+ int tickDiff = this.gameTicks - this.destroyProgressStart;
+ return (com.destroystokyo.paper.PaperConfig.lagCompensateBlockBreaking && lagCompensated > (tickDiff + 1)) ? lagCompensated : tickDiff; // add one to ensure we don't lag compensate unless we need to
+ }
+ private int getTimeDiggingTooFastLagCompensate() {
+ int tickDiff = this.gameTicks - this.delayedTickStart;
+ return (com.destroystokyo.paper.PaperConfig.lagCompensateBlockBreaking && lagCompensated > (tickDiff + 1)) ? lagCompensated : tickDiff; // add one to ensure we don't lag compensate unless we need to
+ }
+ // Paper end
public ServerPlayerGameMode(ServerPlayer player) {
if (iblockdata == null || iblockdata.isAir()) { // Paper
this.hasDelayedDestroy = false;
} else {
- float f = this.incrementDestroyProgress(iblockdata, this.delayedDestroyPos, this.delayedTickStart);
+ float f = this.updateBlockBreakAnimation(iblockdata, this.delayedDestroyPos, this.getTimeDiggingTooFastLagCompensate()); // Paper - lag compensate destroying blocks
+ if (!com.destroystokyo.paper.PaperConfig.lagCompensateBlockBreaking) this.player.connection.send(new ClientboundBlockBreakAckPacket(pos, this.level.getBlockState(pos), action, true, "aborted destroying")); // Paper - this can cause clients on a lagging server to think they stopped destroying a block they're currently destroying