Mirror von https://github.com/St3venAU/ArmorStandTools.git synchronisiert 2024-12-26 19:42:41 +01:00
Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
Steven 2021-07-20 23:01:03 +08:00
Ursprung 0023ddedd1
Commit b454a5dcd2
12 geänderte Dateien mit 299 neuen und 133 gelöschten Zeilen

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@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ Assigning Commands
- Use /ascmd to assign a command to an armor stand (see usage and permissions below)
- When using /ascmd assign player <command>, the command will be run by the player
- When using /ascmd assign console <command>, the command will be run by the console (see Warning below!)
- When a player with the astools.ascmd.execute permission right clicks on an armor stand, it's command is run.
- If a player is crouching when they right click the armor stand, the command will not be run.
- When a player with the astools.ascmd.execute permission right-clicks on an armor stand, it's command is run.
- If a player is crouching when they right-click the armor stand, the command will not be run.
- Warning: Make sure you are careful when assigning console commands. Any player with the astools.ascmd.execute permission will be able to execute the command.
- By default, any command assigned to an armor stand will use the default cooldown set in config.yml. This can be set on an individual basis using the /ascmd cooldown <ticks> command.
@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ Commands
- /ascmd cooldown <ticks> : Sets the cooldown (in ticks) for the command on nearest armor stand (Setting this overrides the default cooldown from config.yml)
- /ascmd cooldown remove : Removes the cooldown for the command on nearest armor stand (Default cooldown set in config.yml will be used)
- /astools or /ast : Legacy command - instructs player to crouch right-click an armor stand to use AST.
- /astools new : Create a new armor stand - will spawn being carried by the player
- /astools reload : Reload the plugin (use when changing config files)
WorldGuard Integration
@ -63,6 +65,7 @@ Permissions
- astools.head: Permission to use the player head tool (Ability to specify a player head for an armor stand)
- astools.summon: Permission to use the summon tool (Summons an armor stand without requiring the materials)
- astools.cmdblock: Permission to use the save tool (Creates a command block)
- astools.reload: Permission to reload the plugin
- astools.ascmd.assign.console: Permission to assign a console command to an armor stand
- astools.ascmd.assign.player: Permission to assign a player command to an armor stand
- astools.ascmd.remove: Permission to remove a command from an armor stand
@ -74,4 +77,4 @@ Permissions
- config.yml - The main config file allows you to set the default starting settings for newly summoned armor stands. This is useful if you plan on creating a lot of armor stands with similar equipment.
- language.yml - Contains all of the strings of text that the player will see. Edit this file if you wish to change the text or translate it into a different language.
- language.yml - Contains all the strings of text that the player will see. Edit this file if you wish to change the text or translate it into a different language.

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import org.bukkit.metadata.MetadataValue;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.logging.Level;
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ public class AST extends JavaPlugin {
final static HashMap<UUID, ArmorStandTool> activeTool = new HashMap<>();
final static HashMap<UUID, ArmorStand> selectedArmorStand = new HashMap<>();
final static ArrayList<UUID> showAdvancedTools = new ArrayList<>();
static AST plugin;

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@ -66,12 +66,13 @@ class ArmorStandGUI implements Listener {
} else if(name.length() > 32) {
name = name.substring(0, 32);
i = Bukkit.createInventory(null, 54, name);
boolean showAdvancedTools = AST.showAdvancedTools.contains(p.getUniqueId());
i = Bukkit.createInventory(null, showAdvancedTools ? 54 : 36, name);
for(int slot = 0; slot < i.getSize(); slot++) {
i.setItem(slot, filler);
for(ArmorStandTool tool : ArmorStandTool.values()) {
if(tool.isEnabled()) {
if(tool.isEnabled() && (!tool.isAdvanced() || showAdvancedTools)) {
i.setItem(tool.getSlot(), tool.updateLore(as));
@ -101,8 +102,7 @@ class ArmorStandGUI implements Listener {
public void onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent event) {
if(!event.getInventory().equals(i) || !(event.getWhoClicked() instanceof Player)) return;
Player p = (Player) event.getWhoClicked();
if(!event.getInventory().equals(i) || !(event.getWhoClicked() instanceof Player p)) return;
if(event.getClick() == ClickType.SHIFT_LEFT || event.getClick() == ClickType.SHIFT_RIGHT || event.getClick() == ClickType.NUMBER_KEY) {
@ -129,6 +129,12 @@ class ArmorStandGUI implements Listener {
UUID uuid = p.getUniqueId();
if(t.isAdvanced()) {
AST.activeTool.put(uuid, t);
AST.selectedArmorStand.put(uuid, as);
switch (t) {
case HEAD:
case BODY:
@ -196,10 +202,11 @@ class ArmorStandGUI implements Listener {
AST.pickUpArmorStand(as, p);
Utils.title(p, Config.carrying);
case UP:
case DOWN:
double dist = (t == ArmorStandTool.UP ? 1 : -1) * (rightClick ? 1 : 0.1);
l.add(0, dist,0);
case MOVE_X:
case MOVE_Y:
case MOVE_Z:
double dist = rightClick ? -0.1 : 0.1;
l.add(t == ArmorStandTool.MOVE_X ? dist : 0, t == ArmorStandTool.MOVE_Y ? dist : 0,t == ArmorStandTool.MOVE_Z ? dist : 0);
if (!AST.playerHasPermission(p, l.getBlock(), null)) {
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + Config.wgNoPerm);
@ -218,6 +225,24 @@ class ArmorStandGUI implements Listener {
Utils.title(p, Config.glow + ": " + (glowing ? Config.isOn : Config.isOff));
if(AST.showAdvancedTools.contains(uuid)) {
} else {
new BukkitRunnable() {
public void run() {
if(ArmorStandGUI.isInUse(as)) {
Utils.title(p, Config.guiInUse);
new ArmorStandGUI(as, p);
}.runTaskLater(AST.plugin, 1L);
@ -226,8 +251,7 @@ class ArmorStandGUI implements Listener {
public void onInventoryDrag(InventoryDragEvent event) {
if(!event.getInventory().equals(i) || !(event.getWhoClicked() instanceof Player)) return;
Player p = (Player) event.getWhoClicked();
if(!event.getInventory().equals(i) || !(event.getWhoClicked() instanceof Player p)) return;
boolean invModified = false;
for(int slot : event.getRawSlots()) {
if(slot < i.getSize()) {

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@ -16,30 +16,56 @@ import java.util.UUID;
public enum ArmorStandTool {
HEAD ("gui_head", Material.PLAYER_HEAD, 7, "astools.use", false),
BODY ("gui_body", Material.NETHER_BRICKS, 16, "astools.use", false),
RARM ("gui_rarm", Material.REDSTONE_TORCH, 15, "astools.use", true),
LARM ("gui_larm", Material.TORCH, 17, "astools.use", true),
RLEG ("gui_rleg", Material.BLAZE_ROD, 24, "astools.use", true),
LLEG ("gui_lleg", Material.BONE, 26, "astools.use", true),
MOVE ("gui_move", Material.FEATHER, 25, "astools.use", false),
CLONE ("gui_clone", Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST, 34, "astools.clone", false),
HEAD ("gui_head", Material.WITHER_SKELETON_SKULL, 7, "astools.use", false, false),
BODY ("gui_body", Material.NETHERITE_CHESTPLATE, 16, "astools.use", false, false),
RARM ("gui_rarm", Material.REDSTONE_TORCH, 15, "astools.use", true, false),
LARM ("gui_larm", Material.TORCH, 17, "astools.use", true, false),
RLEG ("gui_rleg", Material.BLAZE_ROD, 24, "astools.use", true, false),
LLEG ("gui_lleg", Material.BONE, 26, "astools.use", true, false),
MOVE ("gui_move", Material.FEATHER, 8, "astools.use", false, false),
ROTATE ("gui_rotate", Material.ENDER_PEARL, 25, "astools.use", false, false),
MOVE_X ("gui_moveX", Material.ORANGE_CANDLE, 33, "astools.use", false, false),
MOVE_Y ("gui_moveY", Material.LIGHT_BLUE_CANDLE, 34, "astools.use", false, false),
MOVE_Z ("gui_moveZ", Material.LIME_CANDLE, 35, "astools.use", false, false),
NAME ("gui_name", Material.NAME_TAG, 3, "astools.use", false, false),
INVIS ("gui_invis", Material.GOLD_NUGGET, 4, "astools.use", false, false),
ARMS ("gui_arms", Material.ARROW, 5, "astools.use", false, false),
BASE ("gui_base", Material.STONE_SLAB, 12, "astools.use", false, false),
SIZE ("gui_size", Material.EMERALD, 14, "astools.use", false, false),
GRAV ("gui_grav", Material.GHAST_TEAR, 13, "astools.use", false, false),
INVUL ("gui_invul", Material.GLISTERING_MELON_SLICE, 21, "astools.use", false, false),
SLOTS ("gui_slots", Material.IRON_HOE, 22, "astools.use", false, false),
GLOW ("gui_glow", Material.GLOWSTONE, 23, "astools.glow", false, false),
PHEAD ("gui_pHead", Material.PLAYER_HEAD, 30, "astools.head", false, false),
SAVE ("gui_save", Material.DIAMOND, 31, "astools.cmdblock",false, false),
CLONE ("gui_clone", Material.ARMOR_STAND, 32, "astools.clone", false, false),
ADVANCED("gui_advanced",Material.NETHER_STAR, 27, "astools.use", false, false),
RARM_X ("gui_rArmX", Material.REDSTONE_TORCH, 36, "astools.use", false, true),
RARM_Y ("gui_rArmY", Material.REDSTONE_TORCH, 37, "astools.use", false, true),
RARM_Z ("gui_rArmZ", Material.REDSTONE_TORCH, 38, "astools.use", false, true),
LARM_X ("gui_lArmX", Material.TORCH, 39, "astools.use", false, true),
LARM_Y ("gui_lArmY", Material.TORCH, 40, "astools.use", false, true),
LARM_Z ("gui_lArmZ", Material.TORCH, 41, "astools.use", false, true),
HEAD_X ("gui_headX", Material.WITHER_SKELETON_SKULL, 42, "astools.use", false, true),
HEAD_Y ("gui_headY", Material.WITHER_SKELETON_SKULL, 43, "astools.use", false, true),
HEAD_Z ("gui_headZ", Material.WITHER_SKELETON_SKULL, 44, "astools.use", false, true),
RLEG_X ("gui_rLegX", Material.BLAZE_ROD, 45, "astools.use", false, true),
RLEG_Y ("gui_rLegY", Material.BLAZE_ROD, 46, "astools.use", false, true),
RLEG_Z ("gui_rLegZ", Material.BLAZE_ROD, 47, "astools.use", false, true),
LLEG_X ("gui_lLegX", Material.BONE, 48, "astools.use", false, true),
LLEG_Y ("gui_lLegY", Material.BONE, 49, "astools.use", false, true),
LLEG_Z ("gui_lLegZ", Material.BONE, 50, "astools.use", false, true),
BODY_X ("gui_bodyX", Material.NETHERITE_CHESTPLATE, 51, "astools.use", false, true),
BODY_Y ("gui_bodyY", Material.NETHERITE_CHESTPLATE, 52, "astools.use", false, true),
BODY_Z ("gui_bodyZ", Material.NETHERITE_CHESTPLATE, 53, "astools.use", false, true);
UP ("gui_moveup", Material.LIGHTNING_ROD, 4, "astools.use", false),
DOWN ("gui_movedown",Material.LEVER, 13, "astools.use", false),
ROTATE ("gui_rotate", Material.ENDER_PEARL, 22, "astools.use", false),
PHEAD ("gui_pHead", Material.PLAYER_HEAD, 36, "astools.head", false),
NAME ("gui_name", Material.NAME_TAG, 45, "astools.use", false),
INVIS ("gui_invis", Material.GOLD_NUGGET, 46, "astools.use", false),
ARMS ("gui_arms", Material.ARROW, 47, "astools.use", false),
BASE ("gui_base", Material.STONE_SLAB, 48, "astools.use", false),
SIZE ("gui_size", Material.EMERALD, 49, "astools.use", false),
GRAV ("gui_grav", Material.GHAST_TEAR, 50, "astools.use", false),
INVUL ("gui_invul", Material.GLISTERING_MELON_SLICE, 51, "astools.use", false),
SLOTS ("gui_slots", Material.IRON_HOE, 52, "astools.use", false),
GLOW ("gui_glow", Material.GLOWSTONE, 53, "astools.glow", false),
SAVE ("gui_save", Material.DIAMOND, 44, "astools.cmdblock",false);
private final ItemStack item;
private final String config_id;
@ -47,15 +73,21 @@ public enum ArmorStandTool {
private boolean enabled;
private final String permission;
private final boolean reverseSneaking;
private final boolean advanced;
private String name;
ArmorStandTool(String config_id, Material m, int slot, String permission, boolean reverseSneaking) {
ArmorStandTool(String config_id, Material m, int slot, String permission, boolean reverseSneaking, boolean advanced) {
item = new ItemStack(m);
this.config_id = config_id;
this.slot = slot;
this.enabled = true;
this.permission = permission;
this.reverseSneaking = reverseSneaking;
this.advanced = advanced;
boolean isAdvanced() {
return advanced;
void showTitle(Player p) {
@ -63,14 +95,20 @@ public enum ArmorStandTool {
ChatColor offColor = ChatColor.WHITE;
ChatColor onColor = ChatColor.YELLOW;
ChatColor divColor = ChatColor.BLACK;
String msg =
(sneaking ? offColor : onColor) +
Config.normal + ": X/" + (reverseSneaking ? "Z" : "Y") +
divColor + " | " +
(sneaking ? onColor : offColor) +
Config.crouch + ": X/" + (reverseSneaking ? "Y" : "Z") +
divColor + " | " +
offColor + Config.click + ": " + Config.finish;
String msg;
if(advanced) {
msg = onColor + name +
divColor + " | " +
offColor + Config.click + ": " + Config.finish;
} else {
msg = (sneaking ? offColor : onColor) +
Config.normal + ": X/" + (reverseSneaking ? "Z" : "Y") +
divColor + " | " +
(sneaking ? onColor : offColor) +
Config.crouch + ": X/" + (reverseSneaking ? "Y" : "Z") +
divColor + " | " +
offColor + Config.click + ": " + Config.finish;
p.sendTitle(" ", msg, 0, 600, 0);
@ -106,52 +144,49 @@ public enum ArmorStandTool {
EulerAngle eulerAngle;
switch (this) {
case MOVE:
Utils.title(p, Config.carrying);
case HEAD:
eulerAngle = as.getHeadPose();
case BODY:
eulerAngle = as.getBodyPose();
case LARM:
eulerAngle = as.getLeftArmPose();
case RARM:
eulerAngle = as.getRightArmPose();
case LLEG:
eulerAngle = as.getLeftLegPose();
case RLEG:
eulerAngle = as.getRightLegPose();
if(this == MOVE) {
Utils.title(p, Config.carrying);
eulerAngle = eulerAngle.setX(getPitch(p));
boolean sneaking = reverseSneaking != p.isSneaking();
double yaw = getRelativeYaw(p, as);
eulerAngle = sneaking ? eulerAngle.setZ(yaw) : eulerAngle.setY(yaw);
EulerAngle eulerAngle = switch (this) {
case HEAD, HEAD_X, HEAD_Y, HEAD_Z -> as.getHeadPose();
case BODY, BODY_X, BODY_Y, BODY_Z -> as.getBodyPose();
case LARM, LARM_X, LARM_Y, LARM_Z -> as.getLeftArmPose();
case RARM, RARM_X, RARM_Y, RARM_Z -> as.getRightArmPose();
case LLEG, LLEG_X, LLEG_Y, LLEG_Z -> as.getLeftLegPose();
case RLEG, RLEG_X, RLEG_Y, RLEG_Z -> as.getRightLegPose();
default -> null;
if(eulerAngle == null) return;
if(advanced) {
eulerAngle = switch (this) {
case HEAD_X, BODY_X, LARM_X, RARM_X, LLEG_X, RLEG_X -> eulerAngle.setX(getPitch(p, 8));
case HEAD_Y, BODY_Y, LARM_Y, RARM_Y, LLEG_Y, RLEG_Y -> eulerAngle.setY(getPitch(p, 8));
case HEAD_Z, BODY_Z, LARM_Z, RARM_Z, LLEG_Z, RLEG_Z -> eulerAngle.setZ(getPitch(p, 8));
default -> eulerAngle;
} else {
eulerAngle = eulerAngle.setX(getPitch(p, 4));
boolean sneaking = reverseSneaking != p.isSneaking();
double yaw = getRelativeYaw(p, as);
eulerAngle = sneaking ? eulerAngle.setZ(yaw) : eulerAngle.setY(yaw);
switch (this) {
case HEAD -> as.setHeadPose(eulerAngle);
case BODY -> as.setBodyPose(eulerAngle);
case LARM -> as.setLeftArmPose(eulerAngle);
case RARM -> as.setRightArmPose(eulerAngle);
case LLEG -> as.setLeftLegPose(eulerAngle);
case RLEG -> as.setRightLegPose(eulerAngle);
case HEAD, HEAD_X, HEAD_Y, HEAD_Z -> as.setHeadPose(eulerAngle);
case BODY, BODY_X, BODY_Y, BODY_Z -> as.setBodyPose(eulerAngle);
case LARM, LARM_X, LARM_Y, LARM_Z -> as.setLeftArmPose(eulerAngle);
case RARM, RARM_X, RARM_Y, RARM_Z -> as.setRightArmPose(eulerAngle);
case LLEG, LLEG_X, LLEG_Y, LLEG_Z -> as.setLeftLegPose(eulerAngle);
case RLEG, RLEG_X, RLEG_Y, RLEG_Z -> as.setRightLegPose(eulerAngle);
// Get pitch and format as 0 to 2pi radians
// Actual pitch quadrupled for increased sensitivity
private double getPitch(Player p) {
double pitch = p.getLocation().getPitch() * 4;
// Actual pitch multiplied for increased sensitivity
private double getPitch(Player p, int multiplier) {
double pitch = p.getLocation().getPitch() * multiplier;
while(pitch < 0) {
pitch += 360;
@ -214,8 +249,7 @@ public enum ArmorStandTool {
private String plrHeadName(ArmorStand as) {
EntityEquipment entityEquipment = as.getEquipment();
if(entityEquipment == null || entityEquipment.getHelmet() == null || !(entityEquipment.getHelmet().getItemMeta() instanceof SkullMeta)) return null;
SkullMeta meta = (SkullMeta) entityEquipment.getHelmet().getItemMeta();
if(entityEquipment == null || entityEquipment.getHelmet() == null || !(entityEquipment.getHelmet().getItemMeta() instanceof SkullMeta meta)) return null;
if(meta.getOwningPlayer() == null) return null;
return meta.getOwningPlayer().getName();

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@ -20,12 +20,11 @@ class Commands implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
public boolean onCommand(@NotNull CommandSender sender, @NotNull Command command, @NotNull String label, String[] args) {
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
if (!(sender instanceof Player p)) {
return false;
String cmd = command.getName().toLowerCase();
Player p = (Player) sender;
if(cmd.equals("astools") || cmd.equals("ast")) {
if (!Utils.hasPermissionNode(p, "astools.use")) {
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + Config.noCommandPerm);
@ -45,6 +44,14 @@ class Commands implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter {
ArmorStand as = (ArmorStand) l.getWorld().spawnEntity(l, EntityType.ARMOR_STAND);
AST.pickUpArmorStand(as, p);
Utils.title(p, Config.carrying);
} else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("reload")) {
if (Utils.hasPermissionNode(p, "astools.reload")) {
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + Config.reloaded);
} else {
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + Config.noCommandPerm);
return true;
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + Config.instructions1 + ChatColor.GREEN + " /ast new " + ChatColor.AQUA + Config.instructions2);
return true;

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@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ class Config {
cooldownRemovedFrom, isAnInvalidCooldown,
cooldownSetTo, ticksFor, setCooldown, glow,
removeCooldown, instructions1, instructions2,
crouch, click, finish, error;
crouch, click, finish, error, reloaded;
static void reload(AST main) {
plugin = main;
if(main != null) plugin = main;
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class Config {
FileConfiguration config = plugin.getConfig();
allowMoveWorld = config.getBoolean("allowMovingStandsBetweenWorlds");
requireCreative = config.getBoolean("requireCreativeForSaveAsCmdBlock");
defaultASCmdCooldownTicks = config.getInt("defaultASCmdCooldownTicks");
defaultASCmdCooldownTicks = config.getInt( "defaultASCmdCooldownTicks");
ignoreWGForASCmdExecution = config.getBoolean("bypassWorldguardForASCmdExecution");
debug = config.getBoolean("showDebugMessages", false);
@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ class Config {
click = languageConfig.getString("click");
finish = languageConfig.getString("finish");
error = languageConfig.getString("error");
reloaded = languageConfig.getString("reloaded");

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@ -33,22 +33,16 @@ public class MainListener implements Listener {
public void onPlayerInteractAtEntity(PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent event) {
Player p = event.getPlayer();
if(stopEditing(p, false)) {
AST.debug("Interaction cancelled as player is already editing");
if(!(event.getRightClicked() instanceof ArmorStand)) return;
ArmorStand as = (ArmorStand) event.getRightClicked();
AST.debug(p.getName() + " right-clicked " + as.getName() + ", Crouching: " + p.isSneaking());
if(event.isCancelled()) {
AST.debug("Interaction with Armor Stand was cancelled by a plugin");
if(!event.isCancelled() && ArmorStandGUI.isInUse(as)) {
Utils.title(p, Config.guiInUse);
if(!event.isCancelled() && p.isSneaking()) {
if(!(event.getRightClicked() instanceof ArmorStand as)) return;
boolean hasAstPerm = Utils.hasPermissionNode(p, "astools.use");
AST.debug(p.getName() + " right-clicked " + as.getName() + ", Crouching: " + p.isSneaking() + ", Has astools.use perm: " + hasAstPerm);
if(p.isSneaking() && hasAstPerm) {
if (ArmorStandGUI.isInUse(as)) {
Utils.title(p, Config.guiInUse);
AST.debug("Interaction cancelled as Armor Stand GUI is in use");
if (!AST.playerHasPermission(p, as.getLocation().getBlock(), null)) {
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + Config.generalNoPerm);
@ -130,8 +124,7 @@ public class MainListener implements Listener {
public void onEntityDamageByEntity(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) {
if(event.getEntity() instanceof ArmorStand) {
ArmorStand as = (ArmorStand) event.getEntity();
if(event.getEntity() instanceof ArmorStand as) {
if(event.getDamager() instanceof Player && stopEditing((Player) event.getDamager(), false)) {
@ -144,8 +137,7 @@ public class MainListener implements Listener {
public void onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent event) {
if(event.getEntity() instanceof ArmorStand) {
ArmorStand as = (ArmorStand) event.getEntity();
if(event.getEntity() instanceof ArmorStand as) {
if(ArmorStandGUI.isInUse(as) || as.isInvulnerable()) {

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@ -188,8 +188,7 @@ class Utils {
return "";
StringBuilder tags = new StringBuilder();
if(is.getItemMeta() != null && is.getItemMeta() instanceof LeatherArmorMeta) {
LeatherArmorMeta armorMeta = (LeatherArmorMeta) is.getItemMeta();
if(is.getItemMeta() != null && is.getItemMeta() instanceof LeatherArmorMeta armorMeta) {
@ -215,9 +214,8 @@ class Utils {
static private String skullOwner(ItemStack is) {
if(is == null || is.getItemMeta() == null || !(is.getItemMeta() instanceof SkullMeta)) return "";
SkullMeta skull = (SkullMeta) is.getItemMeta();
return skull.getOwningPlayer() == null ? "" : "SkullOwner:\"" + skull.getOwningPlayer().getName() + "\"";
if(is == null || is.getItemMeta() == null || !(is.getItemMeta() instanceof SkullMeta skull)) return "";
return skull.getOwningPlayer() == null ? "" : "SkullOwner:\"" + skull.getOwningPlayer().getName() + "\"";
static private boolean isEmpty(ItemStack is) {

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@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
# /ascmd cooldown <ticks> Set the cooldown for the command on nearest armor stand (Setting this overrides the default cooldown from config.yml)
# /ascmd cooldown remove Remove the cooldown for the command on nearest armor stand (Default cooldown set in config.yml will be used)
# /astools or /ast Legacy command - now gives instructions for player to crouch right-click an armor stand
# /astools new Create a new armor stand - will spawn being carried by the player
# /astools reload Reload the plugin (use when changing config files)
# Note: Armor stand commands may include a %player% placeholder, which will get replaced by the executing player's name at time of execution.
# Permissions:
@ -36,6 +38,7 @@
# astools.summon Permission to use the summon tool (Summons an armor stand without requiring the materials)
# astools.head Permission to use the player head tool (Ability to specify a player head for an armor stand)
# astools.cmdblock Permission to use the save tool (Creates a command block)
# astools.reload Permission to reload the plugin
# astools.ascmd.assign.console Permission to assign a console command to an armor stand
# astools.ascmd.assign.player Permission to assign a player command to an armor stand
# astools.ascmd.remove Permission to remove a command from an armor stand
@ -71,13 +74,33 @@ enableTool:
gui_pHead: true
gui_invul: true
gui_move: true
gui_moveup: true
gui_movedown: true
gui_rotate: true
gui_moveX: true
gui_moveY: true
gui_moveZ: true
gui_glow: true
gui_head: true
gui_body: true
gui_larm: true
gui_rarm: true
gui_lleg: true
gui_rleg: true
gui_rleg: true
gui_advanced: true
gui_lArmX: true
gui_lArmY: true
gui_lArmZ: true
gui_rArmX: true
gui_rArmY: true
gui_rArmZ: true
gui_headX: true
gui_headY: true
gui_headZ: true
gui_lLegX: true
gui_lLegY: true
gui_lLegZ: true
gui_rLegX: true
gui_rLegY: true
gui_rLegZ: true
gui_bodyX: true
gui_bodyY: true
gui_bodyZ: true

Datei anzeigen

@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ finish: 'Finish'
instructions1: 'Crouch + right-click an armor stand to edit, or use command'
instructions2: 'to summon a new armor stand'
error: 'An error occured. Try again.'
#New since v4.1.0
reloaded : 'Armor Stand Tools reloaded'
# Tool names & descriptions #
@ -100,18 +102,6 @@ tool:
name: 'Pick Up (Move)'
- 'Pick up this armor stand to move it'
name: 'Move Up'
- 'Left click: Move up 0.1 block'
- 'Right click: Move up 1 block'
- '(Automatically disables gravity)'
name: 'Move Down'
- 'Left click: Move down 0.1 block'
- 'Right click: Move down 1 block'
- '(Automatically disables gravity)'
name: 'Rotate'
@ -173,4 +163,96 @@ tool:
lore: 'Change the left leg position'
name: 'Move Right Leg'
lore: 'Change the right leg position'
lore: 'Change the right leg position'
name: 'Move X (East/West)'
- 'Left click: Move East (+0.1 X)'
- 'Right click: Move West (-0.1 X)'
- '(Automatically disables gravity)'
name: 'Move Y (Up/Down)'
- 'Left click: Move Up (+0.1 Y)'
- 'Right click: Move Down (-0.1 Y)'
- '(Automatically disables gravity)'
name: 'Move Z (South/North)'
- 'Left click: Move South (+0.1 Z)'
- 'Right click: Move North (-0.1 Z)'
- '(Automatically disables gravity)'
name: 'Show/Hide Advanced Tools'
name: 'Head X'
- 'Change head X position'
name: 'Head Y'
- 'Change head Y position'
name: 'Head Z'
- 'Change head Z position'
name: 'Left Arm X'
- 'Change left arm X position'
name: 'Left Arm Y'
- 'Change left arm Y Position'
name: 'Left Arm Z'
- 'Change left arm Z Position'
name: 'Right Arm X'
- 'Change right arm X position'
name: 'Right Arm Y'
- 'Change right arm Y position'
name: 'Right Arm Z'
- 'Change right arm Z position'
name: 'Left Leg X'
- 'Change left leg X position'
name: 'Left Leg Y'
- 'Change left leg Y position'
name: 'Left Leg Z'
- 'Change left leg Z position'
name: 'Right Leg X'
- 'Change right leg X position'
name: 'Right Leg Y'
- 'Change right leg Y position'
name: 'Right Leg Z'
- 'Change right leg Z position'
name: 'Body X'
- 'Change body X position'
name: 'Body Y'
- 'Change body Y position'
name: 'Body Z'
- 'Change body Z position'

Datei anzeigen

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ commands:
description: Provides player instructions on how to use AST
aliases: ast
usage: Usage /astools or /ast, /ast new
usage: Usage /astools or /ast, /ast new, /ast reload
description: View/Remove/Assign the command assigned to the nearest armor stand
usage: Usage /ascmd view, /ascmd remove, /ascmd assign <player/console> <command>