This commit restores that behaviour
You may be asking yourself why we are completely ignoring any errors which come this far down the pipeline.
The answer is quite simple:
Mojang did it
The default Mojang pipeline doesn't have any ChannelOutboundHandlerAdapter or similar instances, and thus nothing to handle exceptionCaught
So when a channel.write() or channel.flush() fails, the error message is actually just passed straight to the future provided.
It is then subsequently discarded, the channel closed, and no one except the user was any the wiser it actually happened!
Unfortunately for us, the default exceptionCaught in this class sends a blaring warning to the server admins indicating that it couldn't send a packet to a disconnected user!
We don't care about these warnings, if we did something wrong to disconnect the user, it is already logged in the proper location, as are broken sockets
tl;dr no need to blare warnings on each write to a broken socket
Sort chunks a final time before sending. This gives the advantage that chunks will load as close to the player as they possibly can, and then move out, as well as increase the cache hit rate when using smaller bulk chunk limits such as the default of 5.