Dieses Repository wurde am 2021-12-14 archiviert. Du kannst Dateien ansehen und es klonen, aber nicht pushen oder Issues/Pull-Requests öffnen.
Datei suchen
2021-05-03 18:47:53 +02:00
Paper/SteamWar-Patches fixed patches 2021-04-14 17:34:29 +02:00
Spigot Hopefully not a full 100 lines of patch anmore 2021-05-03 18:47:53 +02:00 Optimized ServerPing & Fixed BlokcPosition$shift 2021-05-03 14:56:51 +02:00


The SteamWar-Spigot-Patches

How to patch Spigot

Clone this repository into your BuildTools.jar directory.

Run BuildTools.jar with --rev [Your Version]

Run Spigot/

Enjoy your patched server in [BuildTools directory]/Spigot/Spigot-Server/target.

How to create a Patch

Run BuildTools.jar with --rev [Your Version]

Edit the [BuildTools directory]/Spigot/Spigot-Server/src as you wish.

Create a patch with the changes in Spigot-Server and save this patch file in SteamWar-Patches.

How to patch Paper

Clone this repository into your Paper directory.

checkout to the desired branch

take the patches in the Paper/SteamWar-Patches folder and put them into Paper's Spigot-Server-Patches folder

Run ./paper jar in the root directory of your Paper repo

Enjoy your patched server in [Paper directory]/Paper-Server/target.