Times: # Time in seconds the server stops after starting if nobody joins NoPlayersOnlineDuration: 30 # Time in seconds the team leaders have to choose their schematic PreSchemPasteDuration: 120 # Time in seconds for preparing SetupDuration: 300 # Time in seconds the final countdown is long PreFightDuration: 30 # Time in seconds to spectate the arena after the fight SpectatorDuration: 30 Arena: # The amount of blocks the schematics should be pasted under the surface WaterDepth: 0 # The size of the schematics Schemsize: x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 # The outer border of the arena, measured in blocks around the schematic areas Schem2Border: x: 0 z: 0 # The size of the team areas are expanded around the schematics BorderFromSchematic: 0 # If ground walkable, teams can walk below the lower arena border during setup GroundWalkable: true Schematic: # If the rank system for the schematics should be enabled RanksEnabled: false # The schematic type that can be chosen in this arena SchematicType: normal # If the schematics should be rotated during pasting Rotate: true # If only public schematics are allowed OnlyPublicSchematics: false # If the public only force should be completly disabled IgnorePublicOnly: false # If obsidian and bedrock should be replaced during PRE_RUNNING ReplaceObsidianBedrock: false # If the replacement should happen with blockupdates ReplaceWithBlockupdates: false Output: # Name of the "Red" team TeamRedName: Rot # Color prefix of the "Red" team TeamRedPrefix: '§c' # Name of the "Blue" team TeamBlueName: Blau # Color of the "Blue" team TeamBluePrefix: '§3' # The name of the gamemode presented to the players GameName: NoGear # The prefix used for team chats TeamChatDetection: + # The list of active winconditions WinConditions: - TIMEOUT # - HEART_RATIO_TIMEOUT # - PERCENT_TIMEOUT - ALL_DEAD # - CAPTAIN_DEAD # - PERCENT_SYSTEM # - RELATIVE_PERCENT # - POINTS - WATER_TECH_KO # - TIME_TECH_KO # - PUMPKIN_TECH_KO WinConditionParams: # The time of any of the timeout winconditions in seconds TimeoutTime: 1200 # The percentage when any of the percent winconditions limits or triggers a win PercentWin: 5.0 # Blocks ignored by the percent winconditions IgnoredBlocks: - AIR - WATER - TNT - OBSIDIAN Kits: # The kit file for this configuration File: kits.yml # The default kit for team members MemberDefault: default # The default kit for team leaders LeaderDefault: default # If the personal kit system is active PersonalKits: false # Items that are not allowed in the personal kit ForbiddenItems: [] # A list of integers containing the waiting time of this enter stage in the fight EnterStages: [] Techhider: # if the techhider is active Active: true # Which block the techhider replaces to. ObfuscateWith: end_stone # A list of all hidden blocks. "water" results in the hiding of all waterlogged blocks as well. HiddenBlocks: - water - note_block - powered_rail - detector_rail - piston - piston_head - sticky_piston - tnt - chest - trapped_chest - redstone_wire - stone_pressure_plate - iron_door - oak_pressure_plate - spruce_pressure_plate - birch_pressure_plate - jungle_pressure_plate - acacia_pressure_plate - dark_oak_pressure_plate - redstone_torch - redstone_wall_torch - repeater - brewing_stand - tripwire_hook - tripwire - heavy_weighted_pressure_plate - light_weighted_pressure_plate - comparator - redstone_block - hopper - activator_rail - dropper - slime_block - observer - honey_block - lever # The block entities that are hidden (contents of blocks) HiddenBlockEntites: - minecraft:sign - minecraft:dispenser - minecraft:chest - minecraft:trapped_chest - minecraft:furnace - minecraft:brewing_stand - minecraft:hopper - minecraft:dropper - minecraft:shulker_box - minecraft:jukebox - minecraft:comparator # The following configuration must be in the Worldforlder/config.yml # # # The lower arena border under which players get damage # UnderBorder: # # The lowest corner in all axis of the blue team schematic area # BlueCorner: # x: 0 # y: 0 # z: 0 # # The offset between the lowest corner of the blue area and the lowest corner of the red area # BlueToRed: # x: 0 # y: 0 # z: 0 # # The offset the teams spawn relative to the center of their area # SpawnOffset: # x: 0 # y: 0 # z: 0