[maze.js] Added Height, Size, Thickness and Flags

Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
Gimlao 2013-06-20 20:04:28 +03:00
Ursprung 80536d85ca
Commit ed123f4f64

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@ -20,14 +20,76 @@
context.checkArgs(1, -1, "<block> [width] [length]");
usage = "<block> [width] [length] [height] [size] [thickness] flags\n";
usage += "\n";
usage += "Maze Flags:\n";
usage += "• i adds an entry and an exit\n";
usage += "• y places the entry and the exit randomly\n";
usage += "• f adds a floor\n";
usage += "• c adds a ceiling\n";
usage += "• e places air blocks\n";
usage += "• a places air blocks only\n";
usage += "• v creates a vertical maze\n";
usage += "\n";
usage += "Solver Flags:\n";
usage += "• s enables the maze solver\n";
usage += "• g places glass if wrong or unvisited\n";
usage += "• r places red wool if wrong\n";
usage += "• b places blue wool if unvisited";
var sess = context.remember();
context.checkArgs(1, -1, usage);
sess = context.remember();
origin = player.getBlockIn();
// This may throw an exception that is caught by the script processor
var block = context.getBlock(argv[1]);
var w = argv.length > 2 ? parseInt(argv[2]) : 5;
var h = argv.length > 3 ? parseInt(argv[3]) : 5;
block = context.getBlock(argv[1]);
if (argv.length > 7) flags = String(argv[7]);
else flags = false;
if (argv.length > 6) {
if (parseInt(argv[6], 10)) wa = parseInt(argv[6], 10);
else flags = String(argv[6]), wa = 1;
} else wa = 1;
if (argv.length > 5) {
if (parseInt(argv[5], 10)) s = parseInt(argv[5], 10);
else flags = String(argv[5]), s = 1, wa = 1;
} else s = 1;
if (argv.length > 4) {
if (parseInt(argv[4], 10)) h = parseInt(argv[4], 10);
else flags = String(argv[4]), h = 2, s = 1, wa = 1;
} else h = 2;
if (argv.length > 3) {
if (parseInt(argv[3], 10)) l = parseInt(argv[3], 10);
else flags = String(argv[3]), l = 5, h = 2, s = 1, wa = 1;
} else l = 5;
if (argv.length > 2) {
if (parseInt(argv[2], 10)) w = parseInt(argv[2], 10);
else flags = String(argv[2]), w = 5, l = 5, h = 2, s = 1, wa = 1;
} else w = 5;
if (flags) {
ee = flags.search("i") != -1 ? true : false;
r = flags.search("y") != -1 ? true : false;
if (r) ee = true;
f = flags.search("f") != -1 ? true : false;
c = flags.search("c") != -1 ? true : false;
e = flags.search("e") != -1 ? true : false;
ao = flags.search("a") != -1 ? true : false;
if (ao) f = c = false, e = true;
v = flags.search("v") != -1 ? true : false;
so = flags.search("s") != -1 ? true : false;
if (so) ee = true;
g = flags.search("g") != -1 ? true : false;
re = flags.search("r") != -1 ? true : false;
bl = flags.search("b") != -1 ? true : false;
if (g || re || bl) so = ee = true;
} else ee = r = f = c = e = ao = v = so = g = re = bl = false;
function id(x, y) {
return y * (w + 1) + x;
@ -42,58 +104,66 @@ function $y(i) {
function shuffle(arr) {
var i = arr.length;
if (i == 0) return false;
i = arr.length;
if (i === 0) return false;
while (--i) {
var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
var tempi = arr[i];
var tempj = arr[j];
j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
tempi = arr[i];
tempj = arr[j];
arr[i] = tempj;
arr[j] = tempi;
var stack = [];
var visited = {};
var noWallLeft = new Array(w * h);
var noWallAbove = new Array(w * h);
var current = 0;
if (f || c) {
for (z = 1; z <= wa; z++) for (y = -wa; y <= l * (s + wa) - 1; y++) for (x = -wa; x <= w * (s + wa) - 1; x++) {
if (f) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x, -z, y), block);
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x, y, +z), block);
stack.push(id(0, 0))
if (c) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x, z - 1 + h, y), block);
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x, y, -z + 1 - h), block);
stack = [];
visited = [];
noWallLeft = [];
noWallAbove = [];
stack.push(id(Math.floor(Math.random() * w), Math.floor(Math.random() * l)));
while (stack.length > 0) {
var cell = stack.pop();
var x = $x(cell), y = $y(cell);
cell = stack.pop();
x = $x(cell);
y = $y(cell);
visited[cell] = true;
var neighbors = []
neighbors = [];
if (x > 0) neighbors.push(id(x - 1, y));
if (x < w - 1) neighbors.push(id(x + 1, y));
if (y > 0) neighbors.push(id(x, y - 1));
if (y < h - 1) neighbors.push(id(x, y + 1));
if (y < l - 1) neighbors.push(id(x, y + 1));
while (neighbors.length > 0) {
var neighbor = neighbors.pop();
var nx = $x(neighbor), ny = $y(neighbor);
neighbor = neighbors.pop();
nx = $x(neighbor);
ny = $y(neighbor);
if (visited[neighbor] != true) {
if (!visited[neighbor]) {
if (y == ny) {
if (nx < x) {
noWallLeft[cell] = true;
if (nx < x) noWallLeft[cell] = true;
else noWallLeft[neighbor] = true;
} else {
noWallLeft[neighbor] = true;
} else {
if (ny < y) {
noWallAbove[cell] = true;
} else {
noWallAbove[neighbor] = true;
if (ny < y) noWallAbove[cell] = true;
else noWallAbove[neighbor] = true;
@ -102,31 +172,208 @@ while (stack.length > 0) {
/*for (var y = -1; y < h; y++) {
var line = "";
for (var x = 0; x <= w; x++) {
var cell = id(x, y)
var l = y >= 0 ? (noWallLeft[cell] ? "_" : "|") : "_";
var b = x < w ? (noWallAbove[id(x, y + 1)] ? " " : "_") : "";
line += l + b;
if (!r) {
start = id(0, 0);
end = id(w - 1, l - 1);
} else {
start = id(0, Math.floor(Math.random() * l));
end = id(w - 1, Math.floor(Math.random() * l));
if (ee) {
noWallLeft[start] = true;
noWallLeft[end + 1] = true;
/*for (y = -1; y < l; y++) {
line = "";
for (x = 0; x <= w; x++) {
cell = id(x, y);
a = y >= 0 ? (noWallLeft[cell] ? "_" : "|") : "_";
b = x < w ? (noWallAbove[id(x, y + 1)] ? " " : "_") : "";
line += a + b;
var origin = player.getBlockIn();
for (y = 0; y <= l; y++) for (x = 0; x <= w; x++) {
cell = id(x, y);
for (var y = 0; y <= h; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x <= w; x++) {
var cell = id(x, y)
if (!noWallLeft[cell] && y < h) {
sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * 2 - 1, 0, y * 2), block);
sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * 2 - 1, 1, y * 2), block);
if (!noWallAbove[cell] && x < w) {
sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * 2, 0, y * 2 - 1), block);
sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * 2, 1, y * 2 - 1), block);
sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * 2 - 1, 0, y * 2 - 1), block);
sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * 2 - 1, 1, y * 2 - 1), block);
if (!noWallLeft[cell] && cell != id(x, l)) {
if (!ao) {
for (z = 0; z < h; z++) for (yi = 0; yi < s; yi++) for (xi = 1; xi <= wa; xi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) - xi, z, y * (s + wa) + yi), block);
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) - xi, y * (s + wa) + yi, -z), block);
} else if (e && cell != id(x, l)) {
for (z = 0; z < h; z++) for (yi = 0; yi < s; yi++) for (xi = 1; xi <= wa; xi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) - xi, z, y * (s + wa) + yi), BaseBlock(0));
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) - xi, y * (s + wa) + yi, -z), BaseBlock(0));
if (!noWallAbove[cell] && cell != id(w, y)) {
if (!ao) {
for (z = 0; z < h; z++) for (yi = 1; yi <= wa; yi++) for (xi = 0; xi < s; xi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, z, y * (s + wa) - yi), block);
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, y * (s + wa) - yi, -z), block);
} else if (e && cell != id(w, y)) {
for (z = 0; z < h; z++) for (yi = 1; yi <= wa; yi++) for (xi = 0; xi < s; xi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, z, y * (s + wa) - yi), BaseBlock(0));
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, y * (s + wa) - yi, -z), BaseBlock(0));
if (!ao) {
for (z = 0; z < h; z++) for (yi = 1; yi <= wa; yi++) for (xi = 1; xi <= wa; xi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) - xi, z, y * (s + wa) - yi), block);
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) - xi, y * (s + wa) - yi, -z), block);
if (e && cell != id(x, l) && cell != id(w, y)) {
for (z = 0; z < h; z++) for (yi = 0; yi < s; yi++) for (xi = 0; xi < s; xi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, z, y * (s + wa) + yi), BaseBlock(0));
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, y * (s + wa) + yi, -z), BaseBlock(0));
if (so) {
stack = [];
visited = [];
wrong = [];
while (cell != end) {
if (visited[stack[stack.length - 1]]) wrong[cell] = true;
cell = stack.pop();
x = $x(cell);
y = $y(cell);
visited[cell] = true;
neighbors = [];
if (noWallLeft[cell] && cell != start) neighbors.push(id(x - 1, y));
if (noWallLeft[id(x + 1, y)]) neighbors.push(id(x + 1, y));
if (noWallAbove[cell]) neighbors.push(id(x, y - 1));
if (noWallAbove[id(x, y + 1)]) neighbors.push(id(x, y + 1));
while (neighbors.length > 0) {
neighbor = neighbors.pop();
if (!visited[neighbor]) {
for (y = 0; y <= l; y++) for (x = 0; x <= w; x++) {
cell = id(x, y);
if (visited[cell] && !wrong[cell]) {
for (yi = 0; yi < s; yi++) for (xi = 0; xi < s; xi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, -1, y * (s + wa) + yi), BaseBlock(35, 5));
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, y * (s + wa) + yi, +1), BaseBlock(35, 5));
if ((visited[cell] && !wrong[cell] && visited[id(x - 1, y)] && !wrong[id(x - 1, y)] && noWallLeft[cell]) || cell == start || id(x - 1, y) == end) {
for (xi = 1; xi <= wa; xi++) for (yi = 0; yi < s; yi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) - xi, -1, y * (s + wa) + yi), BaseBlock(35, 5));
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) - xi, y * (s + wa) + yi, +1), BaseBlock(35, 5));
if (visited[cell] && !wrong[cell] && visited[id(x, y - 1)] && !wrong[id(x, y - 1)] && noWallAbove[cell]) {
for (xi = 0; xi < s; xi++) for (yi = 1; yi <= wa; yi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, -1, y * (s + wa) - yi), BaseBlock(35, 5));
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, y * (s + wa) - yi, +1), BaseBlock(35, 5));
if (g) {
if (visited[cell] && !wrong[cell] && (!visited[id(x - 1, y)] || wrong[id(x - 1, y)]) && noWallLeft[cell] && cell != start) {
for (z = 0; z < h; z++) for (xi = 1; xi <= wa; xi++) for (yi = 0; yi < s; yi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) - xi, z, y * (s + wa) + yi), BaseBlock(20));
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) - xi, y * (s + wa) + yi, -z), BaseBlock(20));
if ((!visited[cell] || wrong[cell]) && visited[id(x - 1, y)] && !wrong[id(x - 1, y)] && noWallLeft[cell] && id(x - 1, y) != end) {
for (z = 0; z < h; z++) for (xi = 1; xi <= wa; xi++) for (yi = 0; yi < s; yi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) - xi, z, y * (s + wa) + yi), BaseBlock(20));
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) - xi, y * (s + wa) + yi, -z), BaseBlock(20));
if (visited[cell] && !wrong[cell] && (!visited[id(x, y - 1)] || wrong[id(x, y - 1)]) && noWallAbove[cell]) {
for (z = 0; z < h; z++) for (xi = 0; xi < s; xi++) for (yi = 1; yi <= wa; yi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, z, y * (s + wa) - yi), BaseBlock(20));
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, y * (s + wa) - yi, -z), BaseBlock(20));
if ((!visited[cell] || wrong[cell]) && visited[id(x, y - 1)] && !wrong[id(x, y - 1)] && noWallAbove[cell]) {
for (z = 0; z < h; z++) for (xi = 0; xi < s; xi++) for (yi = 1; yi <= wa; yi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, z, y * (s + wa) - yi), BaseBlock(20));
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, y * (s + wa) - yi, -z), BaseBlock(20));
if (re) {
if (wrong[cell]) {
for (yi = 0; yi < s; yi++) for (xi = 0; xi < s; xi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, -1, y * (s + wa) + yi), BaseBlock(35, 14));
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, y * (s + wa) + yi, +1), BaseBlock(35, 14));
if ((wrong[cell] || wrong[id(x - 1, y)]) && noWallLeft[cell]) {
for (xi = 1; xi <= wa; xi++) for (yi = 0; yi < s; yi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) - xi, -1, y * (s + wa) + yi), BaseBlock(35, 14));
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) - xi, y * (s + wa) + yi, +1), BaseBlock(35, 14));
if ((wrong[cell] || wrong[id(x, y - 1)]) && noWallAbove[cell]) {
for (xi = 0; xi < s; xi++) for (yi = 1; yi <= wa; yi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, -1, y * (s + wa) - yi), BaseBlock(35, 14));
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, y * (s + wa) - yi, +1), BaseBlock(35, 14));
if (bl) {
if (!visited[cell] && y < l && x < w) {
for (yi = 0; yi < s; yi++) for (xi = 0; xi < s; xi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, -1, y * (s + wa) + yi), BaseBlock(35, 11));
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, y * (s + wa) + yi, +1), BaseBlock(35, 11));
if ((!visited[cell] || !visited[id(x - 1, y)]) && noWallLeft[cell] && x > 0 && x < w) {
for (xi = 1; xi <= wa; xi++) for (yi = 0; yi < s; yi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) - xi, -1, y * (s + wa) + yi), BaseBlock(35, 11));
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) - xi, y * (s + wa) + yi, +1), BaseBlock(35, 11));
if ((!visited[cell] || !visited[id(x, y - 1)]) && noWallAbove[cell]) {
for (xi = 0; xi < s; xi++) for (yi = 1; yi <= wa; yi++) {
if (!v) sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, -1, y * (s + wa) - yi), BaseBlock(35, 11));
else sess.setBlock(origin.add(x * (s + wa) + xi, y * (s + wa) - yi, +1), BaseBlock(35, 11));