geforkt von Mirrors/Paper

pr command action fixes (#8591)

Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
Jake Potrebic 2022-11-23 19:14:41 -08:00 committet von GitHub
Ursprung 8aff07afb0
Commit b8919a7cc1
Es konnte kein GPG-Schlüssel zu dieser Signatur gefunden werden
GPG-Schlüssel-ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
2 geänderte Dateien mit 26 neuen und 14 gelöschten Zeilen

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@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ on:
# Only run on PRs if the source branch is on someone else's repo and the pr is not labeled with `build-pr-jar`
if: github.event_name != 'pull_request' || github.repository != github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name
# Run on all label events (won't be duplicated) or all push events or on PR syncs not from the same repo
if: (github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.event.action == 'labeled') || github.event_name != 'pull_request' || github.repository != github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name
runs-on: ubuntu-latest

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ jobs:
script: |
async function updatePR(owner, repo, issue_number, purpose, body) {
const { data } = await github.rest.issues.get({ owner, repo, issue_number });
core.info(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
core.debug(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
const marker = `<!-- bot: ${purpose} -->`;
@ -44,14 +44,26 @@ jobs:
const run_id = ${{ github.event.workflow_run.id }};
const repo_id = ${{ github.event.repository.id }};
const pull_requests = ${{ toJSON(github.event.workflow_run.pull_requests) }};
if (!pull_requests.length) {
let pulls = [];
const event_type = "${{ github.event.workflow_run.event}}";
if (event_type === "push") { // if push, it's from the same repo which means `pull_requests` is populated
pulls = ${{ toJSON(github.event.workflow_run.pull_requests) }};
} else {
const pr_branch = "${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_branch }}";
const pr_sha = "${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_sha }}";
const pr_owner = "${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_repository.owner.login }}";
const { data } = await github.rest.pulls.list({ owner, repo, head: `${pr_owner}:${pr_branch}`, state: "open" });
core.debug(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
pulls = data.filter((pr) => pr.head.sha === pr_sha && pr.labels.find((l) => l.name === "build-pr-jar"));
if (!pulls.length) {
return core.notice("This workflow doesn't have any pull requests!");
} else if (pulls.length > 1) {
core.info(JSON.stringify(pulls, null, 2));
return core.error("Found multiple matching PRs");
const pull_request = pull_requests.find((pr) => pr.base.repo.id === repo_id);
if (!pull_request) {
return core.notice("This workflow doesn't match any pull request!");
const pull_request = pulls[0];
const artifacts = await github.paginate(github.rest.actions.listWorkflowRunArtifacts, { owner, repo, run_id });
if (!artifacts.length) {