geforkt von Mirrors/Paper
more work on adventure codecs
Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
@ -17,24 +17,18 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00000000000000000000000000000000
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@
+package io.papermc.paper.adventure;
+import com.mojang.datafixers.util.Either;
+import com.mojang.serialization.Codec;
+import com.mojang.serialization.DataResult;
+import com.mojang.serialization.DynamicOps;
+import com.mojang.serialization.MapCodec;
+import com.mojang.serialization.MapLike;
+import com.mojang.serialization.RecordBuilder;
+import com.mojang.serialization.codecs.RecordCodecBuilder;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import java.util.function.Consumer;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import java.util.function.Supplier;
+import java.util.function.Predicate;
+import net.kyori.adventure.key.Key;
+import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component;
+import net.kyori.adventure.text.KeybindComponent;
@ -48,7 +42,6 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00000000000000000000000000000000
+import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.Style;
+import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.TextColor;
+import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.TextDecoration;
+import net.kyori.adventure.translation.GlobalTranslator;
+import net.minecraft.core.UUIDUtil;
+import net.minecraft.core.registries.BuiltInRegistries;
+import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag;
@ -66,15 +59,13 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00000000000000000000000000000000
+import org.intellij.lang.annotations.Subst;
+import static net.kyori.adventure.text.Component.text;
+import static net.minecraft.util.ExtraCodecs.recursive;
+import static net.minecraft.util.ExtraCodecs.strictOptionalField;
+public final class AdventureCodecs {
+ private static final MapCodec<Component> COMPONENT_MAP_CODEC = new RecursiveMapCodec<>("adventure Component", c -> createCodec(c, false));
+ public static final Codec<Component> COMPONENT_CODEC = indirectCodec(COMPONENT_MAP_CODEC.codec());
+ private static final MapCodec<Component> RENDERING_COMPONENT_MAP_CODEC = new RecursiveMapCodec<>("rendering adventure Component", c -> createCodec(c, true));
+ public static final Codec<Component> RENDERING_COMPONENT_CODEC = indirectCodec(RENDERING_COMPONENT_MAP_CODEC.codec());
+ public static final Codec<Component> COMPONENT_CODEC = recursive("adventure Component", AdventureCodecs::createCodec);
+ private static final Codec<TextColor> TEXT_COLOR_CODEC = Codec.STRING.comapFlatMap(s -> {
+ if (s.startsWith("#")) {
@ -209,107 +200,57 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00000000000000000000000000000000
+ return style -> Optional.ofNullable(getter.apply(style));
+ }
+ private static final MapCodec<TextComponent> TEXT_COMPONENT_CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.mapCodec((instance) -> {
+ private static final MapCodec<TextComponent> TEXT_COMPONENT_MAP_CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.mapCodec((instance) -> {
+ return"text").forGetter(TextComponent::content)).apply(instance, Component::text);
+ });
+ private static final Codec<Object> PRIMITIVE_ARG_CODEC = ExtraCodecs.validate(ExtraCodecs.JAVA, TranslatableContents::filterAllowedArguments);
+ private static Codec<Component> argCodec(final Codec<Component> componentCodec) {
+ return Codec.either(PRIMITIVE_ARG_CODEC, componentCodec).xmap((either) -> {
+ return -> {
+ if (object instanceof final Integer integer) {
+ return text(integer);
+ } else if (object instanceof final Long l) {
+ return text(l);
+ } else if (object instanceof final String s) {
+ return text(s);
+ } else if (object instanceof final Boolean bool) {
+ return text(bool);
+ } else if (object instanceof final Float f) {
+ return text(f);
+ } else if (object instanceof final Double d) {
+ return text(d);
+ } else if (object instanceof final Short s) {
+ return text(s);
+ } else {
+ throw new IllegalStateException();
+ }
+ }, (text) -> text);
+ private static final Codec<Component> ARG_CODEC = Codec.either(PRIMITIVE_ARG_CODEC, COMPONENT_CODEC).xmap((primitiveOrComponent) -> {
+ return -> text(String.valueOf(o)), Function.identity()); // just toString all primitives (not 100% correct to vanilla spec)
+ }, Either::right);
+ }
+ private static MapCodec<TranslatableComponent> translatableComponentCodec(final Codec<Component> componentCodec) {
+ return RecordCodecBuilder.mapCodec((instance) -> {
+ private static final MapCodec<TranslatableComponent> TRANSLATABLE_COMPONENT_MAP_CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.mapCodec((instance) -> {
+ return
+ Codec.STRING.fieldOf("translate").forGetter(TranslatableComponent::key),
+ Codec.STRING.optionalFieldOf("fallback").forGetter(nullableGetter(TranslatableComponent::fallback)),
+ strictOptionalField(argCodec(componentCodec).listOf(), "with").forGetter(c -> c.args().isEmpty() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(c.args()))
+ strictOptionalField(ARG_CODEC.listOf(), "with").forGetter(c -> c.args().isEmpty() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(c.args()))
+ ).apply(instance, (key, fallback, components) -> {
+ return Component.translatable(key, components.orElse(Collections.emptyList())).fallback(fallback.orElse(null));
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ private static MapCodec<TranslatableComponent> renderingTranslatableComponentCodec(final Codec<Component> componentCodec) {
+ return new MapCodec<>() {
+ @Override
+ public <T> Stream<T> keys(final DynamicOps<T> ops) {
+ return COMPONENT_MAP_CODEC.keys(ops);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public <T> DataResult<TranslatableComponent> decode(final DynamicOps<T> ops, final MapLike<T> input) {
+ return DataResult.error(() -> "Cannot decode using the rendering translatable component codec");
+ }
+ @Override
+ public <T> RecordBuilder<T> encode(final TranslatableComponent input, final DynamicOps<T> ops, final RecordBuilder<T> prefix) {
+ final Component rendered = GlobalTranslator.render(input, Locale.US); // TODO get player's locale somehow
+ return COMPONENT_MAP_CODEC.encode(rendered, ops, prefix); // all render-able translatables should be gone, safe to use the non-rendering codec
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ private static final MapCodec<KeybindComponent> KEYBIND_COMPONENT_CODEC = KeybindContents.CODEC.xmap(k -> Component.keybind(k.getName()), k -> new KeybindContents(k.keybind()));
+ private static final MapCodec<ScoreComponent> SCORE_COMPONENT_CODEC = ScoreContents.INNER_CODEC.xmap(s -> Component.score(s.getName(), s.getObjective()), s -> new ScoreContents(, s.objective()));
+ private static MapCodec<SelectorComponent> selectorComponentCodec(final Codec<Component> componentCodec) {
+ return RecordCodecBuilder.mapCodec((instance) -> {
+ private static final MapCodec<KeybindComponent> KEYBIND_COMPONENT_MAP_CODEC = KeybindContents.CODEC.xmap(k -> Component.keybind(k.getName()), k -> new KeybindContents(k.keybind()));
+ private static final MapCodec<ScoreComponent> SCORE_COMPONENT_MAP_CODEC = ScoreContents.INNER_CODEC.xmap(s -> Component.score(s.getName(), s.getObjective()), s -> new ScoreContents(, s.objective()));
+ private static final MapCodec<SelectorComponent> SELECTOR_COMPONENT_MAP_CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.mapCodec((instance) -> {
+ return
+ Codec.STRING.fieldOf("selector").forGetter(SelectorComponent::pattern),
+ strictOptionalField(componentCodec, "separator").forGetter(nullableGetter(SelectorComponent::separator))
+ strictOptionalField(COMPONENT_CODEC, "separator").forGetter(nullableGetter(SelectorComponent::separator))
+ ).apply(instance, (selector, component) -> Component.selector(selector, component.orElse(null)));
+ });
+ }
+ private record ComponentType<C extends Component>(Function<Codec<Component>, MapCodec<C>> codec, String id) implements StringRepresentable {
+ private record ComponentType<C extends Component>(MapCodec<C> codec, Predicate<Component> test, String id) implements StringRepresentable {
+ @Override
+ public String getSerializedName() {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ private static final ComponentType<TextComponent> PLAIN = new ComponentType<>($ -> TEXT_COMPONENT_CODEC, "text");
+ private static final ComponentType<TranslatableComponent> TRANSLATABLE = new ComponentType<>(AdventureCodecs::translatableComponentCodec, "translatable");
+ private static final ComponentType<TranslatableComponent> RENDERING_TRANSLATABLE = new ComponentType<>(AdventureCodecs::renderingTranslatableComponentCodec, "translatable");
+ private static final ComponentType<KeybindComponent> KEYBIND = new ComponentType<>($ -> KEYBIND_COMPONENT_CODEC, "keybind");
+ private static final ComponentType<ScoreComponent> SCORE = new ComponentType<>($ -> SCORE_COMPONENT_CODEC, "score");
+ private static final ComponentType<SelectorComponent> SELECTOR = new ComponentType<>(AdventureCodecs::selectorComponentCodec, "selector");
+ private static final ComponentType<TextComponent> PLAIN = new ComponentType<>(TEXT_COMPONENT_MAP_CODEC, TextComponent.class::isInstance, "text");
+ private static final ComponentType<TranslatableComponent> TRANSLATABLE = new ComponentType<>(TRANSLATABLE_COMPONENT_MAP_CODEC, TranslatableComponent.class::isInstance, "translatable");
+ private static final ComponentType<KeybindComponent> KEYBIND = new ComponentType<>(KEYBIND_COMPONENT_MAP_CODEC, KeybindComponent.class::isInstance, "keybind");
+ private static final ComponentType<ScoreComponent> SCORE = new ComponentType<>(SCORE_COMPONENT_MAP_CODEC, ScoreComponent.class::isInstance, "score");
+ private static final ComponentType<SelectorComponent> SELECTOR = new ComponentType<>(SELECTOR_COMPONENT_MAP_CODEC, SelectorComponent.class::isInstance, "selector");
+ private static MapCodec<Component> createCodec(final Codec<Component> selfCodec, final boolean renderTranslatables) {
+ final ComponentType<?>[] types = new ComponentType<?>[]{PLAIN, TRANSLATABLE, KEYBIND, SCORE};
+ final MapCodec<Component> legacyCodec = ComponentSerialization.createLegacyComponentMatcher(types, ct -> ct.codec().apply(selfCodec), component -> {
+ if (component instanceof TextComponent) {
+ return PLAIN;
+ } else if (component instanceof TranslatableComponent) {
+ return renderTranslatables ? RENDERING_TRANSLATABLE : TRANSLATABLE;
+ } else if (component instanceof KeybindComponent) {
+ return KEYBIND;
+ } else if (component instanceof ScoreComponent) {
+ return SCORE;
+ } else if (component instanceof SelectorComponent) {
+ return SELECTOR;
+ } else {
+ throw new IllegalStateException();
+ private static Codec<Component> createCodec(final Codec<Component> selfCodec) {
+ final ComponentType<?>[] types = new ComponentType<?>[]{PLAIN, TRANSLATABLE, KEYBIND, SCORE, SELECTOR};
+ final MapCodec<Component> legacyCodec = ComponentSerialization.createLegacyComponentMatcher(types, ComponentType::codec, component -> {
+ for (final ComponentType<?> type : types) {
+ if (type.test().test(component)) {
+ return type;
+ }
+ }
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected component type " + component);
+ }, "type");
+ return RecordCodecBuilder.mapCodec((instance) -> {
+ final Codec<Component> directCodec = RecordCodecBuilder.create((instance) -> {
+ return
+ legacyCodec.forGetter(Function.identity()),
+ strictOptionalField(ExtraCodecs.nonEmptyList(selfCodec.listOf()), "extra", List.of()).forGetter(Component::children),
@ -318,10 +259,8 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00000000000000000000000000000000
+ return;
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ private static Codec<Component> indirectCodec(final Codec<Component> selfCodec) {
+ return Codec.either(Codec.either(Codec.STRING, ExtraCodecs.nonEmptyList(selfCodec.listOf())), selfCodec).xmap((stringOrListOrComponent) -> {
+ return Codec.either(Codec.either(Codec.STRING, ExtraCodecs.nonEmptyList(selfCodec.listOf())), directCodec).xmap((stringOrListOrComponent) -> {
+ return ->, AdventureCodecs::createFromList), Function.identity());
+ }, (text) -> {
+ final @Nullable String string = tryCollapseToString(text);
@ -346,37 +285,6 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00000000000000000000000000000000
+ return component;
+ }
+ static class RecursiveMapCodec<T> extends MapCodec<T> {
+ private final String name;
+ private final Supplier<MapCodec<T>> wrapped;
+ RecursiveMapCodec(final String name, final Function<Codec<T>, MapCodec<T>> factory) {
+ = name;
+ this.wrapped = Suppliers.memoize(() -> factory.apply(this.codec()));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public <T1> Stream<T1> keys(final DynamicOps<T1> ops) {
+ return this.wrapped.get().keys(ops);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public <T1> DataResult<T> decode(final DynamicOps<T1> ops, final MapLike<T1> input) {
+ return this.wrapped.get().decode(ops, input);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public <T1> RecordBuilder<T1> encode(final T input, final DynamicOps<T1> ops, final RecordBuilder<T1> prefix) {
+ return this.wrapped.get().encode(input, ops, prefix);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return "RecursiveMapCodec[" + + "]";
+ }
+ }
+ private AdventureCodecs() {
+ }
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