packet ID is being intercepted.
- hasPlaying() - Method in enum com.comphenix.protocol.injector.GamePhase
Determine if the current value represents the playing phase.
- hasRegistered() - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.injector.spigot.SpigotPacketInjector
Determine if the Spigot packet listener has been registered.