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PacketAdapter - Class in com.comphenix.protocol.events
Represents a packet listener with useful constructors.
PacketAdapter(Plugin, ConnectionSide, Integer...) - Constructor for class com.comphenix.protocol.events.PacketAdapter
Initialize a packet listener with default priority.
PacketAdapter(Plugin, ConnectionSide, ListenerPriority, Set<Integer>) - Constructor for class com.comphenix.protocol.events.PacketAdapter
Initialize a packet listener for a single connection side.
PacketAdapter(Plugin, ConnectionSide, GamePhase, Set<Integer>) - Constructor for class com.comphenix.protocol.events.PacketAdapter
Initialize a packet listener for a single connection side.
PacketAdapter(Plugin, ConnectionSide, ListenerPriority, GamePhase, Set<Integer>) - Constructor for class com.comphenix.protocol.events.PacketAdapter
Initialize a packet listener for a single connection side.
PacketAdapter(Plugin, ConnectionSide, ListenerPriority, Integer...) - Constructor for class com.comphenix.protocol.events.PacketAdapter
Initialize a packet listener for a single connection side.
PacketAdapter(Plugin, ConnectionSide, GamePhase, Integer...) - Constructor for class com.comphenix.protocol.events.PacketAdapter
Initialize a packet listener for a single connection side.
PacketAdapter(Plugin, ConnectionSide, ListenerPriority, GamePhase, Integer...) - Constructor for class com.comphenix.protocol.events.PacketAdapter
Initialize a packet listener for a single connection side.
PacketContainer - Class in com.comphenix.protocol.events
Represents a Minecraft packet indirectly.
PacketContainer(int) - Constructor for class com.comphenix.protocol.events.PacketContainer
Creates a packet container for a new packet.
PacketContainer(int, Object) - Constructor for class com.comphenix.protocol.events.PacketContainer
Creates a packet container for an existing packet.
PacketContainer(int, Object, StructureModifier<Object>) - Constructor for class com.comphenix.protocol.events.PacketContainer
Creates a packet container for an existing packet.
PacketContainer() - Constructor for class com.comphenix.protocol.events.PacketContainer
For serialization.
PacketEvent - Class in com.comphenix.protocol.events
PacketEvent(Object) - Constructor for class com.comphenix.protocol.events.PacketEvent
Use the static constructors to create instances of this event.
PacketListener - Interface in com.comphenix.protocol.events
Represents a listener that recieves notifications when packets are sent or recieved.
Packets - Class in com.comphenix.protocol
List of known packet IDs since 1.3.2.
Packets() - Constructor for class com.comphenix.protocol.Packets
Packets.Client - Class in com.comphenix.protocol
List of packets sent by the client.
Packets.Server - Class in com.comphenix.protocol
List of packets sent only by the server.
PacketStream - Interface in com.comphenix.protocol
Represents a object capable of sending or receiving packets.
parameterCount(int) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.fuzzy.FuzzyMethodContract.Builder
Set the expected number of parameters in the matching method.
parameterExactType(Class<?>) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.fuzzy.FuzzyMethodContract.Builder
Add a new required parameter by type for any matching method.
parameterExactType(Class<?>, int) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.fuzzy.FuzzyMethodContract.Builder
Add a new required parameter by type and position for any matching method.
parameterMatches(AbstractFuzzyMatcher<Class<?>>) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.fuzzy.FuzzyMethodContract.Builder
Add a new required parameter whose type must match the given class matcher.
parameterMatches(AbstractFuzzyMatcher<Class<?>>, int) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.fuzzy.FuzzyMethodContract.Builder
Add a new required parameter whose type must match the given class matcher and index.
parameterSuperOf(Class<?>) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.fuzzy.FuzzyMethodContract.Builder
Add a new required parameter whose type must be a superclass of the given type.
parameterSuperOf(Class<?>, int) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.fuzzy.FuzzyMethodContract.Builder
Add a new required parameter whose type must be a superclass of the given type.
PICKUP_SPAWN - Static variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.Packets.Server
PLACE - Static variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.Packets.Client
PLAY_NOTE_BLOCK - Static variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.Packets.Server
PLAYER_INFO - Static variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.Packets.Server
PLAYER_LOOK - Static variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.Packets.Client
PLAYER_LOOK - Static variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.Packets.Server
PLAYER_LOOK_MOVE - Static variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.Packets.Client
PLAYER_LOOK_MOVE - Static variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.Packets.Server
PLAYER_POSITION - Static variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.Packets.Client
PLAYER_POSITION - Static variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.Packets.Server
plugin - Variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.events.PacketAdapter
PLUGIN_NAME - Static variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.error.DetailedErrorReporter
pluginFile(String) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.metrics.Updater
Check if the name of a jar is one of the plugins currently installed, used for extracting the correct files out of a zip.
pluginReference - Variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.error.DetailedErrorReporter
prefix - Variable in class com.comphenix.protocol.error.DetailedErrorReporter
prepareBuild() - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.fuzzy.AbstractFuzzyMember
Called before a builder is building a member and copying its state.
prepareBuild() - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.fuzzy.FuzzyMethodContract
PrettyPrinter - Class in com.comphenix.protocol.reflect
Used to print the content of an arbitrary class.
PrettyPrinter() - Constructor for class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.PrettyPrinter
PrimitiveGenerator - Class in com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.instances
Provides constructors for primtive types, wrappers, arrays and strings.
PrimitiveGenerator(String) - Constructor for class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.instances.PrimitiveGenerator
printObject(Object) - Static method in class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.PrettyPrinter
Print the content of an object.
printObject(Object, Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.PrettyPrinter
Print the content of an object.
printObject(Object, Class<?>, Class<?>, int) - Static method in class com.comphenix.protocol.reflect.PrettyPrinter
Print the content of an object.
ProtocolLibrary - Class in com.comphenix.protocol
The main entry point for ProtocolLib.
ProtocolLibrary() - Constructor for class com.comphenix.protocol.ProtocolLibrary
ProtocolManager - Interface in com.comphenix.protocol
Represents an API for accessing the Minecraft protocol.
put(TKey, TKey, TValue) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.concurrency.AbstractIntervalTree
Associates a given interval of keys with a certain value.
put(TKey, TValue) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.concurrency.BlockingHashMap
Associate a given key with the given value.
put(NbtBase<T>) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.nbt.NbtCompound
Set a entry based on its name.
put(String, String) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.nbt.NbtCompound
Associate a NBT string value with the given key.
put(String, NbtBase<?>) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.nbt.NbtCompound
Inserts an entry after cloning it and renaming it to "key".
put(String, byte) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.nbt.NbtCompound
Associate a NBT byte value with the given key.
put(String, short) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.nbt.NbtCompound
Associate a NBT short value with the given key.
put(String, int) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.nbt.NbtCompound
Associate a NBT integer value with the given key.
put(String, long) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.nbt.NbtCompound
Associate a NBT long value with the given key.
put(String, float) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.nbt.NbtCompound
Associate a NBT float value with the given key.
put(String, double) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.nbt.NbtCompound
Associate a NBT double value with the given key.
put(String, byte[]) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.nbt.NbtCompound
Associate a NBT byte array value with the given key.
put(String, int[]) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.nbt.NbtCompound
Associate a NBT integer array value with the given key.
put(NbtCompound) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.nbt.NbtCompound
Associate a NBT compound with its name as key.
put(NbtList<T>) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.nbt.NbtCompound
Associate a NBT list with the given key.
put(String, Collection<? extends NbtBase<T>>) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.nbt.NbtCompound
Associate a new NBT list with the given key.
putAll(AbstractIntervalTree<TKey, TValue>) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.concurrency.AbstractIntervalTree
Inserts every range from the given tree into the current tree.
putIfAbsent(TKey, TValue) - Method in class com.comphenix.protocol.concurrency.BlockingHashMap
If and only if a key is not present in the map will it be associated with the given value.
putObject(String, Object) - Method in interface com.comphenix.protocol.wrappers.nbt.NbtCompound
Associates a given Java primitive value, list, map or NbtBase with a certain key.