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Zach Brown 70ce6ce831
Move version command update checking to the implementation
This makes it easier for downstream projects (forks) to replace the
version fetching system with their own. It is as simple as implementing
an interface and overriding the default implementation of

It also makes it easier for us to organize things like the version
history feature.

Lastly I have updated the paper implementation to check against the site
API rather than against jenkins.
2019-05-27 04:13:41 -05:00

159 Zeilen
6.8 KiB

From 5bb24023575ad2d99db5d967a7d5f05069c2cb60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: BillyGalbreath <>
Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2018 16:08:23 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Turtle API
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
index 1b4933c07..b7929c5c4 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/
@@ -27,51 +27,63 @@ public class EntityTurtle extends EntityAnimal {
this.K = 1.0F;
+ public void setHome(BlockPosition pos) { g(pos); } // Paper - OBFHELPER
public void g(BlockPosition blockposition) {
this.datawatcher.set(EntityTurtle.bA, blockposition);
+ public BlockPosition getHome() { return dX(); } // Paper - OBFHELPER
private BlockPosition dX() {
return (BlockPosition) this.datawatcher.get(EntityTurtle.bA);
+ public void setTravelPos(BlockPosition pos) { h(pos); } // Paper - OBFHELPER
private void h(BlockPosition blockposition) {
this.datawatcher.set(EntityTurtle.bE, blockposition);
+ public BlockPosition getTravelPos() { return dY(); } // Paper - OBFHELPER
private BlockPosition dY() {
return (BlockPosition) this.datawatcher.get(EntityTurtle.bE);
+ public boolean hasEgg() { return dV(); } // Paper - OBFHELPER
public boolean dV() {
return (Boolean) this.datawatcher.get(EntityTurtle.bB);
+ public void setHasEgg(boolean hasEgg) { r(hasEgg); } // Paper - OBFHELPER
private void r(boolean flag) {
this.datawatcher.set(EntityTurtle.bB, flag);
+ public boolean isDigging() { return dW(); } // Paper - OBFHELPER
public boolean dW() {
return (Boolean) this.datawatcher.get(EntityTurtle.bD);
+ public void setDigging(boolean digging) { s(digging); } // Paper - OBFHELPER
private void s(boolean flag) {
this.bH = flag ? 1 : 0;
this.datawatcher.set(EntityTurtle.bD, flag);
+ public boolean isGoingHome() { return dZ(); } // Paper - OBFHELPER
private boolean dZ() {
return (Boolean) this.datawatcher.get(EntityTurtle.bF);
+ public void setGoingHome(boolean goingHome) { t(goingHome); } // Paper - OBFHELPER
private void t(boolean flag) {
this.datawatcher.set(EntityTurtle.bF, flag);
+ public boolean isTravelling() { return ee(); } // Paper - OBFHELPER
private boolean ee() {
return (Boolean) this.datawatcher.get(EntityTurtle.bG);
+ public void setTravelling(boolean travelling) { u(travelling); } // Paper - OBFHELPER
private void u(boolean flag) {
this.datawatcher.set(EntityTurtle.bG, flag);
@@ -445,14 +457,18 @@ public class EntityTurtle extends EntityAnimal {
if (!this.g.isInWater() && this.k()) {
if (this.g.bH < 1) {
- this.g.s(true);
+ this.g.setDigging(new com.destroystokyo.paper.event.entity.TurtleStartDiggingEvent((org.bukkit.entity.Turtle) this.g.getBukkitEntity(), MCUtil.toLocation(, this.e)).callEvent()); // Paper
} else if (this.g.bH > 200) {
World world =;
// CraftBukkit start
- if (!org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callEntityChangeBlockEvent(this.g, this.e.up(), (IBlockData) Blocks.TURTLE_EGG.getBlockData().set(BlockTurtleEgg.b, this.g.random.nextInt(4) + 1)).isCancelled()) {
+ // Paper start
+ int eggCount = this.g.random.nextInt(4) + 1;
+ com.destroystokyo.paper.event.entity.TurtleLayEggEvent layEggEvent = new com.destroystokyo.paper.event.entity.TurtleLayEggEvent((org.bukkit.entity.Turtle) this.g.getBukkitEntity(), MCUtil.toLocation(, this.e.up()), eggCount);
+ if (layEggEvent.callEvent() && !org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callEntityChangeBlockEvent(this.g, this.e.up(), Blocks.TURTLE_EGG.getBlockData().set(BlockTurtleEgg.b, layEggEvent.getEggCount())).isCancelled()) {
world.a((EntityHuman) null, blockposition, SoundEffects.ENTITY_TURTLE_LAY_EGG, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.3F, 0.9F + world.random.nextFloat() * 0.2F);
- world.setTypeAndData(this.e.up(), (IBlockData) Blocks.TURTLE_EGG.getBlockData().set(BlockTurtleEgg.b, this.g.random.nextInt(4) + 1), 3);
+ world.setTypeAndData(this.e.up(), (IBlockData) Blocks.TURTLE_EGG.getBlockData().set(BlockTurtleEgg.b, layEggEvent.getEggCount()), 3);
+ // Paper end
// CraftBukkit end
@@ -587,7 +603,7 @@ public class EntityTurtle extends EntityAnimal {
public boolean a() {
- return this.a.isBaby() ? false : (this.a.dV() ? true : (this.a.getRandom().nextInt(700) != 0 ? false : !this.a.dX().a((IPosition), 64.0D)));
+ return this.a.isBaby() ? false : (this.a.dV() ? true : (this.a.getRandom().nextInt(700) != 0 ? false : !this.a.dX().a((IPosition), 64.0D))) && new com.destroystokyo.paper.event.entity.TurtleGoHomeEvent((org.bukkit.entity.Turtle) this.a.getBukkitEntity()).callEvent(); // Paper;
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/entity/ b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/entity/
index 123a2c75c..8edcf7af6 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/entity/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/entity/
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity;
import net.minecraft.server.EntityTurtle;
+import net.minecraft.server.MCUtil;
+import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.bukkit.entity.Turtle;
@@ -25,4 +27,36 @@ public class CraftTurtle extends CraftAnimals implements Turtle {
public EntityType getType() {
return EntityType.TURTLE;
+ // Paper start
+ @Override
+ public Location getHome() {
+ return MCUtil.toLocation(getHandle().world, getHandle().getHome());
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setHome(Location location) {
+ getHandle().setHome(MCUtil.toBlockPosition(location));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isGoingHome() {
+ return getHandle().isGoingHome();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isDigging() {
+ return getHandle().isDigging();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasEgg() {
+ return getHandle().hasEgg();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setHasEgg(boolean hasEgg) {
+ getHandle().setHasEgg(hasEgg);
+ }
+ // Paper end