package net.minecraft.server; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class PlayerManager { public List managedPlayers = new ArrayList(); private PlayerList b = new PlayerList(); private List c = new ArrayList(); private MinecraftServer server; private int e; private int f; private final int[][] g = new int[][] { { 1, 0}, { 0, 1}, { -1, 0}, { 0, -1}}; public PlayerManager(MinecraftServer minecraftserver, int i, int j) { // CraftBukkit start - no longer need to track view distance here, defers to the player. this.server = minecraftserver; this.e = i; // CraftBukkit end } public WorldServer a() { return this.server.getWorldServer(this.e); } public void flush() { for (int i = 0; i < this.c.size(); ++i) { ((PlayerInstance) this.c.get(i)).a(); } this.c.clear(); } private PlayerInstance a(int i, int j, boolean flag) { long k = (long) i + 2147483647L | (long) j + 2147483647L << 32; PlayerInstance playerinstance = (PlayerInstance) this.b.a(k); if (playerinstance == null && flag) { playerinstance = new PlayerInstance(this, i, j); this.b.a(k, playerinstance); } return playerinstance; } public void flagDirty(int i, int j, int k) { int l = i >> 4; int i1 = k >> 4; PlayerInstance playerinstance = this.a(l, i1, false); if (playerinstance != null) { playerinstance.a(i & 15, j, k & 15); } } public void addPlayer(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { int i = (int) entityplayer.locX >> 4; int j = (int) entityplayer.locZ >> 4; entityplayer.d = entityplayer.locX; entityplayer.e = entityplayer.locZ; int k = 0; int l = entityplayer.getViewDistance(); // CraftBukkit - use per-player view distance rather than this.f; int i1 = 0; int j1 = 0; this.a(i, j, true).a(entityplayer); int k1; for (k1 = 1; k1 <= l * 2; ++k1) { for (int l1 = 0; l1 < 2; ++l1) { int[] aint = this.g[k++ % 4]; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < k1; ++i2) { i1 += aint[0]; j1 += aint[1]; this.a(i + i1, j + j1, true).a(entityplayer); } } } k %= 4; for (k1 = 0; k1 < l * 2; ++k1) { i1 += this.g[k][0]; j1 += this.g[k][1]; this.a(i + i1, j + j1, true).a(entityplayer); } this.managedPlayers.add(entityplayer); } public void removePlayer(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { int i = (int) entityplayer.d >> 4; int j = (int) entityplayer.e >> 4; // CraftBukkit start - use per-player view distance instead of this.f int viewDistance = entityplayer.getViewDistance(); for (int k = i - viewDistance; k <= i + viewDistance; ++k) { for (int l = j - viewDistance; l <= j + viewDistance; ++l) { // CraftBukkit end PlayerInstance playerinstance = this.a(k, l, false); if (playerinstance != null) { playerinstance.b(entityplayer); } } } this.managedPlayers.remove(entityplayer); } // CraftBukkit start - changed signature to take a reference to a player. Allows for per-player view distance checks private boolean a(int viewDistance, int i, int j, int k, int l) { int i1 = i - k; int j1 = j - l; return i1 >= -viewDistance && i1 <= viewDistance ? j1 >= -viewDistance && j1 <= viewDistance : false; // CraftBukkit - use per-player view distance } // CraftBukkit end public void movePlayer(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { int i = (int) entityplayer.locX >> 4; int j = (int) entityplayer.locZ >> 4; double d0 = entityplayer.d - entityplayer.locX; double d1 = entityplayer.e - entityplayer.locZ; double d2 = d0 * d0 + d1 * d1; if (d2 >= 64.0D) { int k = (int) entityplayer.d >> 4; int l = (int) entityplayer.e >> 4; int i1 = i - k; int j1 = j - l; if (i1 != 0 || j1 != 0) { // CraftBukkit start - use per-player view distance instead of this.f int viewDistance = entityplayer.getViewDistance(); for (int k1 = i - viewDistance; k1 <= i + viewDistance; ++k1) { for (int l1 = j - viewDistance; l1 <= j + viewDistance; ++l1) { if (!this.a(viewDistance, k1, l1, k, l)) { // CraftBukkit - use per-player view distance this.a(k1, l1, true).a(entityplayer); } if (!this.a(viewDistance, k1 - i1, l1 - j1, i, j)) { // CraftBukkit - use per-player view distance // CraftBukkit end PlayerInstance playerinstance = this.a(k1 - i1, l1 - j1, false); if (playerinstance != null) { playerinstance.b(entityplayer); } } } } entityplayer.d = entityplayer.locX; entityplayer.e = entityplayer.locZ; // CraftBukkit start - send nearest chunks first if (i1 > 1 || i1 < -1 || j1 > 1 || j1 < -1) { final int x = i; final int z = j; List chunksToSend = entityplayer.chunkCoordIntPairQueue; java.util.Collections.sort(chunksToSend, new java.util.Comparator() { public int compare(ChunkCoordIntPair a, ChunkCoordIntPair b) { return Math.max(Math.abs(a.x - x), Math.abs(a.z - z)) - Math.max(Math.abs(b.x - x), Math.abs(b.z - z)); } }); } // CraftBukkit end } } } public int getFurthestViewableBlock() { return this.f * 16 - 16; } static PlayerList a(PlayerManager playermanager) { return playermanager.b; } static List b(PlayerManager playermanager) { return playermanager.c; } // CraftBukkit start /** * This method will update references of the EntityPlayer to ensure they are being sent all and only those chunks they can see. * Note that no attempt is made in this method to track the distance viewable. As such, care should be taken to ensure the * EntityPlayer could indeed see as far previously as you have specified. * * If the chunks which the EntityPlayer can see changes, chunks will be added or removed in a spiral fashion. * @param entityPlayer the EntityPlayer to update * @param oldViewDistance the previous distance they could see * @param newViewDistance the new distance they can see */ public void updatePlayerViewDistance(EntityPlayer entityPlayer, int oldViewDistance, int newViewDistance) { if (oldViewDistance == newViewDistance) { return; } int chunkX = (int) entityPlayer.locX >> 4; int chunkZ = (int) entityPlayer.locZ >> 4; entityPlayer.d = entityPlayer.locX; // set the 'last known' position entityPlayer.e = entityPlayer.locZ; // Going to add/remove players from player-chunk maps in a spiral fashion // This will send players new chunks they don't have, as well as stop sending chunks they shouldn't have // We move in an anticlockwise fashion, and can start at any of the four corners // 0 is [-1,-1]; 1 is [1,-1]; 2 is [1,1]; 3 is [-1,1]; int corner = 2; // TODO use the direction the player is facing to determine best start corner int xStartOffset = this.g[(corner+3)%4][(corner+1)%2]; // calculate which offset to use based on corner we start in int zStartOffset = this.g[(corner+2)%4][corner%2]; int deltaX; int deltaZ; int loop; int loopStart; if (newViewDistance < oldViewDistance) { // Remove player from outer chunk loops in player-chunk map loopStart = oldViewDistance; for (loop = loopStart, deltaX = xStartOffset*loopStart, deltaZ = zStartOffset*loopStart; loop > newViewDistance; --loop, deltaX-=xStartOffset, deltaZ-=zStartOffset) { for (int edge = 0; edge < 4; ++edge) { int[] direction = this.g[corner++ % 4]; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < loop*2; ++i2) { deltaX += direction[0]; deltaZ += direction[1]; this.removePlayerFromChunk(entityPlayer, chunkX + deltaX, chunkZ + deltaZ); } } } } else if (newViewDistance > oldViewDistance) { // Add player to outer chunk loops in player-chunk map loopStart = oldViewDistance + 1; // start adding outside the current outer loop for (loop = loopStart, deltaX = xStartOffset*loopStart, deltaZ = zStartOffset*loopStart; loop <= newViewDistance; ++loop, deltaX+=xStartOffset, deltaZ+=zStartOffset) { for (int edge = 0; edge < 4; ++edge) { int[] direction = this.g[corner++ % 4]; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < loop*2; ++i2) { deltaX += direction[0]; deltaZ += direction[1]; this.addPlayerToChunk(entityPlayer, chunkX + deltaX, chunkZ + deltaZ); } } } } } private void removePlayerFromChunk(EntityPlayer entityPlayer, int chunkX, int chunkZ) { PlayerInstance chunkPlayerMap = this.a(chunkX, chunkZ, false); // get the chunk-player map for this chunk, don't create it if it doesn't exist yet if (chunkPlayerMap != null) { chunkPlayerMap.b(entityPlayer); // if the chunk-player map exists, remove the player from it. } } private void addPlayerToChunk(EntityPlayer entityPlayer, int chunkX, int chunkZ) { PlayerInstance chunkPlayerMap = this.a(chunkX, chunkZ, true); // get the chunk-player map for this chunk, create it if it doesn't exist yet chunkPlayerMap.a(entityPlayer); // add the player to the chunk-player map } // CraftBukkit end }