PREFIX=§eSchematic§8» §7 ON=§aon OFF=§coff CHANGE=§7change CLICK=§7click CURRENT=§7Current: {0} CONFIRM=§aConfirm CANCEL=§cCancel UTIL_NAME_REQUIRED=§cFolder name required UTIL_NAME_TOO_LONG=§cSchematic name too long UTIL_NAME_INVALID_CHAR=§cThe specified schema name contains forbidden characters UTIL_NAME_FORBIDDEN=§cThe path must not contain \"§l{0}§c\" UTIL_LIST_HEAD=§eSchematics §8(§e{0}§8) UTIL_LIST_PATH=§7Current path: §e{0} UTIL_LIST_BACK=§e../ UTIL_LIST_BACK_HOVER=§eBack {0} UTIL_LIST_DIR=§7§lDIR UTIL_LIST_TYPE=§8§l{0} UTIL_LIST_BASE=§e UTIL_LIST_FROM=§8Owner §7{0} UTIL_LIST_OPEN_DIR=§eShow directory UTIL_LIST_OPEN_SCHEM=§eManage schematics UTIL_LIST_REMOVE=[Remove] UTIL_LIST_REMOVE_HOVER=§7Remove yourself from the directory UTIL_LIST_BACK_ARROW=«« UTIL_LIST_BACK_ARROW_HOVER=§ePrevious page UTIL_LIST_NEXT=Page ({0}/{1}) »» UTIL_LIST_NEXT_HOVER=§eNext page UTIL_INFO_SCHEM=§7Schematic: §e{0} UTIL_INFO_NAME=§7Name: §e{0} UTIL_INFO_OWNER=§7Owner: §e{0} UTIL_INFO_PARENT=§7Directory: §e{0} UTIL_INFO_UPDATED=§7Last update: §e{0} UTIL_INFO_TYPE=§7Type: §e{0} UTIL_INFO_TYPE_DIR=§7DIR UTIL_INFO_RANK=§7Rank: §e{0} UTIL_INFO_COLOR=§Color translation: {0} UTIL_INFO_REPLAY=§7Replay playback: {0} UTIL_INFO_FORMAT=§7Format: §e{0} UTIL_INFO_STATUS=§cState: §c{0}: {1} UTIL_INFO_MEMBER=§7Members: §e{0} UTIL_INFO_ACTION_LOAD=[Load] UTIL_INFO_ACTION_LOAD_HOVER=§eLoad schematic UTIL_INFO_ACTION_DOWNLOAD=[Download] UTIL_INFO_ACTION_DOWNLOAD_HOVER=§eDownload schematic UTIL_INFO_ACTION_TYPE=[Change type] UTIL_INFO_ACTION_TYPE_HOVER=§eChange schematic type UTIL_INFO_ACTION_ADD=[Add] UTIL_INFO_ACTION_ADD_HOVER=§eAdd member UTIL_INFO_ACTION_REMOVE=[Remove] UTIL_INFO_ACTION_REMOVE_HOVER=§eRemove member UTIL_INFO_ACTION_MOVE=[Move] UTIL_INFO_ACTION_MOVE_HOVER=§eMove schematic UTIL_INFO_ACTION_RENAME=[Rename] UTIL_INFO_ACTION_RENAME_HOVER=§eRename schematic UTIL_INFO_ACTION_DELETE=[Delete] UTIL_INFO_ACTION_DELETE_HOVER=§eDelete schematic UTIL_LOAD_NOT_HERE=§cYou cannot load schematics here UTIL_LOAD_NOT_HERE_ALL=§cSchematics cannot be loaded on this build UTIL_LOAD_DIR=§cYou cannot load folders UTIL_LOAD_DONE=§7Schematic §e{0} loaded UTIL_LOAD_NO_DATA=§cNo data could be found in the Schematic UTIL_LOAD_ERROR=§cThe schematic could not be loaded UTIL_DOWNLOAD_PUNISHED=§cYou are not allowed to download schematics: §f§l{0} UTIL_DOWNLOAD_NOT_OWN=§cYou may download only your own schematics UTIL_DOWNLOAD_LINK=Your download link: UTIL_TYPE_PUNISHED=§cYou are not allowed to submit schematics: §f§l{0} UTIL_TYPE_NOT_OWN=§cYou can only submit your own schematics UTIL_TYPE_DIR=§cYou cannot submit folders UTIL_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE=§cSchematics cannot be changed for this type UTIL_TYPE_ALREADY=§cThe Schematic already has this type UTIL_TYPE_DONE=§aChange schematic type UTIL_TYPE_FIGHT_ALREADY=§cYou have already submitted this schematic UTIL_TYPE_AFTER_DEADLINE=§cSchematics of this type can no longer be submitted. Deadline was: {0} UTIL_TYPE_ERROR=§cThe Schematic is not compliant with the rules UTIL_TYPE_EXTEND=§aThe preparation server is starting UTIL_SUBMIT_TITLE=Extend Schematic UTIL_SUBMIT_REPLAY_ON=§aReplay allowed UTIL_SUBMIT_REPLAY_OFF=§cReplay locked UTIL_SUBMIT_COLOR_ON=§aReplace pink to team color UTIL_SUBMIT_COLOR_OFF=§cDo not replace pink UTIL_SUBMIT_DIRECT=§eSubmit directly UTIL_SUBMIT_DIRECT_DONE=§aThe Schematic will be reviewed in a timely manner UTIL_SUBMIT_EXTEND=§eExtend Schematic UTIL_SUBMIT_EXTEND_DONE=§aThe preparation server is starting COMMAND_NOT_FOLDER=This is a schematic and not a folder COMMAND_ENTER_NAME=Insert name COMMAND_PUNISHMENT_NO_SAVE_EXTERNAL=§cYou can not make schematics on other build server COMMAND_PUNISHMENT_NO_SAVE=§cSchematics cannot be made on this build COMMAND_SAVE_NO_NAME=§cYou must also specify a name for the schematic after the folder COMMAND_SAVE_FOLDER=§cSchematic is a folder COMMAND_SAVE_NO_OVERWRITE=§cYou must not overwrite this Schematic COMMAND_SAVE_CLIPBOARD_EMPTY=§cYour clipboard is empty COMMAND_SAVE_ERROR=§cError while saving the Schematic COMMAND_SAVE_DONE=Schematic §e{0} §7stored COMMAND_SAVE_OVERWRITE=Schematic §e{0} §7overwritten COMMAND_ADD_PUNISH=§cYou may not add anyone to your schematics: §f§l{0} COMMAND_ADD_NOT_OWNER=§cYou can only add someone to your own stuff COMMAND_ADD_USER_PUNISHED=§c{0} must not be added to schematics COMMAND_ADD_OWN=§cSo please: This is your own Schematic! COMMAND_ADD_PUBLIC=§cFor public requests please contact the moderator COMMAND_ADD_ALREADY=§c{0} is already added to this schematic COMMAND_ADD_ADDED=You now have access to the Schematic §e{0} §7of §e{1} COMMAND_ADD_NONE=§cNo player has been added COMMAND_ADD_ONE=§7The player §e{0} was added to the schematic COMMAND_ADD_MANY=§7The players §e{0} were added to the schematic COMMAND_DELMEM_NOT_OWN=§cYou can only remove someone on your own stuff COMMAND_DELMEM_DONE=The player §e{0} §7no longer has access to the Schematic §e{1} COMMAND_DELMEM_DELETED=§cYou now no longer have access to the Schematic §e{0} §7of §e{1} COMMAND_SEARCH_NOT_A_PLAYER=§cThe player §e{0} §cdoes not exists COMMAND_LOCKREPLAY=Replays of fights with {0} can no longer be viewed from now on COMMAND_REPLACE_COLOR_OFF=In fights {0} pink blocks are not replaced COMMAND_REPLACE_COLOR_ON=In fights {0} pink blocks are replaced COMMAND_DIR_DONE=§7Directory §e{0} §7created COMMAND_CHANGE_TYPE_NOT_OWNER=§cYou can only submit your own schematics COMMAND_CHANGE_TYPE_SELECT=§eSelect type COMMAND_MOVE_NOT_OWN=§cYou can only move your own shematics COMMAND_MOVE_RECURSIVE=§cThis only gives mistakes, trust me COMMAND_MOVE_DONE=§7The schematic can now be found under §e{0} COMMAND_RENAME_NOT_OWN=§cYou can only do that with your own schematics COMMAND_RENAME_DONE=§7The schematic is now called §e{0} COMMAND_ADD_TEAM_NOT_OWN=§cYou can only do that with your own schematics COMMAND_ADD_TEAM_NOT_IN_TEAM=§cYou are not in any team COMMAND_DEL_TEAM_NOT_OWN=§cYou can only do that with your own schematics COMMAND_DEL_TEAM_NOT_IN_TEAM=§cYou are not in any team COMMAND_DEL_TEAM_NONE=§7No player was removed COMMAND_DEL_TEAM_DONE=§7The player §e{0} §7were removed from the Schematic COMMAND_CLEAR_MEMBER_NOT_OWN=§cYou can only do that with your own schematics COMMAND_CLEAR_MEMBER_DONE=§7All players were removed from the Schematic COMMAND_DEL_ALL_MEMBER=§e{0} §7has been removed from §e{1} §7Schematics COMMAND_PUBLIC_ON=§aYou are now the public user COMMAND_PUBLIC_OFF=§cYou are no longer the public user COMMAND_DELETE_NOT_OWN=§cThe schematic is not yours COMMAND_DELETE_MEMBER=§aYou have removed yourself from the Schematic COMMAND_DELETE_DIR=§aThe folder §e{0}§a is deleted... COMMAND_DELETE_DIR_FULL=§cThe folder must be empty to delete it COMMAND_DELETE_SCHEM=§aThe Schematic §e{0}§a is deleted... HELP_HEADER=§e§lSchematicSystem §8§lHelp HELP_VIEW=Find & Load HELP_VIEW_HOVER=Search or download schematics HELP_VIEW_1=§8/§7schem §einfo §8[§7schematic§8] - §7Shows information about the schematic HELP_VIEW_2=§8/§7schem §elist §8- §7Shows you your schematics HELP_VIEW_3=§8/§7schem §elist public §8- §7Shows all public schematics HELP_VIEW_4=§8/§7schem §esearch §8[§7keyword§8] - §7Searches for matching schematics HELP_VIEW_5=§8/§7schem §eload §8[§7schematic§8] - §7Loads a schematic HELP_VIEW_6=§8/§7schem §edownload §8[§7schematic§8] - §7Gives you a download link (valid for 1 min) HELP_EDIT=Save & Edit HELP_EDIT_HOVER=Modification of schematics and folders HELP_EDIT_1=§8/§7schem §esave §8[§7schematic§8] - §7Saves your clipboard as a schematic HELP_EDIT_2=§8/§7schem §eordner §8[§7directory§8] - §7Create an empty folder HELP_EDIT_3=§8/§7schem §emove §8[§7schematic§8] [§7new path§8] - §7Move a schematic HELP_EDIT_4=§8/§7schem §erename §8[§7schematic§8] [§7new path§8] - §7Give the schematic a new name HELP_EDIT_5=§8/§7schem §echangetype §8[§7schematic§8] - §7Changes the type of your schematic HELP_EDIT_6=§8/§7schem §elockreplay §8[§7schematic§8] - §7Locks replays of the schematic HELP_EDIT_7=§8/§7schem §ereplacecolor §8[§7schematic§8] - §7Changes color substitution in the arena HELP_EDIT_8=§8/§7schem §edelete §8[§7schematic§8] - §7Deletes a schematic HELP_SHARE=Ownership HELP_SHARE_HOVER=Share Schematics with others HELP_SHARE_1=§8/§7schem §eaddmember §8[§7schematic§8] §8[§7Spieler§8] - §7Adds a player to a schematic HELP_SHARE_2=§8/§7schem §edelmember §8[§7schematic§8] §8[§7Spieler§8] - §7Removes a player from a schematic HELP_SHARE_3=§8/§7schem §eclearmember §8[§7schematic§8] - §7Removes all players from the schematic HELP_SHARE_4=§8/§7schem §edelallmember §8[§7player§8] - §7Removes a player from all your schematics HELP_SHARE_5=§8/§7schem §eaddteam §8[§7schematic§8] - §7Add everyone from your team to the schematic HELP_SHARE_6=§8/§7schem §edelteam §8[§7schematic§8] - §7Remove everyone from your team from the Schematic GUI_TITLE=Schematics \{1\} GUI_FOLDER_PROPERTIES=§7Directory properties GUI_INFO_LOAD=§eLoading GUI_INFO_BACK=§eBack GUI_INFO_STATUS=§eState {0} GUI_INFO_STATUS_LORE=§7{0} GUI_INFO_MAT=§e{0} GUI_INFO_TYPE=§e{0} GUI_INFO_DOWNLOAD=§eDownload GUI_INFO_COLOR=Color translation GUI_INFO_REPLAY=Replay playback GUI_INFO_REPLAY_OFF=§7§lTurn off GUI_INFO_REPLAY_TITLE=Lock playback permanently GUI_INFO_MEMBER=§eMembers GUI_INFO_MOVE=§eMove GUI_INFO_RENAME=§eRename GUI_INFO_RENAME_TITLE={0} rename GUI_INFO_DELETE=§cDelete GUI_INFO_MEMBER_FROM=§7Owner §e{0} GUI_INFO_MEMBER_REMOVE=§cRemove access GUI_CHANGE_TYPE=Change type GUI_DELETE_OWN_DELETED=Schematic §e{0} §7deleted GUI_DELETE_OWN_TITLE=Delete {0} GUI_DELETE_MEMBER_TITLE=Remove {0} GUI_DELETE_MEMBER_DONE=Access to Schematic §e{0} §7removed GUI_DELETE_MEMBERS_TITLE=Remove members GUI_CHANGE_ITEM=Change item AUTO_CHECK_RESULT_NOT_LOAD=The schematic could not be loaded AUTO_CHECK_RESULT_TOO_WIDE=The schematic is too wide ({0} > {1}) AUTO_CHECK_RESULT_TOO_LONG=The schematic is too long ({0} > {1}) AUTO_CHECK_RESULT_TOO_HIGH=The schematic is too high ({0} > {1}) AUTO_CHECK_RESULT_TOO_MANY_BLOCK=The block {0} was used {1} times too often AUTO_CHECK_RESULT_TOO_MANY_BLOCKS=The block combination {0} was used {1} times too often AUTO_CHECK_RESULT_TOO_MANY_ALL_BLOCKS=Too many blocks ({0} > {1}) AUTO_CHECK_RESULT_TOO_MANY_RECORDS=No records allowed ({0} found) AUTO_CHECK_RESULT_FORBIDDEN_ITEM=In {0}s the forbidden item {1} {2} times was found AUTO_CHECK_RESULT_FORBIDDEN_ITEM_NBT=In {0}s the forbidden item {1} {2} times was found with custom tag AUTO_CHECK_RESULT_TOO_MANY_DISPENSER_ITEMS=One launcher contains more than {0} arrows and fireballs AUTO_CHECK_RESULT_TOO_MANY_DISPENSERS_ITEMS={0} launchers contains more than {1} arrows and fireballs AUTO_CHECK_RESULT_NBTS_WARNING={0} {1}s contain no or incorrect NBT data AUTO_CHECK_RESULT_NBT_WARNING=One {0} contains no or incorrect NBT data. SAFE_NODE_NOT_A_DIR=§cThe selected Schematic is not a folder SAFE_NODE_ALREADY_IN_DIRECTORY=§cThe schematic is already available in this folder SAFE_NODE_INVALID_NAME=§cThis name is illegal SAFE_NODE_NOT_OWNER=§cYou are not the owner of this schematic