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2011-12-12 21:49:35 +00:00

328 Zeilen
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package net.minecraft.server;
public final class ItemStack {
public int count;
public int b;
public int id;
public NBTTagCompound tag;
private int damage;
public ItemStack(Block block) {
this(block, 1);
public ItemStack(Block block, int i) {
this(, i, 0);
public ItemStack(Block block, int i, int j) {
this(, i, j);
public ItemStack(Item item) {
this(, 1, 0);
public ItemStack(Item item, int i) {
this(, i, 0);
public ItemStack(Item item, int i, int j) {
this(, i, j);
public ItemStack(int i, int j, int k) {
this.count = 0; = i;
this.count = j;
this.setData(k); // CraftBukkit
// CraftBukkit - used to create a new ItemStack, specifying the enchantments at time of creation.
public ItemStack(int id, int count, int data, NBTTagList enchantments) {
this(id, count, data);
// taken from .addEnchantment
if (enchantments != null && Item.byId[].getMaxStackSize() == 1) {
if (this.tag == null) {
this.setTag(new NBTTagCompound());
this.tag.set("ench", enchantments.clone()); // modify this part to use passed in enchantments list
// CraftBukkit end
public static ItemStack a(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) {
ItemStack itemstack = new ItemStack();
return itemstack.getItem() != null ? itemstack : null;
private ItemStack() {
this.count = 0;
public ItemStack a(int i) {
ItemStack itemstack = new ItemStack(, i, this.damage);
if (this.tag != null) {
itemstack.tag = (NBTTagCompound) this.tag.clone();
this.count -= i;
return itemstack;
public Item getItem() {
return Item.byId[];
public boolean placeItem(EntityHuman entityhuman, World world, int i, int j, int k, int l) {
boolean flag = this.getItem().a(this, entityhuman, world, i, j, k, l);
if (flag) {
entityhuman.a(StatisticList.E[], 1);
return flag;
public float a(Block block) {
return this.getItem().a(this, block);
public ItemStack a(World world, EntityHuman entityhuman) {
return this.getItem().a(this, world, entityhuman);
public ItemStack b(World world, EntityHuman entityhuman) {
return this.getItem().b(this, world, entityhuman);
public NBTTagCompound b(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) {
nbttagcompound.setShort("id", (short);
nbttagcompound.setByte("Count", (byte) this.count);
nbttagcompound.setShort("Damage", (short) this.damage);
if (this.tag != null) {
nbttagcompound.set("tag", this.tag);
return nbttagcompound;
public void c(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) { = nbttagcompound.getShort("id");
this.count = nbttagcompound.getByte("Count");
this.damage = nbttagcompound.getShort("Damage");
if (nbttagcompound.hasKey("tag")) {
this.tag = nbttagcompound.getCompound("tag");
public int getMaxStackSize() {
return this.getItem().getMaxStackSize();
public boolean isStackable() {
return this.getMaxStackSize() > 1 && (!this.d() || !this.f());
public boolean d() {
return Item.byId[].getMaxDurability() > 0;
public boolean usesData() {
return Item.byId[].e();
public boolean f() {
return this.d() && this.damage > 0;
public int g() {
return this.damage;
public int getData() {
return this.damage;
public void setData(int i) {
this.damage = ( > 0) && ( < 256) ? Item.byId[].filterData(i) : i; // CraftBukkit
public int i() {
return Item.byId[].getMaxDurability();
public void damage(int i, EntityLiving entityliving) {
if (this.d()) {
if (i > 0 && entityliving instanceof EntityHuman) {
int j = EnchantmentManager.getDurabilityEnchantmentLevel(((EntityHuman) entityliving).inventory);
if (j > 0 && + 1) > 0) {
this.damage += i;
if (this.damage > this.i()) {
if (entityliving instanceof EntityHuman) {
((EntityHuman) entityliving).a(StatisticList.F[], 1);
if (this.count < 0) {
this.count = 0;
this.damage = 0;
public void a(EntityLiving entityliving, EntityHuman entityhuman) {
boolean flag = Item.byId[].a(this, entityliving, (EntityLiving) entityhuman);
if (flag) {
entityhuman.a(StatisticList.E[], 1);
public void a(int i, int j, int k, int l, EntityHuman entityhuman) {
boolean flag = Item.byId[].a(this, i, j, k, l, entityhuman);
if (flag) {
entityhuman.a(StatisticList.E[], 1);
public int a(Entity entity) {
return Item.byId[].a(entity);
public boolean b(Block block) {
return Item.byId[].a(block);
public void a(EntityHuman entityhuman) {}
public void a(EntityLiving entityliving) {
Item.byId[].a(this, entityliving);
public ItemStack cloneItemStack() {
ItemStack itemstack = new ItemStack(, this.count, this.damage);
if (this.tag != null) {
itemstack.tag = (NBTTagCompound) this.tag.clone();
if (!itemstack.tag.equals(this.tag)) {
return itemstack;
return itemstack;
public static boolean equals(ItemStack itemstack, ItemStack itemstack1) {
return itemstack == null && itemstack1 == null ? true : (itemstack != null && itemstack1 != null ? itemstack.d(itemstack1) : false);
private boolean d(ItemStack itemstack) {
return this.count != itemstack.count ? false : ( != ? false : (this.damage != itemstack.damage ? false : (this.tag == null && itemstack.tag != null ? false : this.tag == null || this.tag.equals(itemstack.tag))));
public boolean doMaterialsMatch(ItemStack itemstack) {
return == && this.damage == itemstack.damage;
public String k() {
return Item.byId[].a(this);
public static ItemStack b(ItemStack itemstack) {
return itemstack == null ? null : itemstack.cloneItemStack();
public String toString() {
return this.count + "x" + Item.byId[].b() + "@" + this.damage;
public void a(World world, Entity entity, int i, boolean flag) {
if (this.b > 0) {
Item.byId[].a(this, world, entity, i, flag);
public void c(World world, EntityHuman entityhuman) {
entityhuman.a(StatisticList.D[], this.count);
Item.byId[].d(this, world, entityhuman);
public boolean c(ItemStack itemstack) {
return == && this.count == itemstack.count && this.damage == itemstack.damage;
public int l() {
return this.getItem().c(this);
public EnumAnimation m() {
return this.getItem().d(this);
public void a(World world, EntityHuman entityhuman, int i) {
this.getItem().a(this, world, entityhuman, i);
public boolean hasTag() {
return this.tag != null;
public NBTTagCompound getTag() {
return this.tag;
public NBTTagList getEnchantments() {
return this.tag == null ? null : (NBTTagList) this.tag.get("ench");
public void setTag(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) {
if (Item.byId[].getMaxStackSize() != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add tag data to a stackable item");
} else {
this.tag = nbttagcompound;
public boolean q() {
return !this.getItem().e(this) ? false : !this.hasEnchantments();
public void addEnchantment(Enchantment enchantment, int i) {
if (this.tag == null) {
this.setTag(new NBTTagCompound());
if (!this.tag.hasKey("ench")) {
this.tag.set("ench", new NBTTagList("ench"));
NBTTagList nbttaglist = (NBTTagList) this.tag.get("ench");
NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = new NBTTagCompound();
nbttagcompound.setShort("id", (short);
nbttagcompound.setShort("lvl", (short) ((byte) i));
public boolean hasEnchantments() {
return this.tag != null && this.tag.hasKey("ench");