# # This file is a part of the SteamWar software. # # Copyright (C) 2022 SteamWar.de-Serverteam # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # LOCAL_CHAT=§eLocal §r{0}§8»§7 {1} COMMAND_SYSTEM_ERROR = §cError executing the command! SWLISINV_NEXT_PAGE_ACTIVE = §eNext page SWLISINV_NEXT_PAGE_INACTIVE = §7Next page SWLISINV_PREVIOUS_PAGE_ACTIVE = §ePrevious page SWLISINV_PREVIOUS_PAGE_INACTIVE = §7Previous page SCHEM_SELECTOR_TITLE={0} selection: {1} SCHEM_SELECTOR_BACK=§eBack SCHEM_SELECTOR_DIR=§9Directory SCHEM_SELECTOR_RANK=§8Rank {0} SCHEM_SELECTOR_OWN=§7Own schematics SCHEM_SELECTOR_PUB=§7Public schematics SCHEM_SELECTOR_SEL_DIR=§7Select directory SCHEM_SELECTOR_NEW_DIR=§7New directory SCHEM_SELECTOR_FILTER=§7Filter SCHEM_SELECTOR_SORTING=§7Order by SCHEM_SELECTOR_SORTING_CURRENT=§7Current: §e{0} SCHEM_SELECTOR_SORTING_NAME=Name SCHEM_SELECTOR_SORTING_TYPE=Schematic type SCHEM_SELECTOR_SORTING_UPDATE=Last update SCHEM_SELECTOR_SORTING_DIRECTION=§e{0} §7order SCHEM_SELECTOR_SORTING_ASC=Ascending SCHEM_SELECTOR_SORTING_DSC=Descending SCHEM_SELECTOR_ITEM_NAME=§e{0} SCHEM_SELECTOR_ITEM_NAME_FILTER=§7{0} SCHEM_SELECTOR_ITEM_REPLACE=§e{0}§7 SCHEM_SELECTOR_ITEM_LORE_TYPE=§7{0} SCHEM_SELECTOR_CREATE_DIR_TITLE=Create directory SCHEM_SELECTOR_FILTER_TITLE=Filter SCHEM_SELECTOR_FILTER_ENTER_NAME=Insert name SCHEM_SELECTOR_FILTER_NAME=§7Search by name... SCHEM_SELECTOR_FILTER_NAME_SEARCH=§7Search term: §e{0} SCHEM_SELECTOR_FILTER_ENTER_OWNER=Choose owner SCHEM_SELECTOR_FILTER_OWNER=§7Search by owner... SCHEM_SELECTOR_FILTER_OWNER_SEARCH=§7Owner: §e{0} SCHEM_SELECTOR_FILTER_SEL_TYPE=Choose type... SCHEM_SELECTOR_FILTER_TYPE=§7Search by type... SCHEM_SELECTOR_FILTER_TYPE_SEARCH=§7Type: §e{0} SCHEM_SELECTOR_FILTER_MAT=§7Filter by item... SCHEM_SELECTOR_FILTER_MAT_SEARCH=§7Item: §e{0} SCHEM_SELECTOR_CANCEL=§eCancel SCHEM_SELECTOR_GO=§eSearch... SCHEM_SELECTOR_SCHEMATIC=Schematic SCHEM_SELECTOR_DIRECTORY=Directory SCHEM_SELECTOR_SCHEMATIC_NODE=Schematic/Directory MATERIAL_SELECTOR_TITLE=Select material BAN_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was §e§lbanned§7 by §e{2} {3}§8: §f{4} BAN_PERMA=§7You are §e§lbanned §epermanently§8: §e{0} BAN_UNTIL=§7You are §e§lbanned §euntil {0}§8: §e{1} UNBAN_ERROR=§cThe player isn't banned. UNBAN=§7You have §e§lunbanned §e{0}. MUTE_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was §e§lmuted§7 by §e{2} {3}§8: §f{4} MUTE_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently §e§lmuted§8: §e{0} MUTE_UNTIL=§7You are §e§lmuted §euntil {0}§8: §e{1} UNMUTE_ERROR=§cThe player isn't muted. UNMUTE=§7You have §e§lunmuted §e{0}. NOSCHEMRECEIVING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was excluded from §e{2} {3} §7from §e§lrecieving schematics§8: §f{4} NOSCHEMRECEIVING_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from receiving §e§lschematics§8: §e{0} NOSCHEMRECEIVING_UNTIL=§7You are excluded from receiving §e§lschematics §euntil {0}§8: §e{1} UNNOSCHEMRECEIVING_ERROR=§cThe player is not excluded from receiving schematics. UNNOSCHEMRECEIVING=§e{0} §7may now receive §e§lschematics§7 again§8. NOSCHEMSHARING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was excluded from §e{2} {3} §7from §e§lsharing schematics§8: §f{4} NOSCHEMSHARING_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from sharing §e§lschematics§8: §e{0} NOSCHEMSHARING_UNTIL=§7You are excluded from sharing §e§lschematics §euntil {0}§8: §e{1} UNNOSCHEMSHARING_ERROR=§cThe player is not excluded from sharing schematics. UNNOSCHEMSHARING=§e{0} §7may now share §e§lschematics§7 again§8. NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_TEAM={0} §e{1} §7was excluded from §e{2} {3} §7from §e§lsubmitting schematics§8: §f{4} NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_PERMA=§7You are §epermanently§7 excluded from submitting §e§lschematics§8: §e{0} NOSCHEMSUBMITTING_UNTIL=§7You are excluded from submitting §e§lschematics §euntil {0}§8: §e{1} UNNOSCHEMSUBMITTING_ERROR=§cThe player is not excluded from submitting schematics. UNNOSCHEMSUBMITTING=§e{0} §7may now submit §e§lschematics§7 again§8.