import io.papermc.paperweight.util.* import org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging.TestExceptionFormat import org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging.TestLogEvent import import import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor import* import java.nio.file.Path plugins { id("io.papermc.paperweight.core") version "2.0.0-SNAPSHOT" apply false } subprojects { apply(plugin = "java-library") apply(plugin = "maven-publish") extensions.configure { toolchain { languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(21) } } dependencies { "testRuntimeOnly"("org.junit.platform:junit-platform-launcher") } tasks.withType().configureEach { isPreserveFileTimestamps = false isReproducibleFileOrder = true } } val paperMavenPublicUrl = "" subprojects { tasks.withType { options.encoding = options.release = 21 options.isFork = true } tasks.withType { options.encoding = } tasks.withType { filteringCharset = } tasks.withType { testLogging { showStackTraces = true exceptionFormat = TestExceptionFormat.FULL events(TestLogEvent.STANDARD_OUT) } } repositories { mavenCentral() maven(paperMavenPublicUrl) } extensions.configure { repositories { maven("") { name = "paperSnapshots" credentials(PasswordCredentials::class) } } } } tasks.register("printMinecraftVersion") { doLast { println(providers.gradleProperty("mcVersion").get().trim()) } } tasks.register("printPaperVersion") { doLast { println(project.version) } } tasks.register("gibWork") { @OptIn(ExperimentalPathApi::class) doLast { val issue = providers.gradleProperty("updateTaskListIssue").get() val html = URI(issue).toURL().readText() val beginMarker = "```[tasklist]" val start = html.indexOf(beginMarker) val end = html.indexOf("```", start + beginMarker.length) val taskList = html.substring(start + beginMarker.length, end) val next = taskList.split("\\n").first { it.startsWith("- [ ]") }.replace("- [ ] ", "") println("checking out $next...") val dir = layout.projectDirectory.dir("paper-server/patches/unapplied/").convertToPath().resolve(next) dir.copyToRecursively( layout.projectDirectory.dir("paper-server/patches/sources").convertToPath().resolve(next) .also { it.createDirectories() }, overwrite = true, followLinks = false ) dir.deleteRecursively() println("please tick the box in the issue: $issue") println("if you don't finish it, uncheck the task again after you commited") } } tasks.register("showWork") { doLast { val parent = layout.projectDirectory.dir("paper-server/patches/unapplied/").convertToPath() Files.walkFileTree(parent, object : SimpleFileVisitor() { override fun postVisitDirectory(dir: Path?, exc: IOException?): FileVisitResult { dir?.takeIf { it.listDirectoryEntries("*.patch").isNotEmpty() }?.let { println("- [ ] ${parent.relativize(it).pathString.replace("\\", "/")}") } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE } }) } } tasks.register("checkWork") { doLast { val input = project.findProperty("input") as String? ?: error("Input property is required. Use gradlew checkWork -Pinput=net/minecraft/server/") val file = layout.projectDirectory.file("paper-server/src/vanilla/java/").convertToPath().resolve(input) val target = Path.of(providers.gradleProperty("cleanPaperRepo").get()).resolve(input) file.copyTo(target, overwrite = true) println("Copied $file to $target") println("Make it compile, then press enter to copy it back!") System.`in`.read() target.copyTo(file, overwrite = true) println("copied back!") } } // see /* if (providers.gradleProperty("updatingMinecraft").getOrElse("false").toBoolean()) { tasks.collectAtsFromPatches { val dir = layout.projectDirectory.dir("patches/unapplied/server") if (dir.path.isDirectory()) { extraPatchDir = dir } } tasks.withType().configureEach { filterPatches = false } tasks.register("continueServerUpdate", RebasePatches::class) { description = "Moves the next X patches from unapplied to applied, and applies them. X being the number of patches that apply cleanly, plus the terminal failure if any." projectDir = project.projectDir appliedPatches = file("patches/server") unappliedPatches = file("patches/unapplied/server") applyTaskName = "applyServerPatches" patchedDir = "Paper-Server" } } @UntrackedTask(because = "Does not make sense to track state") abstract class RebasePatches : BaseTask() { @get:Internal abstract val projectDir: DirectoryProperty @get:InputFiles abstract val appliedPatches: DirectoryProperty @get:InputFiles abstract val unappliedPatches: DirectoryProperty @get:Input abstract val applyTaskName: Property @get:Input abstract val patchedDir: Property private fun unapplied(): List = unappliedPatches.path.listDirectoryEntries("*.patch").sortedBy { } private fun appliedLoc(patch: Path): Path = appliedPatches.path.resolve(unappliedPatches.path.relativize(patch)) companion object { val regex = Pattern.compile("Patch failed at ([0-9]{4}) (.*)") val continuationRegex = Pattern.compile("^\\s{1}.+\$") const val subjectPrefix = "Subject: [PATCH] " } @TaskAction fun run() { val patchedDirPath = projectDir.path.resolve(patchedDir.get()) if (patchedDirPath.isDirectory()) { val status = Git(patchedDirPath)("status").getText() if (status.contains("You are in the middle of an am session.")) { throw PaperweightException("Cannot continue update when $patchedDirPath is in the middle of an am session.") } } val unapplied = unapplied() for (patch in unapplied) { patch.copyTo(appliedLoc(patch)) } val out = ByteArrayOutputStream() val proc = ProcessBuilder() .directory(projectDir.path) .command("./gradlew", applyTaskName.get()) .redirectErrorStream(true) .start() val f = redirect(proc.inputStream, out) val exit = proc.waitFor() f.get() if (exit != 0) { val outStr = String(out.toByteArray()) val matcher = regex.matcher(outStr) if (!matcher.find()) error("Could not determine failure point") val failedSubjectFragment = val failed = unapplied.single { p -> p.useLines { lines -> val collect = mutableListOf() for (line in lines) { if (line.startsWith(subjectPrefix)) { collect += line } else if (collect.size == 1) { if (continuationRegex.matcher(line).matches()) { collect += line } else { break } } } val subjectLine = collect.joinToString("").substringAfter(subjectPrefix) subjectLine.startsWith(failedSubjectFragment) } } // delete successful & failure point from unapplied patches dir for (path in unapplied) { path.deleteIfExists() if (path == failed) { break } } // delete failed from patches dir var started = false for (path in unapplied) { if (path == failed) { started = true continue } if (started) { appliedLoc(path).deleteIfExists() } } // Delete the build file before resetting the AM session in case it has compilation errors patchedDirPath.resolve("build.gradle.kts").deleteIfExists() // Apply again to reset the am session (so it ends on the failed patch, to allow us to rebuild after fixing it) val apply2 = ProcessBuilder() .directory(projectDir.path) .command("./gradlew", applyTaskName.get()) .redirectErrorStream(true) .start() val f1 = redirect(apply2.inputStream, System.out) apply2.waitFor() f1.get() logger.lifecycle(outStr) logger.lifecycle("Patch failed at $failed; See Git output above.") } else { unapplied.forEach { it.deleteIfExists() } logger.lifecycle("All patches applied!") } val git = Git(projectDir.path) git("add", appliedPatches.path.toString() + "/*").runSilently() git("add", unappliedPatches.path.toString() + "/*").runSilently() } } */