Signs no longer have a specific isEdiable state, the entire API in this regard needs updating/deprecation. The boolean field is completely gone, replaced by a uuid (which will need a new setEditingPlayer(UUID) method on the Sign interface), and the current upstream implementation of setEdiable simply flips the is_waxed state. This patch is hence not needed as it neither allows editing (which will be redone in a later patch) nor is required to copy the is_waxed boolean flag as it lives in the signs compound tag and is covered by applyTo.
51 Zeilen
3.5 KiB
51 Zeilen
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From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: HexedHero <6012891+HexedHero@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Mon, 10 May 2021 16:59:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add PufferFishStateChangeEvent
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/entity/animal/Pufferfish.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/entity/animal/Pufferfish.java
index 50ffcbb50e061f0b3307a5b963bbab81427cac3e..a197337f2e09f53cf382022569c8836745d78769 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/entity/animal/Pufferfish.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/entity/animal/Pufferfish.java
@@ -95,25 +95,39 @@ public class Pufferfish extends AbstractFish {
public void tick() {
if (!this.level().isClientSide && this.isAlive() && this.isEffectiveAi()) {
if (this.inflateCounter > 0) {
+ boolean increase = true; // Paper - Add PufferFishStateChangeEvent
if (this.getPuffState() == 0) {
+ if (new io.papermc.paper.event.entity.PufferFishStateChangeEvent((org.bukkit.entity.PufferFish) getBukkitEntity(), 1).callEvent()) { // Paper - Add PufferFishStateChangeEvent
this.playSound(SoundEvents.PUFFER_FISH_BLOW_UP, this.getSoundVolume(), this.getVoicePitch());
+ } else { increase = false; } // Paper - Add PufferFishStateChangeEvent
} else if (this.inflateCounter > 40 && this.getPuffState() == 1) {
+ if (new io.papermc.paper.event.entity.PufferFishStateChangeEvent((org.bukkit.entity.PufferFish) getBukkitEntity(), 2).callEvent()) { // Paper - Add PufferFishStateChangeEvent
this.playSound(SoundEvents.PUFFER_FISH_BLOW_UP, this.getSoundVolume(), this.getVoicePitch());
+ } else { increase = false; } // Paper - Add PufferFishStateChangeEvent
+ if (increase) { // Paper - Add PufferFishStateChangeEvent
+ } // Paper - Add PufferFishStateChangeEvent
} else if (this.getPuffState() != 0) {
+ boolean increase = true; // Paper - Add PufferFishStateChangeEvent
if (this.deflateTimer > 60 && this.getPuffState() == 2) {
+ if (new io.papermc.paper.event.entity.PufferFishStateChangeEvent((org.bukkit.entity.PufferFish) getBukkitEntity(), 1).callEvent()) { // Paper - Add PufferFishStateChangeEvent
this.playSound(SoundEvents.PUFFER_FISH_BLOW_OUT, this.getSoundVolume(), this.getVoicePitch());
+ } else { increase = false; } // Paper - Add PufferFishStateChangeEvent
} else if (this.deflateTimer > 100 && this.getPuffState() == 1) {
+ if (new io.papermc.paper.event.entity.PufferFishStateChangeEvent((org.bukkit.entity.PufferFish) getBukkitEntity(), 0).callEvent()) { // Paper - Add PufferFishStateChangeEvent
this.playSound(SoundEvents.PUFFER_FISH_BLOW_OUT, this.getSoundVolume(), this.getVoicePitch());
+ } else { increase = false; } // Paper - Add PufferFishStateChangeEvent
+ if (increase) { // Paper - Add PufferFishStateChangeEvent
+ } // Paper - Add PufferFishStateChangeEvent