package de.steamwar.command; import de.steamwar.command.dto.ExecutionIdentifier; import de.steamwar.command.dto.TestSWCommand; public class ArgumentCommand extends TestSWCommand { public ArgumentCommand() { super("argument"); } @Register public void argument(String sender, boolean b, boolean b2) { throw new ExecutionIdentifier("RunArgument with Boolean"); } @Register public void argument(String sender, float f, float f2, float f3) { throw new ExecutionIdentifier("RunArgument with Float"); } @Register public void argument(String sender, double d, double d2) { throw new ExecutionIdentifier("RunArgument with Double"); } @Register public void argument(String sender, int i) { throw new ExecutionIdentifier("RunArgument with Integer"); } @Register public void argument(String sender, long l, long l2) { throw new ExecutionIdentifier("RunArgument with Long"); } @Register public void argument(String sender, String arg) { throw new ExecutionIdentifier("RunArgument with String"); } }