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package net.minecraft.server;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
class PlayerInstance {
private List b;
private int c;
private int d;
private ChunkCoordIntPair e;
private short[] f;
private int g;
private int h;
private int i;
private int j;
private int k;
private int l;
private int m;
private WorldServer world; // Craftbukkit
final PlayerManager a;
// Craftbukkit - this method signature is changed.
public PlayerInstance(PlayerManager playermanager, int i, int j, WorldServer world) {
this.a = playermanager;
this.b = new ArrayList();
this.f = new short[10];
this.g = 0;
this.c = i;
this.d = j;
this.e = new ChunkCoordIntPair(i, j);
// Craftbukkit start = world;
world.A.d(i, j);
// Craftbukkit end
public void a(EntityPlayer entityplayer) {
if (this.b.contains(entityplayer)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to add player. " + entityplayer + " already is in chunk " + this.c + ", " + this.d);
} else {
entityplayer.a.b((Packet) (new Packet50PreChunk(this.e.a, this.e.b, true)));
public void b(EntityPlayer entityplayer) {
if (!this.b.contains(entityplayer)) {
(new IllegalStateException("Failed to remove player. " + entityplayer + " isn\'t in chunk " + this.c + ", " + this.d)).printStackTrace();
} else {
if (this.b.size() == 0) {
long i = (long) this.c + 2147483647L | (long) this.d + 2147483647L << 32;
if (this.g > 0) {
((WorldServer), this.d); // Craftbukkit
if (entityplayer.ak.contains(this.e)) {
entityplayer.a.b((Packet) (new Packet50PreChunk(this.c, this.d, false)));
public void a(int i, int j, int k) {
if (this.g == 0) {
this.h = this.i = i;
this.j = this.k = j;
this.l = this.m = k;
if (this.h > i) {
this.h = i;
if (this.i < i) {
this.i = i;
if (this.j > j) {
this.j = j;
if (this.k < j) {
this.k = j;
if (this.l > k) {
this.l = k;
if (this.m < k) {
this.m = k;
if (this.g < 10) {
short short1 = (short) (i << 12 | k << 8 | j);
for (int l = 0; l < this.g; ++l) {
if (this.f[l] == short1) {
this.f[this.g++] = short1;
public void a(Packet packet) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.b.size(); ++i) {
EntityPlayer entityplayer = (EntityPlayer) this.b.get(i);
if (entityplayer.ak.contains(this.e)) {
public void a() {
if (this.g != 0) {
int i;
int j;
int k;
if (this.g == 1) {
i = this.c * 16 + this.h;
j = this.j;
k = this.d * 16 + this.l;
this.a((Packet) (new Packet53BlockChange(i, j, k, world))); // Craftbukkit
if (Block.p[world.getTypeId(i, j, k)]) { // Craftbukkit
this.a(world.getTileEntity(i, j, k)); // Craftbukkit
} else {
int l;
if (this.g == 10) {
this.j = this.j / 2 * 2;
this.k = (this.k / 2 + 1) * 2;
i = this.h + this.c * 16;
j = this.j;
k = this.l + this.d * 16;
l = this.i - this.h + 1;
int i1 = this.k - this.j + 2;
int j1 = this.m - this.l + 1;
this.a((Packet) (new Packet51MapChunk(i, j, k, l, i1, j1, world))); // Craftbukkit
List list = world.d(i, j, k, i + l, j + i1, k + j1); // Craftbukkit
for (int k1 = 0; k1 < list.size(); ++k1) {
this.a((TileEntity) list.get(k1));
} else {
this.a((Packet) (new Packet52MultiBlockChange(this.c, this.d, this.f, this.g, world))); // Craftbukkit
for (i = 0; i < this.g; ++i) {
j = this.c * 16 + (this.g >> 12 & 15);
k = this.g & 255;
l = this.d * 16 + (this.g >> 8 & 15);
if (Block.p[world.getTypeId(j, k, l)]) { // Craftbukkit
this.a(world.getTileEntity(j, k, l)); // Craftbukkit
this.g = 0;
private void a(TileEntity tileentity) {
if (tileentity != null) {
Packet packet = tileentity.g();
if (packet != null) {