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uninjectPlayer(Player) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.injector.player.PlayerInjectionHandler
Unregisters the given player.
unregisterAsyncHandler(AsyncListenerHandler) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.async.AsyncFilterManager
unregisterAsyncHandler(AsyncListenerHandler) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.AsynchronousManager
Unregisters and closes the given asynchronous handler.
unregisterAsyncHandlers(Plugin) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.async.AsyncFilterManager
unregisterAsyncHandlers(Plugin) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.AsynchronousManager
Unregisters every asynchronous handler associated with this plugin.
unwrap(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.PrimitiveUtils
Returns the corresponding primitive type of type if it is a wrapper type; otherwise returns type itself.
unwrapItem(Object) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.injector.BukkitUnwrapper
unwrapItem(Object) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.injector.PacketConstructor.Unwrapper
Convert the given wrapped object to the equivalent net.minecraft.server object.
UPDATE_HEALTH - Static variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.Packets.Server
UPDATE_SIGN - Static variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.Packets.Client
UPDATE_SIGN - Static variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.Packets.Server
UPDATE_TIME - Static variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.Packets.Server
updateEntity(Entity, List<Player>) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.injector.PacketFilterManager
updateEntity(Entity, List<Player>) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.ProtocolManager
Completely refresh all clients about an entity.
USE_ENTITY - Static variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.Packets.Client