geforkt von Mirrors/Paper
Add new setResourcePack method. Fixes BUKKIT-5015
Minecraft now uses resource packs instead of texture packs, which broke the setTexturePack method, as the client no longer listens on the MC|TPack channel. This commit fixes the issue by adding in a setResourcePack method, and by deprecating setTexturePack and rewriting it to call the newly added setResourcePack. In order to simplify the method and prevent this from happening in the future, setResourcePack calls EntityPlayer.a(String) to use the same logic as minecraft when sending resource packs.
Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
@ -880,12 +880,14 @@ public class CraftPlayer extends CraftHumanEntity implements Player {
public void setTexturePack(String url) {
public void setTexturePack(String url) {
Validate.notNull(url, "Texture pack URL cannot be null");
byte[] message = (url + "\0" + "16").getBytes();
Validate.isTrue(message.length <= Messenger.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, "Texture pack URL is too long");
public void setResourcePack(String url) {
Validate.notNull(url, "Resource pack URL cannot be null");
getHandle().playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutCustomPayload("MC|TPack", message));
getHandle().a(url); // should be setResourcePack
public void addChannel(String channel) {
public void addChannel(String channel) {
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