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Shane Freeder aa52bf9e33
Remove "Implement-Chunk-Priority-Urgency-System-for-Chunks" (Fixes #5980)
Mojang made some changes to priorities in 1.17 and it seems that these changes
conflict with the changes made in this patch, which in some cases appears to
cause excessive rescheduling of tasks.

This, however, is not confirmed as such but seems to be the behavior that we're
seeing to cause this issue, if mojang has adopted the changes we suggested,
then a good chunk of this patch may be unneeded, but, this needs a much better
look than I'm currently able to do
2021-08-14 14:55:55 +01:00

64 Zeilen
3.8 KiB

From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: SuperCoder7979 <>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2020 23:48:05 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Significantly improve performance of the end generation
This patch implements a noise cache for the end which significantly reduces the computation time of generation. This results in about a 3x improvement.
Original code by SuperCoder7979 and Gegy in Lithium, licensed under LGPL-3.0 (Source:
Co-authored-by: Gegy <>
Co-authored-by: Dylan Xaldin <>
Co-authored-by: pop4959 <>
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/biome/ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/biome/
index 9a64ab092ac8616ed8b9ea5c1e8677dda5c4333c..3f7c4e0938933705ac1bcb8dd676d018088a831a 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/biome/
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/biome/
@@ -28,6 +28,16 @@ public class TheEndBiomeSource extends BiomeSource {
private final Biome midlands;
private final Biome islands;
private final Biome barrens;
+ // Paper start
+ private static final class NoiseCache {
+ public long[] keys = new long[8192];
+ public float[] values = new float[8192];
+ public NoiseCache() {
+ java.util.Arrays.fill(keys, Long.MIN_VALUE);
+ }
+ }
+ private static final ThreadLocal<java.util.Map<SimplexNoise, NoiseCache>> noiseCache = ThreadLocal.withInitial(java.util.WeakHashMap::new);
+ // Paper end
public TheEndBiomeSource(Registry<Biome> biomeRegistry, long seed) {
this(biomeRegistry, seed, biomeRegistry.getOrThrow(Biomes.THE_END), biomeRegistry.getOrThrow(Biomes.END_HIGHLANDS), biomeRegistry.getOrThrow(Biomes.END_MIDLANDS), biomeRegistry.getOrThrow(Biomes.SMALL_END_ISLANDS), biomeRegistry.getOrThrow(Biomes.END_BARRENS));
@@ -87,12 +97,26 @@ public class TheEndBiomeSource extends BiomeSource {
float f = 100.0F - Mth.sqrt((long) i * (long) i + (long) j * (long) j) * 8.0F; // Paper - cast ints to long to avoid integer overflow
f = Mth.clamp(f, -100.0F, 80.0F);
+ NoiseCache cache = noiseCache.get().computeIfAbsent(simplexNoise, noiseKey -> new NoiseCache()); // Paper
for(int o = -12; o <= 12; ++o) {
for(int p = -12; p <= 12; ++p) {
long q = (long)(k + o);
long r = (long)(l + p);
- if (q * q + r * r > 4096L && simplexNoise.getValue((double)q, (double)r) < (double)-0.9F) {
- float g = (Mth.abs((float)q) * 3439.0F + Mth.abs((float)r) * 147.0F) % 13.0F + 9.0F;
+ // Paper start - Significantly improve end generation performance by using a noise cache
+ long key = q, (int) r);
+ int index = (int) it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon.mix(key) & 8191;
+ float g = Float.MIN_VALUE;
+ if (cache.keys[index] == key) {
+ g = cache.values[index];
+ } else {
+ if (q * q + r * r > 4096L && simplexNoise.getValue((double)q, (double)r) < (double)-0.9F) {
+ g = (Mth.abs((float) q) * 3439.0F + Mth.abs((float) r) * 147.0F) % 13.0F + 9.0F;
+ }
+ cache.keys[index] = key;
+ cache.values[index] = g;
+ }
+ if (g != Float.MIN_VALUE) {
+ // Paper end
float h = (float)(m - o * 2);
float s = (float)(n - p * 2);
float t = 100.0F - Mth.sqrt(h * h + s * s) * g;