package org.bukkit; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.bukkit.material.*; /** * An enum of all material ids accepted by the official server + client */ public enum Material { AIR(0), STONE(1), GRASS(2), DIRT(3), COBBLESTONE(4), WOOD(5), SAPLING(6, Tree.class), BEDROCK(7), WATER(8, MaterialData.class), STATIONARY_WATER(9, MaterialData.class), LAVA(10, MaterialData.class), STATIONARY_LAVA(11, MaterialData.class), SAND(12), GRAVEL(13), GOLD_ORE(14), IRON_ORE(15), COAL_ORE(16), LOG(17, Tree.class), LEAVES(18, Tree.class), SPONGE(19), GLASS(20), LAPIS_ORE(21), LAPIS_BLOCK(22), DISPENSER(23, Dispenser.class), SANDSTONE(24), NOTE_BLOCK(25), BED_BLOCK(26, Bed.class), POWERED_RAIL(27, PoweredRail.class), DETECTOR_RAIL(28, DetectorRail.class), PISTON_STICKY_BASE(29, PistonBaseMaterial.class), WEB(30), LONG_GRASS(31, LongGrass.class), DEAD_BUSH(32), PISTON_BASE(33, PistonBaseMaterial.class), PISTON_EXTENSION(34, PistonExtensionMaterial.class), WOOL(35, Wool.class), PISTON_MOVING_PIECE(36), YELLOW_FLOWER(37), RED_ROSE(38), BROWN_MUSHROOM(39), RED_MUSHROOM(40), GOLD_BLOCK(41), IRON_BLOCK(42), DOUBLE_STEP(43, Step.class), STEP(44, Step.class), BRICK(45), TNT(46), BOOKSHELF(47), MOSSY_COBBLESTONE(48), OBSIDIAN(49), TORCH(50, Torch.class), FIRE(51), MOB_SPAWNER(52), WOOD_STAIRS(53, Stairs.class), CHEST(54), REDSTONE_WIRE(55, RedstoneWire.class), DIAMOND_ORE(56), DIAMOND_BLOCK(57), WORKBENCH(58), CROPS(59, Crops.class), SOIL(60, MaterialData.class), FURNACE(61, Furnace.class), BURNING_FURNACE(62, Furnace.class), SIGN_POST(63, 1, Sign.class), WOODEN_DOOR(64, Door.class), LADDER(65, Ladder.class), RAILS(66, Rails.class), COBBLESTONE_STAIRS(67, Stairs.class), WALL_SIGN(68, 1, Sign.class), LEVER(69, Lever.class), STONE_PLATE(70, PressurePlate.class), IRON_DOOR_BLOCK(71, Door.class), WOOD_PLATE(72, PressurePlate.class), REDSTONE_ORE(73), GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE(74), REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF(75, RedstoneTorch.class), REDSTONE_TORCH_ON(76, RedstoneTorch.class), STONE_BUTTON(77, Button.class), SNOW(78), ICE(79), SNOW_BLOCK(80), CACTUS(81, MaterialData.class), CLAY(82), SUGAR_CANE_BLOCK(83, MaterialData.class), JUKEBOX(84), FENCE(85), PUMPKIN(86, Pumpkin.class), NETHERRACK(87), SOUL_SAND(88), GLOWSTONE(89), PORTAL(90), JACK_O_LANTERN(91, Pumpkin.class), CAKE_BLOCK(92, 1, Cake.class), DIODE_BLOCK_OFF(93, Diode.class), DIODE_BLOCK_ON(94, Diode.class), LOCKED_CHEST(95), TRAP_DOOR(96, TrapDoor.class), MONSTER_EGGS(97, MonsterEggs.class), SMOOTH_BRICK(98, SmoothBrick.class), HUGE_MUSHROOM_1(99), HUGE_MUSHROOM_2(100), IRON_FENCE(101), THIN_GLASS(102), MELON_BLOCK(103), PUMPKIN_STEM(104), MELON_STEM(105), VINE(106), FENCE_GATE(107), BRICK_STAIRS(108), SMOOTH_STAIRS(109), MYCEL(110), WATER_LILY(111), NETHER_BRICK(112), NETHER_FENCE(113), NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS(114), NETHER_WATER(115), ENCHANTMENT_TABLE(116), BREWING_STAND(117), CAULDRON(118), ENDER_PORTAL(119), ENTER_PORTAL_FRAME(120), WHITESTONE(121), // ----- Item Separator ----- IRON_SPADE(256, 1, 250), IRON_PICKAXE(257, 1, 250), IRON_AXE(258, 1, 250), FLINT_AND_STEEL(259, 1, 64), APPLE(260), BOW(261, 1), ARROW(262), COAL(263, Coal.class), DIAMOND(264), IRON_INGOT(265), GOLD_INGOT(266), IRON_SWORD(267, 1, 250), WOOD_SWORD(268, 1, 59), WOOD_SPADE(269, 1, 59), WOOD_PICKAXE(270, 1, 59), WOOD_AXE(271, 1, 59), STONE_SWORD(272, 1, 131), STONE_SPADE(273, 1, 131), STONE_PICKAXE(274, 1, 131), STONE_AXE(275, 1, 131), DIAMOND_SWORD(276, 1, 1561), DIAMOND_SPADE(277, 1, 1561), DIAMOND_PICKAXE(278, 1, 1561), DIAMOND_AXE(279, 1, 1561), STICK(280), BOWL(281), MUSHROOM_SOUP(282, 1), GOLD_SWORD(283, 1, 32), GOLD_SPADE(284, 1, 32), GOLD_PICKAXE(285, 1, 32), GOLD_AXE(286, 1, 32), STRING(287), FEATHER(288), SULPHUR(289), WOOD_HOE(290, 1, 59), STONE_HOE(291, 1, 131), IRON_HOE(292, 1, 250), DIAMOND_HOE(293, 1, 1561), GOLD_HOE(294, 1, 32), SEEDS(295), WHEAT(296), BREAD(297), LEATHER_HELMET(298, 1, 33), LEATHER_CHESTPLATE(299, 1, 47), LEATHER_LEGGINGS(300, 1, 45), LEATHER_BOOTS(301, 1, 39), CHAINMAIL_HELMET(302, 1, 66), CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE(303, 1, 95), CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS(304, 1, 91), CHAINMAIL_BOOTS(305, 1, 78), IRON_HELMET(306, 1, 135), IRON_CHESTPLATE(307, 1, 191), IRON_LEGGINGS(308, 1, 183), IRON_BOOTS(309, 1, 159), DIAMOND_HELMET(310, 1, 271), DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE(311, 1, 383), DIAMOND_LEGGINGS(312, 1, 367), DIAMOND_BOOTS(313, 1, 319), GOLD_HELMET(314, 1, 67), GOLD_CHESTPLATE(315, 1, 95), GOLD_LEGGINGS(316, 1, 91), GOLD_BOOTS(317, 1, 79), FLINT(318), PORK(319), GRILLED_PORK(320), PAINTING(321), GOLDEN_APPLE(322), SIGN(323, 1), WOOD_DOOR(324, 1), BUCKET(325, 1), WATER_BUCKET(326, 1), LAVA_BUCKET(327, 1), MINECART(328, 1), SADDLE(329, 1), IRON_DOOR(330, 1), REDSTONE(331), SNOW_BALL(332, 16), BOAT(333, 1), LEATHER(334), MILK_BUCKET(335, 1), CLAY_BRICK(336), CLAY_BALL(337), SUGAR_CANE(338), PAPER(339), BOOK(340), SLIME_BALL(341), STORAGE_MINECART(342, 1), POWERED_MINECART(343, 1), EGG(344, 16), COMPASS(345), FISHING_ROD(346, 1, 64), WATCH(347), GLOWSTONE_DUST(348), RAW_FISH(349), COOKED_FISH(350), INK_SACK(351, Dye.class), BONE(352), SUGAR(353), CAKE(354, 1), BED(355, 1), DIODE(356), COOKIE(357), MAP(358, 1, MaterialData.class), SHEARS(359, 1, 238), MELON(360), PUMPKIN_SEEDS(361), MELON_SEEDS(362), RAW_BEEF(363), COOKED_BEEF(364), RAW_CHICKEN(365), COOKED_CHICKEN(366), ROTTEN_FLESH(367), ENDER_PEARL(368), BLAZE_ROD(369), GHAST_TEAR(370), GOLD_NUGGET(371), NETHER_STALK(372), POTION(373), GLASS_BOTTLE(374), SPIDER_EYE(375), FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE(376), BLAZE_POWDER(377), MAGMA_CREAM(378), BREWING_STAND_ITEM(379), CAULDRON_ITEM(380), EYE_OF_ENDER(381), SPECKLED_MELON(382), GOLD_RECORD(2256, 1), GREEN_RECORD(2257, 1), RECORD_3(2258, 1), RECORD_4(2259, 1), RECORD_5(2260, 1), RECORD_6(2261, 1), RECORD_7(2262, 1), RECORD_8(2263, 1), RECORD_9(2264, 1), RECORD_10(2265, 1), RECORD_11(2266, 1); private final int id; private final Class data; private static final Map lookupId = new HashMap(); private static final Map lookupName = new HashMap(); private final int maxStack; private final short durability; private Material(final int id) { this(id, 64); } private Material(final int id, final int stack) { this(id, stack, null); } private Material(final int id, final int stack, final int durability) { this(id, stack, durability, null); } private Material(final int id, final Class data) { this(id, 64, data); } private Material(final int id, final int stack, final Class data) { this(id, stack, -1, data); } private Material(final int id, final int stack, final int durability, final Class data) { = id; this.durability = (short) durability; this.maxStack = stack; = data; } /** * Gets the item ID or block ID of this Material * * @return ID of this material */ public int getId() { return id; } /** * Gets the maximum amount of this material that can be held in a stack * * @return Maximum stack size for this material */ public int getMaxStackSize() { return maxStack; } /** * Gets the maximum durability of this material * * @return Maximum durability for this material */ public short getMaxDurability() { return durability; } /** * Gets the MaterialData class associated with this Material * * @return MaterialData associated with this Material */ public Class getData() { return (data == null) ? MaterialData.class : data; } /** * Constructs a new MaterialData relevant for this Material, with the given * initial data * * @param raw Initial data to construct the MaterialData with * @return New MaterialData with the given data */ public MaterialData getNewData(final byte raw) { if (data == null) { return new MaterialData(id, raw); } try { Constructor ctor = data.getConstructor(int.class, byte.class); return ctor.newInstance(id, raw); } catch (InstantiationException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Material.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Material.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Material.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Material.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Material.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (SecurityException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Material.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return null; } /** * Checks if this Material is a placable block * * @return true if this material is a block */ public boolean isBlock() { return id < 256; } /** * Attempts to get the Material with the given ID * * @param id ID of the material to get * @return Material if found, or null */ public static Material getMaterial(final int id) { return lookupId.get(id); } /** * Attempts to get the Material with the given name. * This is a normal lookup, names must be the precise name they are given * in the enum. * * @param name Name of the material to get * @return Material if found, or null */ public static Material getMaterial(final String name) { return lookupName.get(name); } /** * Attempts to match the Material with the given name. * This is a match lookup; names will be converted to uppercase, then stripped * of special characters in an attempt to format it like the enum * * @param name Name of the material to get * @return Material if found, or null */ public static Material matchMaterial(final String name) { Material result = null; try { result = getMaterial(Integer.parseInt(name)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {} if (result == null) { String filtered = name.toUpperCase(); filtered = filtered.replaceAll("\\s+", "_").replaceAll("\\W", ""); result = lookupName.get(filtered); } return result; } static { for (Material material : values()) { lookupId.put(material.getId(), material); lookupName.put(, material); } } }