NodeMember: CommenCore #27

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@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
This file is a part of the SteamWar software.
Copyright (C) 2023
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package de.steamwar.sql;
import de.steamwar.sql.internal.Field;
import de.steamwar.sql.internal.SelectStatement;
import de.steamwar.sql.internal.Table;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Getter;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.*;
import static de.steamwar.sql.SchematicNode.TAB_CACHE;
public class EffectiveSchematicNode {
private static final Table<EffectiveSchematicNode> table = new Table<>(EffectiveSchematicNode.class, "EffectiveSchematicNode");
private static final SelectStatement<EffectiveSchematicNode> all = new SelectStatement<>(table, "SELECT * FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE EffectiveOwner = ? ORDER BY NodeName");
private static final SelectStatement<EffectiveSchematicNode> list_null = new SelectStatement<>(table, "SELECT * FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE EffectiveOwner = ? AND ParentNode is null ORDER BY NodeName");
private static final SelectStatement<EffectiveSchematicNode> list = new SelectStatement<>(table, "SELECT * FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE EffectiveOwner = ? AND ParentNode = ? ORDER BY NodeName");
private static final SelectStatement<EffectiveSchematicNode> byParentName = new SelectStatement<>(table, "SELECT * FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE EffectiveOwner = ? AND ParentNode = ? AND NodeName = ? ORDER BY NodeName");
private static final SelectStatement<EffectiveSchematicNode> byParentName_null = new SelectStatement<>(table, "SELECT * FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE EffectiveOwner = ? AND ParentNode is null AND NodeName = ? ORDER BY NodeName");
private static final SelectStatement<EffectiveSchematicNode> schematicAccessibleForUser = new SelectStatement<>(table, "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT NodeId) FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE EffectiveOwner = ? AND NodeId = ?");
private static final SelectStatement<EffectiveSchematicNode> accessibleByUserTypeParent = new SelectStatement<>(table, "WITH RECURSIVE RSN AS (SELECT NodeId, ParentNode FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE NodeType = ? AND EffectiveOwner = ? UNION SELECT SN.NodeId, SN.ParentNode FROM RSN, EffectiveSchematicNode SN WHERE SN.NodeId = RSN.ParentNode AND EffectiveOwner = ?) SELECT SN.NodeId, SN.NodeOwner, ? AS EffectiveOwner, SN.NodeName, RSN.ParentNode, SN.LastUpdate, SN.NodeItem, SN.NodeType, SN.NodeRank FROM RSN INNER JOIN SchematicNode SN ON RSN.NodeId = SN.NodeId");
private static final SelectStatement<EffectiveSchematicNode> accessibleByUserTypeInParent = new SelectStatement<>(table, "WITH RECURSIVE RSN AS (SELECT NodeId, ParentNode FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE NodeType = ? AND EffectiveOwner = ? UNION SELECT SN.NodeId, SN.ParentNode FROM RSN, EffectiveSchematicNode SN WHERE SN.NodeId = RSN.ParentNode AND EffectiveOwner = ?) SELECT SN.NodeId, SN.NodeOwner, ? AS EffectiveOwner, SN.NodeName, RSN.ParentNode, SN.LastUpdate, SN.NodeItem, SN.NodeType, SN.NodeRank FROM RSN INNER JOIN SchematicNode SN ON RSN.NodeId = SN.NodeId WHERE RSN.ParentNode = ?");
private static final SelectStatement<EffectiveSchematicNode> accessibleByUserTypeInParent_null = new SelectStatement<>(table, "WITH RECURSIVE RSN AS (SELECT NodeId, ParentNode FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE NodeType = ? AND EffectiveOwner = ? UNION SELECT SN.NodeId, SN.ParentNode FROM RSN, EffectiveSchematicNode SN WHERE SN.NodeId = RSN.ParentNode AND EffectiveOwner = ?) SELECT SN.NodeId, SN.NodeOwner, ? AS EffectiveOwner, SN.NodeName, RSN.ParentNode, SN.LastUpdate, SN.NodeItem, SN.NodeType, SN.NodeRank FROM RSN INNER JOIN SchematicNode SN ON RSN.NodeId = SN.NodeId WHERE RSN.ParentNode is null");
private static final SelectStatement<EffectiveSchematicNode> accessibleByUserType = new SelectStatement<>(table, "SELECT * FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE EffectiveOwner = ? AND NodeType = ?");
private static final SelectStatement<EffectiveSchematicNode> byIdAndUser = new SelectStatement<>(table, "SELECT * FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE EffectiveOwner = ? AND NodeId = ?");
private static final SelectStatement<EffectiveSchematicNode> allParentsOfNode = new SelectStatement<>(table, "WITH RECURSIVE R AS (SELECT NodeId, ParentNode FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE NodeId = ? AND EffectiveOwner = ? UNION SELECT E.NodeId, E.ParentNode FROM R, EffectiveSchematicNode E WHERE R.ParentNode = E.NodeId AND E.EffectiveOwner = ?) SELECT SN.NodeId, SN.NodeOwner, ? AS EffectiveOwner, SN.NodeName, R.ParentNode, SN.LastUpdate, SN.NodeItem, SN.NodeType, SN.NodeRank FROM R INNER JOIN SchematicNode SN ON SN.NodeId = R.NodeId");
public static List<EffectiveSchematicNode> getAll(SteamwarUser user) {
return all.listSelect(user);
public static Map<Integer, List<EffectiveSchematicNode>> getAllMap(SteamwarUser user) {
return map(all.listSelect(user));
public static List<EffectiveSchematicNode> list(SteamwarUser user, Integer schematicId) {
if(schematicId == null || schematicId == 0) {
return list_null.listSelect(user);
} else {
return list.listSelect(user, schematicId);
public static Optional<EffectiveSchematicNode> byParentName(SteamwarUser user, Integer schematicId, String name) {
if(schematicId == null || schematicId == 0) {
return Optional.ofNullable(, name));
} else {
return Optional.ofNullable(, schematicId, name));
public static List<EffectiveSchematicNode> accessibleByUserType(SteamwarUser user, SchematicType type) {
return accessibleByUserType.listSelect(type, user, user, user);
public static Map<Integer, List<EffectiveSchematicNode>> accessibleByUserTypeMap(SteamwarUser user, SchematicType type) {
return map(accessibleByUserTypeParent.listSelect(type, user, user, user));
public static boolean schematicAccessibleForUser(SteamwarUser user, Integer schematicId) {
return, schematicId) != null;
public static List<EffectiveSchematicNode> accessibleByUserTypeParent(SteamwarUser user, SchematicType type, Integer parentId) {
if(parentId == null || parentId == 0) {
return accessibleByUserTypeInParent_null.listSelect(type, user, user, user);
} else {
return accessibleByUserTypeInParent.listSelect(type, user, user, user, parentId);
public static Optional<EffectiveSchematicNode> byIdAndUser(SteamwarUser user, Integer id) {
return Optional.ofNullable(, id));
public static List<EffectiveSchematicNode> parentsOfNode(SteamwarUser user, Integer id) {
return allParentsOfNode.listSelect(id, user, user, user).stream().filter(n -> n.getNodeId() != id).collect(Collectors.toList());
private static Map<Integer, List<EffectiveSchematicNode>> map(List<EffectiveSchematicNode> in) {
Map<Integer, List<EffectiveSchematicNode>> map = new HashMap<>();
for (EffectiveSchematicNode effectiveSchematicNode : in) {
map.computeIfAbsent(effectiveSchematicNode.getNodeParent().orElse(0), k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(effectiveSchematicNode);
return map;
private final int nodeId;
private final int nodeOwner;
private final int effectiveOwner;
private final String nodeName;
@Field(nullable = true)
private final Integer parentNode;
private final Timestamp lastUpdate;
private final String nodeItem;
@Field(nullable = true)
private final SchematicType nodeType;
private final int nodeRank;
private String brCache = null;
public EffectiveSchematicNode(int nodeId, int nodeOwner, int effectiveOwner, String nodeName, Integer nodeParent, Timestamp lastUpdate, String nodeItem, SchematicType nodeType, int nodeRank) {
this.nodeId = nodeId;
this.nodeOwner = nodeOwner;
this.effectiveOwner = effectiveOwner;
this.nodeName = nodeName;
this.parentNode = nodeParent;
this.lastUpdate = lastUpdate;
this.nodeItem = nodeItem;
this.nodeType = nodeType;
this.nodeRank = nodeRank;
public boolean isDir() {
return nodeType == null;
public Optional<Integer> getNodeParent() {
return Optional.ofNullable(parentNode);
public Optional<EffectiveSchematicNode> getParentNode() {
return byIdAndUser(SteamwarUser.get(effectiveOwner), parentNode);
public SchematicType getNodeType() {
if(isDir()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("This node is a directory");
return nodeType;
public int getNodeRank() {
if(isDir()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("This node is a directory");
return nodeRank;
public SchematicNode toSchematicNode() {
return SchematicNode.getSchematicNode(nodeId);
public boolean isWritable() {
return effectiveOwner == nodeOwner;
public String getNodeItem() {
if (nodeItem.isEmpty()) {
return isDir() ? "CHEST" : "CAULDRON_ITEM";
return nodeItem;
public static List<String> getNodeTabcomplete(SteamwarUser user, String s) {
boolean sws = s.startsWith("/");
if (sws) {
s = s.substring(1);
int index = s.lastIndexOf("/");
String cacheKey = index == -1 ? "" : s.substring(0, index);
if(TAB_CACHE.containsKey(user.getId()) && TAB_CACHE.get(user.getId()).containsKey(cacheKey)) {
return new ArrayList<>(TAB_CACHE.get(user.getId()).get(cacheKey));
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
if (s.contains("/")) {
String preTab = s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
Optional<EffectiveSchematicNode> pa = EffectiveSchematicNode.getNodeFromPath(user, preTab);
if (!pa.isPresent()) return Collections.emptyList();
List<EffectiveSchematicNode> nodes = EffectiveSchematicNode.list(user, pa.get().getNodeId());
nodes.forEach(node -> list.add((sws ? "/" : "") + node.generateBreadcrumbs()));
} else {
List<EffectiveSchematicNode> nodes = EffectiveSchematicNode.list(user, 0);
nodes.forEach(node -> list.add((sws ? "/" : "") + node.getNodeName() + (node.isDir() ? "/" : "")));
TAB_CACHE.computeIfAbsent(user.getId(), integer -> new HashMap<>()).putIfAbsent(cacheKey, list);
return list;
public String generateBreadcrumbs() {
if(brCache == null) {
brCache = generateBreadcrumbs("/");
return brCache;
public String generateBreadcrumbs(String split) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(getNodeName());
Optional<EffectiveSchematicNode> currentNode = Optional.of(this);
if( {
while (currentNode.isPresent()) {
currentNode = currentNode.flatMap(EffectiveSchematicNode::getNodeParent).flatMap(integer -> byIdAndUser(SteamwarUser.get(effectiveOwner), integer));
currentNode.ifPresent(node -> builder.insert(0, '/').insert(0, node.getNodeName()));
return builder.toString();
public static Optional<EffectiveSchematicNode> getNodeFromPath(SteamwarUser user, String s) {
if (s.startsWith("/")) {
s = s.substring(1);
if (s.endsWith("/")) {
s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1);
if (s.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
if (s.contains("/")) {
String[] layers = s.split("/");
Optional<EffectiveSchematicNode> currentNode = EffectiveSchematicNode.byParentName(user, 0, layers[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < layers.length; i++) {
int finalI = i;
Optional<EffectiveSchematicNode> node = currentNode.flatMap(effectiveSchematicNode -> EffectiveSchematicNode.byParentName(user, effectiveSchematicNode.getNodeId(), layers[finalI]));
if (!node.isPresent()) {
return Optional.empty();
} else {
currentNode = node;
if (! && i != layers.length - 1) {
return Optional.empty();
return currentNode;
} else {
return EffectiveSchematicNode.byParentName(user, 0, s);

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@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ package de.steamwar.sql;
import de.steamwar.sql.internal.*;
import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
@ -28,7 +29,6 @@ import;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public class SchematicNode {
private static final String[] fields = {"NodeId", "NodeOwner", "NodeName", "ParentNode", "LastUpdate", "NodeItem", "NodeType", "NodeRank", "ReplaceColor", "AllowReplay", "NodeFormat"};
private static String nodeSelectCreator(String itemPrefix) {
return "SELECT " + -> itemPrefix + s).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) + " FROM SchematicNode ";
return "SELECT " + -> itemPrefix + s).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) + ", NodeOwner AS EffectiveOwner FROM SchematicNode ";
private static final Table<SchematicNode> table = new Table<>(SchematicNode.class);
@ -60,11 +60,19 @@ public class SchematicNode {
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> byParent_null = new SelectStatement<>(table, nodeSelectCreator("") + "WHERE ParentNode is NULL ORDER BY NodeName");
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> dirsByParent = new SelectStatement<>(table, nodeSelectCreator("") + "WHERE ParentNode = ? AND NodeType is NULL ORDER BY NodeName");
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> dirsByParent_null = new SelectStatement<>(table, nodeSelectCreator("") + "WHERE ParentNode is NULL AND NodeType is NULL ORDER BY NodeName");
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> byParentName = table.selectFields("NodeName", "ParentNode");
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> byParentName_null = new SelectStatement<>(table, nodeSelectCreator("") + "WHERE NodeName = ? AND ParentNode is NULL");
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> byOwnerType = new SelectStatement<>(table, nodeSelectCreator("") + "WHERE NodeOwner = ? AND NodeType = ? ORDER BY NodeName");
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> byType = new SelectStatement<>(table, nodeSelectCreator("") + "WHERE NodeType = ? ORDER BY NodeName");
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> allParentsOfNode = new SelectStatement<>(table, "WITH RECURSIVE RSN AS (" + nodeSelectCreator("") + "WHERE NodeId = ? UNION " + nodeSelectCreator("SN.") + "SN, RSN WHERE RSN.ParentNode = SN.NodeId) SELECT * FROM RSN ORDER BY NodeName");
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> all = new SelectStatement<>(table, "SELECT * FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE EffectiveOwner = ? ORDER BY NodeName");
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> list_null = new SelectStatement<>(table, "SELECT * FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE EffectiveOwner = ? AND ParentNode is null ORDER BY NodeName");
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> list = new SelectStatement<>(table, "SELECT * FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE EffectiveOwner = ? AND ParentNode = ? ORDER BY NodeName");
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> byParentName = new SelectStatement<>(table, "SELECT * FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE EffectiveOwner = ? AND ParentNode = ? AND NodeName = ? ORDER BY NodeName");
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> byParentName_null = new SelectStatement<>(table, "SELECT * FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE EffectiveOwner = ? AND ParentNode is null AND NodeName = ? ORDER BY NodeName");
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> schematicAccessibleForUser = new SelectStatement<>(table, "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT NodeId) FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE EffectiveOwner = ? AND NodeId = ?");
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> accessibleByUserTypeInParent = new SelectStatement<>(table, "WITH RECURSIVE RSN AS (SELECT NodeId, ParentNode FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE NodeType = ? AND EffectiveOwner = ? UNION SELECT SN.NodeId, SN.ParentNode FROM RSN, EffectiveSchematicNode SN WHERE SN.NodeId = RSN.ParentNode AND EffectiveOwner = ?) SELECT SN.NodeId, SN.NodeOwner, ? AS EffectiveOwner, SN.NodeName, RSN.ParentNode, SN.LastUpdate, SN.NodeItem, SN.NodeType, SN.NodeRank FROM RSN INNER JOIN SchematicNode SN ON RSN.NodeId = SN.NodeId WHERE RSN.ParentNode = ?");
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> accessibleByUserTypeInParent_null = new SelectStatement<>(table, "WITH RECURSIVE RSN AS (SELECT NodeId, ParentNode FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE NodeType = ? AND EffectiveOwner = ? UNION SELECT SN.NodeId, SN.ParentNode FROM RSN, EffectiveSchematicNode SN WHERE SN.NodeId = RSN.ParentNode AND EffectiveOwner = ?) SELECT SN.NodeId, SN.NodeOwner, ? AS EffectiveOwner, SN.NodeName, RSN.ParentNode, SN.LastUpdate, SN.NodeItem, SN.NodeType, SN.NodeRank FROM RSN INNER JOIN SchematicNode SN ON RSN.NodeId = SN.NodeId WHERE RSN.ParentNode is null");
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> accessibleByUserType = new SelectStatement<>(table, "SELECT * FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE EffectiveOwner = ? AND NodeType = ?");
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> byIdAndUser = new SelectStatement<>(table, "SELECT * FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE EffectiveOwner = ? AND NodeId = ?");
private static final SelectStatement<SchematicNode> allParentsOfNode = new SelectStatement<>(table, "WITH RECURSIVE R AS (SELECT NodeId, ParentNode FROM EffectiveSchematicNode WHERE NodeId = ? AND EffectiveOwner = ? UNION SELECT E.NodeId, E.ParentNode FROM R, EffectiveSchematicNode E WHERE R.ParentNode = E.NodeId AND E.EffectiveOwner = ?) SELECT SN.NodeId, SN.NodeOwner, ? AS EffectiveOwner, SN.NodeName, R.ParentNode, SN.LastUpdate, SN.NodeItem, SN.NodeType, SN.NodeRank FROM R INNER JOIN SchematicNode SN ON SN.NodeId = R.NodeId");
static {
@ -74,6 +82,9 @@ public class SchematicNode {
private final int nodeId;
@Field(keys = {"OwnerNameParent"})
private final int nodeOwner;
private final int effectiveOwner;
@Field(keys = {"OwnerNameParent"})
private String nodeName;
@Field(keys = {"OwnerNameParent"}, nullable = true)
@ -94,9 +105,12 @@ public class SchematicNode {
@Field(def = "1")
private boolean nodeFormat;
private String brCache;
public SchematicNode(
int nodeId,
int nodeOwner,
int effectiveOwner,
String nodeName,
Integer parentNode,
Timestamp lastUpdate,
@ -109,6 +123,7 @@ public class SchematicNode {
) {
this.nodeId = nodeId;
this.nodeOwner = nodeOwner;
this.effectiveOwner = effectiveOwner;
this.nodeName = nodeName;
this.parentNode = parentNode;
this.nodeItem = nodeItem;
@ -120,6 +135,66 @@ public class SchematicNode {
this.nodeFormat = nodeFormat;
public static List<SchematicNode> getAll(SteamwarUser user) {
return all.listSelect(user);
public static Map<Integer, List<SchematicNode>> getAllMap(SteamwarUser user) {
return map(getAll(user));
public static List<SchematicNode> list(SteamwarUser user, Integer schematicId) {
if(schematicId == null || schematicId == 0) {
return list_null.listSelect(user);
} else {
return list.listSelect(user, schematicId);
public static SchematicNode byParentName(SteamwarUser user, Integer schematicId, String name) {
if(schematicId == null || schematicId == 0) {
return, name);
} else {
return, schematicId, name);
public static List<SchematicNode> accessibleByUserType(SteamwarUser user, SchematicType type) {
return accessibleByUserType.listSelect(type, user, user, user);
public static Map<Integer, List<SchematicNode>> accessibleByUserTypeMap(SteamwarUser user, SchematicType type) {
return map(accessibleByUserType(user, type));
public static boolean schematicAccessibleForUser(SteamwarUser user, Integer schematicId) {
return, schematicId) != null;
public static List<SchematicNode> accessibleByUserTypeParent(SteamwarUser user, SchematicType type, Integer parentId) {
if(parentId == null || parentId == 0) {
return accessibleByUserTypeInParent_null.listSelect(type, user, user, user);
} else {
return accessibleByUserTypeInParent.listSelect(type, user, user, user, parentId);
public static SchematicNode byIdAndUser(SteamwarUser user, Integer id) {
return, id);
public static List<SchematicNode> parentsOfNode(SteamwarUser user, Integer id) {
return allParentsOfNode.listSelect(id, user, user, user).stream().filter(n -> n.getId() != id).collect(Collectors.toList());
private static Map<Integer, List<SchematicNode>> map(List<SchematicNode> in) {
Map<Integer, List<SchematicNode>> map = new HashMap<>();
for (SchematicNode effectiveSchematicNode : in) {
map.computeIfAbsent(effectiveSchematicNode.getOptionalParent().orElse(0), k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(effectiveSchematicNode);
return map;
public static SchematicNode createSchematic(int owner, String name, Integer parent) {
return createSchematicNode(owner, name, parent, SchematicType.Normal.toDB(), "");
@ -188,14 +263,12 @@ public class SchematicNode {
public static List<SchematicNode> getAccessibleSchematicsOfTypeInParent(int owner, String schemType, Integer parent) {
return EffectiveSchematicNode.accessibleByUserTypeParent(SteamwarUser.get(owner), SchematicType.fromDB(schemType), parent).stream().map(EffectiveSchematicNode::toSchematicNode).collect(Collectors.toList());
return accessibleByUserTypeParent(SteamwarUser.get(owner), SchematicType.fromDB(schemType), parent);
public static List<SchematicNode> getAllAccessibleSchematicsOfType(int user, String schemType) {
return EffectiveSchematicNode.accessibleByUserType(SteamwarUser.get(user), SchematicType.fromDB(schemType)).stream().map(EffectiveSchematicNode::toSchematicNode).collect(Collectors.toList());
return accessibleByUserType(SteamwarUser.get(user), SchematicType.fromDB(schemType));
public static List<SchematicNode> getAllSchematicsOfType(int owner, String schemType) {
@ -227,12 +300,12 @@ public class SchematicNode {
public static List<SchematicNode> getSchematicsAccessibleByUser(int user, Integer parent) {
return EffectiveSchematicNode.list(SteamwarUser.get(user), parent).stream().map(EffectiveSchematicNode::toSchematicNode).collect(Collectors.toList());
return list(SteamwarUser.get(user), parent);
public static List<SchematicNode> getAllSchematicsAccessibleByUser(int user) {
return EffectiveSchematicNode.getAll(SteamwarUser.get(user)).stream().map(EffectiveSchematicNode::toSchematicNode).collect(Collectors.toList());
return getAll(SteamwarUser.get(user));
public static List<SchematicNode> getAllParentsOfNode(SchematicNode node) {
@ -243,9 +316,35 @@ public class SchematicNode {
return allParentsOfNode.listSelect(node);
public static SchematicNode getNodeFromPath(SteamwarUser user, String s) {
return EffectiveSchematicNode.getNodeFromPath(user, s).map(EffectiveSchematicNode::toSchematicNode).orElse(null);
if (s.startsWith("/")) {
s = s.substring(1);
if (s.endsWith("/")) {
s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1);
if (s.isEmpty()) {
return null;
if (s.contains("/")) {
String[] layers = s.split("/");
Optional<SchematicNode> currentNode = Optional.ofNullable(SchematicNode.byParentName(user, 0, layers[0]));
for (int i = 1; i < layers.length; i++) {
int finalI = i;
Optional<SchematicNode> node = -> SchematicNode.byParentName(user, effectiveSchematicNode.getId(), layers[finalI]));
if (!node.isPresent()) {
return null;
} else {
currentNode = node;
if (! && i != layers.length - 1) {
return null;
return currentNode.orElse(null);
} else {
return SchematicNode.byParentName(user, 0, s);
public static List<SchematicNode> filterSchems(int user, Predicate<SchematicNode> filter) {
@ -262,11 +361,6 @@ public class SchematicNode {
return finalList;
public static Integer countNodes() {
return -1;
public int getId() {
return nodeId;
@ -288,6 +382,10 @@ public class SchematicNode {
return parentNode;
public Optional<Integer> getOptionalParent() {
return Optional.ofNullable(parentNode);
public void setParent(Integer parent) {
this.parentNode = parent;
@ -424,12 +522,34 @@ public class SchematicNode {
return ((SchematicNode) obj).getId() == nodeId;
public String generateBreadcrumbs(SteamwarUser user) {
return EffectiveSchematicNode.byIdAndUser(user, nodeId).map(EffectiveSchematicNode::generateBreadcrumbs).orElse("/");
return generateBreadcrumbs();
public String generateBreadcrumbs(String split, SteamwarUser user) {
return EffectiveSchematicNode.byIdAndUser(user, nodeId).map(node -> node.generateBreadcrumbs(split)).orElse("/");
return generateBreadcrumbs(split);
public String generateBreadcrumbs() {
if(brCache == null) {
brCache = generateBreadcrumbs("/");
return brCache;
public String generateBreadcrumbs(String split) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(getName());
Optional<SchematicNode> currentNode = Optional.of(this);
if( {
while (currentNode.isPresent()) {
currentNode = currentNode.flatMap(SchematicNode::getOptionalParent).map(integer -> byIdAndUser(SteamwarUser.get(effectiveOwner), integer));
currentNode.ifPresent(node -> builder.insert(0, split).insert(0, node.getName()));
return builder.toString();
private static final List<String> FORBIDDEN_NAMES = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList("public"));
@ -458,7 +578,29 @@ public class SchematicNode {
public static List<String> getNodeTabcomplete(SteamwarUser user, String s) {
return EffectiveSchematicNode.getNodeTabcomplete(user, s);
boolean sws = s.startsWith("/");
if (sws) {
s = s.substring(1);
int index = s.lastIndexOf("/");
String cacheKey = index == -1 ? "" : s.substring(0, index);
if(TAB_CACHE.containsKey(user.getId()) && TAB_CACHE.get(user.getId()).containsKey(cacheKey)) {
return new ArrayList<>(TAB_CACHE.get(user.getId()).get(cacheKey));
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
if (s.contains("/")) {
String preTab = s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
SchematicNode pa = SchematicNode.getNodeFromPath(user, preTab);
if (pa == null) return Collections.emptyList();
List<SchematicNode> nodes = SchematicNode.list(user, pa.getId());
nodes.forEach(node -> list.add((sws ? "/" : "") + node.generateBreadcrumbs()));
} else {
List<SchematicNode> nodes = SchematicNode.list(user, 0);
nodes.forEach(node -> list.add((sws ? "/" : "") + node.getName() + (node.isDir() ? "/" : "")));
TAB_CACHE.computeIfAbsent(user.getId(), integer -> new HashMap<>()).putIfAbsent(cacheKey, list);
return list;
private static void rootWarning() {