Dieses Repository wurde am 2021-01-06 archiviert. Du kannst Dateien ansehen und es klonen, aber nicht pushen oder Issues/Pull-Requests öffnen.
Kristian S. Stangeland 0d35ab6038 Adding the license information. Using GPL2 as of now.
While libraries are sometimes licensed under LGPL, or even less
restrictive licenses, in this particular case it doesn't really
make sense to encourage direct copying. The problem is that 
competing libraries would conflict with each other. It's better
to feed improvements back into a single project.

Though, it's of course possible to fork this project. You can change
the internal classes - for instance, improving or changing the hook
points - without worriying about the public API.
2012-09-13 21:04:46 +02:00
com/comphenix/itemdisguise Adding the license information. Using GPL2 as of now. 2012-09-13 21:04:46 +02:00
plugin.yml Adding the ItemDisguise example program. 2012-09-13 20:47:21 +02:00