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Lixfel 233766f9d7 Hotfix config
Signed-off-by: Lixfel <>
2021-03-31 20:23:46 +02:00

390 Zeilen
16 KiB

This file is a part of the SteamWar software.
Copyright (C) 2020
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package de.steamwar.fightsystem;
import de.steamwar.fightsystem.utils.Region;
import de.steamwar.fightsystem.winconditions.Winconditions;
import de.steamwar.sql.Event;
import de.steamwar.sql.EventFight;
import de.steamwar.sql.Team;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
public class Config {
private Config(){}
//Fight sequence
public static final int NoPlayerOnlineDuration;
public static final int PreSchemPasteDuration;
public static final int SetupDuration;
public static final int PreFightDuration;
public static final int SpectatorDuration;
// entern parameter
public static final List<Integer> EnterStages;
//arena parameter
public static final Region BluePasteRegion;
public static final Region RedPasteRegion;
public static final Region BlueExtendRegion;
public static final Region RedExtendRegion;
public static final Region ArenaRegion;
public static final Location TeamBlueSpawn;
public static final Location TeamRedSpawn;
public static final Location SpecSpawn;
private static final int BlueToRedX;
private static final int BlueToRedY;
public static final int BlueToRedZ;
public static final int PreperationArea;
public static final int WaterDepth;
public static final boolean GroundWalkable;
//schematic parameter
public static final boolean RanksEnabled;
public static final boolean OnlyPublicSchematics;
public static final boolean IgnorePublicOnly;
public static final de.steamwar.sql.SchematicType SchematicType;
public static final boolean RedRotate;
public static final boolean BlueRotate;
public static final boolean PasteAligned;
public static final boolean ReplaceObsidianBedrock;
public static final boolean ReplaceWithBlockupdates;
//team parameter
public static final String TeamRedName;
public static final String TeamBlueName;
public static final String TeamRedColor;
public static final String TeamBlueColor;
public static final String GameName;
public static final String TeamChatDetection;
public static final UUID BlueLeader;
public static final UUID RedLeader;
public static final boolean Ranked;
//Active win conditions
public static final Set<Winconditions> ActiveWinconditions;
//win condition parameters
public static final int TimeoutTime;
public static final double PercentWin;
public static final List<String> IgnoredBlocks;
//default kits
public static final String MemberDefault;
public static final String LeaderDefault;
public static final boolean PersonalKits;
public static final List<String> ForbiddenItems;
public static final String KitFile;
//tech hider parameter
public static final boolean TechhiderActive;
public static final Set<String> HiddenBlocks;
public static final Set<String> HiddenBlockEntities;
public static final String ObfuscateWith;
//event parameter
private static final int EventKampfID;
public static final int EventTeamBlueID;
public static final int EventTeamRedID;
public static final boolean BothTeamsPublic;
public static final int MaximumTeamMembers;
public static final boolean SpectateSystem;
//check parameter
public static final int CheckSchemID;
public static final int PrepareSchemID;
public static final ArenaMode mode;
//live recorder parameter
public static final String spectateIP = "";
public static final int spectatePort = 2222;
if(!new File(IFightSystem.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), System.getProperty("config", "config.yml")).exists()) {
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Arenaconfig fehlt!");
FileConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(IFightSystem.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), System.getProperty("config", "config.yml")));
File worldConfigFile = new File(Bukkit.getWorlds().get(0).getWorldFolder(), config.getString("Arenaconfig", "config.yml"));
if(!worldConfigFile.exists()) {
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Weltconfig fehlt!");
FileConfiguration worldconfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(worldConfigFile);
NoPlayerOnlineDuration = config.getInt("Times.NoPlayersOnlineDuration");
PreSchemPasteDuration = config.getInt("Times.PreSchemPasteDuration");
SetupDuration = config.getInt("Times.SetupDuration");
PreFightDuration = config.getInt("Times.PreFightDuration");
SpectatorDuration = config.getInt("Times.SpectatorDuration");
int underBorder = worldconfig.getInt("UnderBorder");
int blueCornerX = worldconfig.getInt("BlueCorner.x");
int blueCornerY = worldconfig.getInt("BlueCorner.y");
int blueCornerZ = worldconfig.getInt("BlueCorner.z");
BlueToRedX = worldconfig.getInt("BlueToRed.x");
BlueToRedY = worldconfig.getInt("BlueToRed.y");
BlueToRedZ = worldconfig.getInt("BlueToRed.z");
double teamBlueSpawnOffsetX = worldconfig.getDouble("SpawnOffset.x");
double teamBlueSpawnOffsetY = worldconfig.getDouble("SpawnOffset.y");
double teamBlueSpawnOffsetZ = worldconfig.getDouble("SpawnOffset.z");
WaterDepth = config.getInt("Arena.WaterDepth");
int schemsizeX = config.getInt("Arena.Schemsize.x");
int schemsizeY = config.getInt("Arena.Schemsize.y");
int schemsizeZ = config.getInt("Arena.Schemsize.z");
int schem2BorderX = config.getInt("Arena.Schem2Border.x");
int schem2BorderZ = config.getInt("Arena.Schem2Border.z");
PreperationArea = config.getInt("Arena.BorderFromSchematic");
GroundWalkable = config.getBoolean("Arena.GroundWalkable");
RanksEnabled = config.getBoolean("Schematic.RanksEnabled");
SchematicType = de.steamwar.sql.SchematicType.fromDB(config.getString("Schematic.SchematicType"));
IgnorePublicOnly = config.getBoolean("Schematic.IgnorePublicOnly");
boolean rotate = config.getBoolean("Schematic.Rotate");
PasteAligned = config.getBoolean("Schematic.PasteAligned");
ReplaceObsidianBedrock = config.getBoolean("Schematic.ReplaceObsidianBedrock");
ReplaceWithBlockupdates = config.getBoolean("Schematic.ReplaceWithBlockupdates");
GameName = config.getString("Output.GameName");
TeamChatDetection = config.getString("Output.TeamChatDetection");
ActiveWinconditions = Collections.unmodifiableSet(config.getStringList("WinConditions").stream().map(Winconditions::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toSet()));
TimeoutTime = config.getInt("WinConditionParams.TimeoutTime");
PercentWin = config.getDouble("WinConditionParams.PercentWin");
IgnoredBlocks = Collections.unmodifiableList(config.getStringList("WinConditionParams.IgnoredBlocks"));
EnterStages = Collections.unmodifiableList(config.getIntegerList("EnterStages"));
KitFile = config.getString("Kits.File");
MemberDefault = config.getString("Kits.MemberDefault");
LeaderDefault = config.getString("Kits.LeaderDefault");
PersonalKits = config.getBoolean("Kits.PersonalKits");
ForbiddenItems = Collections.unmodifiableList(config.getStringList("Kits.ForbiddenItems"));
HiddenBlocks = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(config.getStringList("Techhider.HiddenBlocks")));
HiddenBlockEntities = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(config.getStringList("Techhider.HiddenBlockEntities")));
ObfuscateWith = config.getString("Techhider.ObfuscateWith");
TechhiderActive = config.getBoolean("Techhider.Active");
if(schemsizeX < 0){
schemsizeX = -schemsizeX;
blueCornerX = blueCornerX - schemsizeX;
if(schemsizeY < 0){
schemsizeY = -schemsizeY;
blueCornerY = blueCornerY - schemsizeY;
if(schemsizeZ < 0){
schemsizeZ = -schemsizeZ;
blueCornerZ = blueCornerZ - schemsizeZ;
int teamRedCornerX = BlueToRedX + blueCornerX;
int teamRedCornerY = BlueToRedY + blueCornerY;
int teamRedCornerZ = BlueToRedZ + blueCornerZ;
int teamBluePasteX = blueCornerX + schemsizeX / 2;
int teamBluePasteZ = blueCornerZ + schemsizeZ / 2;
int teamRedPasteX = teamBluePasteX + BlueToRedX;
int teamRedPasteZ = teamBluePasteZ + BlueToRedZ;
World world = Bukkit.getWorlds().get(0);
TeamBlueSpawn = new Location(world,
teamBluePasteX + 0.5 + teamBlueSpawnOffsetX,
blueCornerY + 0.5 + teamBlueSpawnOffsetY,
teamBluePasteZ + 0.5 + teamBlueSpawnOffsetZ);
TeamRedSpawn = new Location(world,
teamRedPasteX + 0.5 - teamBlueSpawnOffsetX,
teamRedCornerY + 0.5 + teamBlueSpawnOffsetY,
teamRedPasteZ + 0.5 - teamBlueSpawnOffsetZ);
SpecSpawn = new Location(world,
teamBluePasteX + BlueToRedX /2.0,
blueCornerY + BlueToRedY /2.0 + schemsizeY/2.0,
teamBluePasteZ + BlueToRedZ /2.0);
Vector v1 = TeamBlueSpawn.toVector().subtract(TeamRedSpawn.toVector());
double pitch = Math.toDegrees(v1.angle(v1.clone().setY(0)));
double yaw = Math.toDegrees(v1.clone().setY(0).angle(new Vector(0, 0, 1)));
TeamBlueSpawn.setYaw((float) yaw + 180);
TeamBlueSpawn.setPitch((float) pitch);
TeamRedSpawn.setYaw((float) yaw);
TeamRedSpawn.setPitch((float) pitch * -1);
boolean teamRedRotate;
boolean teamBlueRotate;
int arenaMinX;
int arenaMaxX;
int arenaMinZ;
int arenaMaxZ;
if(BlueToRedX > 0){
arenaMinX = blueCornerX - schem2BorderX;
arenaMaxX = teamRedCornerX + schemsizeX + schem2BorderX;
teamRedRotate = true;
teamBlueRotate = false;
arenaMinX = teamRedCornerX - schem2BorderX;
arenaMaxX = blueCornerX + schemsizeX + schem2BorderX;
teamRedRotate = false;
teamBlueRotate = true;
if(BlueToRedZ > 0){
arenaMinZ = blueCornerZ - schem2BorderZ;
arenaMaxZ = teamRedCornerZ + schemsizeZ + schem2BorderZ;
teamRedRotate = true;
teamBlueRotate = false;
arenaMinZ = teamRedCornerZ - schem2BorderZ;
arenaMaxZ = blueCornerZ + schemsizeZ + schem2BorderZ;
if(BlueToRedZ != 0){
teamRedRotate = false;
teamBlueRotate = true;
teamRedRotate = false;
teamBlueRotate = false;
RedRotate = teamRedRotate;
BlueRotate = teamBlueRotate;
int arenaYSize = blueCornerY - underBorder + schemsizeY + PreperationArea;
RedPasteRegion = new Region(teamRedCornerX, teamRedCornerY, teamRedCornerZ, schemsizeX, schemsizeY, schemsizeZ);
BluePasteRegion = new Region(blueCornerX, blueCornerY, blueCornerZ, schemsizeX, schemsizeY, schemsizeZ);
RedExtendRegion = new Region(teamRedCornerX, underBorder, teamRedCornerZ, schemsizeX, arenaYSize, schemsizeZ, PreperationArea, PreperationArea);
BlueExtendRegion = new Region(blueCornerX, underBorder, blueCornerZ, schemsizeX, arenaYSize, schemsizeZ, PreperationArea, PreperationArea);
ArenaRegion = new Region(arenaMinX, underBorder, arenaMinZ, arenaMaxX - arenaMinX, arenaYSize, arenaMaxZ - arenaMinZ);
EventKampfID = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("fightID", "0"));
if(EventKampfID >= 1){
EventFight eventFight = EventFight.get(EventKampfID);
if(eventFight == null){
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to load EventFight");
assert eventFight != null;
Team team1 = Team.get(eventFight.getTeamBlue());
Team team2 = Team.get(eventFight.getTeamRed());
if(team1 == null || team2 == null){
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to load Team");
assert team1 != null;
assert team2 != null;
TeamBlueName = team1.getTeamKuerzel();
TeamRedName = team2.getTeamKuerzel();
TeamBlueColor = "§" + team1.getTeamColor();
TeamRedColor = "§" + team2.getTeamColor();
EventTeamBlueID = team1.getTeamId();
EventTeamRedID = team2.getTeamId();
BothTeamsPublic = EventTeamRedID == 0 && EventTeamBlueID == 0;
Event event = Event.get(eventFight.getEventID());
if(BothTeamsPublic) {
OnlyPublicSchematics = true;
MaximumTeamMembers = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
OnlyPublicSchematics = event.publicSchemsOnly();
MaximumTeamMembers = event.getMaximumTeamMembers();
SpectateSystem = event.spectateSystem();
//No event
TeamRedColor = config.getString("Output.TeamRedPrefix");
TeamBlueColor = config.getString("Output.TeamBluePrefix");
TeamRedName = config.getString("Output.TeamRedName");
TeamBlueName = config.getString("Output.TeamBlueName");
OnlyPublicSchematics = config.getBoolean("Schematic.OnlyPublicSchematics");
EventTeamBlueID = 0;
EventTeamRedID = 0;
BothTeamsPublic = true;
MaximumTeamMembers = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
SpectateSystem = false;
String blueLeader = System.getProperty("blueLeader", null);
String redLeader = System.getProperty("redLeader", null);
if(blueLeader != null)
BlueLeader = UUID.fromString(blueLeader);
BlueLeader = null;
if(redLeader != null)
RedLeader = UUID.fromString(redLeader);
RedLeader = null;
CheckSchemID = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("checkSchemID", "0"));
PrepareSchemID = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("prepareSchemID", "0"));
Ranked = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("ranked", "false"));
mode = ArenaMode.RANKED;
}else if(CheckSchemID != 0){
mode = ArenaMode.CHECK;
}else if(PrepareSchemID != 0){
mode = ArenaMode.PREPARE;
}else if(EventKampfID >= 1){
mode = ArenaMode.EVENT;
}else if(EventKampfID == -1){
mode = ArenaMode.TEST;
mode = ArenaMode.NORMAL;
public static boolean test(){
return ArenaMode.Test.contains(mode);
public static boolean recording(){
return mode == ArenaMode.EVENT;