package org.bukkit; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.bukkit.command.CommandException; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender; import org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType; import; import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory; import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.Recipe; import; import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager; import org.bukkit.plugin.ServicesManager; import org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.Messenger; import org.bukkit.plugin.messaging.PluginMessageRecipient; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitScheduler; import com.avaje.ebean.config.ServerConfig; /** * Represents a server implementation */ public interface Server extends PluginMessageRecipient { /** * Used for all administrative messages, such as an operator using a command. *

* For use in {@link #broadcast(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)} */ public static final String BROADCAST_CHANNEL_ADMINISTRATIVE = "bukkit.broadcast.admin"; /** * Used for all announcement messages, such as informing users that a player has joined. *

* For use in {@link #broadcast(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)} */ public static final String BROADCAST_CHANNEL_USERS = "bukkit.broadcast.user"; /** * Gets the name of this server implementation * * @return name of this server implementation */ public String getName(); /** * Gets the version string of this server implementation. * * @return version of this server implementation */ public String getVersion(); /** * Gets the Bukkit version that this server is running. * * @return Version of Bukkit */ public String getBukkitVersion(); /** * Gets a list of all currently logged in players * * @return An array of Players that are currently online */ public Player[] getOnlinePlayers(); /** * Get the maximum amount of players which can login to this server * * @return The amount of players this server allows */ public int getMaxPlayers(); /** * Get the game port that the server runs on * * @return The port number of this server */ public int getPort(); /** * Get the view distance from this server. * * @return The view distance from this server. */ public int getViewDistance(); /** * Get the IP that this server is bound to or empty string if not specified * * @return The IP string that this server is bound to, otherwise empty string */ public String getIp(); /** * Get the name of this server * * @return The name of this server */ public String getServerName(); /** * Get an ID of this server. The ID is a simple generally alphanumeric * ID that can be used for uniquely identifying this server. * * @return The ID of this server */ public String getServerId(); /** * Get world type (level-type setting) for default world * * @return The value of level-type (e.g. DEFAULT, FLAT, DEFAULT_1_1) */ public String getWorldType(); /** * Get generate-structures setting * * @return true if structure generation is enabled, false if not */ public boolean getGenerateStructures(); /** * Gets whether this server allows the End or not. * * @return Whether this server allows the End or not. */ public boolean getAllowEnd(); /** * Gets whether this server allows the Nether or not. * * @return Whether this server allows the Nether or not. */ public boolean getAllowNether(); /** * Gets whether this server has a whitelist or not. * * @return Whether this server has a whitelist or not. */ public boolean hasWhitelist(); /** * Sets the whitelist on or off * * @param value true if whitelist is on, otherwise false */ public void setWhitelist(boolean value); /** * Gets a list of whitelisted players * * @return Set containing all whitelisted players */ public Set getWhitelistedPlayers(); /** * Reloads the whitelist from disk */ public void reloadWhitelist(); /** * Broadcast a message to all players. *

* This is the same as calling {@link #broadcast(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)} to {@link #BROADCAST_CHANNEL_USERS} * * @param message the message * @return the number of players */ public int broadcastMessage(String message); /** * Gets the name of the update folder. The update folder is used to safely update * plugins at the right moment on a plugin load. *

* The update folder name is relative to the plugins folder. * * @return The name of the update folder */ public String getUpdateFolder(); /** * Gets the update folder. The update folder is used to safely update * plugins at the right moment on a plugin load. * * @return The name of the update folder */ public File getUpdateFolderFile(); /** * Gets the value of the connection throttle setting * * @return the value of the connection throttle setting */ public long getConnectionThrottle(); /** * Gets default ticks per animal spawns value *

* Example Usage: *


* Note: * If set to 0, animal spawning will be disabled. We recommend using spawn-animals to control this instead. *

* Minecraft default: 400. * * @return The default ticks per animal spawns value */ public int getTicksPerAnimalSpawns(); /** * Gets the default ticks per monster spawns value *

* Example Usage: *


* Note: * If set to 0, monsters spawning will be disabled. We recommend using spawn-monsters to control this instead. *

* Minecraft default: 1. * * @return The default ticks per monsters spawn value */ public int getTicksPerMonsterSpawns(); /** * Gets a player object by the given username *

* This method may not return objects for offline players * * @param name Name to look up * @return Player if it was found, otherwise null */ public Player getPlayer(String name); /** * Gets the player with the exact given name, case insensitive * * @param name Exact name of the player to retrieve * @return Player object or null if not found */ public Player getPlayerExact(String name); /** * Attempts to match any players with the given name, and returns a list * of all possibly matches *

* This list is not sorted in any particular order. If an exact match is found, * the returned list will only contain a single result. * * @param name Name to match * @return List of all possible players */ public List matchPlayer(String name); /** * Gets the PluginManager for interfacing with plugins * * @return PluginManager for this Server instance */ public PluginManager getPluginManager(); /** * Gets the Scheduler for managing scheduled events * * @return Scheduler for this Server instance */ public BukkitScheduler getScheduler(); /** * Gets a services manager * * @return Services manager */ public ServicesManager getServicesManager(); /** * Gets a list of all worlds on this server * * @return A list of worlds */ public List getWorlds(); /** * Creates or loads a world with the given name using the specified options. *

* If the world is already loaded, it will just return the equivalent of * getWorld( * * @param creator The options to use when creating the world. * @return Newly created or loaded world */ public World createWorld(WorldCreator creator); /** * Unloads a world with the given name. * * @param name Name of the world to unload * @param save Whether to save the chunks before unloading. * @return Whether the action was Successful */ public boolean unloadWorld(String name, boolean save); /** * Unloads the given world. * * @param world The world to unload * @param save Whether to save the chunks before unloading. * @return Whether the action was Successful */ public boolean unloadWorld(World world, boolean save); /** * Gets the world with the given name * * @param name Name of the world to retrieve * @return World with the given name, or null if none exists */ public World getWorld(String name); /** * Gets the world from the given Unique ID * * @param uid Unique ID of the world to retrieve. * @return World with the given Unique ID, or null if none exists. */ public World getWorld(UUID uid); /** * Gets the map from the given item ID. * * @param id ID of the map to get. * @return The MapView if it exists, or null otherwise. */ public MapView getMap(short id); /** * Create a new map with an automatically assigned ID. * * @param world The world the map will belong to. * @return The MapView just created. */ public MapView createMap(World world); /** * Reloads the server, refreshing settings and plugin information */ public void reload(); /** * Returns the primary logger associated with this server instance * * @return Logger associated with this server */ public Logger getLogger(); /** * Gets a {@link PluginCommand} with the given name or alias * * @param name Name of the command to retrieve * @return PluginCommand if found, otherwise null */ public PluginCommand getPluginCommand(String name); /** * Writes loaded players to disk */ public void savePlayers(); /** * Dispatches a command on the server, and executes it if found. * * @param sender The apparent sender of the command * @param commandLine command + arguments. Example: "test abc 123" * @return returns false if no target is found. * @throws CommandException Thrown when the executor for the given command fails with an unhandled exception */ public boolean dispatchCommand(CommandSender sender, String commandLine) throws CommandException; /** * Populates a given {@link ServerConfig} with values attributes to this server * * @param config ServerConfig to populate */ public void configureDbConfig(ServerConfig config); /** * Adds a recipe to the crafting manager. * * @param recipe The recipe to add. * @return True if the recipe was added, false if it wasn't for some reason. */ public boolean addRecipe(Recipe recipe); /** * Get a list of all recipes for a given item. The stack size is ignored in comparisons. * If the durability is -1, it will match any data value. * * @param result The item whose recipes you want * @return The list of recipes */ public List getRecipesFor(ItemStack result); /** * Get an iterator through the list of crafting recipes. * * @return The iterator. */ public Iterator recipeIterator(); /** * Clears the list of crafting recipes. */ public void clearRecipes(); /** * Resets the list of crafting recipes to the default. */ public void resetRecipes(); /** * Gets a list of command aliases defined in the server properties. * * @return Map of aliases to command names */ public Map getCommandAliases(); /** * Gets the radius, in blocks, around each worlds spawn point to protect * * @return Spawn radius, or 0 if none */ public int getSpawnRadius(); /** * Sets the radius, in blocks, around each worlds spawn point to protect * * @param value New spawn radius, or 0 if none */ public void setSpawnRadius(int value); /** * Gets whether the Server is in online mode or not. * * @return Whether the server is in online mode. */ public boolean getOnlineMode(); /** * Gets whether this server allows flying or not. * * @return Whether this server allows flying or not. */ public boolean getAllowFlight(); /** * Gets whether to use vanilla (false) or exact behaviour (true). * * Vanilla behaviour: check for collisions and move the player if needed. * Exact behaviour: spawn players exactly where they should be. * * @return Whether to use vanilla (false) or exact behaviour (true). */ public boolean useExactLoginLocation(); /** * Shutdowns the server, stopping everything. */ public void shutdown(); /** * Broadcasts the specified message to every user with the given permission * * @param message Message to broadcast * @param permission Permission the users must have to receive the broadcast * @return Amount of users who received the message */ public int broadcast(String message, String permission); /** * Gets the player by the given name, regardless if they are offline or online. *

* This will return an object even if the player does not exist. To this method, all players will exist. * * @param name Name of the player to retrieve * @return OfflinePlayer object */ public OfflinePlayer getOfflinePlayer(String name); /** * Gets a set containing all current IPs that are banned * * @return Set containing banned IP addresses */ public Set getIPBans(); /** * Bans the specified address from the server * * @param address IP address to ban */ public void banIP(String address); /** * Unbans the specified address from the server * * @param address IP address to unban */ public void unbanIP(String address); /** * Gets a set containing all banned players * * @return Set containing banned players */ public Set getBannedPlayers(); /** * Gets a set containing all player operators * * @return Set containing player operators */ public Set getOperators(); /** * Gets the default {@link GameMode} for new players * * @return Default game mode */ public GameMode getDefaultGameMode(); /** * Sets the default {@link GameMode} for new players * * @param mode New game mode */ public void setDefaultGameMode(GameMode mode); /** * Gets the {@link ConsoleCommandSender} that may be used as an input source * for this server. * * @return The Console CommandSender */ public ConsoleCommandSender getConsoleSender(); /** * Gets the folder that contains all of the various {@link World}s. * * @return World container folder */ public File getWorldContainer(); /** * Gets every player that has ever played on this server. * * @return Array containing all players */ public OfflinePlayer[] getOfflinePlayers(); /** * Gets the {@link Messenger} responsible for this server. * * @return Messenger responsible for this server. */ public Messenger getMessenger(); /** * Gets the {@link HelpMap} providing help topics for this server. * * @return The server's HelpMap. */ public HelpMap getHelpMap(); /** * Creates an empty inventory of the specified type. If the type is {@link InventoryType#CHEST}, * the new inventory has a size of 27; otherwise the new inventory has the normal size for * its type. * @param owner The holder of the inventory; can be null if there's no holder. * @param type The type of inventory to create. * @return The new inventory. */ Inventory createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, InventoryType type); /** * Creates an empty inventory of type {@link InventoryType#CHEST} with the specified size. * @param owner The holder of the inventory; can be null if there's no holder. * @param size The size of inventory to create; must be a multiple of 9. * @return The new inventory. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the size is not a multiple of 9. */ Inventory createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, int size); /** * Creates an empty inventory of type {@link InventoryType#CHEST} with the specified size and title. * @param owner The holder of the inventory; can be null if there's no holder. * @param size The size of inventory to create; must be a multiple of 9. * @param title The title of the inventory, to be displayed when it is viewed. * @return The new inventory. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the size is not a multiple of 9. */ Inventory createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, int size, String title); /** * Gets user-specified limit for number of monsters that can spawn in a chunk * @returns The monster spawn limit */ int getMonsterSpawnLimit(); /** * Gets user-specified limit for number of animals that can spawn in a chunk * @returns The animal spawn limit */ int getAnimalSpawnLimit(); /** * Gets user-specified limit for number of water animals that can spawn in a chunk * @returns The water animal spawn limit */ int getWaterAnimalSpawnLimit(); /** * Returns true if the current {@link Thread} is the server's primary thread */ boolean isPrimaryThread(); }