Travis Watkins 62a9b8815b Allow data values on mushroom and mob spawner blocks. Fixes BUKKIT-2346
In 1.2.5 and older versions of CraftBukkit we allowed the use of data
values on bug mushroom and mob spawner blocks for use with plugins.
For the 1.3 update the mechanism for doing this was changed and I
accidentally used the wrong value when adding these, indicating that
they should not have data instead of our actual intent. This change
corrects this regression.
2012-09-28 15:00:02 -05:00

709 Zeilen
32 KiB

package net.minecraft.server;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
public class Block {
private CreativeModeTab creativeTab;
public static final StepSound d = new StepSound("stone", 1.0F, 1.0F);
public static final StepSound e = new StepSound("wood", 1.0F, 1.0F);
public static final StepSound f = new StepSound("gravel", 1.0F, 1.0F);
public static final StepSound g = new StepSound("grass", 1.0F, 1.0F);
public static final StepSound h = new StepSound("stone", 1.0F, 1.0F);
public static final StepSound i = new StepSound("stone", 1.0F, 1.5F);
public static final StepSound j = new StepSoundStone("stone", 1.0F, 1.0F);
public static final StepSound k = new StepSound("cloth", 1.0F, 1.0F);
public static final StepSound l = new StepSoundSand("sand", 1.0F, 1.0F);
public static final Block[] byId = new Block[4096];
public static final boolean[] n = new boolean[4096];
public static final int[] lightBlock = new int[4096];
public static final boolean[] p = new boolean[4096];
public static final int[] lightEmission = new int[4096];
public static final boolean[] r = new boolean[4096];
public static boolean[] s = new boolean[4096];
public static final Block STONE = (new BlockStone(1, 1)).c(1.5F).b(10.0F).a(h).b("stone");
public static final BlockGrass GRASS = (BlockGrass) (new BlockGrass(2)).c(0.6F).a(g).b("grass");
public static final Block DIRT = (new BlockDirt(3, 2)).c(0.5F).a(f).b("dirt");
public static final Block COBBLESTONE = (new Block(4, 16, Material.STONE)).c(2.0F).b(10.0F).a(h).b("stonebrick").a(CreativeModeTab.b);
public static final Block WOOD = (new BlockWood(5)).c(2.0F).b(5.0F).a(e).b("wood").p();
public static final Block SAPLING = (new BlockSapling(6, 15)).c(0.0F).a(g).b("sapling").p();
public static final Block BEDROCK = (new Block(7, 17, Material.STONE)).q().b(6000000.0F).a(h).b("bedrock").v().a(CreativeModeTab.b);
public static final Block WATER = (new BlockFlowing(8, Material.WATER)).c(100.0F).h(3).b("water").v().p();
public static final Block STATIONARY_WATER = (new BlockStationary(9, Material.WATER)).c(100.0F).h(3).b("water").v().p();
public static final Block LAVA = (new BlockFlowing(10, Material.LAVA)).c(0.0F).a(1.0F).h(255).b("lava").v().p();
public static final Block STATIONARY_LAVA = (new BlockStationary(11, Material.LAVA)).c(100.0F).a(1.0F).h(255).b("lava").v().p();
public static final Block SAND = (new BlockSand(12, 18)).c(0.5F).a(l).b("sand");
public static final Block GRAVEL = (new BlockGravel(13, 19)).c(0.6F).a(f).b("gravel");
public static final Block GOLD_ORE = (new BlockOre(14, 32)).c(3.0F).b(5.0F).a(h).b("oreGold");
public static final Block IRON_ORE = (new BlockOre(15, 33)).c(3.0F).b(5.0F).a(h).b("oreIron");
public static final Block COAL_ORE = (new BlockOre(16, 34)).c(3.0F).b(5.0F).a(h).b("oreCoal");
public static final Block LOG = (new BlockLog(17)).c(2.0F).a(e).b("log").p();
public static final BlockLeaves LEAVES = (BlockLeaves) (new BlockLeaves(18, 52)).c(0.2F).h(1).a(g).b("leaves").p();
public static final Block SPONGE = (new BlockSponge(19)).c(0.6F).a(g).b("sponge");
public static final Block GLASS = (new BlockGlass(20, 49, Material.SHATTERABLE, false)).c(0.3F).a(j).b("glass");
public static final Block LAPIS_ORE = (new BlockOre(21, 160)).c(3.0F).b(5.0F).a(h).b("oreLapis");
public static final Block LAPIS_BLOCK = (new Block(22, 144, Material.STONE)).c(3.0F).b(5.0F).a(h).b("blockLapis").a(CreativeModeTab.b);
public static final Block DISPENSER = (new BlockDispenser(23)).c(3.5F).a(h).b("dispenser").p();
public static final Block SANDSTONE = (new BlockSandStone(24)).a(h).c(0.8F).b("sandStone").p();
public static final Block NOTE_BLOCK = (new BlockNote(25)).c(0.8F).b("musicBlock").p();
public static final Block BED = (new BlockBed(26)).c(0.2F).b("bed").v().p();
public static final Block GOLDEN_RAIL = (new BlockMinecartTrack(27, 179, true)).c(0.7F).a(i).b("goldenRail").p();
public static final Block DETECTOR_RAIL = (new BlockMinecartDetector(28, 195)).c(0.7F).a(i).b("detectorRail").p();
public static final Block PISTON_STICKY = (new BlockPiston(29, 106, true)).b("pistonStickyBase").p();
public static final Block WEB = (new BlockWeb(30, 11)).h(1).c(4.0F).b("web");
public static final BlockLongGrass LONG_GRASS = (BlockLongGrass) (new BlockLongGrass(31, 39)).c(0.0F).a(g).b("tallgrass");
public static final BlockDeadBush DEAD_BUSH = (BlockDeadBush) (new BlockDeadBush(32, 55)).c(0.0F).a(g).b("deadbush");
public static final Block PISTON = (new BlockPiston(33, 107, false)).b("pistonBase").p();
public static final BlockPistonExtension PISTON_EXTENSION = (BlockPistonExtension) (new BlockPistonExtension(34, 107)).p();
public static final Block WOOL = (new BlockCloth()).c(0.8F).a(k).b("cloth").p();
public static final BlockPistonMoving PISTON_MOVING = new BlockPistonMoving(36);
public static final BlockFlower YELLOW_FLOWER = (BlockFlower) (new BlockFlower(37, 13)).c(0.0F).a(g).b("flower");
public static final BlockFlower RED_ROSE = (BlockFlower) (new BlockFlower(38, 12)).c(0.0F).a(g).b("rose");
public static final BlockFlower BROWN_MUSHROOM = (BlockFlower) (new BlockMushroom(39, 29)).c(0.0F).a(g).a(0.125F).b("mushroom");
public static final BlockFlower RED_MUSHROOM = (BlockFlower) (new BlockMushroom(40, 28)).c(0.0F).a(g).b("mushroom");
public static final Block GOLD_BLOCK = (new BlockOreBlock(41, 23)).c(3.0F).b(10.0F).a(i).b("blockGold");
public static final Block IRON_BLOCK = (new BlockOreBlock(42, 22)).c(5.0F).b(10.0F).a(i).b("blockIron");
public static final BlockStepAbstract DOUBLE_STEP = (BlockStepAbstract) (new BlockStep(43, true)).c(2.0F).b(10.0F).a(h).b("stoneSlab");
public static final BlockStepAbstract STEP = (BlockStepAbstract) (new BlockStep(44, false)).c(2.0F).b(10.0F).a(h).b("stoneSlab");
public static final Block BRICK = (new Block(45, 7, Material.STONE)).c(2.0F).b(10.0F).a(h).b("brick").a(CreativeModeTab.b);
public static final Block TNT = (new BlockTNT(46, 8)).c(0.0F).a(g).b("tnt");
public static final Block BOOKSHELF = (new BlockBookshelf(47, 35)).c(1.5F).a(e).b("bookshelf");
public static final Block MOSSY_COBBLESTONE = (new Block(48, 36, Material.STONE)).c(2.0F).b(10.0F).a(h).b("stoneMoss").a(CreativeModeTab.b);
public static final Block OBSIDIAN = (new BlockObsidian(49, 37)).c(50.0F).b(2000.0F).a(h).b("obsidian");
public static final Block TORCH = (new BlockTorch(50, 80)).c(0.0F).a(0.9375F).a(e).b("torch").p();
public static final BlockFire FIRE = (BlockFire) (new BlockFire(51, 31)).c(0.0F).a(1.0F).a(e).b("fire").v();
public static final Block MOB_SPAWNER = (new BlockMobSpawner(52, 65)).c(5.0F).a(i).b("mobSpawner").v();
public static final Block WOOD_STAIRS = (new BlockStairs(53, WOOD, 0)).b("stairsWood").p();
public static final Block CHEST = (new BlockChest(54)).c(2.5F).a(e).b("chest").p();
public static final Block REDSTONE_WIRE = (new BlockRedstoneWire(55, 164)).c(0.0F).a(d).b("redstoneDust").v().p();
public static final Block DIAMOND_ORE = (new BlockOre(56, 50)).c(3.0F).b(5.0F).a(h).b("oreDiamond");
public static final Block DIAMOND_BLOCK = (new BlockOreBlock(57, 24)).c(5.0F).b(10.0F).a(i).b("blockDiamond");
public static final Block WORKBENCH = (new BlockWorkbench(58)).c(2.5F).a(e).b("workbench");
public static final Block CROPS = (new BlockCrops(59, 88)).c(0.0F).a(g).b("crops").v().p();
public static final Block SOIL = (new BlockSoil(60)).c(0.6F).a(f).b("farmland").p();
public static final Block FURNACE = (new BlockFurnace(61, false)).c(3.5F).a(h).b("furnace").p().a(CreativeModeTab.c);
public static final Block BURNING_FURNACE = (new BlockFurnace(62, true)).c(3.5F).a(h).a(0.875F).b("furnace").p();
public static final Block SIGN_POST = (new BlockSign(63, TileEntitySign.class, true)).c(1.0F).a(e).b("sign").v().p();
public static final Block WOODEN_DOOR = (new BlockDoor(64, Material.WOOD)).c(3.0F).a(e).b("doorWood").v().p();
public static final Block LADDER = (new BlockLadder(65, 83)).c(0.4F).a(e).b("ladder").p();
public static final Block RAILS = (new BlockMinecartTrack(66, 128, false)).c(0.7F).a(i).b("rail").p();
public static final Block COBBLESTONE_STAIRS = (new BlockStairs(67, COBBLESTONE, 0)).b("stairsStone").p();
public static final Block WALL_SIGN = (new BlockSign(68, TileEntitySign.class, false)).c(1.0F).a(e).b("sign").v().p();
public static final Block LEVER = (new BlockLever(69, 96)).c(0.5F).a(e).b("lever").p();
public static final Block STONE_PLATE = (new BlockPressurePlate(70, STONE.textureId, EnumMobType.MOBS, Material.STONE)).c(0.5F).a(h).b("pressurePlate").p();
public static final Block IRON_DOOR_BLOCK = (new BlockDoor(71, Material.ORE)).c(5.0F).a(i).b("doorIron").v().p();
public static final Block WOOD_PLATE = (new BlockPressurePlate(72, WOOD.textureId, EnumMobType.EVERYTHING, Material.WOOD)).c(0.5F).a(e).b("pressurePlate").p();
public static final Block REDSTONE_ORE = (new BlockRedstoneOre(73, 51, false)).c(3.0F).b(5.0F).a(h).b("oreRedstone").p().a(CreativeModeTab.b);
public static final Block GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE = (new BlockRedstoneOre(74, 51, true)).a(0.625F).c(3.0F).b(5.0F).a(h).b("oreRedstone").p();
public static final Block REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF = (new BlockRedstoneTorch(75, 115, false)).c(0.0F).a(e).b("notGate").p();
public static final Block REDSTONE_TORCH_ON = (new BlockRedstoneTorch(76, 99, true)).c(0.0F).a(0.5F).a(e).b("notGate").p().a(CreativeModeTab.d);
public static final Block STONE_BUTTON = (new BlockButton(77, STONE.textureId)).c(0.5F).a(h).b("button").p();
public static final Block SNOW = (new BlockSnow(78, 66)).c(0.1F).a(k).b("snow").p().h(0);
public static final Block ICE = (new BlockIce(79, 67)).c(0.5F).h(3).a(j).b("ice");
public static final Block SNOW_BLOCK = (new BlockSnowBlock(80, 66)).c(0.2F).a(k).b("snow");
public static final Block CACTUS = (new BlockCactus(81, 70)).c(0.4F).a(k).b("cactus");
public static final Block CLAY = (new BlockClay(82, 72)).c(0.6F).a(f).b("clay");
public static final Block SUGAR_CANE_BLOCK = (new BlockReed(83, 73)).c(0.0F).a(g).b("reeds").v();
public static final Block JUKEBOX = (new BlockJukeBox(84, 74)).c(2.0F).b(10.0F).a(h).b("jukebox").p();
public static final Block FENCE = (new BlockFence(85, 4)).c(2.0F).b(5.0F).a(e).b("fence");
public static final Block PUMPKIN = (new BlockPumpkin(86, 102, false)).c(1.0F).a(e).b("pumpkin").p();
public static final Block NETHERRACK = (new BlockBloodStone(87, 103)).c(0.4F).a(h).b("hellrock");
public static final Block SOUL_SAND = (new BlockSlowSand(88, 104)).c(0.5F).a(l).b("hellsand");
public static final Block GLOWSTONE = (new BlockLightStone(89, 105, Material.SHATTERABLE)).c(0.3F).a(j).a(1.0F).b("lightgem");
public static final BlockPortal PORTAL = (BlockPortal) (new BlockPortal(90, 14)).c(-1.0F).a(j).a(0.75F).b("portal");
public static final Block JACK_O_LANTERN = (new BlockPumpkin(91, 102, true)).c(1.0F).a(e).a(1.0F).b("litpumpkin").p();
public static final Block CAKE_BLOCK = (new BlockCake(92, 121)).c(0.5F).a(k).b("cake").v().p();
public static final Block DIODE_OFF = (new BlockDiode(93, false)).c(0.0F).a(e).b("diode").v().p();
public static final Block DIODE_ON = (new BlockDiode(94, true)).c(0.0F).a(0.625F).a(e).b("diode").v().p();
public static final Block LOCKED_CHEST = (new BlockLockedChest(95)).c(0.0F).a(1.0F).a(e).b("lockedchest").b(true).p();
public static final Block TRAP_DOOR = (new BlockTrapdoor(96, Material.WOOD)).c(3.0F).a(e).b("trapdoor").v().p();
public static final Block MONSTER_EGGS = (new BlockMonsterEggs(97)).c(0.75F).b("monsterStoneEgg");
public static final Block SMOOTH_BRICK = (new BlockSmoothBrick(98)).c(1.5F).b(10.0F).a(h).b("stonebricksmooth");
public static final Block BIG_MUSHROOM_1 = (new BlockHugeMushroom(99, Material.WOOD, 142, 0)).c(0.2F).a(e).b("mushroom").p();
public static final Block BIG_MUSHROOM_2 = (new BlockHugeMushroom(100, Material.WOOD, 142, 1)).c(0.2F).a(e).b("mushroom").p();
public static final Block IRON_FENCE = (new BlockThinFence(101, 85, 85, Material.ORE, true)).c(5.0F).b(10.0F).a(i).b("fenceIron");
public static final Block THIN_GLASS = (new BlockThinFence(102, 49, 148, Material.SHATTERABLE, false)).c(0.3F).a(j).b("thinGlass");
public static final Block MELON = (new BlockMelon(103)).c(1.0F).a(e).b("melon");
public static final Block PUMPKIN_STEM = (new BlockStem(104, PUMPKIN)).c(0.0F).a(e).b("pumpkinStem").p();
public static final Block MELON_STEM = (new BlockStem(105, MELON)).c(0.0F).a(e).b("pumpkinStem").p();
public static final Block VINE = (new BlockVine(106)).c(0.2F).a(g).b("vine").p();
public static final Block FENCE_GATE = (new BlockFenceGate(107, 4)).c(2.0F).b(5.0F).a(e).b("fenceGate").p();
public static final Block BRICK_STAIRS = (new BlockStairs(108, BRICK, 0)).b("stairsBrick").p();
public static final Block STONE_STAIRS = (new BlockStairs(109, SMOOTH_BRICK, 0)).b("stairsStoneBrickSmooth").p();
public static final BlockMycel MYCEL = (BlockMycel) (new BlockMycel(110)).c(0.6F).a(g).b("mycel");
public static final Block WATER_LILY = (new BlockWaterLily(111, 76)).c(0.0F).a(g).b("waterlily");
public static final Block NETHER_BRICK = (new Block(112, 224, Material.STONE)).c(2.0F).b(10.0F).a(h).b("netherBrick").a(CreativeModeTab.b);
public static final Block NETHER_FENCE = (new BlockFence(113, 224, Material.STONE)).c(2.0F).b(10.0F).a(h).b("netherFence");
public static final Block NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS = (new BlockStairs(114, NETHER_BRICK, 0)).b("stairsNetherBrick").p();
public static final Block NETHER_WART = (new BlockNetherWart(115)).b("netherStalk").p();
public static final Block ENCHANTMENT_TABLE = (new BlockEnchantmentTable(116)).c(5.0F).b(2000.0F).b("enchantmentTable");
public static final Block BREWING_STAND = (new BlockBrewingStand(117)).c(0.5F).a(0.125F).b("brewingStand").p();
public static final Block CAULDRON = (new BlockCauldron(118)).c(2.0F).b("cauldron").p();
public static final Block ENDER_PORTAL = (new BlockEnderPortal(119, Material.PORTAL)).c(-1.0F).b(6000000.0F);
public static final Block ENDER_PORTAL_FRAME = (new BlockEnderPortalFrame(120)).a(j).a(0.125F).c(-1.0F).b("endPortalFrame").p().b(6000000.0F).a(CreativeModeTab.c);
public static final Block WHITESTONE = (new Block(121, 175, Material.STONE)).c(3.0F).b(15.0F).a(h).b("whiteStone").a(CreativeModeTab.b);
public static final Block DRAGON_EGG = (new BlockDragonEgg(122, 167)).c(3.0F).b(15.0F).a(h).a(0.125F).b("dragonEgg");
public static final Block REDSTONE_LAMP_OFF = (new BlockRedstoneLamp(123, false)).c(0.3F).a(j).b("redstoneLight").a(CreativeModeTab.d);
public static final Block REDSTONE_LAMP_ON = (new BlockRedstoneLamp(124, true)).c(0.3F).a(j).b("redstoneLight");
public static final BlockStepAbstract WOOD_DOUBLE_STEP = (BlockStepAbstract) (new BlockWoodStep(125, true)).c(2.0F).b(5.0F).a(e).b("woodSlab");
public static final BlockStepAbstract WOOD_STEP = (BlockStepAbstract) (new BlockWoodStep(126, false)).c(2.0F).b(5.0F).a(e).b("woodSlab");
public static final Block COCOA = (new BlockCocoa(127)).c(0.2F).b(5.0F).a(e).b("cocoa").p();
public static final Block SANDSTONE_STAIRS = (new BlockStairs(128, SANDSTONE, 0)).b("stairsSandStone").p();
public static final Block EMERALD_ORE = (new BlockOre(129, 171)).c(3.0F).b(5.0F).a(h).b("oreEmerald");
public static final Block ENDER_CHEST = (new BlockEnderChest(130)).c(22.5F).b(1000.0F).a(h).b("enderChest").p().a(0.5F);
public static final BlockTripwireHook TRIPWIRE_SOURCE = (BlockTripwireHook) (new BlockTripwireHook(131)).b("tripWireSource").p();
public static final Block TRIPWIRE = (new BlockTripwire(132)).b("tripWire").p();
public static final Block EMERALD_BLOCK = (new BlockOreBlock(133, 25)).c(5.0F).b(10.0F).a(i).b("blockEmerald");
public static final Block SPRUCE_WOOD_STAIRS = (new BlockStairs(134, WOOD, 1)).b("stairsWoodSpruce").p();
public static final Block BIRCH_WOOD_STAIRS = (new BlockStairs(135, WOOD, 2)).b("stairsWoodBirch").p();
public static final Block JUNGLE_WOOD_STAIRS = (new BlockStairs(136, WOOD, 3)).b("stairsWoodJungle").p();
public int textureId;
public final int id;
protected float strength;
protected float durability;
protected boolean cd;
protected boolean ce;
protected boolean cf;
protected boolean isTileEntity;
public double minX;
public double minY;
public double minZ;
public double maxX;
public double maxY;
public double maxZ;
public StepSound stepSound;
public float co;
public final Material material;
public float frictionFactor;
private String name;
protected Block(int i, Material material) { = true;
this.ce = true;
this.stepSound = d; = 1.0F;
this.frictionFactor = 0.6F;
if (byId[i] != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Slot " + i + " is already occupied by " + byId[i] + " when adding " + this);
} else {
this.material = material;
byId[i] = this; = i;
this.a(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
n[i] = this.d();
lightBlock[i] = this.d() ? 255 : 0;
p[i] = !material.blocksLight();
protected Block p() {
r[] = true;
return this;
protected void r_() {}
protected Block(int i, int j, Material material) {
this(i, material);
this.textureId = j;
protected Block a(StepSound stepsound) {
this.stepSound = stepsound;
return this;
protected Block h(int i) {
lightBlock[] = i;
return this;
protected Block a(float f) {
lightEmission[] = (int) (15.0F * f);
return this;
protected Block b(float f) {
this.durability = f * 3.0F;
return this;
public static boolean i(int i) {
Block block = byId[i];
return block == null ? false : block.material.k() && block.c();
public boolean c() {
return true;
public boolean c(IBlockAccess iblockaccess, int i, int j, int k) {
return !this.material.isSolid();
public int b() {
return 0;
protected Block c(float f) {
this.strength = f;
if (this.durability < f * 5.0F) {
this.durability = f * 5.0F;
return this;
protected Block q() {
return this;
public float m(World world, int i, int j, int k) {
return this.strength;
protected Block b(boolean flag) { = flag;
return this;
public boolean r() {
public boolean s() {
return this.isTileEntity;
public void a(float f, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5) {
this.minX = (double) f;
this.minY = (double) f1;
this.minZ = (double) f2;
this.maxX = (double) f3;
this.maxY = (double) f4;
this.maxZ = (double) f5;
public boolean d(IBlockAccess iblockaccess, int i, int j, int k, int l) {
return iblockaccess.getMaterial(i, j, k).isBuildable();
public int a(int i, int j) {
return this.a(i);
public int a(int i) {
return this.textureId;
public void a(World world, int i, int j, int k, AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb, List list, Entity entity) {
AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb1 = this.e(world, i, j, k);
if (axisalignedbb1 != null && axisalignedbb.a(axisalignedbb1)) {
public AxisAlignedBB e(World world, int i, int j, int k) {
return AxisAlignedBB.a().a((double) i + this.minX, (double) j + this.minY, (double) k + this.minZ, (double) i + this.maxX, (double) j + this.maxY, (double) k + this.maxZ);
public boolean d() {
return true;
public boolean a(int i, boolean flag) {
return this.l();
public boolean l() {
return true;
public void b(World world, int i, int j, int k, Random random) {}
public void postBreak(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l) {}
public void doPhysics(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l) {}
public int p_() {
return 10;
public void onPlace(World world, int i, int j, int k) {}
public void remove(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l, int i1) {}
public int a(Random random) {
return 1;
public int getDropType(int i, Random random, int j) {
public float getDamage(EntityHuman entityhuman, World world, int i, int j, int k) {
float f = this.m(world, i, j, k);
return f < 0.0F ? 0.0F : (!entityhuman.b(this) ? 1.0F / f / 100.0F : entityhuman.a(this) / f / 30.0F);
public final void c(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l, int i1) {
this.dropNaturally(world, i, j, k, l, 1.0F, i1);
public void dropNaturally(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l, float f, int i1) {
if (!world.isStatic) {
int j1 = this.getDropCount(i1, world.random);
for (int k1 = 0; k1 < j1; ++k1) {
// CraftBukkit - <= to < to allow for plugins to completely disable block drops from explosions
if (world.random.nextFloat() < f) {
int l1 = this.getDropType(l, world.random, i1);
if (l1 > 0) {
this.a(world, i, j, k, new ItemStack(l1, 1, this.getDropData(l)));
protected void a(World world, int i, int j, int k, ItemStack itemstack) {
if (!world.isStatic) {
float f = 0.7F;
double d0 = (double) (world.random.nextFloat() * f) + (double) (1.0F - f) * 0.5D;
double d1 = (double) (world.random.nextFloat() * f) + (double) (1.0F - f) * 0.5D;
double d2 = (double) (world.random.nextFloat() * f) + (double) (1.0F - f) * 0.5D;
EntityItem entityitem = new EntityItem(world, (double) i + d0, (double) j + d1, (double) k + d2, itemstack);
entityitem.pickupDelay = 10;
protected void g(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l) {
if (!world.isStatic) {
while (l > 0) {
int i1 = EntityExperienceOrb.getOrbValue(l);
l -= i1;
world.addEntity(new EntityExperienceOrb(world, (double) i + 0.5D, (double) j + 0.5D, (double) k + 0.5D, i1));
protected int getDropData(int i) {
return 0;
public float a(Entity entity) {
return this.durability / 5.0F;
public MovingObjectPosition a(World world, int i, int j, int k, Vec3D vec3d, Vec3D vec3d1) {
this.updateShape(world, i, j, k);
vec3d = vec3d.add((double) (-i), (double) (-j), (double) (-k));
vec3d1 = vec3d1.add((double) (-i), (double) (-j), (double) (-k));
Vec3D vec3d2 = vec3d.b(vec3d1, this.minX);
Vec3D vec3d3 = vec3d.b(vec3d1, this.maxX);
Vec3D vec3d4 = vec3d.c(vec3d1, this.minY);
Vec3D vec3d5 = vec3d.c(vec3d1, this.maxY);
Vec3D vec3d6 = vec3d.d(vec3d1, this.minZ);
Vec3D vec3d7 = vec3d.d(vec3d1, this.maxZ);
if (!this.a(vec3d2)) {
vec3d2 = null;
if (!this.a(vec3d3)) {
vec3d3 = null;
if (!this.b(vec3d4)) {
vec3d4 = null;
if (!this.b(vec3d5)) {
vec3d5 = null;
if (!this.c(vec3d6)) {
vec3d6 = null;
if (!this.c(vec3d7)) {
vec3d7 = null;
Vec3D vec3d8 = null;
if (vec3d2 != null && (vec3d8 == null || vec3d.distanceSquared(vec3d2) < vec3d.distanceSquared(vec3d8))) {
vec3d8 = vec3d2;
if (vec3d3 != null && (vec3d8 == null || vec3d.distanceSquared(vec3d3) < vec3d.distanceSquared(vec3d8))) {
vec3d8 = vec3d3;
if (vec3d4 != null && (vec3d8 == null || vec3d.distanceSquared(vec3d4) < vec3d.distanceSquared(vec3d8))) {
vec3d8 = vec3d4;
if (vec3d5 != null && (vec3d8 == null || vec3d.distanceSquared(vec3d5) < vec3d.distanceSquared(vec3d8))) {
vec3d8 = vec3d5;
if (vec3d6 != null && (vec3d8 == null || vec3d.distanceSquared(vec3d6) < vec3d.distanceSquared(vec3d8))) {
vec3d8 = vec3d6;
if (vec3d7 != null && (vec3d8 == null || vec3d.distanceSquared(vec3d7) < vec3d.distanceSquared(vec3d8))) {
vec3d8 = vec3d7;
if (vec3d8 == null) {
return null;
} else {
byte b0 = -1;
if (vec3d8 == vec3d2) {
b0 = 4;
if (vec3d8 == vec3d3) {
b0 = 5;
if (vec3d8 == vec3d4) {
b0 = 0;
if (vec3d8 == vec3d5) {
b0 = 1;
if (vec3d8 == vec3d6) {
b0 = 2;
if (vec3d8 == vec3d7) {
b0 = 3;
return new MovingObjectPosition(i, j, k, b0, vec3d8.add((double) i, (double) j, (double) k));
private boolean a(Vec3D vec3d) {
return vec3d == null ? false : vec3d.b >= this.minY && vec3d.b <= this.maxY && vec3d.c >= this.minZ && vec3d.c <= this.maxZ;
private boolean b(Vec3D vec3d) {
return vec3d == null ? false : vec3d.a >= this.minX && vec3d.a <= this.maxX && vec3d.c >= this.minZ && vec3d.c <= this.maxZ;
private boolean c(Vec3D vec3d) {
return vec3d == null ? false : vec3d.a >= this.minX && vec3d.a <= this.maxX && vec3d.b >= this.minY && vec3d.b <= this.maxY;
public void wasExploded(World world, int i, int j, int k) {}
public boolean canPlace(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l) {
return this.canPlace(world, i, j, k);
public boolean canPlace(World world, int i, int j, int k) {
int l = world.getTypeId(i, j, k);
return l == 0 || byId[l].material.isReplaceable();
public boolean interact(World world, int i, int j, int k, EntityHuman entityhuman, int l, float f, float f1, float f2) {
return false;
public void b(World world, int i, int j, int k, Entity entity) {}
public void postPlace(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l, float f, float f1, float f2) {}
public void attack(World world, int i, int j, int k, EntityHuman entityhuman) {}
public void a(World world, int i, int j, int k, Entity entity, Vec3D vec3d) {}
public void updateShape(IBlockAccess iblockaccess, int i, int j, int k) {}
public boolean a(IBlockAccess iblockaccess, int i, int j, int k, int l) {
return false;
public boolean isPowerSource() {
return false;
public void a(World world, int i, int j, int k, Entity entity) {}
public boolean c(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l) {
return false;
public void f() {}
public void a(World world, EntityHuman entityhuman, int i, int j, int k, int l) {
entityhuman.a(StatisticList.C[], 1);
if (this.q_() && EnchantmentManager.hasSilkTouchEnchantment(entityhuman.inventory)) {
ItemStack itemstack = this.c_(l);
if (itemstack != null) {
this.a(world, i, j, k, itemstack);
} else {
int i1 = EnchantmentManager.getBonusBlockLootEnchantmentLevel(entityhuman.inventory);
this.c(world, i, j, k, l, i1);
protected boolean q_() {
return this.c() && !this.isTileEntity;
protected ItemStack c_(int i) {
int j = 0;
if ( >= 0 && < Item.byId.length && Item.byId[].k()) {
j = i;
return new ItemStack(, 1, j);
public int getDropCount(int i, Random random) {
return this.a(random);
public boolean d(World world, int i, int j, int k) {
return true;
public void postPlace(World world, int i, int j, int k, EntityLiving entityliving) {}
public Block b(String s) { = "tile." + s;
return this;
public String getName() {
return LocaleI18n.get(this.a() + ".name");
public String a() {
public void b(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l, int i1) {}
public boolean u() {
return this.ce;
protected Block v() {
this.ce = false;
return this;
public int e() {
return this.material.getPushReaction();
public void a(World world, int i, int j, int k, Entity entity, float f) {}
public Block a(CreativeModeTab creativemodetab) {
this.creativeTab = creativemodetab;
return this;
public void a(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l, EntityHuman entityhuman) {}
public void h(World world, int i, int j, int k, int l) {}
public void f(World world, int i, int j, int k) {}
public void a(World world, long i, long j) {}
static {
Item.byId[] = (new ItemCloth( - 256)).b("cloth");
Item.byId[] = (new ItemLog( - 256, LOG)).b("log");
Item.byId[] = (new ItemWood( - 256, WOOD)).b("wood");
Item.byId[] = (new ItemMonsterEggs( - 256)).b("monsterStoneEgg");
Item.byId[] = (new ItemSmoothStone( - 256, SMOOTH_BRICK)).b("stonebricksmooth");
Item.byId[] = (new ItemSandStone( - 256, SANDSTONE)).b("sandStone");
Item.byId[] = (new ItemStep( - 256, STEP, DOUBLE_STEP, false)).b("stoneSlab");
Item.byId[] = (new ItemStep( - 256, STEP, DOUBLE_STEP, true)).b("stoneSlab");
Item.byId[] = (new ItemStep( - 256, WOOD_STEP, WOOD_DOUBLE_STEP, false)).b("woodSlab");
Item.byId[] = (new ItemStep( - 256, WOOD_STEP, WOOD_DOUBLE_STEP, true)).b("woodSlab");
Item.byId[] = (new ItemSapling( - 256)).b("sapling");
Item.byId[] = (new ItemLeaves( - 256)).b("leaves");
Item.byId[] = new ItemWithAuxData( - 256, false);
Item.byId[] = (new ItemWithAuxData( - 256, true)).a(new String[] { "shrub", "grass", "fern"});
Item.byId[] = new ItemWaterLily( - 256);
Item.byId[] = new ItemPiston( - 256);
Item.byId[] = new ItemPiston( - 256);
// CraftBukkit start
Item.byId[] = new ItemWithAuxData( - 256, true);
Item.byId[] = new ItemWithAuxData( - 256, true);
Item.byId[] = new ItemWithAuxData( - 256, true);
// CraftBukkit end
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
if (byId[i] != null) {
if (Item.byId[i] == null) {
Item.byId[i] = new ItemBlock(i - 256);
boolean flag = false;
if (i > 0 && byId[i].b() == 10) {
flag = true;
if (i > 0 && byId[i] instanceof BlockStepAbstract) {
flag = true;
if (i == {
flag = true;
if (p[i]) {
flag = true;
if (lightBlock[i] == 0) {
flag = true;
s[i] = flag;
p[0] = true;
// CraftBukkit start - getDropData(int) is protected
public static int getDropData(Block block, int data) {
return block.getDropData(data);
public int getExpDrop(World world, int data, int enchantmentLevel) {
return 0;
// CraftBukkit end