# # This file is a part of the SteamWar software. # # Copyright (C) 2022 SteamWar.de-Serverteam # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # PREFIX=§eArena§8» # Commands NO_TEAM=§cYou are in no team FIGHT_ALREADY_STARTED=§cThe fight already started NOT_LEADER=§cYou aren't a leader PLAYER_UNAVAILABLE=§cThe player is not in an arena NO_INVITATION=§cYou weren't invited by any team INVITATION_DECLINED=§cInvitation declined INVITATION_DECLINED_TEAM=§e{0} §chas declined the invitation PLAYER_IN_TEAM=§e{0} §cis already in a team ALREADY_INVITED=§e{0} §cwas invited INVITATION_SENT=§e{0} §7invited NOT_IN_TEAM=§e{0} §cis not in your team KIT_UNAVAILABLE=§cThis kit does not exist KIT_CHOSEN=§7Selected kit §e{0} GAMEMODE_NOT_ALLOWED=§cChanging gamemode is not permitted GAMEMODE_UNKNOWN=§cUnknown gamemode {0} GAMEMODE_HELP=§8/§7gm §8[§egamemode§8] INVITE_HELP=§8/§einvite §8[§eplayer§8] LEADER_FULL=§cAll teams already have a leader ALREADY_IN_TEAM=§cYou are already in a team LOCKSCHEM_HELP=§8/§7lockschem §8[§eteam§8] UNKNOWN_TEAM=§cThis team does not exist LOCKSCHEM_LOCKED=§7Schematic locked LOCKSCHEM_LOCKED_BY=§cThe schematic was locked by §e{0} REMOVE_HELP=§8/§eremove §8[§eplayer§8] NOT_FIGHTLEADER=§cYou are not the fight leader WIN_HELP=§8/§7win §8[§eteam §8or §etie§8] # GUI INVITATION_TITLE=Invitation from {0} INVITATION_ACCEPT=§aAccept INVITATION_DECLINE=§cDecline INVITATION_CHAT_ACCEPT=§8/§aaccept§8, §7to §aaccept§7 the invitation INVITATION_CHAT_DECLINE=§8/§cdecline§8, §7to §cdecline§7 the invitation STATE_TITLE=Fight state STATE_PRE_LEADER_SETUP=§7Team leader waiting phase STATE_PRE_SCHEM_SETUP=§7Schematic selection phase STATE_POST_SCHEM_SETUP=§7Preparation phase STATE_PRE_RUNNING=§eKit distribution STATE_RUNNING=§eFighting phase STATE_SPECTATE_WIN=§7Victory {0} STATE_SPECTATE_TIE=§7Draw INVITE_TITLE=Invite player REMOVE_TITLE=Kick player KIT_SELECTION_TITLE=Kit selection KIT_NO_KITS=§cNo kits found KIT_CREATE=§eNew kit KITNAME_TITLE=Input kit name KITNAME_IN_USE=§cThis kit name is already in use KIT_SEARCH=§eSearch KITSEARCH_TITLE=Search for kit SCHEM_NO_ENEMY=§cNo schematic selection without an opponent SCHEM_TITLE={0} selection SCHEM_PUBLIC=§ePublic {0} SCHEM_PRIVATE=§ePrivate {0} SCHEM_NO_PRIVATE=§7No private {0} present SCHEM_PRIVATE_FORBIDDEN=§7No private {0} allowed # Countdowns COUNTDOWN_MINUTES=§e{0} §7Minutes {1} COUNTDOWN_SECONDS=§e{0} §7Seconds {1} COUNTDOWN_SECOND=§eOne §7second {1} ENTERN_COUNTDOWN=until boarding is allowed ENTERN_ALLOWED=§eBoarding §7is now allowed SHUTDOWN_COUNTDOWN=until the server is stopped PRE_SCHEM_COUNTDOWN=until a public schematic is chosen POST_SCHEM_COUNTDOWN=until the kits are distributed PRE_RUNNING_COUNTDOWN=until the fight starts RUNNING_COUNTDOWN=until the fight ends SPECTATE_COUNTDOWN=until the arena is reset # Fight SCHEMATIC_UNLOADABLE=§cUnable to load schematic SCHEMATIC_CHOSEN=§7{0} §e{1} §7chosen TEAM_READY=§aTeam ready TEAM_NOT_READY=§c§mTeam ready SKIP_READY=§aSkipping to next event SKIP_NOT_READY=§c§mSkipping to next event TEAM_CHAT={0}{1}§8» {0}{2} CHOOSE_KIT=§eChoose kit RESPAWN=§eRespawn INVITE_PLAYERS=§eInvite player REMOVE_PLAYERS=§cKick player CHOOSE_SCHEMATIC=§eChoose {0} SCHEMATIC_REQUIRED=§cChoose a schematic first KIT_PREVIEW_EDIT=§7Edit kit KIT_PREVIEW_CHOOSE=§aSelect kit KIT_PREVIEW_BACK=§cBack KIT_PREVIEW_DELETE=§cDelete kit KIT_DELETION_CONFIRMATION=Are you sure you want to delete the kit? KIT_DELETION_ABORT=§cCancel KIT_DELETION_DELETE=§aDelete # Listener NO_ARENA_LEAVING=§cYou may not leave the arena CHECK_JOIN_DENIED=§cThere is a schematic in review on this server! CHECK_COMMAND_LOCKED=§cThis command is locked during review! Admin will be notified. NO_BLOCK_BREAK=§cYou are currently not allowed to break blocks here NO_BLOCK_PLACE=§cYou are currently not allowed to place blocks here NO_BOW_USAGE=§cYou can only use your bow after the fight has started NO_PARTICIPANT=§cYou are no fight participant NO_FRIENDLY_FIRE=§cNo friendly fire allowed NO_TNT_PLACE=§cYou are not allowed to place tnt NO_TELEPORT=§cYou are not allowed to use this teleport function OPEN_INVENTORY_TO_CUSTOMIZE=§eOpen inventory to customize your kit RESOURCEPACK_REQUIRED=§cYou can only join on the event server with the SteamWar resourcepack\n§cPlease allow the use of server resourcepacks in the server list! NO_ENTERN=§cYou may not board NO_TEAMAREA=§cYou are not allowed in the team area TEST_BECOME_LEADER=§7Become a team leader with §8/§eleader PREPARE_SCHEM_DELETED=§cApparently the schematic to be submitted was deleted. submission aborted. PREPARE_SCHEM_EXISTS=§cThere is already a schematic with the suffix -prepared, please rename or delete it, submission aborted. PREPARE_ACTIVE_PISTON=§cMoving pistons were found in the team area, submission aborted. PREPARE_FAILED_SAVING=§cThe schematic could not be saved, submission aborted. PREPARE_SENT_IN=§aA team member will review the schematic soon PARTICIPANT_CHAT={0} {1}§8» §7{2} FIGHTLEADER_CHAT=§e{0}§8» §e{1} SPECTATOR_CHAT=§7{0}§8» §7{1} # Replay REPLAY_ENDS=§cReplay ended OLD_STRING={0} # States COMMAND_CURRENTLY_UNAVAILABLE=§cThis command is unavailable at this time of the fight # Utils TPS_WARNING=§c{0} §7TPS UI_PRE_RUNNING=§7Kits distributed UI_RUNNING=§aFight started UI_SKIP=§7Skipping to next event UI_UNRANKED=§7Unranked match UI_PLAYER_JOINS=§a§l» {0}{1} UI_PLAYER_LEAVES=§c§l« {0}{1} UI_LEADER_JOINS=§a§l» {0}Leader {1} UI_PLAYER_DEATH={0}{1} §7died UI_PLAYER_LEAVE={0}{1} §7left the fight UI_WIN={0}Victory {1} UI_DRAW=§7Draw BAR_PRE_LEADER=§7Waiting for team leader BAR_PRE_SCHEM={1} §7Schematic selection {0} {2} BAR_PREPARE={1} {3} §7Preparation {0} {4} {2} BAR_PRE_RUNNING={1} {3} §7Start of fight in {0} {4} {2} BAR_RUNNING0={1} {3} {0} {4} {2} BAR_RUNNING1={1} {3} {5} {0} {6} {4} {2} BAR_RUNNING2={1} {3} {5} {7} {0} {6} {8} {4} {2} BAR_RUNNING3={1} {3} {5} {7} {9} {0} {6} {8} {10} {4} {2} BAR_TIE={1} §7Draw {0} {2} BAR_WIN={1} §7Victory {3} {0} {2} BAR_POINTS={0} §8Points BAR_PERCENT={0}§8% BAR_CANNONS={0} §8Cannons BAR_WATER={0} §8Water # Winconditions HELLS_BELLS_COUNTDOWN=until the bombs start dropping HELLS_BELLS_START_1=§c!!Careful!! Bombers arriving in about a minute. HELLS_BELLS_START_2=§cBombers approaching, arrival in about a minute. HELLS_BELLS_START_3=§cBombers spotted on the radar, ETA: one minute. HELLS_BELLS_START_4=§cUnknown flying object spotted, arriving in about a minute. HELLS_BELLS_START_5=§cFlying object spotted. ETA: one minute. HELLS_BELLS_START_6=§cWild bombers appeared, arrival in about a minute. HELLS_BELLS_SWAP_1=§aThe bombs are starting to fall more quickly. HELLS_BELLS_SWAP_2=§aMore bombers arriving. HELLS_BELLS_SWAP_3=§aAdditional bombers sighted. HELLS_BELLS_SWAP_4=§aThe bombardement is increasing. METEOR_COUNTDOWN=until meteors start falling METEOR_START_1=§cA meteor shower was detected METEOR_START_2=§cShooting starts are 100% more likely to appear during this fight METEOR_START_3=§cMeteors sighted, seek shelter immediately! METEOR_START_4=§cThe end is near! The meteors will hit us in about a minute. METEOR_START_5=§fNEWS §cThere will be multiple meteor showers this afternoon! METEOR_START_6=§cAirships still flying are doomed to crash. METEOR_SWAP_1=§aIt doesn't stop, the meteors appear to be increasing. METEOR_SWAP_2=§aThis was only the beginning, the meteors are arriving faster and more powerful. METEOR_SWAP_3=§aIt seems like it won't stop, the meteors are starting to arrive more quickly! METEOR_SWAP_4=§aAnother shower has been detected, get to safety! TECHKO_COUNTDOWN=must have fired a shot by {0} WIN_FIGHTLEADER=§7Referee decision WIN_PERCENT={0} §7is too badly damaged WIN_OFFLINE_BOTH=§7Both teams offline WIN_OFFLINE={0} §7offline WIN_ALL_DEAD={0}All players neutralised WIN_LEADER_DEAD={0} neutralised WIN_TIME_OVER=§7Time is up! WIN_MORE_HEALTH={0} with more remaining health WIN_LESS_DAMAGE={0} §7less damaged WIN_POINTS={0} has more points WIN_POINTS_EQUAL=§7Equal points WIN_TECHKO={0} §7is tech K.O.