Limit a single entity to colliding a max of configurable times per tick.
This will alleviate issues where living entities are hoarded in 1x1 pens
This is not tied to the maxEntityCramming rule. Cramming will still apply
just as it does in Vanilla, but entity pushing logic will be capped.
You can set this to 0 to disable collisions.
Use -1 to represent vanilla/unlimited.
Updated PaperWorldConfig to also update the individual worlds limit if it was set
to the new default value.
Should hopefully help #235
Provides an API to control the loot table for an object.
Also provides a feature that any Lootable Inventory (Chests in Structures)
can automatically replenish after a given time.
This feature is good for long term worlds so that newer players
do not suffer with "Every chest has been looted"
API and Event added to control the Auto Replenish feature for players.