Dieses Repository wurde am 2024-12-25 archiviert. Du kannst Dateien ansehen und es klonen, aber nicht pushen oder Issues/Pull-Requests öffnen.
stevenh 83fd8fad69 Added command line logging configuration which enables log file:
* Size limiting (--log-limit <size in bytes>)
* Rotation (--log-count <count of files>)
* Custom naming (--log-pattern <filename pattern>)
* Append (--log-append <true|false>)
Note: This is done via command line and not bukkit-settings as that would require lots of refactoring of both core server and CraftBukkit due to the current initialisation ordering and depenencies.
All settings default to that of the standard server
2011-07-10 18:28:57 +01:00
java Added command line logging configuration which enables log file: 2011-07-10 18:28:57 +01:00