package org.bukkit.craftbukkit; import net.minecraft.server.MobSpawnerBase; import org.bukkit.*; import org.bukkit.block.BlockState; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.block.CraftBlockState; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.block.CraftSign; public class CraftBlock implements Block { private final CraftWorld world; private final CraftChunk chunk; private final int x; private final int y; private final int z; protected int type; protected byte data; protected byte light; protected CraftBlock(final CraftWorld world, final int x, final int y, final int z, final int type, final byte data) { = world; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.type = type; = data; this.light = (byte)world.getHandle().j(x, y, z); this.chunk = (CraftChunk)world.getChunkAt(x << 4, z << 4); } protected CraftBlock(final CraftWorld world, final int x, final int y, final int z, final int type, final byte data, final byte light) { = world; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.type = type; = data; this.light = light; this.chunk = (CraftChunk)world.getChunkAt(x << 4, z << 4); } /** * Gets the world which contains this Block * * @return World containing this block */ public World getWorld() { return world; } /** * Gets the x-coordinate of this block * * @return x-coordinate */ public int getX() { return x; } /** * Gets the y-coordinate of this block * * @return y-coordinate */ public int getY() { return y; } /** * Gets the z-coordinate of this block * * @return z-coordinate */ public int getZ() { return z; } /** * Gets the chunk which contains this block * * @return Containing Chunk */ public Chunk getChunk() { return chunk; } /** * Sets the metadata for this block * * @param data New block specific metadata */ public void setData(final byte data) { = data; world.getHandle().c(x, y, z, data); } /** * Gets the metadata for this block * * @return block specific metadata */ public byte getData() { return data; } /** * Sets the type of this block * * @param type Material to change this block to */ public void setType(final Material type) { setTypeID(type.getID()); } /** * Sets the type-ID of this block * * @param type Type-ID to change this block to * @return whether the block was changed */ public boolean setTypeID(final int type) { this.type = type; return world.getHandle().e(x, y, z, type); } /** * Gets the type of this block * * @return block type */ public Material getType() { return Material.getMaterial(getTypeID()); } /** * Gets the type-ID of this block * * @return block type-ID */ public int getTypeID() { return type; } /** * Gets the light level between 0-15 * * @return light level */ public byte getLightLevel() { return light; } /** * Gets the block at the given face * * @param face Face of this block to return * @return Block at the given face */ public Block getFace(final BlockFace face) { return getFace(face, 1); } /** * Gets the block at the given distance of the given face
* For example, the following method places water at 100,102,100; two blocks * above 100,100,100. *
     * Block block = world.getBlockAt(100,100,100);
     * Block shower = block.getFace(BlockFace.Up, 2);
     * shower.setType(Material.WATER);
* * @param face Face of this block to return * @param distance Distance to get the block at * @return Block at the given face */ public Block getFace(final BlockFace face, final int distance) { return getRelative(face.getModX() * distance, face.getModY() * distance, face.getModZ() * distance); } /** * Gets the block at the given offsets * * @param modX X-coordinate offset * @param modY Y-coordinate offset * @param modZ Z-coordinate offset * @return Block at the given offsets */ public Block getRelative(final int modX, final int modY, final int modZ) { return getWorld().getBlockAt(getX() + modX, getY() + modY, getZ() + modZ); } /** * Gets the face relation of this block compared to the given block
* For example: *
     * Block current = world.getBlockAt(100, 100, 100);
     * Block target = world.getBlockAt(100, 101, 100);
     * current.getFace(target) == BlockFace.Up;
* If the given block is not connected to this block, null may be returned * * @param block Block to compare against this block * @return BlockFace of this block which has the requested block, or null */ public BlockFace getFace(final Block block) { BlockFace[] values = BlockFace.values(); for (BlockFace face : values) { if ( (this.getX() + face.getModX() == block.getX()) && (this.getY() + face.getModY() == block.getY()) && (this.getZ() + face.getModZ() == block.getZ()) ) { return face; } } return null; } @Override public String toString() { return "CraftBlock{" + "world=" + world + "x=" + x + "y=" + y + "z=" + z + "type=" + type + "data=" + data + '}'; } /** * Notch uses a 0-5 to mean Down, Up, East, West, North, South * in that order all over. This method is convenience to convert for us. * * @return BlockFace the BlockFace represented by this number */ public static BlockFace notchToBlockFace(int notch) { switch (notch) { case 0: return BlockFace.Down; case 1: return BlockFace.Up; case 2: return BlockFace.East; case 3: return BlockFace.West; case 4: return BlockFace.North; case 5: return BlockFace.South; default: return BlockFace.Self; } } public BlockState getState() { Material material = getType(); switch (material) { case SIGN: case SIGN_POST: case WALL_SIGN: return new CraftSign(this); default: return new CraftBlockState(this); } } public Biome getBiome() { // TODO: This may not be 100% accurate; investigate into getting per-block instead of per-chunk MobSpawnerBase base = world.getHandle().a().a(chunk.getX(), chunk.getZ()); if (base == MobSpawnerBase.a) { return Biome.RAINFOREST; } else if (base == MobSpawnerBase.b) { return Biome.SWAMPLAND; } else if (base == MobSpawnerBase.c) { return Biome.SEASONAL_FOREST; } else if (base == MobSpawnerBase.d) { return Biome.FOREST; } else if (base == MobSpawnerBase.e) { return Biome.SAVANNA; } else if (base == MobSpawnerBase.f) { return Biome.SHRUBLAND; } else if (base == MobSpawnerBase.g) { return Biome.TAIGA; } else if (base == MobSpawnerBase.h) { return Biome.DESERT; } else if (base == MobSpawnerBase.i) { return Biome.PLAINS; } else if (base == MobSpawnerBase.j) { return Biome.ICE_DESERT; } else if (base == MobSpawnerBase.k) { return Biome.TUNDRA; } else if (base == MobSpawnerBase.l) { return Biome.HELL; } return null; } }