Exposes the data component logic used by vanilla ItemStack to API
consumers as a version-specific API.
The types and methods introduced by this patch do not follow the general
API deprecation contracts and will be adapted to each new minecraft
release without backwards compatibility measures.
Anvils, by default, limit applied enchantment levels to their respective
maximum level. The added API enables plugins to disable this behaviour,
allowing enchantments that are overleveled to be applied via the anvil.
Prevent index out of bounds exception when finding possible matches in
the help topics.
A general empty string is caught and directed to the defaultTopic by
getHelpTopic(). #findPossibleMatches hence should not concern itself
with possible empty strings anymore.
Improves the validation when creating recipes
and RecipeChoices to closer match what is
allowed by the Codecs and StreamCodecs internally.
Adds RecipeChoice#empty which is allowed in specific
recipes and ingredient slots.
Also fixes some issues regarding mutability of both ItemStack
and implementations of RecipeChoice.
Also adds some validation regarding Materials passed to RecipeChoice
being items.
Adds new flag in HIDE_STORED_ENCHANTS which was split
from HIDE_ADDITIONAL_INFO. Adds a migration to account for
this, adding the new flag if the itemstack is old and had the
old flag.
There are lots of locations in the API where mutable
types are not cloned, either on return or when passed
as a parameter and assigned to a field, which can cause
unexpected behaviors. Let this be a lesson to use
immutable types for simple things Location, Vector, and