When an array of an inventory's contents is requested, we loop through the contents of the NMS inventory's ItemStacks in order to return Bukkit ItemStacks that can be used through the API. However, the NMS ItemStack can, in some cases, be larger than the physical size of the inventory. Using the size of the NMS array as a limit on the loop that follows can result in an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException because the Bukkit array's length is the actual size of the inventory, and thus will be smaller.
With this commit we use the smaller of the two arrays' length as the limit in the loop, thus eliminating the possibility that the smaller array will be asked for an index higher than its length.
When a block placement happens we currently update physics on the
attempted placement and update again if the placement is cancelled.
To correct the first one we simply set the block without applying
physics. To correct the second we have to add a new method to
BlockState that lets us update without applying physics and use
this method method when putting the block back.
Without this check, any non-null reference to a plugin is considered
'valid' for registering a task in the scheduler. This is obviously
unintentional behavior and has been changed to throw an
IllegalPluginAccessException. It is now consistent with the
SimplePluginManager event registration contract.
This in affect also addresses BUKKIT-3950 for uninitialized plugin
references (ones without a description).
Large chests work in a different fashion as they are a combination of
two other inventories. This causes their getOwner method to always return
null as their is no correct return. To compensate for this for the hopper
events we special case them to use their CraftBukkit counterpart that has
the information we need for the event.
When a splash potion has no applicable effects we currently do not call
PotionSplashEvent. This means plugins are unable to make custom
potions with reliable splash handling as they have to relicate the
functionality themselves.
With this commit we simply make the event fire regardless of the effects
on the potion.
When cloning an item, all references are copied to the new item. For
collections, this makes internal changes become visible in both the old and
new items.
In CraftMetaItem, clone was not making copies of the appropriate collections
and has been fixed for non-null values.
In CraftMetaEnchantedBook and CraftMetaPotion, clone was using possible empty
collection references and has been changed to explicitly null-check instead.
I should try to compile before I say "this change is okay".
I should try to compile before I say "this change is okay".
I should try to compile before I say "this change is okay".
I should try to compile before I say "this change is okay".
for i in range(100)
This causes the server to generate PrepareItemEnchantEvent even in the
case that an item is already enchanted or otherwise would normally not
be enchantable.
The client resets all formatting after a color code is received, but currently the ANSI codes do not, and so the console does not accurately reflect the appearance of the formatted text. Instead, the ANSI color codes are now set to reset all text attributes.
Currently when dealing with physical interactions with pressure plates
and tripwires we immediately block their activation as soon as a single
entity involved has their event cancelled. We also fire events whenever
an entity intersects the block a wooden button is in even if they aren't
actually pressing it. To correct this we move the button interaction to
the correct place and modify all three to only block the activation if
every entity is blocked from using them instead of just one of them.
CraftServer methods that implement the Server interface will throw an
IllegalArgumentException if a method cannot operate on a null input
and given a null pointer.
This causes methods to fail early and identify that a plugin is
responsible for passing in an invalid argument. This will only
change the exception thrown, if there originally was a thrown
exception. This helps with hunting down legitimate problems
with CraftBukkit.
If the server changes the weather it will set the per-player weather
variable and future changes will not apply. We should only set this
variable when a plugin is requesting per-player weather and not when
the server it doing it.
We used to fall Item.filterData() for this but that method is meant for
converting item data to block data during placement and does the wrong
thing for this case. Instead we just see if the item should have data and
if not set it to zero. We also have to filter wool data explicitly because
clients crash when given invalid wool data.
In Minecraft 1.5 saplings do not grow with a single use of bonemeal anymore.
Our code assumes they will and only takes away bonemeal from the player
when the tree grows successfully (not cancelled by a plugin). Instead we
now always remove a bonemeal even if a plugin is the reason a tree didn't
grow as this matches the vanilla logic more closely.
If a custom TravelAgent is used and returns null for findOrCreate method
a NullPointerException will occur.
Currently, CraftTravelAgent will call s() on the passed-in WorldServer in order to set DEFAULT. However, s() will always return null at this point, because WorldServer.P will still be null, as it is set after the constructor is called. Instead, we set CraftTravelAgent.DEFAULT to the instance that is being constructed.
Recent changes caused PlayerPortalEvent to suddenly return null
unexpectedly and could end up in NPEs resulting that did not before.
This commit addresses that situation by always ensuring a TravelAgent
instance is returned.
The TravelAgent for world 0 is returned arbitrarily in an effort to
compensate for plugins that are implementation dependent and expect some
form of a TravelAgent to be accessible in the event at all times.
Vanilla does not check for blocks in which the player could
suffocate when changing dimension, so portals will happily spawn
players in blocks when using a portal under certain
circumstances. However, we currently check for these instances
and move the player up until they will not suffocate. This means
that players can sometimes be taken to above the target portal,
making it seem as if a portal was not created. Instead, we now
disable this suffocation check when moveToWorld is called from
changeDimension, mirroring vanilla behavior more accurately.
Due to the having to generate new logic to avoid using the customized
PlayerConnection.moveToWorld, entities returning from The End were not
properly calculating their exit target. This commit corrects that
By having a single function to process BlockPlacement logic, we make
it so that there is consistent behavior throughout all BlockPlace
events. This should allow for easier troubleshooting and less diffs
in source.
This also fixes BUKKIT-3463 by including the correct coordinates that
were clicked to the event.
Also fixes: BUKKIT-3477 and BUKKIT-3488
Minecraft likes to double check that tile entities get set after they
are placed, however we didn't set tile entities until after our event
was called. This caused the world to have multiple tile entities in a
single block location; to fix this we now set tile entities before
the event.