geforkt von Mirrors/FastAsyncWorldEdit
Only implement cache to MaskingExtent when off main thread (#1789)
* Only implement cache to MaskingExtent when off main thread - It's possible for a [Chunk/Char]FilterBlock to be used multiple times in the same "tree" of method calls meaning the mutable paramets (particularly index) get increased within a loop, causing AIOOBs and other issues - This is only possible on the main thread due to the handling of submissions in SingleThreadQueueExtent, as it ensures all operation remains on the main thread to prevent deadlocks - Therefore safe usage of FilterBlocks requires that main-threaded operation create a new [Chunk/Char]FilterBlock instance each time - Further fixes #1681 * Fix typos * Switch to LongFunction
[ci skip] build: Update dependency io.papermc.paperweight.userdev:io.papermc.paperweight.userdev.gradle.plugin to v1.3.7 (#1792)
image::[200,200,align=center] ''' FastAsyncWorldEdit is a fork of WorldEdit that has huge speed and memory improvements and considerably more features == A Minecraft Map Editor... that runs in-game! * With selections, schematics, copy and paste, brushes, and scripting! * Use it in creative, survival in single player or on your server. * Use it on your Minecraft server to fix grieving and mistakes. Java Edition required. FastAsyncWorldEdit is compatible with Bukkit, Spigot and Paper. === Download FastAsyncWorldEdit * Snapshot builds: * Spigot: * Older, unsupported, versions: === Links * link:[Discord] * link:[Wiki] * link:[Report Issue] * link:[Crowdin (Translations)] * link:[JavaDocs for the -bukkit module] * link:[JavaDocs for the -core module] === Edit The Code Want to add new features to FastAsyncWorldEdit or fix bugs yourself? You can get the game running, with FastAsyncWorldEdit, from the code here: For additional information about compiling FastAsyncWorldEdit, see link:COMPILING.adoc[COMPILING.adoc]. === Submitting Your Changes FastAsyncWorldEdit is open source (specifically licensed under GPL v3), so note that your contributions will also be open source. The best way to submit a change is to create a fork on GitHub, put your changes there, and then create a "pull request" on our FastAsyncWorldEdit repository. Please read link:[] for important guidelines to follow. === YourKit image::[200,200,align=left] Thank you to YourKit for supporting our product by providing us with their innovative and intelligent tools for monitoring and profiling Java and .NET applications. YourKit is the creator of link:[YourKit Java Profiler], link:[YourKit .NET Profiler], and link:[YourKit YouMonitor].