GJ 2a2cdd4885 [Bleeding] Ice in the nether fades to air. Fixes BUKKIT-5373
Previously, whenever BlockFadeEvent was called for ice melting, it returned
the new BlockState with a type of Material.STATIONARY_WATER. However, in
the Nether, ice melting does not form water, but is simply replaced by air
instead. This changes the event to use the proper BlockState based on
whether the block is located in the Nether or not.
2014-04-18 10:18:52 -05:00

66 Zeilen
2.0 KiB

package net.minecraft.server;
import java.util.Random;
public class BlockIce extends BlockHalfTransparent {
public BlockIce() {
super("ice", Material.ICE, false);
this.frictionFactor = 0.98F;
public void a(World world, EntityHuman entityhuman, int i, int j, int k, int l) {
entityhuman.a(StatisticList.MINE_BLOCK_COUNT[Block.b((Block) this)], 1);
if (this.E() && EnchantmentManager.hasSilkTouchEnchantment(entityhuman)) {
ItemStack itemstack = this.j(l);
if (itemstack != null) {
this.a(world, i, j, k, itemstack);
} else {
if (world.worldProvider.f) {
world.setAir(i, j, k);
int i1 = EnchantmentManager.getBonusBlockLootEnchantmentLevel(entityhuman);
this.b(world, i, j, k, l, i1);
Material material = world.getType(i, j - 1, k).getMaterial();
if (material.isSolid() || material.isLiquid()) {
world.setTypeUpdate(i, j, k, Blocks.WATER);
public int a(Random random) {
return 0;
public void a(World world, int i, int j, int k, Random random) {
if (world.b(EnumSkyBlock.BLOCK, i, j, k) > 11 - this.k()) {
// CraftBukkit start
if (org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callBlockFadeEvent(world.getWorld().getBlockAt(i, j, k), world.worldProvider.f ? Blocks.AIR : Blocks.STATIONARY_WATER).isCancelled()) {
// CraftBukkit end
if (world.worldProvider.f) {
world.setAir(i, j, k);
this.b(world, i, j, k, world.getData(i, j, k), 0);
world.setTypeUpdate(i, j, k, Blocks.STATIONARY_WATER);
public int h() {
return 0;