
Update and Fix some NavMesh stuff
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Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
yoyosource 2023-09-04 18:38:05 +02:00
Ursprung 45fd36907c
Commit 69a0e02ab9
3 geänderte Dateien mit 179 neuen und 33 gelöschten Zeilen

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@ -120,6 +120,22 @@ public abstract class AI {
Chat.broadcastChat("PARTICIPANT_CHAT", team.getColoredName(), entity.getName(), message);
protected Vector toAIPosition(Vector location) {
Region extend = team.getExtendRegion();
if(Fight.getUnrotated() == team)
return new Vector(
location.getX() - extend.getMinX(),
location.getY() - team.getSchemRegion().getMinY(),
location.getZ() - extend.getMinZ()
return new Vector(
extend.getMaxX() - location.getX(),
location.getY() - team.getSchemRegion().getMinY(),
extend.getMaxZ() - location.getZ()
protected Vector getPosition() {
Location location = entity.getLocation();
Region extend = team.getExtendRegion();
@ -205,15 +221,17 @@ public abstract class AI {
public void run() {
Location location = entity.getLocation();
Location target = translate(pos, false);
if(Math.abs(location.getX() - target.getX()) > 1 || Math.abs(location.getY() - target.getY()) > 1.2 || Math.abs(location.getZ() - target.getZ()) > 1) {
FightSystem.getPlugin().getLogger().log(Level.INFO, () -> entity.getName() + ": Overdistance movement " + location.toVector() + " " + target.toVector());
if(!team.getFightPlayer(entity).canEntern() && !team.getExtendRegion().inRegion(target))
entity.teleport(target, PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause.COMMAND);
entity.teleport(target, PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause.PLUGIN);

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ package;
import de.steamwar.entity.REntityServer;
import de.steamwar.fightsystem.Config;
import de.steamwar.fightsystem.fight.Fight;
import de.steamwar.fightsystem.fight.FightTeam;
import de.steamwar.sql.SchematicNode;
import de.steamwar.sql.SteamwarUser;
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ import java.util.Random;
public class LixfelAI extends AI {
private final Random random = new Random();
private final REntityServer entityServer = new REntityServer();
private final FightTeam team;
private final NavMesh navMesh;
@ -45,9 +47,10 @@ public class LixfelAI extends AI {
public SchematicNode chooseSchematic() {
List<SchematicNode> publics = SchematicNode.getAllSchematicsOfType(0, Config.SchematicType.toDB());
SchematicNode schem = publics.get(new Random().nextInt(publics.size()));
return schem;
return SchematicNode.byIdAndUser(SteamwarUser.get(0), 111476);
// List<SchematicNode> publics = SchematicNode.getAllSchematicsOfType(0, Config.SchematicType.toDB());
// SchematicNode schem = publics.get(new Random().nextInt(publics.size()));
// return schem;
@ -61,5 +64,20 @@ public class LixfelAI extends AI {
protected void plan() {
if (navMesh == null) return;
List<Vector> walkableBlocks = navMesh.getWalkableBlocks(getEntity().getLocation().toVector());
if (walkableBlocks.isEmpty()) return;
Vector destination = walkableBlocks.get(random.nextInt(walkableBlocks.size()));
List<Vector> path = navMesh.path(getEntity().getLocation().toVector(), destination);
if (path.isEmpty()) return;
chat(getEntity().getLocation().toVector() + " -> " + destination + " = " + path.size());
for(Vector p : path) {
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
move(path.get(path.size() - 1));

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@ -46,7 +46,18 @@ public class NavMesh implements Listener {
private static final double PLAYER_JUMP_HEIGHT = 1.25;
private static final double PLAYER_HEIGHT = 1.8125;
private static final BoundingBox PLAYER_SHADOW = new BoundingBox(0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.8, 1, 0.8);
private static final BlockFace[] FACES = new BlockFace[]{BlockFace.NORTH, BlockFace.SOUTH, BlockFace.WEST, BlockFace.EAST};
private static final Set<Pos> RELATIVE_BLOCKS_TO_CHECK = new HashSet<>();
static {
for (int y = -2; y <= 2; y++) {
RELATIVE_BLOCKS_TO_CHECK.add(new Pos(BlockFace.NORTH.getDirection().setY(y)));
RELATIVE_BLOCKS_TO_CHECK.add(new Pos(BlockFace.SOUTH.getDirection().setY(y)));
RELATIVE_BLOCKS_TO_CHECK.add(new Pos(BlockFace.EAST.getDirection().setY(y)));
RELATIVE_BLOCKS_TO_CHECK.add(new Pos(BlockFace.WEST.getDirection().setY(y)));
RELATIVE_BLOCKS_TO_CHECK.add(new Pos(BlockFace.UP.getDirection()));
RELATIVE_BLOCKS_TO_CHECK.add(new Pos(BlockFace.DOWN.getDirection()));
private FightTeam fightTeam;
@ -56,17 +67,19 @@ public class NavMesh implements Listener {
new OneShotStateDependent(ArenaMode.All, FightState.PostSchemSetup, () -> {
Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskLater(FightSystem.getPlugin(), () -> {
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
fightTeam.getExtendRegion().forEach((x, y, z) -> {
if (y < fightTeam.getSchemRegion().getMinY()) return;
checkWalkable(x, y, z);
System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - time + " ms");
// For neighbour map -2-+2 blocks
System.out.println(fightTeam + " " + floorBlock.size());
iterateWalkableBlocks((vector, ceilingOffset, neightbourConnections) -> {
String connecting = ->, 1)).collect(Collectors.joining());
iterateWalkableBlocks((vector, ceilingOffset) -> {
RArmorStand armorStand = new RArmorStand(entityServer, vector.toLocation(WORLD), RArmorStand.Size.MARKER);
armorStand.setDisplayName("+" + (ceilingOffset == null ? "" : ceilingOffset) + " " + connecting);
armorStand.setDisplayName("+" + (ceilingOffset == null ? "" : ceilingOffset));
}, 20);
@ -86,6 +99,12 @@ public class NavMesh implements Listener {
this.z = z;
public Pos(Vector vector) {
this.x = vector.getBlockX();
this.y = vector.getBlockY();
this.z = vector.getBlockZ();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
@ -98,11 +117,19 @@ public class NavMesh implements Listener {
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(x, y, z);
public Vector toVector() {
return new Vector(x, y, z);
public Pos offset(Pos pos) {
return new Pos(x + pos.x, y + pos.y, z + pos.z);
private Map<Pos, Double> floorBlock = new HashMap<>();
private Map<Pos, Double> ceilingOffset = new HashMap<>();
private Map<Pos, Set<BlockFace>> neighbourConnections = new HashMap<>();
private Map<Pos, Set<Pos>> neighbourConnections = new HashMap<>();
private void checkWalkable(int x, int y, int z) {
Block block = WORLD.getBlockAt(x, y, z);
@ -151,11 +178,8 @@ public class NavMesh implements Listener {
private void checkNeighbouring(Pos pos, double posFloorHeight) {
for (BlockFace blockFace : FACES) {
// TODO: Check FenceGates, Doors, usw.
for (int cy = pos.y - 2; cy <= pos.y + 2; cy++) {
// TODO: Fix Ladder in Underground
Pos other = new Pos(pos.x + blockFace.getModX(), cy, pos.z + blockFace.getModZ());
for (Pos relativeCheck : RELATIVE_BLOCKS_TO_CHECK) {
Pos other = new Pos(pos.x + relativeCheck.x, pos.y + relativeCheck.y, pos.z + relativeCheck.z);
Double otherFloorHeight = floorBlock.get(other);
if (otherFloorHeight == null) continue;
double floorDiff = Math.abs(posFloorHeight - otherFloorHeight);
@ -164,20 +188,27 @@ public class NavMesh implements Listener {
Double posCeilingOffset = ceilingOffset.get(pos);
Double otherCeilingOffset = ceilingOffset.get(other);
if (posCeilingOffset == null && otherCeilingOffset == null) {
neighbourConnections.computeIfAbsent(pos, __ -> new LinkedHashSet<>()).add(blockFace);
neighbourConnections.computeIfAbsent(pos, __ -> new LinkedHashSet<>()).add(relativeCheck);
if (posCeilingOffset != null && posFloorHeight + posCeilingOffset - otherFloorHeight >= PLAYER_HEIGHT) {
neighbourConnections.computeIfAbsent(pos, __ -> new LinkedHashSet<>()).add(blockFace);
if (posCeilingOffset != null && otherCeilingOffset == null) {
if (posFloorHeight + posCeilingOffset - otherFloorHeight >= PLAYER_HEIGHT) {
neighbourConnections.computeIfAbsent(pos, __ -> new LinkedHashSet<>()).add(relativeCheck);
if (otherCeilingOffset != null && otherFloorHeight + otherCeilingOffset - posFloorHeight >= PLAYER_HEIGHT) {
neighbourConnections.computeIfAbsent(pos, __ -> new LinkedHashSet<>()).add(blockFace);
if (otherCeilingOffset != null && posCeilingOffset == null) {
if (otherFloorHeight + otherCeilingOffset - posFloorHeight >= PLAYER_HEIGHT) {
neighbourConnections.computeIfAbsent(pos, __ -> new LinkedHashSet<>()).add(relativeCheck);
// TODO: Ladder movement
if (posFloorHeight + posCeilingOffset - otherFloorHeight >= PLAYER_HEIGHT && otherFloorHeight + otherCeilingOffset - posFloorHeight >= PLAYER_HEIGHT) {
neighbourConnections.computeIfAbsent(pos, __ -> new LinkedHashSet<>()).add(relativeCheck);
private boolean overlaps(VoxelShape voxelShape, double x, double y, double z) {
@ -187,10 +218,10 @@ public class NavMesh implements Listener {
return overlaps;
public void iterateWalkableBlocks(TriConsumer<Vector, Double, Set<BlockFace>> consumer) {
private void iterateWalkableBlocks(BiConsumer<Vector, Double> consumer) {
floorBlock.forEach((pos, aDouble) -> {
Vector vector = new Vector(pos.x + 0.5, aDouble, pos.z + 0.5);
consumer.accept(vector, ceilingOffset.get(pos), neighbourConnections.getOrDefault(pos, new HashSet<>()));
consumer.accept(vector, ceilingOffset.get(pos));
@ -198,4 +229,83 @@ public class NavMesh implements Listener {
void accept(A a, B b, C c);
private Pos toPos(Vector vector) {
Pos pos = new Pos(vector);
if (floorBlock.containsKey(pos)) return pos;
pos = new Pos(pos.x, pos.y - 1, pos.z);
if (floorBlock.containsKey(pos)) return pos;
return null;
public List<Vector> getAllWalkableBlocks() {
return floorBlock.keySet().stream().map(Pos::toVector).collect(Collectors.toList());
public List<Vector> getWalkableBlocks(Vector fromVector) {
Pos from = toPos(fromVector);
if (from == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Set<Pos> checked = new HashSet<>();
List<Pos> checking = new ArrayList<>();
while (!checking.isEmpty()) {
Pos pos = checking.remove(0);
neighbourConnections.getOrDefault(pos, new HashSet<>()).forEach(p -> {
Pos n = pos.offset(p);
if (checked.contains(n)) return;
if (checking.contains(n)) return;
public List<Vector> path(Vector fromVector, Vector toVector) {
Pos from = toPos(fromVector);
Pos to = toPos(toVector);
if (from == null || to == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List<Pos> checking = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(to));
Map<Pos, Pos> route = new HashMap<>();
while (!checking.isEmpty()) {
Set<Pos> toCheck = new HashSet<>();
for (Pos pos : checking) {
boolean foundFrom = neighbourConnections.getOrDefault(pos, new HashSet<>()).stream()
.filter(next -> !route.containsKey(next))
.anyMatch(next -> {
route.put(next, pos);
return next.equals(from);
if (foundFrom) {
List<Pos> path = new ArrayList<>();
while (path.get(path.size() - 1) != to) {
path.add(route.get(path.get(path.size() - 1)));
return -> {
double floorHeight = floorBlock.get(p);
return new Vector(p.x + 0.5, floorHeight, p.z + 0.5);
return Collections.emptyList();