diff --git a/patches/api/More-Projectile-API.patch b/patches/api/More-Projectile-API.patch index b45037da6a..d944bdf8c5 100644 --- a/patches/api/More-Projectile-API.patch +++ b/patches/api/More-Projectile-API.patch @@ -225,6 +225,41 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00000000000000000000000000000000 + * @param beenShot has been in shot into the world + */ + void setHasBeenShot(boolean beenShot); ++ ++ /** ++ * Gets whether this projectile can hit an entity. ++ *
++ * This method returns true under the following conditions: ++ *
++ * - The shooter can see the entity ({@link Player#canSee(Entity)})
++ * - The entity is alive and not a spectator
++ * - The projectile has left the hitbox of the shooter ({@link #hasLeftShooter()})
++ * - If this is an arrow with piercing, it has not pierced the entity already
++ *
++ * @param entity the entity to check if this projectile can hit
++ * @return true if this projectile can damage the entity, false otherwise
++ */
++ boolean canHitEntity(@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull Entity entity);
++ /**
++ * Makes this projectile hit a specific entity.
++ * This uses the current position of the projectile for the hit point.
++ * Using this method will result in {@link org.bukkit.event.entity.ProjectileHitEvent} being called.
++ * @param entity the entity to hit
++ * @see #hitEntity(Entity, org.bukkit.util.Vector)
++ * @see #canHitEntity(Entity)
++ */
++ void hitEntity(@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull Entity entity);
++ /**
++ * Makes this projectile hit a specific entity from a specific point.
++ * Using this method will result in {@link org.bukkit.event.entity.ProjectileHitEvent} being called.
++ * @param entity the entity to hit
++ * @param vector the direction to hit from
++ * @see #hitEntity(Entity)
++ * @see #canHitEntity(Entity)
++ */
++ void hitEntity(@org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull Entity entity, @org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull org.bukkit.util.Vector vector);
+ // Paper end
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/entity/ShulkerBullet.java b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/entity/ShulkerBullet.java
diff --git a/patches/server/Fix-cancelling-ProjectileHitEvent-for-piercing-arrow.patch b/patches/server/Fix-cancelling-ProjectileHitEvent-for-piercing-arrow.patch
index 8805b11086..9da51bd837 100644
--- a/patches/server/Fix-cancelling-ProjectileHitEvent-for-piercing-arrow.patch
+++ b/patches/server/Fix-cancelling-ProjectileHitEvent-for-piercing-arrow.patch
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00000000000000000000000000000000
+ // Paper start
+ @Override
-+ protected void preOnHit(HitResult hitResult) {
++ public void preOnHit(HitResult hitResult) {
+ super.preOnHit(hitResult);
+ if (hitResult instanceof EntityHitResult entityHitResult && this.hitCancelled && this.getPierceLevel() > 0) {
+ if (this.piercingIgnoreEntityIds == null) {
diff --git a/patches/server/More-Projectile-API.patch b/patches/server/More-Projectile-API.patch
index 207fcb2f15..a30f72f3a7 100644
--- a/patches/server/More-Projectile-API.patch
+++ b/patches/server/More-Projectile-API.patch
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ public net.minecraft.world.entity.projectile.AbstractArrow soundEvent
public net.minecraft.world.entity.projectile.ThrownTrident dealtDamage
public net.minecraft.world.entity.projectile.Projectile hasBeenShot
public net.minecraft.world.entity.projectile.Projectile leftOwner
+public net.minecraft.world.entity.projectile.Projectile preOnHit(Lnet/minecraft/world/phys/HitResult;)V
+public net.minecraft.world.entity.projectile.Projectile canHitEntity(Lnet/minecraft/world/entity/Entity;)Z
Co-authored-by: Nassim Jahnke