Prior to this commit, a player disconnected during a respawn event would
remain in memory. This causes a ghosting issue of players in the slot
count and player list, as well as a reference leak.
This commit avoids re-adding the player to the player list (and world) if
they are disconnected. This ensures that the remainder of the respawn
logic is completed as well as ensuring a duplicate player is not left on
the server.
This commit also saves the player's file at the end of the method if they
have been disconnected to ensure that their next login is accurate to the
respawn event's actions. A player that was revived and disconnected will
reconnect as revived.
Currently we use the async chunk loading system only when players trigger
chunk loading. If a chunk is loaded for any other reason it goes through
a separate codepath. This means if a player has trigged a chunk load and
before the chunk loads something else wants the same chunk we will load it
twice and throw away the second result. With this change we instead use
the sync processing feature of the AsynchronousExecutor to load the chunk
which will pull it out of the queue if it was already queued to load. This
means we only ever load a chunk once. Because chunk generation is not
thread safe we still fallback to the vanilla chunk loading system if the
chunk does not currently exist.
Previously we attempted to call interact events in cases that were missing
by modifying the arm swing logic. This, however, was too broad and started
triggering events in cases we already covered leading to duplicates. Since
the only case we can handle cleanly and the primary point of the previous
fix was fluids we now instead simply treat fluids as air for this check.
This also ensures we do not get duplicate events when the player is in a
fluid and hits a normal block, unlike the previous change.
This reverts commit 68b702f7 and replaces it with a better fix.
The block obtained and stored within the block object higher up does not
reflect the block at the location being hit, rather it is the air block
the arrow was previously in. Thusly when the variable is used to check
if the arrow is still in the block, it fails.
Because EntityFireball.setDirection() adds a random offset to passed
parameters, it is not appropriate for use in an API method. As such,
the values need to be directly set to remain accurate.
Previously, trying to launch a ThrownExpBottle or Fish projectile would
result in an IllegalArgumentException. This commit adds support for both
ThrownExpBottle and Fish, which means that all current projectiles are
now properly supported by this method.
Previously, if an error occurred during CraftServer initialization before the
logger was instantiated, it would cause an NPE and the server would never
finish loading properly. By instantiating the logger before attempting to
load anything else in CraftServer, we ensure that a logger will always be
available in the case of any errors.
In 1.7, Minecraft changed Weighted Pressure Plates to allow players and
entities to interact with them, rather than simply changing redstone signal
based on the number of items on the pressure plate. This commit adds calls to
PlayerInteractEvent or EntityInteractEvent for every entity that steps on the
ItemStacks do not stack if one has null for a tag, while the other has an
empty tag. In CraftItemStack, if you set an item to an empty ItemMeta, it
will create an empty tag for the internal ItemStack.
This changes the setItemMeta function to check for empty meta, and then
use null for the tag instead of an empty NBTTagCompound.
The method being called was renamed during the 1.4.2 update process
but the function call was not replaced accordingly, leading to a
missed diff from 314051580a0a8e4745d3a539f232b552916eb302.
Damage caused by explosions will return null for the event as of
6588d6f72bbca74bf150de65593ac575b846111b. As such, a null check is
now necessary when handling non-living entity damage events.
When falling back to vanilla recipes in the iteration of recipes,
a check is necessary to ensure that vanilla recipes are present.
RecipeIterator has been modified to account for the multi-map setup.
In commit f94b7af8 I delay removing the block until after running the
block's cleanup code to avoid errors. However, this causes problems of
its own due to blocks not being written with this in mind. To avoid blocks
getting recursively removed we now only delay removing containers since
they are the only ones we had problems with to begin with.
When setting a block the server sets the new block ID, calls the cleanup
on the old block, then calls the placement logic for the new block. This
would normally work correctly but we have logic to prevent errors that is
causing one here. When trying to clean up the old block we notice the block
ID has changed and try to fix things, this causes the cleanup logic to
fail. To ensure cleanup happens correctly we now do all the cleanup before
changing the block which avoids triggering the fixup code.
Due to vanilla blanket comparing data values, and the unspecified
order of hashmap iterators, we need to run through custom recipes
first, and therefore separately, to ensure that they are actually
used. By not adding the custom results to the experience table, we do
not override the experience gains from vanilla smelting recipes.
Setting a horse's passenger to a non-living entity will cause a
server crash when the horse ticks, we need to check that it is
a living entity before casting, and skip otherwise.
With the update in 1.7 that improved the server ping, it was made to
include a long version string for CraftBukkit. This value is too long
for proper display so we now send a shortened string consisting of
the server implementation and the minecraft version.
When we first added the reach limiter in CraftBukkit there was no
difference between how far the client could reach in vanilla while in
Survival or Creative. At some point in Minecraft's cycle Creative was
given a block extra to work with and our protection was not updated to
account for this. We need to respect the possibility of different game
modes in Minecraft providing the client with varying reach distances.
Due to an incorrect mapping of this method to a friendly name, we're
unfortunately calling the wrong method within EntityPlayer.reset() to
reset attributes. Instead of what we've mapped as "removeAllEffects", we
should be calling EntityLiving.aP(). This mapping should be corrected in
the next naming version.
In the CraftBlockState implementation, updating the blockstate onto
a block will force the block state data value onto the block.
Unlike vanilla which relied on block data being set when the type
changed, we must instead explicitely set the data in the blockstate.
Minecraft now uses resource packs instead of texture packs, which broke
the setTexturePack method, as the client no longer listens on the MC|TPack
This commit fixes the issue by adding in a setResourcePack method, and by
deprecating setTexturePack and rewriting it to call the newly added
setResourcePack. In order to simplify the method and prevent this from
happening in the future, setResourcePack calls EntityPlayer.a(String) to use
the same logic as minecraft when sending resource packs.
In Minecraft 1.7, URL processing was removed from the client while the
server gained the ability to designate a URL to be launched in response to
clicking text. However, this functionality is not implemented in the
vanilla server. This commit adds that functionality to messages sent to
the client, processing URLs as clickable.
Additionally, char array iteration is replaced with regex.
When growing trees we use a BlockChangeDelegate which queues up the block
changes so plugins can modify/block/log tree growing. However, we always
check the actual world when checking for existing blocks. This means when
the tree growing code checks to see if putting a leaf in a block is valid
it may incorrectly overwrite a log block that should exist in that
location. To ensure trees grow correctly we now check the delegate itself
for blocks that match the queried location before checking the world.
Commit c576054539790bdeb35285f62863d74b48c0782d removed the chunklist
collection stored in ChunkProviderServer, however it has been partially
restored in some places by 7e1ac0a77129b169704c1e222ff2deb3ab6cd2d2. As
not all references to this were restored, this has caused the chunklist
and chunks collections to become out of sync, resulting in a memory leak.
This commit removes chunklist from ChunkProviderServer again.
When ItemDye is used to place a Cocoa Block, the postPlace() method
should not be called, as data is handled within the ItemDye class.
However, if Cocoa is placed via its block item, postPlace() should
still be called to mirror vanilla behavior.
Due to changes in the generation of trees, the name of the class responsible
for the generation of jungle trees has changed from WorldGenMegaTree to
WorldGenJungleTree. As such, references to WorldGenMegaTree need to be
updated to WorldGenJungleTree to generate the correct type of tree.
Pulled from PR #1277
Several sounds were renamed in Minecraft 1.7, and have been updated
accordingly. Additionally, two sounds, HURT and BREATH, were removed from
For Cocoa Blocks, Block.getDropType() returns the item form of the Cocoa
block, rather than the Cocoa Bean item. Because of this, Cocoa blocks need
to have explicit handling in order to return the proper drop contents.
Previously, due to the way that death events were called, Blazes only
fired death events when they dropped loot. This change fixes that,
enabling death events for Blazes whenever they die, regardless of loot
EnderDragons did not call an EntityTargetEvent when they
were targeting random players in the End. This commit
adds that event call into the targeting code.
Explosions directly caused by LivingEntities, such as creepers and tnt lit
by players, have their EntityDamageEvent explicitely handled within
the Explosion class. In order to prevent double events when damage
is handled for other DamageSources, we need return null for explosion
based damage sources.
The EntityLiving dealDamage method will not call an event for the
entity damage caused by an explosion without an associated
entity cause, therefore, the explosion caused by EnderCrystals
needs to be explicitely handled within the EnderDragon class.
Bukkits Visibility API should prevent players from seeing fall particles
of players that they cannot see. This commit alters the handling to
provide an EntityPlayer argument that is later used to determine if they
are visible.
We do ray tracing on arm swings to filter out swings that hit blocks since
punching blocks has its own event handling. However, some blocks cannot
be punched so the air interact type is still valid for them. Luckily
these blocks all have a means to query them so add an additional check
for this and don't fail the check for them.
This changes the logic for furnace smelt event to consider a result of
null (read: air / invalid), which will still consume an item. It also
properly considers item meta in the result, instead of only checking the
item data value.
Log4j takes a long time to load on startup. Before it loads, the server
appears to have frozen as there is no output until after. We now print
a loading message before this happens to let the user know the server
is actually working.
When pistons push/pull blocks they call Entity.move(float, float) to move
entities out of their path. For hanging entities this code path makes them
simply die and drop as an item. We now call an event in this scenario so
plugins can control this behavior.
Some types of damage are handled specially so do not end up returning an
event in handleEntityDamageEvent. To ensure we don't have problems with
these we need to check for them and simply ignore them, as they've been
handled already.
Calling this event allows plugins to react to the situation by simply
handling a normal damage event, possibly using existing code to
handle other entity damage.
Pulled from PR #1279
A vanilla server does a series of checks for the client black-listing
certain chat types (commands or chat). This change changes a CB
whitelist to the vanilla blacklist behavior.
This implements the detonate method from bukkit by setting the fuse
timer to 0. This makes a firework explode using the normal codepath,
but without waiting for the fuse.
The validation check in CraftMapView.render(CraftPlayer) filters out any
values less than 0. As of Minecraft 1.7, -128 through -113 are valid colors,
so filtering them out prevents some of the new colors from being sent.
This commit fixes the issue by adjusting the validation check to include
any values less than or equal to -113. As the minimum value for a byte is
-128, no invalid colors are included.
WorldGenerator setType and setTypeAndData have their arguments changed to
add in support for CraftBlockChangeDelegate, which changes the method
signature. This change in the method signature breaks any WorldGenerators
that aren't modified to use CraftBlockChangeDelegate.
This commit fixes the issue by readding the old method and maintaining the
CraftBlockChangeDelegate method. This makes it so that there is a
compatible method for both CraftBlockChangeDelegate WorldGenerators and
unmodified WorldGenerators.
Additionally, this commit reduces and corrects the diffs in
WorldGenerator, moving the fix for layering violations to
A Block object is now passed in place of the previous id value, so the
obfuscated name for all subsequent arguments was shifted. As such,
BlockCanBuildEvent was using the incorrect values for both the material
and the location of the event.
This is corrected by swapping the values into the correct order and
providing an id based upon the Block passed into the method.
CraftBukkit modifies the IRecipe interface, adding new methods, so all
classes that implement IRecipe need to be imported and modified to add the
new methods.
Extending ShapelessRecipes implements the added methods and allows
RecipeBookClone to work with the Recipes API in a way that is consistent
with similar recipes, even if the recipe information present in the API
isn't technically correct.
Adding or removing operators was mistakenly using a loose player lookup
method, which would cause a permission refreshes on an online player whos
name starts with the name of the (offline) opped player.
Add/Remove op operations are exact name match only and the permission
refresh will behave the same way.
Both log4j and our own jline/jansi initialization attempt to catch
errors caused by jansi's use of native libraries. However both of them use
the Exception type which does not catch all errors. On Windows Server 2008
R2 Enterprise without installing extra software the required C++ libraries
are not available which causes an error that does not extend Exception. To
ensure we catch all errors I've changed both of these to catch Throwable
instead which gets us a working console minus jansi functionality.
l previously was the block id, however Minecraft's refactoring means that
the method is now passed a Block reference rather than the id. l is now
the data value of the block, so the block retrieved with that value is not
the correct block to be testing.
Something the log4j ConsoleAppender does makes the console work correctly
on Windows. After trying to pull pieces of it out and run them manually
I decided to just put the appender back. We now once again start with the
ConsoleAppender then remove it immediately after starting.
WorldMapCollection stores scoreboard, map (item), structure, and
village information. Scoreboards are explicitly handled globally,
while villages and structures are erroneously shared.
This commit separates the WorldMapCollections to not be shared among
custom worlds. Maps are special-cased to maintain the previous shared
This change will print a warning when a plugin induces a forced save. A
player or console forcing a save (via a command) is ignored for purposes
of printing a warning.
When Minecraft first introduced an auto-save feature, we
were taken by surprise by how much of an impact it actually had on the performance
of the server. After investigating the potential causes of the significant
slow-downs we saw at the time, we came to the conclusion that it was a
combination of the auto-save interval being incredibly frequent and
servers already having an auto-save solution that was conflicting with the
newly added built-in one.
Since we noticed that most servers already had their own auto-save
solution, we decided to completely disable the built in auto-save by
default. In hindsight, however, we were so happy that we discovered and
squashed the cause of the performance issues that we forgot to consider
the future and, as a result, some servers have unfortunately been caught
by surprise when they ran their servers without any auto-save plugins.
Without the auto-save plugin conflict, however, Minecraft's default save
interval of 45 seconds is not suitable for the types of servers that run
Bukkit, to the point where it was negatively impacting performance. As
such, we've decided to re-enable the built in auto-save at an interval of
5 minutes for newly created servers.
The WorldMapCollection object for SecondaryWorldServers(Nether, End) is
shared with the main world, so saving it again for each SecondaryWorldServer
is redundant.
This commit removes the redundant call by checking if the WorldServer is an
instanceof SecondaryWorldServer before invoking worldMaps.a().
The recent Minecraft update rendered the
e20e50f85083dc53cb5456254bcf5781ef750daa fix incorrect by adding a
compound name to the base tag in some code. This fix changes all uses
of tag changes to explicitly use a name.
When a "uid.dat" file is corrupt (empty or <16 bytes), WorldNBTStorage
will silently fail to read and return null. Non-null behavior is
expected everywhere that this value is used.
This change will force a random UUID when the previous UUID cannot be
read, and getUUID to no longer silently ignore read/write exceptions.
This change adds the location and a more specific message to the
IllegalArgumentException that gets thrown when a hanging entity is being
spawned in a location that it cannot survive.
Opening a hopper inventory created by Server.createInventory will
currently have no effect as proper handling code is missing in
CraftEntityHuman for hopper inventories that aren't associated with a tile
entity or minecart. Initialization logic for hoppers is also missing from
CraftContainer, which is necessary for the opening of custom hopper
This commit fixes the two aforementioned by adding proper handling to
CraftHumanEntity for opening inventories not associated with a tile
entity, and by adding initialization logic for hoppers to CraftContainer.
Previously fires spawned by lightning strikes were in the wrong locations.
This introduced the possibility of having blocks replaced when they should
not be.
EntityLightning now uses the correct locations as defined to spawn the
fires when needed.
When an entity is being moved as the passenger of an entity from one
entity to another, a VehicleExitEvent is fired, but it is assumed that the
current entity is a Vehicle. However, entities can be passengers of more than
just Vehicles, which causes a ClassCastException to be thrown.
This commit fixes the issue by checking that the current entity's vehicle's
bukkitEntity is an instance of Vehicle before casting it to Vehicle.
Prior to this change when a plugin called Player.hasLineOfSite() the
method would always return false because EntityHuman does not extend
EntityInsentient. This commit changes that by explicitly checking for
line of sight between two entities and returning that value.
Maven paths that include spaces (and possible other characters) get
improperly translated when using a file handle from a URL. This changes
the unit test to open a stream directly from the URL, providing proper
file resolution on multiple platforms.
This commit removes chat wrapping. It is no longer needed, as clients
properly render lines with line breaks.
This commit also changes an outgoing chat message to use the vanilla
behavior for indicating a client cannot chat with commands-only setting.
If a plugin generates an exception when returning a world generator, the
server will crash. This change adds a try-catch block to keep the server
from crashing on plugin defined world generators.
Custom inventories currently do not validate the titles provided. Null values
cause NPEs when writing packets. Values longer than 32 characters
disconnect clients.
This change throws and IllegalArgumentException for null titles or titles
longer than 32 characters.
The unleash event is only called for animals that are sitting - ones that
receive no movement vector. This adds the missing event call for
non-sitting animals.
When only considering trackers from player perspective, attach entity
packet could be sent before a packet for a respective vehicle is in view
and will, in turn, be ignored.
This adds another notification when the vehicle comes into view to cover
all cases.
A method has been added to Player which allows the server to send a sound string to the client. Assuming the client has the specified sound, it will be played. This is needed by the implementation of the /playsound command.