# # This file is a part of the SteamWar software. # # Copyright (C) 2021 SteamWar.de-Serverteam # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # PREFIX = §eBau§8System§8» TIME = HH:mm:ss DATE=........ COMMAND_HELP_HEAD=§7---=== (§e{0}§7) ===--- ONLY_SCHEMS=§cFolders are unselectable PAGE_LIST=§e Page ({0}/{1}) »» LIST_PREVIOUS_PAGE=§ePrevious page LIST_NEXT_PAGE=§eNext page # Scoreboard SCOREBOARD_TIME = Time SCOREBOARD_REGION = Region SCOREBOARD_TRACE = Trace SCOREBOARD_LOADER = Loader SCOREBOARD_TPS = TPS SCOREBOARD_TPS_FROZEN = §e Frozen SCOREBOARD_TRACE_TICKS = Ticks # Flags FLAG_COLOR = Color FLAG_TNT = TNT FLAG_FIRE = Fire FLAG_FREEZE = Freeze FLAG_PROTECT = Protect FLAG_FIRE_ALLOW = §con FLAG_FIRE_DENY = §aoff FLAG_FREEZE_ACTIVE = §aon FLAG_FREEZE_INACTIVE = §coff FLAG_PROTECT_ACTIVE = §aon FLAG_PROTECT_INACTIVE = §coff FLAG_TNT_ALLOW = §aon FLAG_TNT_DENY = §coff FLAG_TNT_ONLY_TB = §7no §ebuild area FLAG_COLOR_WHITE = §fWhite FLAG_COLOR_ORANGE = §6Orange FLAG_COLOR_MAGENTA = §dMagenta FLAG_COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE = §bLight blue FLAG_COLOR_YELLOW = §eYellow FLAG_COLOR_LIME = §aLime ## This cannot be converted FLAG_COLOR_PINK = §ePink FLAG_COLOR_GRAY = §8Gray FLAG_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY = §7Light gray FLAG_COLOR_CYAN = §3Cyan FLAG_COLOR_PURPLE = §5Purple FLAG_COLOR_BLUE = §1Blue ## This cannot be converted FLAG_COLOR_BROWN = §eBrown FLAG_COLOR_GREEN = §2Green FLAG_COLOR_RED = §cRed FLAG_COLOR_BLACK = §0Black # Region REGION_TYPE_NORMAL = Normal REGION_TYPE_BUILD = Build area REGION_TYPE_ONLY_TB = Dummy # AutoStart AUTOSTART_COMMAND_HELP = §8/§etimer §8- §7Retrieve AutostartTimer Tool AUTOSTART_ITEM_NAME = §eAutostartTimer AUTOSTART_ITEM_LORE = §eRight Click Block §8- §7Start Timer AUTOSTART_MESSAGE_NO_REGION = §cYou are not inside any region AUTOSTART_MESSAGE_RESET = §eAutostartTimer restarted AUTOSTART_MESSAGE_START = §eAutostartTimer started AUTOSTART_MESSAGE_RESULT1 = §eTime §7until §eexplosion §7at enemy§8:§e {0} AUTOSTART_MESSAGE_DATE_PATTERN=mm:ss SSSS AUTOSTART_MESSAGE_RESULT2 = §eTime difference in game-ticks §7until {0} seconds§8:§e {1} AUTOSTART_MESSAGE_RESULT3 = §7positive, if too few, negative if too many # Backup BACKUP_HELP_CREATE=§8/§ebackup create §8- §7Create a region backup BACKUP_HELP_LOAD=§8/§ebackup load §8[§7BackupName§8] §8- §7Load a region backup BACKUP_HELP_LIST=§8/§ebackup list §8- §7List all region backups BACKUP_HELP_GUI=§8/§ebackup gui §8- §7Open the backup GUI BACKUP_REGION_NO_REGION=§cYou are not inside any region BACKUP_NO_PERMS=§You do not have permission to use the backup system BACKUP_CREATE_SUCCESS=§7Backup created BACKUP_CREATE_FAILURE=§cBackup failed BACKUP_CREATE_NO_CHANGE=§7No changes to save BACKUP_LIST_HEAD=§7---=== (§eBackup §7{0}§7) ===--- BACKUP_LIST_ENTRY=§7{0} §e[Load] BACKUP_LOAD_FAILURE=§cBackup load failed BACKUP_LOAD=§7Backup loaded BACKUP_INV_NAME=§eBackup BACKUP_ITEM_NAME=§eBackup §7from §e{0} BACKUP_LORE=§eClick to load # Bau BAU_COMMAND_HELP_INFO = §8/§ebau info §8- §7Alias for §8/§ebauinfo BAU_COMMAND_HELP_TOGGLEWE = §8/§ebau togglewe §8[§7Player§8] §8- §7Edit the WorldEdit permissions of a player BAU_COMMAND_HELP_TOGGLEWORLD = §8/§ebau toggleworld §8[§7Player§8] §8- §7Edit the World permissions of a player BAU_UNKNOWN_PLAYER = §cUnknown Player BAU_NO_PLAYER = §cThe player is no member of your world! BAU_NO_WORLD = §cThis is not your world! BAU_INFO_ITEM_NAME = §eBau-Management ## This is used in BauInfoBauGuiItem.java BAU_INFO_ITEM_LORE_TNT = §7TNT§8: §e{0} BAU_INFO_ITEM_LORE_FREEZE = §7Freeze§8: §e{0} BAU_INFO_ITEM_LORE_FIRE = §7Fire§8: §e{0} BAU_INFO_ITEM_LORE_COLOR = §7Color§8: §e{0} BAU_INFO_ITEM_LORE_PROTECT = §7Protect§8: §e{0} BAU_INFO_COMMAND_HELP = §8/§ebauinfo §8- §7Information regarding this build server BAU_INFO_COMMAND_OWNER = §7Owner: §e{0} BAU_INFO_COMMAND_MEMBER = §7Member: §e BAU_INFO_MEMBER_INFO = §e{0}§8[{1}§8,{2}§8] §8 BAU_INFO_MEMBER_WE_ALLOW = §aWE BAU_INFO_MEMBER_WE_DISALLOW = §cWE BAU_INFO_MEMBER_WORLD_ALLOW = §aW BAU_INFO_MEMBER_WORLD_DISALLOW = §cW BAU_INFO_COMMAND_FLAG = §e{0} §8: §7{1} BAU_INFO_COMMAND_TPS = TPS:§e # Countingwand COUNTINGWAND_COMMAND_HELP = §8/§ecountingwand §8- §7Receive a CountingWand COUNTINGWAND_ITEM_NAME = §eMeterstick COUNTINGWAND_ITEM_LORE1 = §eLeft-Click §8- §7Set the first position COUNTINGWAND_ITEM_LORE2 = §eRicht-Click §8- §7Set the second position COUNTINGWAND_MESSAGE_RCLICK = §7First position at: §8[§7{0}§8, §7{1}§8, §7{2}§8] ({3}§8) ({4}§8) COUNTINGWAND_MESSAGE_LCLICK = §7Second position at: §8[§7{0}§8, §7{1}§8, §7{2}§8] ({3}§8) ({4}§8) COUNTINGWAND_MESSAGE_VOLUME = §e{0} COUNTINGWAND_MESSAGE_DIMENSION = §e{0}§8, §e{1}§8, §e{2} # Detonator DETONATOR_LOC_REMOVE = §e{0} removed DETONATOR_LOC_ADD = §e{0} added DETONATOR_BUTTON_SWITCH=Lever DETONATOR_BUTTON_WOOD_BUTTON=Button DETONATOR_BUTTON_STONE_BUTTON=Button DETONATOR_BUTTON_PRESSURE_PLATE=Pressure plate DETONATOR_BUTTON_WEIGHTED-PRESSURE_PLATE=Pressure plate DETONATOR_BUTTON_TRIPWIRE=Tripwire DETONATOR_BUTTON_NOTEBLOCK=Noteblock DETONATOR_BUTTON_DAYLIGHTSENSOR=Daylight sensor DETONATOR_BUTTON_POWERABLE=Activateable block DETONATOR_BUTTON_INVALID=Invalid DETONATOR_WAND_NAME=§eDetonator DETONATOR_WAND_LORE_1=§eLeft-Click §8- §7Sets a point to be activated DETONATOR_WAND_LORE_2=§eLeft-Click + Shift §8- §eAdds a point DETONATOR_WAND_LORE_3=§eRight-Click §8- §eActivates all points DETONATOR_HELP_WAND=§8/§edetonator wand §8-§7 Receive a Detonator DETONATOR_HELP_CLICK=§8/§edetonator click §8-§7 Activate a Detonator (main-hand -> hotbar -> inventory) DETONATOR_HELP_CLEAR=§8/§edetonator clear §8-§7 Clear a Detonator DETONATOR_HELP_AUTOSTART=§8/§edetonator autostart §8-§7 Enable a Autostarttester automatically DETONATOR_AUTOSTART_ENABLE=§7Autostart with detonate §aenabled DETONATOR_AUTOSTART_DISABLE=§7Autostart with detonate §cdisabled DETONATOR_POINT_ACT=§eSingle point activated DETONATOR_POINTS_ACT=§e{0} points activated DETONATOR_INVALID_POINT=§cOne point could not be activated DETONATOR_INVALID_POINTS=§c{0} points could not be activated DETONATOR_INVALID_BLOCK=§eThe block could not be addded # Hotbar HOTBAR_HELP_GENERIC=§7Saves a hotbar. While joining a bau with an empty inventory this hotbar will be used HOTBAR_HELP_SAVE=§8/§ehotbar save §8-§7 Saves your current hotbar HOTBAR_HELP_LOAD=§8/§ehotbar load §8-§7 Loads the saved hotbar HOTBAR_HELP_SHOW=§8/§ehotbar show §8-§7 Displays the saved hotbar HOTBAR_SAVED=§7Hotbar saved HOTBAR_LOADED=§7Hotbar loaded HOTBAR_INVENTORY=Standard hotbar # GUI GUI_EDITOR_ITEM_NAME=§eGui editor GUI_NAME=Bau GUI GUI_NO_PERMISSION=§cYou do not have enough permissions for this GUI_NO_OWNER=§cYou are not the owner of this World GUI_NO_WORLD=§cYou do not have permissions to change the World GUI_NO_WORLDEDIT=§cYou do not have permissions to use WorldEdit GUI_NO_MEMBER=§cYou need to be a member of this World GUI_ITEM_LORE1=§7Use this item to open the bau gui GUI_ITEM_LORE2=§7or press swap hands twice. GUI_EDITOR_TITLE=Bau GUI Editor GUI_EDITOR_ITEM_ROW_P=§e+1 Row GUI_EDITOR_ITEM_ROW_M=§e-1 Row GUI_EDITOR_ITEM_TRASH=§cTrashcan GUI_EDITOR_ITEM_TRASH_LORE=§7Drop item here GUI_EDITOR_ITEM_MORE=§eMore items GUI_EDITOR_TITLE_MORE=Select item # Script ## Errors SCRIPT_SLEEP_ERROR = §cInsert a sleep into your script SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_FIRST_ARG_NOVAR = §cThe first argument is missing and should be a variable SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_FIRST_ARG_NONUMER = §cThe first argument is missing and should be a number SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_FIRST_ARG_NOVAR_OR_VALUE = §cThe first argument is missing and should be a variable or a number SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_FIRST_ARG_NOJUMPPOINT = §cThe first argument is missing and should be a jump-point SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_SECOND_ARG_NOVAR = §cThe second argument is missing and should be a variable SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_SECOND_ARG_NOVAR_OR_VALUE = §cThe second argument is missing and should be a variable or a number SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_SECOND_ARG_NOVALUE = §cThe econd argument is missing and should be a value SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_THIRD_ARG_NOVAR = §cThe third argument is missing and should be a variable SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_THIRD_ARG_NOVALUE = §cThe third argument is missing and should be a value SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_THIRD_ARG_NOVAR_OR_NUMBER = §cThe third argument is missing and should be a variable or a number SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_THIRD_ARG_NOJUMPPOINT = §cThe third argument is missing and should be a jump-point SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_FOURTH_ARG_NOVALUE = §cThe fourth argument is missing and should be a value SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_BOOLEAN_COMPARE = §cOnly booleans can be compared SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_NUMBER_COMPARE = §cOnly numbers can be compared SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_ONLY_STRINGS_ALLOWED = §cOnly strings are allowed SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_ONLY_NUMBERS_ALLOWED = §cOnly numbers are allowed ## Commands SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_ADD_HELP_1 = §eadd §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_ADD_HELP_2 = §eadd §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8§8|§7value> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_ADD_HELP_3 = Addition between the two last variables and writes the result in the first one SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_ADD_ERROR = §cOnly numbers can be added SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_DIV_HELP_1 = §ediv §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_DIV_HELP_2 = §ediv §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_DIV_HELP_3 = Division between the two last variables and writes the result in the first one SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_DIV_ERROR = §cOnly numbers can be divided SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_MUL_HELP_1 = §emul §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_MUL_HELP_2 = §emul §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_MUL_HELP_3 = Multiplication between the two last variables and writes the result in the first one SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_MUL_ERROR = §cOnly numbers can be multiplied SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_SUB_HELP_1 = §esub §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_SUB_HELP_2 = §esub §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8§8|§7value§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_SUB_HELP_3 = Subtraction between the two last variables and writes the result in the first one SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_SUB_ERROR = §cOnly numbers can be subtracted SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_CEIL_HELP_1 = §eceil §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_CEIL_HELP_2 = §eceil §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_CEIL_HELP_3 = Ceils the second number and writes it in the first or ceils the second number with the precision from the third number and writes it in the first SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_CEIL_ERROR_1 = §cOnly floating point numbers can be ceiled SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_CEIL_ERROR_2 = §cThe precision needs to be a whole number SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_FLOOR_HELP_1 = §efloor §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_FLOOR_HELP_2 = §efloor §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_FLOOR_HELP_3 = Floors the second number and writes it in the first or floors the second number with the precision from the third number and writes it in the first SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_FLOOR_ERROR_1 = §cOnly floating point numbers can be floored SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_FLOOR_ERROR_2 = §cThe precision needs to be a whole number SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_ROUND_HELP_1 = §eround §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_ROUND_HELP_2 = §eround §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_ROUND_HELP_3 = Round the second number and writes it in the first or rounds the second number with the precision from the third number and writes it in the first SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_ROUND_ERROR_1 = §cOnly floating point numbers can be rounded SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_ROUND_ERROR_2 = §cThe precision needs to be a whole number SCRIPT_COMMAND_IO_ECHO_HELP_1 = §eecho §8<§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_IO_ECHO_HELP_2 = §7Send a message to the player. If the value is empty, the message will be empty as well SCRIPT_COMMAND_IO_ECHO_MESSAGE = §f{0} SCRIPT_COMMAND_IO_ECHOACTIONBAR_HELP_1 = §eechoactionbar §8<§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_IO_ECHOACTIONBAR_HELP_2 = §7Send a message to the player to the action bar. If the value is empty, the message will be empty as well SCRIPT_COMMAND_IO_INPUT_HELP_1 = §einput §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7text§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_IO_INPUT_HELP_2 = §7Request an input from the player, which will be written in the variable. The text is optional SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOGIC_AND_HELP_1 = §eand §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOGIC_AND_HELP_2 = §eand §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOGIC_AND_HELP_3 = The logic and between the last two variables and writes it in the first SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOGIC_EQUAL_HELP_1 = §eequal §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOGIC_EQUAL_HELP_2 = §eequal §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOGIC_EQUAL_HELP_3 = Compares the last two variables and writes it in the first SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOGIC_GREATER_HELP_1 = §egreater §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOGIC_GREATER_HELP_2 = §egreater §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOGIC_GREATER_HELP_3 = Compares the last two variables and writes it in the first SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOGIC_LESS_HELP_1 = §eless §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOGIC_LESS_HELP_2 = §eless §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOGIC_LESS_HELP_3 = Compares the last two variables and writes it in the first SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOGIC_NOT_HELP_1 = §enot §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOGIC_NOT_HELP_2 = §enot §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOGIC_NOT_HELP_3 = The logic not of the last variable and writes it in the first SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOGIC_OR_HELP_1 = §eor §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOGIC_OR_HELP_2 = §eor §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_LOGIC_OR_HELP_3 = The logic or between the last two variables and writes it in the first SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_INSERT_HELP_1 = §einsert §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7number§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_INSERT_HELP_2 = §einsert §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7number§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_INSERT_HELP_3 = Insert something into a String at a given index. The number is the index and the variable is the string. Optionally the result can be written in another or a new variable SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_LENGTH_HELP_1 = §elength §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_LENGTH_HELP_2 = §elength §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_LENGTH_HELP_3 = Returns the text length. SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_REMOVE_HELP_1 = §eremove §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7from variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_REMOVE_HELP_2 = §eremove §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7from variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_REMOVE_HELP_3 = Removes all occurrences of a string from another string. SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_REPLACE_HELP_1 = §ereplace §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7from variable§8> §8<§7to variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_REPLACE_HELP_2 = §ereplace §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7from variable§8> §8<§7to variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_REPLACE_HELP_3 = Replaces all occurrences of a string from another string with a given string SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_SUBSTRING_HELP_1 = §esubstring §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7number§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_SUBSTRING_HELP_2 = §esubstring §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7number§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_SUBSTRING_HELP_3 = Shortens a string either from the start or the end, depending on whether the given index is positive (start) or negative (end) SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_CONST_HELP_1 = §econst §8<§7variable§8> §8[§7value§8(§7s§8)§8] SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_CONST_HELP_2 = Writes a value in a constant, which can be a number, a boolean or a string SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_CONVERT_HELP_1 = §econvert §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_CONVERT_HELP_2 = Converts a value to 'number' if it's a number, or to 'boolean' if it's either 'true' or 'false'. Otherwise it remains of type 'text'. SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_GLOBAL_HELP_1 = §eglobal §8<§7variable§8> §8[§7value§8(§7s§8)§8] SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_GLOBAL_HELP_2 = Writes a value in a variable, which can be a number, a boolean or a string SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_ISSET_HELP_1 = §eisset §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_ISSET_HELP_2 = Writes true/false in a variable, depending on whether the second variable exists SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_UNGLOBAL_HELP_1 = §eunglobal §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_UNGLOBAL_HELP_2 = Deletes a global variable. SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_UNVAR_HELP_1 = §eunvar §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_UNVAR_HELP_2 = Deletes a local variable. SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_VAR_HELP_1 = §evar §8<§7variable§8> §8[§7value§8(§7s§8)§8] SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_VAR_HELP_2 = Writes a value in a variable, which can be a number, a boolean or a string SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_VARTYPE_HELP_1 = §evartype §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_VARTYPE_HELP_2 = Writes the type of the second variable in the first. If the second variable does not exist, the first variable will have the value 'false'. Otherwise it will have any of the following types: 'number', 'boolean', 'text' SCRIPT_COMMAND_WORLD_GETMATERIAL_HELP_1 = §egetmaterial §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7number§8> §8<§7number§8> §8<§7number§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_WORLD_GETMATERIAL_HELP_2 = Writes the material of a block in the world in the variable SCRIPT_COMMAND_WORLD_SETMATERIAL_HELP_1 = §esetmaterial §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7number§8> §8<§7number§8> §8<§7number§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_WORLD_SETMATERIAL_HELP_2 = Sets a block in the world with the given material, given in the variable SCRIPT_COMMAND_EXIT_HELP_1 = §eexit SCRIPT_COMMAND_EXIT_HELP_2 = Exits the script SCRIPT_COMMAND_IF_HELP_1 = §eif §8<§7variable§8/§7value§8> §8<§7variable§8/§7value§8> §8<§7jump-point§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_IF_HELP_2 = §eif §8<§7variable§8/§7value§8> §8<§7variable§8/§7value§8> §8<§7jump-point§8> §8<§7jump-point§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_IF_HELP_3 = §7Jump to a jump-point if the given values are equal or another jump-point otherwise. SCRIPT_COMMAND_JUMP_HELP_1 = §ejump §8<§7jump-point§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_JUMP_HELP_2 = §7Jump to a jump-point. A jump-point is a line with §8'§7.§8'§7 before. SCRIPT_COMMAND_JUMP_ERROR = §cUnknown jump-point: {0} SCRIPT_COMMAND_CALL_HELP_1 = §ecall §8<§7jump-point§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_CALL_HELP_2 = §7Jump to a jump-point. A jump-point is a line with §8'§7.§8'§7 before. Building a return stack alongside. Use 'return' to jump back. SCRIPT_COMMAND_CALL_ERROR = §cUnknown jump-point: {0} SCRIPT_COMMAND_RETURN_HELP_1 = §ereturn SCRIPT_COMMAND_RETURN_HELP_2 = §7Jump back to the last 'call' command SCRIPT_COMMAND_RETURN_ERROR = §cNo 'call' command executed before SCRIPT_COMMAND_SLEEP_HELP_1 = §esleep §8<§7time§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_SLEEP_HELP_2 = Pauses the execution by the given number of game ticks. SCRIPT_COMMAND_SLEEP_ERROR = §cThe given number needs to be greater than zero. ## GUI SCRIPT_GUI_ITEM_NAME = §eScript Help ## CustomScript SCRIPT_EVENT_ITEM_NAME = §7Event§8: §e{0} §8-§7 {1} SCRIPT_COMMAND_ITEM_NAME = §7Command§8: §e{0} ## Script Menu GUI SCRIPT_MENU_GUI_ITEM_LORE_1 = §7Click to retrieve SCRIPT_MENU_GUI_ITEM_LORE_2 = §7Shift-Click to copy SCRIPT_MENU_GUI_NAME = §eScript Commands {0}{1}§7% SCRIPT_MENU_GUI_ITEM_ADD_NAME = §eInsert SCRIPT_MENU_GUI_ITEM_ADD_LORE = §7Click with a book to insert SCRIPT_MENU_GUI_DUPLICATE_COMMAND = §cCommand '{0}' already defined SCRIPT_MENU_GUI_UNKNOWN_EVENT = §cEvent '{0}' cannot be defined SCRIPT_MENU_GUI_LIMIT = §cScript-Book limit reached ## ScriptCommand SCRIPT_COMMAND_HELP = §8/§escript §8- §7Opens the ScriptGUI SCRIPT_COMMAND_HELP_MENU = §8/§escript menu §8- §7Opens the ScriptGUI for custom commands shares across baus ## Script GUI SCRIPT_GUI_NAME = Script Elements SCRIPT_GUI_COMMAND_CHAT = §eScript Command§8: §e{0} SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_COMMANDS = §eCustom Commands SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_COMMANDS_LORE_1 = §7Write§8: §7#!CMD 'COMMAND' SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_COMMANDS_LORE_2 = §7at the beginning of a Script Book to use a custom command. The command always starts with / and can be structured as you wish. Everything in pointy Brackets '<>' will be counted as a Parameter and therefore as a variable. Parameters in round brackets '()' are optional. Simple texts as parameters get a variable with the same name with the values true/false, depending on whether the value was given or not SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS = §eCustom Events SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_1 = §7Write§8: §7#!EVENT 'EventName' SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_2 = §7at the beginning of a Script Book to use a custom event. Every event can ve canceled by using 'var cancel true'. After the event name are the variables which are usable in a Script Book. SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_3 = §7Usable Events are: SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_4 = §eFF SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_5 = §ePlaceBlock §8-§7 blockX, blockY, blockZ, blockType SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_6 = §eBreakBlock §8-§7 blockX, blockY, blockZ, blockType SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_7 = §eRightClick §8-§7 blockInHand, action, handType, SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_8 = §7 hasBlock §8[§7blockX, blockY, blockZ, blockFace§8]§e* SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_9 = §eLeftClick §8-§7 blockInHand, action, handType, SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_10 = §7 hasBlock §8[§7blockX, blockY, blockZ, blockFace§8]§e* SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_11 = §eTNTSpawn SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_12 = §eTNTExplode §8-§7 x, y, z SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_13 = §eTNTExplodeInBuild §8-§7 x, y, z SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_14 = §eSelfJoin §8-§7 x, y, z, playerName SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_15 = §eSelfLeave §8-§7 x, y, z, playerName SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_16 = §eDropItem §8-§7 material, x, y, z SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_STAR_1 = §e* §8-§7 Everything in brackets is only set if the variable before is set on §etrue§7. SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER = §eOther SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_1 = §7comments start with §e#§7. SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_2 = §7Jump_Points start with §e.§7. SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_3 = §7A variable name encased in '<>' is replaced, up to two times. SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_4 = §7A variable in '<>' can be prefixed with 'const.', 'local.' or 'global.' for the exact type where it should be searched for. SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_5 = §7If it is suffixed by '.type', the type of the variable will be returned. SCRIPT_GUI_COMMAND_NAME = §7Command: §e{0} SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_VARIABLES = §eCustom Variables SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_OVERRIDEABLE = §eoverwriteable SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TRACE_NAME = §7Constant §etrace SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TRACE_LORE = §etrue§7 if the trace is activated. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_AUTO_TRACE_NAME = §7Constant §eautotrace SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_AUTO_TRACE_LORE = §etrue§7 if the auto trace is activated. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TNT_NAME = §7Constant §etnt SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TNT_LORE = §etrue§7 if tnt is not deactivated. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_ONLY_TB_NAME = §7Constant §etnt-onlytb SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_ONLY_TB_LORE = §etrue§7 if tnt no build is activated. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_FREEZE_NAME = §7Constant §efreeze SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_FREEZE_LORE = §etrue§7 if freeze is not deactivated. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_FIRE_NAME = §7Constant §efire SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_FIRE_LORE = §etrue§7 if fire is not deactivated. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_PROTECT_NAME = §7Constant §eprotect SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_PROTECT_LORE = §etrue§7 if protect is activated. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_X_NAME = §7Constant §ex SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_X_LORE = §ex§7 position of the player. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_Y_NAME = §7Constant §ey SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_Y_LORE = §ey§7 position of the player. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_Z_NAME = §7Constant §ez SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_Z_LORE = §ez§7 position of the player. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_NAME_NAME = §7Constant §ename SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_NAME_LORE = §eDisplay§7 name of the player. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SNEAK_NAME = §7Constant §esneaking SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SNEAK_LORE = §etrue§7 if the player is sneaking. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SPRINTING_NAME = §7Constant §esprinting SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SPRINTING_LORE = §etrue§7 is the player is sprinting. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SLOT_NAME = §7Constant §eslot SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SLOT_LORE = §e0-8§7 for the selected slot. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SLOT_MATERIAL_NAME = §7Constant §eslotmaterial SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SLOT_MATERIAL_LORE = §eMaterial§7 of the item in the current slot SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_OFF_HAND_MATERIAL_NAME = §7Constant §eoffhandmaterial SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_OFF_HAND_MATERIAL_LORE = §eMaterial§7 of the item in the off hand SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SLOT_MATERIAL_DISPLAY_NAME = §7Constant §ematerialname SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SLOT_MATERIAL_DISPLAY_LORE = §eName§7 of the item in the current slot SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_OFF_HAND_MATERIAL_DISPLAY_NAME = §7Constant §eoffmaterialname SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_OFF_HAND_MATERIAL_DISPLAY_LORE = §eName§7 of the item in the off hand SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_REGION_TYPE_NAME = §7Constant §eregion-type SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_REGION_TYPE_LORE = §eregion type§7 of the current region # Unsign Book UNSIGN_HELP=§8/§eunsign §8- §7Make a signed book writable again # Simulator SIMULATOR_HELP = §8/§esimulator §8-§7 Gives you the simulator wand SIMULATOR_CREATE_HELP = §8/§esimulator create §8[§7name§8] §8-§7 Create a new simulator SIMULATOR_CHANGE_HELP = §8/§esimulator change §8-§7 Change your simulator wand selection SIMULATOR_DELETE_HELP = §8/§esimulator delete §8[§7name§8] §8-§7 Deletes the simulator SIMULATOR_START_HELP = §8/§esimulator start §8[§7name§8] §8-§7 Starts the simulator SIMULATOR_COPY_HELP = §8/§esimulator copy §8[§7to-copy§8] §8[§7name§8] §8-§7 Copy the simulator SIMULATOR_NO_PERMS = §cYou are not allowed to use the simulator here SIMULATOR_GUI_ITEM_NAME = §eTNT Simulator SIMULATOR_NO_SIM_IN_HAND = §cNo simulator item selected SIMULATOR_GUI_SELECT_SIM = Simulator selection SIMULATOR_GUI_CREATE_SIM = §eCreate simulator SIMULATOR_GUI_CREATE_SIM_GUI = Create simulator SIMULATOR_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS = §cSimulator already exists SIMULATOR_NAME_INVALID = §cInvalid name SIMULATOR_NOT_EXISTS = §cSimulator does not exist SIMULATOR_CREATE = §aSimulator created SIMULATOR_EDIT_LOCATION = §7Edit position SIMULATOR_EDIT_PROPERTIES = §7Edit properties SIMULATOR_EDIT_OTHER = §7Edit other SIMULATOR_EDIT_GROUP = §7Edit group SIMULATOR_EDIT_GROUP_MENU = §eEdit group SIMULATOR_WAND_NAME = §eSimulator SIMULATOR_WAND_NAME_SELECTED = §7Simulator §8- §e{0} SIMULATOR_WAND_LORE_1 = §eRight click §8- §7Adds a position SIMULATOR_WAND_LORE_2 = §eSneaking §8- §7Free movement SIMULATOR_WAND_LORE_3 = §eLeft click §8- §7Start the simulation SIMULATOR_WAND_LORE_4 = §eRight click in air §8- §7Opens the gui SIMULATOR_WAND_LORE_5 = §eOffhand §8- §7Simulator preview SIMULATOR_REGION_FROZEN = §cSimulator cannot be used inside frozen regions ## Other SIMULATOR_PLUS_ONE = §7+1 SIMULATOR_PLUS_PIXEL_SHIFT = §eShift §7Click for §e+0,0625 SIMULATOR_PLUS_FIVE_SHIFT = §eShift §7Click for §e+5 SIMULATOR_MINUS_ONE = §7-1 SIMULATOR_MINUS_PIXEL_SHIFT = §eShift §7Click for §e-0,0625 SIMULATOR_MINUS_FIVE_SHIFT = §eShift §7Click for §e-5 SIMULATOR_POSITION_X = §7x-Position SIMULATOR_POSITION_Y = §7y-Position SIMULATOR_POSITION_Z = §7z-Position SIMULATOR_BACK = §eBack SIMULATOR_GUI_TOTAL_TNT = §7Total TNT§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_DELETED = §cSimulator deleted ## GUI SIMULATOR_POSITION_EDIT = §eEdit position SIMULATOR_POSITION_ADD = §eSet position SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_SPAWN_NAME = §eTNT SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_SPAWN_LORE_1 = §7TNT-Count§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_SPAWN_LORE_2 = §7Tick§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_SPAWN_LORE_3 = §7Lifespan§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_SPAWN_LORE_4 = §7 SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_SPAWN_LORE_5 = §7x§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_SPAWN_LORE_6 = §7y§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_SPAWN_LORE_7 = §7z§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_GROUP_NAME = §eTNT group SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_GROUP_LORE_1 = §7Element count§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_GROUP_LORE_2 = §7Tick§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_GROUP_LORE_3 = §7 SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_GROUP_LORE_4 = §7x§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_GROUP_LORE_5 = §7y§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_GROUP_LORE_6 = §7z§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_DISABLED = §cDisabled SIMULATOR_GUI_NAME = Simulator SIMULATOR_GUI_DELETE = §cDelete TNT SIMULATOR_GUI_START = §eStart SIMULATOR_GUI_AUTO_TRACE = §eAutoTrace§8: §7{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_MOVE_ALL = §eMove all SIMULATOR_ALIGNMENT_CENTER = §7Alignment§8: §eCenter SIMULATOR_ALIGNMENT_POSITIVE_X = §7Alignment§8: §ePositive X SIMULATOR_ALIGNMENT_NEGATIVE_X = §7Alignment§8: §eNegative X SIMULATOR_ALIGNMENT_POSITIVE_Z = §7Alignment§8: §ePositive Z SIMULATOR_ALIGNMENT_NEGATIVE_Z = §7Alignment§8: §eNegative Z SIMULATOR_MOVE_ALL_GUI_NAME = Move TNT SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_GUI_NAME = Configure TNT {0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_EDIT_LOCATION = - Location SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_EDIT_PROPERTIES = - Properties SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_EDIT_OTHER = - Other SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_LORE = §eClick to change SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_COUNT = §7TNT-Count §8- §e{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_COUNT_ANVIL_GUI_NAME = TNT-Count SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_TICK = §7Tick §8- §e{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_TICK_ANVIL_GUI_NAME = Tick offset SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_FUSE = §7Lifespan §8- §e{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_FUSE_ANVIL_GUI_NAME = Fuse-Ticks SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_VELOCITY_NAME = §7TNT SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_VELOCITY_X = §7TNT §eJump X §8- {0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_VELOCITY_Y = §7TNT §eJump Y §8- {0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_VELOCITY_Z = §7TNT §eJump Z §8- {0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_VELOCITY_ON = §aon SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_VELOCITY_OFF = §coff SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_POSITION_X = §7x-Position §8- §e{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_POSITION_Y = §7y-Position §8- §e{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_POSITION_Z = §7z-Position §8- §e{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_ACTIVATED_NAME = §7Primed by SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_ACTIVATED_WITH = §7Primed by §8- §e{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_ACTIVATED_WITH_COMPARATOR = Comparator SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_ACTIVATED_WITH_REPEATER = Repeater SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_ACTIVATED_WITH_OBSERVER = Observer SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_INACTIVE = §7> §7{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_ACTIVE = §e> §7{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_MATERIAL = §eMaterial SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_MATERIAL_LORE_1 = §7Current material§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_MATERIAL_LORE_2 = §eLeft-Click §7to change SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_MATERIAL_LORE_3 = §eRight-Click §7to reset SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_ENABLED = §aEnabled SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_DISABLED = §cDisabled SIMULATOR_MATERIAL_GUI_NAME = Change material SIMULATOR_MATERIAL_NAME = §e{0} SIMULATOR_MATERIAL_NAME_LORE = §7Material §8- §e{0} SIMULATOR_MATERIAL_CLICK = §eClick to choose SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_ADD_IGNITION_PHASE = §eAdd prime phase SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_ADD_TNT = §eAdd TNT SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_REMOVE_TNT = §cRemove SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_POSITION_ANVIL_GUI_NAME = Position # SmartPlace SMART_PLACE_HELP = §8/§esmartplace §8-§7 Toggles SmartPlace SMART_PLACE_INFO = §7Places rotatable blocks §eaway§7 from you when §esneaking§7. SMART_PLACE_ENABLE = §aSmartPlace activated SMART_PLACE_DISABLE = §cSmartPlace deactivated # InventoryFiller INVENTORY_FILL_HELP = §8/§einventoryfill §8- §7Toggles InventoryFill INVENTORY_FILL_INFO = §7Helps you fill containers by looking at them while sneaking and dropping the item. Or just scroll on a container to change the amount of the item inside. INVENTORY_FILL_ENABLE = §aInventoryFiller activated INVENTORY_FILL_DISABLE = §cInventoryFiller deactivated # BlockCounter BLOCK_COUNTER_HELP_TOGGLE = §8/§eblockcounter §8- §7Toggle on/off BLOCK_COUNTER_HELP_ENABLE = §8/§eblockcounter enable §8- §7Toggles BlockCounter on BLOCK_COUNTER_HELP_DISABLE = §8/§eblockcounter disable §8- §7Toggles BlockCounter off BLOCK_COUNTER_MESSAGE = §7Counter §8> §e{0} §7Blocks §e{1} §7TNT §e{2} §7Blocks/TNT §e{3} §7Blocks/tick BLOCK_COUNTER_MESSAGE_SECOND = §7Counter §8> §e{0} §7Blocks §e{1} §7TNT §e{2} §7Blocks/TNT §e{3} §7Blocks/s BLOCK_COUNTER_ENABLE = §7BlockCounter activated BLOCK_COUNTER_DISABLE = §7BlockCounter deactivated # DepthCounter DEPTH_COUNTER_COMMAND_ENABLE_HELP = §8/§edepthcounter enable §8- §7Activate the depth-counter DEPTH_COUNTER_COMMAND_DISABLE_HELP = §8/§edepthcounter disable §8- §7Deactivate the depth-counter DEPTH_COUNTER_COMMAND_INFO_HELP = §8/§edepthcounter info §8- §7Lists active counting modes DEPTH_COUNTER_COMMAND_TOGGLE_HELP = §8/§edepthcounter toggle §8<§7CountMode§8> §8- §7Toggle counting modes DEPTH_COUNTER_ENABLE_MESSAGE = §7You activated the depth-counter DEPTH_COUNTER_DISABLE_MESSAGE = §7You deactivated the depth-counter DEPTH_COUNTER_ACTIVE_MESSAGE = §7Active couting modes: §e{0}§8. DEPTH_COUNTER_MESSAGE = §7Damage §8> §7{0} DEPTH_COUNTER_HIGHLIGHT = §e DEPTH_COUNTER_SEPARATOR = §7 §7 DEPTH_COUNTER_X = X: {0} DEPTH_COUNTER_Y = Y: {0} DEPTH_COUNTER_Z = Z: {0} DEPTH_COUNTER_TNT = §7TNT§8: §e{0} # TPSLimit TICK_STEP_HELP = §8/§etick step §8<§7Ticks§8> §8- §7Step n ticks TICK_STEP_SINGLE_HELP = §8/§etick step §8- §7Step one tick TICK_WARP_HELP = §8/§etick warp §8<§7Ticks§8> §8- §7Warp n ticks TICK_CANCEL_HELP = §8/§etick cancel §8- §7Cancels tick step/warp TICK_ERROR = §cYou can not activate another §8'§e/tick step§8'§c or §8'§e/tick warp§8'§c TICK_CANCEL_ERROR = §cYou have no §8'§e/tick step§8'§c or §8'§e/tick warp§8'§c active TICK_STEP = §eSkipping {0} ticks TICK_STEP_LEFT = §eSkipping {0} more ticks TICK_WARP = §eWarping {0} ticks TICK_WARP_LEFT = §eWarping {0} more ticks TICK_CANCEL = §eWarps and Steps canceled TPSLIMIT_GUI_ITEM_NAME = §eTPS limiter TPSLIMIT_GUI_ITEM_LORE = §7Currently: §e{0} TPSLIMIT_ANVIL_GUI = New TPS limit TPSLIMIT_HELP = §8/§etpslimit §8[§7TPS§8|§edefault§8] §8- §7Sets TPS on Build TPSLIMIT_CURRENT = §7Current TPS limit§8: §e{0} TPSLIMIT_NO_PERMS = §cYou are not allowed to use the TPS-Limiter here TPSLIMIT_SET = §eSet TPS limit to {0} TPSLIMIT_FROZEN = §eTPS frozen TPSLIMIT_INVALID = §cOnly numbers between 0,5 and {0}, and 'default'{1} allowed. TPSLIMIT_INVALID_FROZEN = §c and '0' # Trace TRACE_RECORD=§aon TRACE_IDLE=§coff TRACE_IDLE_SINGLE=§esingle TRACE_IDLE_AUTO_EXPLODE=§eauto §8(§7explode§8) TRACE_IDLE_AUTO_IGNITE=§eauto §8(§7ignite§8) TRACE_MESSAGE_AUTO_IDLE_EXPLODE = §aAuto-Tracer explode started TRACE_MESSAGE_AUTO_IDLE_IGNITE = §aAuto-Tracer ignite started TRACE_MESSAGE_START = §aTNT-Tracer started TRACE_MESSAGE_SINGLE = §aSingle-Tracer started TRACE_MESSAGE_STOP = §cTNT-Tracer stopped TRACE_MESSAGE_DELETE = §cAll TNT-positions deleted TRACE_MESSAGE_SHOW = §aAll TNT-positions shown TRACE_MESSAGE_HIDE = §cAll TNT-positions hidden TRACE_MESSAGE_ISOLATE = §aTNT-positions isolated TRACE_MESSAGE_UNISOLATE = §cTNT-positions hidden TRACE_MESSAGE_CLICK_ISOLATE = §eClick to §aisolate§8/§cunisolate TRACE_MESSAGE_DISALLOWED = §cYou are not allowed to use the TNT-Tracer here TRACE_MESSAGE_NO_REGION = §cYou are not in a region TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_START = §8/§etrace start §8- §7Starts recording of all TNT-positions TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_SINGLE = §8/§etrace single §8- §7Starts a single recording of all TNT-positions TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_STOP = §8/§etrace stop §8- §7Stops the TNT-Tracer TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_AUTO = §8/§etrace toggleauto §8- §7Automatic start of recording TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_SHOW = §8/§etrace show §8<§eParameter§8> - §7Shows all TNT-positions TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_HIDE = §8/§etrace hide §8- §7Hides all TNT-positions TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_DELETE = §8/§etrace delete §8- §7Deletes all TNT-positions TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_GUI = §8/§etrace gui §8- §7Shows the Trace GUI TRACE_GUI_ITEM_NAME = §eTracer TRACE_GUI_ITEM_LORE = §7Status§8: {0} TRACE_GUI_NAME = Trace Gui TRACE_GUI_TRACE_INACTIVE = §eStart Tracer TRACE_GUI_TRACE_ACTIVE = §eStop Tracer TRACE_GUI_TRACE_ACTIVE_AUTO = §eAuto-Trace is active TRACE_GUI_AUTO_TRACE_INACTIVE = §eacitvate Auto-Tracer TRACE_GUI_AUTO_TRACE_ACTIVE = §edeactivate Auto-Tracer TRACE_GUI_DELETE = §eDelete trace TRACE_GUI_TITLE = Trace GUI TRACE_GUI_ITEM_BACK = §eBack TRACE_GUI_ITEM = §eTrace §8- §e{0} §7TNT TRACE_GUI_CLEAR = §eDelete traces TRACE_GUI_RECORD_ITEM = §eTNT §8- §e{0} §7Positions TRACE_GUI_RECORD_CLEAR = §eDelete TNT TRACE_GUI_POSITION_ITEM = §ePosition TRACE_GUI_POSITION_X = §7X§8: §e{0} TRACE_GUI_POSITION_Y = §7Y§8: §e{0} TRACE_GUI_POSITION_Z = §7Z§8: §e{0} TRACE_GUI_POSITION_SOURCE = §7Source§8: §e{0} TRACE_GUI_POSITION_EXPLODED = §7Exploded§8: §e{0} # Loader LOADER_OFF = §coff LOADER_SETUP = §eSetup LOADER_RUNNING = §aRunning LOADER_SINGLE_SIDEBAR = §aSingle LOADER_PAUSE = §7Pause LOADER_END = §8Finished LOADER_MESSAGE_CLEAR = §7Loader cleared LOADER_MESSAGE_CLEAR_HELP = §cYou have to be in Setup-Mode to clear the Loader LOADER_MESSAGE_TNT = §eTNT added {0} LOADER_MESSAGE_INTERACT = §e{0} added {1} LOADER_BUTTON_SWITCH=Lever LOADER_BUTTON_WOOD_BUTTON=Button LOADER_BUTTON_STONE_BUTTON=Button LOADER_BUTTON_PRESSURE_PLATE=Pressure plate LOADER_BUTTON_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE=Pressure plate LOADER_BUTTON_TRIPWIRE=Tripwire LOADER_BUTTON_NOTEBLOCK=Noteblock LOADER_BUTTON_DAYLIGHTSENSOR=Daylightsensor LOADER_BUTTON_INVALID=Invalid LOADER_HELP_SETUP=§8/§eloader setup §8- §7Starts recording actions LOADER_HELP_UNDO=§8/§7loader undo §8- §7Removes last recorded action LOADER_HELP_START=§8/§eloader start §8- §7Playback of previously recorded action LOADER_HELP_WAIT=§8/§7loader wait §8[§7Ticks§8] - §7Sets wait time between shots LOADER_HELP_SPEED=§8/§7loader speed §8[§7Ticks§8] - §7Sets wait time between actions LOADER_HELP_PAUSE=§8/§7loader pause §8- §7Pauses Loader LOADER_HELP_RESUME=§8/§7loader resume §8- §7Resumes Loader LOADER_HELP_STOP=§8/§eloader stop §8- §7Stops recording/playback LOADER_HELP_CLEAR=§8/§eloader clear §8- §7Clears recording LOADER_HELP_SINGLE=§8/§eloader single §8- §7Starts a single shot LOADER_HELP_OTHER=§7The loader works with §eIngame§8-§eTicks §7(20 ticks per Second) LOADER_NO_LOADER=§cYou have no Laoder. Create one with /loader setup LOADER_BACK_SETUP=§7DYour Loader is in Setup again LOADER_NEW=§7Load your cannon and fire it once, to initialise the loader. LOADER_HOW_TO_START=§7Then, execute /§eloader start§7 to start the Loader LOADER_ACTIVE=§7The Loader is now active. LOADER_STOP=§7The Loader has been stopped. LOADER_PAUSED=§7The Loader is now paused. LOADER_RESUME=§7The Loader is resuming. LOADER_SINGLE=§7The Loader is shooting once. LOADER_SMALL_TIME=§cThe wait time is too small LOADER_NEW_TIME=§7The wait time is now: {0}, before {1} LOADER_NEW_LOAD_TIME=§7The action wait time is now: {0}, before {1} LOADER_UNDO=§7Undo succesful. LOADER_PERMS=§cYou are not allowed to use the Loader here LOADER_GUI_NAME=§eLoader LOADER_GUI_NEW=§eNew Loader LOADER_GUI_START=§eStart Loader LOADER_GUI_PAUSE=§7pause Loader LOADER_GUI_UNDO=§7Undo last action LOADER_GUI_WAIT=§7Shot delay LOADER_GUI_WAIT_LORE=§7Currently: §e{0} LOADER_GUI_WAIT_TITLE=§7Shot delay LOADER_GUI_SPEED=§eSpeed LOADER_GUI_SPEED_LORE=§7Currently: §e{0} LOADER_GUI_SPEED_TITLE=§7Block placing speed LOADER_GUI_STOP=§eStop Loader # Loadtimer LOADTIMER_HELP_OVERVIEW=§7Compete with your friends loading your cannon and get information about the cannon LOADTIMER_HELP_START_1=§8/§eloadtimer start §8-§7 Starts the simple Loadtimer LOADTIMER_HELP_START_2=§8/§7loadtimer start §8[§7full/half§8] - §7Starts the Loadtimer in a given mode LOADTIMER_HELP_START_3=§7Loadtimer Modes: Full -> Measures from the priming of the first TNT to the explosion of the first propellant. Is better at calculating the shot frequency. Half -> Only measures until activation LOADTIMER_HELP_STOP=§8/§eloadtimer stop §8-§7 Stops current Loadtimer LOADTIMER_GUI_GLOBAL=§eLoadtimer does not exist in the global region! LOADTIMER_GUI_STOP=§eStop Loadtimer LOADTIMER_GUI_START=§eStart Loadtimer LOADTIMER_GUI_TITLE=Loadtimer Mode LOADTIMER_GUI_FULL=§eFull LOADTIMER_GUI_HALF=§eHalf LOADTIMER_WAITING=§7Place a TNT to start... LOADTIMER_BOSSBAR=§7Tick: §e{0}§7(§e{1}§7) Time: §e{2}s §7Tnt: §e{3} §7Blocks LOADTIMER_ACTIVATED=§7Waiting until priming LOADTIMER_IGNITION=§7Waiting for explosion LOADTIMER_SUMARY_HEAD=§7---=== (§eLoadtimer-Results§7) ===--- LOADTIMER_SUMARY_PLAYERTABLE_HEAD=§7Player: §eTNT §7(§eTNT/s§7) LOADTIMER_SUMARY_PLAYERTABLE_PLAYER=§7{0}: §e{1} §7(§e{2}/s§7) LOADTIMER_SUMARY_PLAYERTABLE_ALL=Total LOADTIMER_SUMARY_TIMES_HEAD=§7Time: §eSeconds §7(§eTicks§7) LOADTIMER_SUMARY_TIMES_START = §7 || §7Start! LOADTIMER_SUMARY_TIMES_ACTIVATION = §7 || Activation: §e{0}s §7(§e{1}t§7) LOADTIMER_SUMARY_TIMES_IGNITION = §7 || Priming: §e{0}s §7(§e{1}t§7) LOADTIMER_SUMARY_TIMES_EXPLOSION = §7 || Explosion: §e{0}s §7(§e{1}t§7) LOADTIMER_SUMARY_TIMES_LAST=§7\\/ LOADTIMER_SUMARY_STATS_HEAD=§7Cannon-Stats§8: LOADTIMER_SUMARY_STATS_TNT=§7TNT: §e{0} LOADTIMER_SUMARY_STATS_FREQ=§7Loading frequency: §e{0}/m§8, §7Shot frequency: §e{1}/m # Observer OBSERVER_HELP = §7Right-Click an Observer to get the Trace. Flame particles have to be enabled. The Particles will be shown in the block. OBSERVER_HELP_ENABLE = §8/§eobserver enable §8-§7 Activates the Observer-Tracer OBSERVER_HELP_DISABLE = §8/§eobserver disable §8-§7 Deactivates the Observer-Tracer OBSERVER_HELP_DELETE = §8/§eobserver delete §8-§7 Deletes the Obersver-Tracer OBSERVER_HELP_RETRACE = §8/§eobserver retrace §8-§7 Retraces The Observer-Tracer OBSERVER_ENABLE = §7Observer trace started OBSERVER_DISABLE = §7Observer trace stopped OBSERVER_DELETE = §7Observer trace deleted OBSERVER_RETRACE_DONE = §7Observer trace retraced OBSERVER_RETRACE_NO_TRACE = §7No Observer trace to retrace # Other OTHER_ITEMS_TELEPORT_NAME=§eTeleporter OTHER_ITEMS_TELEPORT_GUI_NAME=Teleport OTHER_ITEMS_TELEPORT_PLAYER_OFFLINE=§cThis Player is offline OTHER_ITEMS_CLEAR_NAME=§eClear OTHER_ITEMS_DECLUTTER_NAME=§eDeclutter OTHER_ITEMS_GAMEMODE_NAME=§eGamemode OTHER_ITEMS_GAMEMODE_LORE_1=§eRight-Click§8:§7 Toggle between creative and spectator OTHER_ITEMS_GAMEMODE_LORE_2=§eLeft-Click§8:§7 Toggle between survival and adventure OTHER_ITEMS_KILLALL_NAME=§eKillAll OTHER_ITEMS_KILLALL_LORE_1=§eWithout Shift§8:§7 only this region OTHER_ITEMS_KILLALL_LORE_2=§eWith Shift§8:§7 global OTHER_ITEMS_INVENTORY_FILL_NAME=§eInventoryFill OTHER_ITEMS_INVENTORY_FILL_LORE_ACTIVE=§aActivated OTHER_ITEMS_INVENTORY_FILL_LORE_INACTIVE=§aDisabled OTHER_SLOT_INVALID_SLOT=§cInvalid slot OTHER_NOCLIP_SLOT_INFO=§7With /slot you can change the selected slot and take another block in the slot. OTHER_NOCLIP_SLOT_HELP_PICK = §8/§eslot pick §8-§7 Take the faced block into your inventory. OTHER_NOCLIP_SLOT_HELP_DROP = §8/§eslot drop §8-§7 Clears your slot OTHER_CLEAR_HELP_SELF=§8/§eclear §8- §7Clears your inventory OTHER_CLEAR_HELP_PLAYER=§8/§eclear §8[§7Player§8] §8- §7Clears a player inventory OTHER_CLEAR_CLEARED=Your inventory was cleared. OTHER_CLEAR_FROM=Your invetnory was cleared by {0}. OTHER_CLEAR_TO=The inventory of {0} §7was cleared. OTHER_CLEAR_NO_PERMS=§cYou are not allowed to clear other's inventory here. OTHER_DECLUTTER_HELP=§8/§edeclutter §8- §7Organise your inventory OTHER_DECLUTTER_DONE=§aYour inventory was organised. OTHER_GAMEMODE_UNKNOWN=§cUnknown gamemode. OTHER_GAMEMODE_POSSIBLE=§cPossible gamemodes: survival, adventure, creative, specator. OTHER_KILLALL_HELP_SELF=§8/§ekillall §8- §7Remove all entities from your region OTHER_KILLALL_HELP_ALL=§8/§ekillall §8[§7Global§8/Local§7] §8- §7Remove all entities from your region or globally OTHER_KILLALL_REGION=§a{0} Entities removed OTHER_KILLALL_GLOBAL=§a{0} Entities removed from the world OTHER_TELEPORT_HELP = §8/§etp §8[§7Player§8] §8-§7 Teleports you to another player OTHER_TELEPORT_SELF_0=§cBe one with yourself! OTHER_TELEPORT_SELF_1=§cYou need someone to play with? We have a TeamSpeak! OTHER_TELEPORT_SELF_2=§cBlocks left to travel: 0; ETA: 0:00 OTHER_TELEPORT_SELF_3=§cA little Movement is important. OTHER_TELEPORT_SELF_4=§cFor such a distance? OTHER_TIME_HELP=§8/§etime §8<§7Time 0=Morining§8, §76000=Midday§8, §718000=Midnight§8> - §7Sets the time on the Build OTHER_TIME_NO_PERM=§cYou are not allowed to change the time here OTHER_TIME_INVALID=§cPlease input a time between 0 and 24000 OTHER_TIME_RESULT=§7§oWhooosh OTHER_TPS_HEAD = §7TPS: 1s 10s 1m 5m 10m OTHER_TPS_MESSAGE = §7 §e{0}§7 §e{1}§7 §e{2}§7 §e{3}§7 §e{4} OTHER_TPS_SINGLE = §8TPS: §e{0} OTHER_WORLDSPAWN_HELP=§8/§eworldspawn §8-§e Teleprot to the spawn # DebugStick DEBUG_STICK_COMMAND_HELP=§8/§edebugstick §8-§7 receive a debugstick DEBUG_STICK_NAME=§eDebugstick #Skull Gui SKULL_GUI_ITEM_NAME = §ePlayer Heads ANVIL_INV_NAME=Player name # StructureVoid STRUCTURE_VOID_COMMAND_HELP=§8/§estructureVoid §8-§7 Receive a StructureVoid # NightVision NIGHT_VISION_HELP=§8/§enightvision §8-§7 Toggel nightvision. NIGHT_VISION_OFF=§eNightvision deactivated NIGHT_VISION_ON=§eNightvision activated NIGHT_VISION_ITEM_ON = §7Nightvision: §eActivated NIGHT_VISION_ITEM_OFF = §7Nightvision: §eDeactivated #Navigation Wand NAVIGATION_WAND=§eNavigation Wand NAVIGATION_WAND_LEFT_CLICK=§eLeft click: jump to location NAVIGATION_WAND_RIGHT_CLICK=§eRight click: pass through walls # Material MATERIAL_SEARCH_PROPERTY_TRUE = §aShould have MATERIAL_SEARCH_PROPERTY_FALSE = §cShould not have MATERIAL_SEARCH_PROPERTY_IGNORE = §eIgnore MATERIAL_INV_NAME=§eMaterial {0}/{1} MATERIAL_SEARCH=§eSearch MATERIAL_BACK=§eBack MATERIAL_SEARCH_NAME=§eName MATERIAL_SEARCH_TRANSPARENT=§eTransparent MATERIAL_SEARCH_SOLID=§eSolid MATERIAL_SEARCH_GRAVITY=§eFalling MATERIAL_SEARCH_OCCLUDING=§eOccluding MATERIAL_SEARCH_INTERACTEABLE=§eInteractable MATERIAL_SEARCH_FLAMMABLE=§eFlammable MATERIAL_SEARCH_BURNABLE=§eBurnable MATERIAL_SEARCH_WATERLOGGABLE=§eWaterloggable MATERIAL_SEARCH_BLASTRESISTANCE=§eBlast resistance MATERIAL_SEARCH_VALUE=§8: §e{0} MATERIAL_BLAST_RESISTANCE=§8- §eBlast resistance§8: §7{0} MATERIAL_HARDNESS=§8- §eHardness§8: §7{0} MATERIAL_TNT_BREAKABLE=§8- §eDestructible by TNT MATERIAL_TNT_UNBREAKABLE=§8- §eIndestructible by TNT MATERIAL_TRANSPARENT=§8- §eTransparent block MATERIAL_SOLID=§8- §eSolid block MATERIAL_GRAVITY=§8- §eFalling block MATERIAL_OCCLUDING=§8- §eOccluding block MATERIAL_INTERACTABLE=§8- §eInteractable block MATERIAL_FLAMMABLE=§8- §eFlammable block MATERIAL_BURNABLE=§8- §eBurnable block MATERIAL_WATERLOGGABLE=§8- §eWaterloggable block # Redstonetester RT_HELP=§8/§eredstonetester §8-§7 Gives you the redstone tester RT_GIVEN=§7Measure the time between activation of components RT_ITEM_NAME=§eRedstonetester RT_ITEM_LORE_1=§eLeftclick block §8-§7 Sets the 1. Position RT_ITEM_LORE_2=§eRightclick block §8-§7 Sets the 2. Position RT_ITEM_LORE_3=§eShift-rightclick in air §8-§7 Reset RT_LOC=§8: §e{0} {1} {2} RT_INVALID_LOC=§cUnknown Position RT_RESULT=§7Difference§8: §e{0}§7 Ticks §8,§7 R-Ticks §e{1} RT_ACTIVATE=§7Positions deleted§8. # Region Items REGION_ITEM_COLOR=§7Color: §e{0} REGION_ITEM_COLOR_CHOOSE=Choose color REGION_ITEM_FIRE_ALLOW=§7Fire: §eAcitvated REGION_ITEM_FIRE_DISALLOW=§7Fire: §eDeactivated REGION_ITEM_FREEZE_ALLOW=§7Freeze: §eActivated REGION_ITEM_FREEZE_DISALLOW=§7Freeze: §eDeactivated REGION_ITEM_PROTECT_ALLOW=§7Protect: §eActivated REGION_ITEM_PROTECT_DISALLOW=§7Protect: §eDeactivated REGION_ITEM_RESET=§eReset REGION_ITEM_TESTBLOCK=§eDummy REGION_ITEM_TNT_OFF=§7TNT: §eDeactivated REGION_ITEM_TNT_ONLY_TB=§7TNT: §eonly dummy REGION_ITEM_TNT_ON=§7TNT: §eActivated REGION_ITEM_SELECTOR_TITLE=Tnt Mode REGION_ITEM_SELECTOR_ON=§eActivate REGION_ITEM_SELECTOR_ONLY_TB=§eonly dummy REGION_ITEM_SELECTOR_OFF=§eDeactivate #Region REGION_COLOR_HELP_COLOR=§8/§ecolor §8[§7Color§8] §8- §7Sets the color of the region REGION_COLOR_HELP_COLOR_TYPE=§8/§ecolor §8[§7Color§8] §8[§7Type§8] §8- §7Sets the color of the region or globally REGION_COLOR_GLOBAL=§7All regions color set to §e{0} REGION_COLOR_NO_REGION=§cYou are currently not in any region REGION_COLOR_NO_PERMS=§cThis is not your world! REGION_FIRE_HELP=§8/§efire §8- §7Toggle fire damage REGION_FIRE_NO_PERMS=§cYou are not allowed to toggle fire damage here REGION_FIRE_ENABLED=§cFire damage deactivated in this region REGION_FIRE_DISABLED=§aFire damage activated in this region REGION_FREEZE_HELP=§8/§efreeze §8- §7Toggle Freeze REGION_FREEZE_NO_PERMS=§cYou are not allowed to freeze this world REGION_FREEZE_ENABLED=§cRegion frozen REGION_FREEZE_DISABLED=§aRegion thawed REGION_PROTECT_HELP=§8/§eprotect §8- §7Protect the region REGION_PROTECT_DISABLE=§cProtection disabled REGION_PROTECT_ENABLE=§aProtection enabled REGION_PROTECT_NO_PERMS=§cYou are not allowed to protect the floor here REGION_PROTECT_FALSE_REGION=§cYou are not currently in a (M)WG-region REGION_REGION_HELP_UNDO=§8/§eregion undo §8- §7undo the last 20 /testblock or /reset REGION_REGION_HELP_REDO=§8/§eregion redo §8- §7redo the last 20 §8/§7rg undo REGION_REGION_HELP_RESTORE=§8/§eregion restore §8- §7Resets the region, without removing your builds REGION_REGION_HELP_RESTORE_SCHEMATIC=§8/§eregion restore §8[§7Schematic§8] §8- §7Resets the region, withoout removing your builds REGION_REGION_HELP_COPYPOINT=§8/§eregion copypoint §8- §7Teleport to the regions copy point REGION_REGION_HELP_TESTBLOCKPOINT=§8/§eregion testblockpoint §8- §7Teleport to the regions dummy point REGION_REGION_HELP_CHANGETYPE_INFO=§8/§eregion changetype §8- §7Returns the region type REGION_REGION_HELP_CHANGETYPE=§8/§eregion changetype §8[§7Type§8] §8- §8Sets the region type REGION_REGION_HELP_CHANGESKIN_INFO=§8/§eregion changeskin §8- §7Returns the region skin REGION_REGION_HELP_CHANGESKIN=§8/§eregion changeskin §8[§7Skin§8] §8- §8Sets the region skin REGION_REGION_NOTHING_UNDO=§cNothing left to undo REGION_REGION_UNDID=§7Last action undone REGION_REGION_NOTHING_REDO=§cNothing left to redo REGION_REGION_REDID=§7Last action redone REGION_REGION_RESTORED=§7Region reset REGION_REGION_FAILED_RESTORE=§cError resetting the region REGION_REGION_COLORED=§7Region recolored REGION_REGION_COLORED_FAILED=§7Use §e/rg restore§7 to manually change the region's color REGION_REGION_FAILED_COLORED=§cError recoloring the region REGION_REGION_TP_COPY=§7Teleported to the copy point REGION_REGION_TP_TEST_BLOCK=§7Teleported to the tesblock REGION_REGION_TP_UNKNOWN=§cUndefined teleport point REGION_REGION_NO_REGION=§cYou are not inside any region REGION_REGION_NO_PERMS=§cYou are not allowed to change the region REGION_REGION_CHANGETYPE_INFO=§7RRegion type is §e{0} REGION_REGION_CHANGETYPE_UNKNOWN=§cRegion type is invalid REGION_REGION_CHANGETYPE_INVALID=§cRegion type is not allowed here REGION_REGION_CHANGETYPE_CHANGE=§7Region type changed to §e{0} REGION_REGION_CHANGETYPE_CHANGE_UPDATE=§7Click §e§lHERE §7to change the region type REGION_REGION_CHANGETYPE_CHANGE_UPDATE_HOVER=§8/§ereset REGION_REGION_CHANGESKIN_INFO=§7Region skin is §e{0} REGION_REGION_CHANGESKIN_INFO_CREATOR=§7Skin created by §e{0} REGION_REGION_CHANGESKIN_UNKNOWN=§cRegion skin is invalid REGION_REGION_CHANGESKIN_INVALID=§cRegion skin is not allowed here REGION_REGION_CHANGESKIN_CHANGE=§7Region skin changed to §e{0} REGION_REGION_CHANGESKIN_CHANGE_UPDATE=§7Click §e§lHERE §7to apply the skin REGION_REGION_CHANGESKIN_CHANGE_UPDATE_HOVER=§8/§ereset REGION_RESET_HELP_RESET=§8/§ereset §8- §7Resets the region REGION_RESET_HELP_SCHEMATIC=§8/§ereset §8[§7Schematic§8] §8- §7Resets the region using a schematic REGION_RESET_RESETED=§7Region reset REGION_RESET_ERROR=§cError reseting the region REGION_RESET_NO_PERMS=§cYou are not allowed to reset the region here REGION_RESET_NO_REGION=§cYou are currently not in any region REGION_TB_HELP_RESET=§8/§etestblock §8- §7Reset the dummy REGION_TB_HELP_RESET_EXTENSION=§8/§etestblock §8[§7ExtensionType§8] §8- §7Reset the dummy REGION_TB_HELP_SCHEMATIC=§8/§etestblock §8[§7Schematic§8] §8- §7Reset the dummy using a schematic REGION_TB_HELP_SCHEMATIC_EXTENSION=§8/§etestblock §8[§7Schematic§8] §8[§7ExtensionType§8] §8- §7Reset the dummy using a schematic REGION_TB_DONE=§7Dummy reset REGION_TB_ERROR=§cError resetting the dummy REGION_TB_NO_PERMS=§cYou are not allowed to reset the dummy here REGION_TB_NO_REGION=§cYou are currently not in any region REGION_TNT_HELP=§8/§etnt §8- §7Change the TNT behaviour REGION_TNT_HELP_MODE=§8/§etnt §8[§7Mode§8] §8- §7Set TNT behaviour to a given mode REGION_TNT_ON=§aTNT-Damage activated REGION_TNT_OFF=§cTNT-Damage deactivated REGION_TNT_TB=§aTNT-Damage activated outside the building area REGION_TNT_NO_PERMS=§cYou are not allowed to toggle tnt damage here REGION_TNT_BUILD=§cAn explosion would have destroyed blocks in the building area # Team LOCK_SCHEM_NO_USER=§7This player does not exist! LOCK_SCHEM_NO_SCHEM=§7This player does not have a schem with that name! LOCK_SCHEM_DIR=§7The given schem is a directory LOCK_SCHEM_LOCKED=§e{0} §7by §e{1} §7was reset from §e{2} §7to §eNORMAL §7. LOCK_SCHEM_HELP=§8/§eschemlock §8[§7Owner§8] [§7Schematic§8] - §7Lock a schematic (Notify user about locking reason!) AFK_KICK_MESSAGE=§cNothing happened on this server for 5 minutes. AFK_WARNING_MESSAGE=§cThis server will stop in one minute if you remain inactive SKIN_HELP = §8/§eskin §8[§7Shortform§8] §8[§7Creator§8|§epublic§8] §8[§7Name...§8] §8- §7Creates the skin schematic. Use 'public' as creator to have no creator, then copy the message to YoyoNow by clicking SKIN_NO_REGION=§7You are not in a region with a changealbe skin SKIN_ALREADY_EXISTS=§cThis skin already exists like this SKIN_MESSAGE=§7Skin created SKIN_MESSAGE_HOVER=§eClick to copy for YoyoNow and send # Panzern PANZERN_HELP = §8/§epanzern §8[§7Block§8] §8[§7Slab§8] §8- §7Armor your WorldEdit selection PANZERN_PREPARE1 = §71. Check, if barrels reach until border of armor. PANZERN_PREPARE2 = §72. Carpet on the floor in walkways helps with armoring. PANZERN_PREPARE3 = §73. Shieldtechnology should be encased. PANZERN_PREPARE4 = §74. Standing in the region that is being armored can improve armoring. PANZERN_NO_PERM = §cYou are not allowed to use the armoring system here PANZERN_NO_WORLDEDIT = §cYou have no WorldEdit selcetion PANZERN_PROGRESS = §e{0} §7Blocks left, §e{1} §7Blocks per second, §e{2} §7block delta PANZERN_DONE = §aDone # Laufbau LAUFBAU_HELP = §8/§elaufbau §8[§7smallest§8|§7blastresistant§8] §8- §7Build a barrel in your WorldEdit selection using the traces LAUFBAU_HELP_SETTINGS = §8/§elaufbau settings §8- §7Opens the settings GUI LAUFBAU_PREPARE1 = §71. Trace the cannons as often as necessary, in all modes. LAUFBAU_PREPARE2 = §72. Try to delete all fails from the traces. LAUFBAU_NO_PERM = §cYou are not allowed to use the barrel building system here LAUFBAU_NO_WORLDEDIT = §cYou don't have a WorldEdit selection LAUFBAU_STATE_FILTERING_TRACES = Filtering traces LAUFBAU_STATE_PROCESSING_TRACES = Connnecting traces LAUFBAU_STATE_CREATE_LAUF = Create Barrel LAUFBAU_SIMPLE_PROGRESS = §e{0}§8: §e{1}§8/§e{2} §7Time left§8: §e{3} LAUFBAU_DONE = §aDone LAUFBAU_SETTINGS_GUI_NAME = §eLaufbau LAUFBAU_SETTINGS_ACTIVE = §aActive LAUFBAU_SETTINGS_INACTIVE = §cInactive LAUFBAU_SETTINGS_MIXED = §e{0}§8/§e{1} §aActive LAUFBAU_SETTINGS_GUI_BACK = §eBack LAUFBAU_SETTINGS_TOGGLE = §eClick §8-§7 Toggle LAUFBAU_SETTINGS_ADVANCED = §eMiddle-Click §8-§7 Advanced settings LAUFBAU_BLOCK_COBWEB = §eCobweb LAUFBAU_BLOCK_GRASS_PATH = §eGrass Path LAUFBAU_BLOCK_SOUL_SAND = §eSoul Sand LAUFBAU_BLOCK_COCOA = §eCocoa LAUFBAU_BLOCK_TURTLE_EGG = §eTurtle Eggs LAUFBAU_BLOCK_CHEST = §eChest LAUFBAU_BLOCK_SNOW = §eSnow Layer LAUFBAU_BLOCK_PLAYER_WALL_HEAD = §ePlayer Wall Head LAUFBAU_BLOCK_STONECUTTER = §eStonecutter LAUFBAU_BLOCK_PLAYER_HEAD = §ePlayer Head LAUFBAU_BLOCK_CAKE = §eCake LAUFBAU_BLOCK_END_STONE_BRICK_SLAB = §eEndstone Brick Slabs LAUFBAU_BLOCK_SEA_PICKLE = §eSea Pickles LAUFBAU_BLOCK_CAMPFIRE = §eCampfire LAUFBAU_BLOCK_FLOWER_POT = §eFlower Pot LAUFBAU_BLOCK_IRON_TRAPDOOR = §eIron Trapdoor LAUFBAU_BLOCK_LILY_PAD = §eLily Pad LAUFBAU_BLOCK_WHITE_CARPET = §eCarpet LAUFBAU_BLOCK_END_ROD = §eEnd Rod LAUFBAU_BLOCK_LIGHTNING_ROD = §eLightning Rod LAUFBAU_BLOCK_CONDUIT = §eConduit LAUFBAU_BLOCK_BREWING_STAND = §eBrewing Stand LAUFBAU_BLOCK_BELL = §eBell LAUFBAU_BLOCK_GRINDSTONE = §eGrindstone LAUFBAU_BLOCK_HOPPER = §eHopper LAUFBAU_BLOCK_LANTERN = §eLantern LAUFBAU_BLOCK_END_STONE_BRICK_STAIRS = §eEndstone Brick Stairs LAUFBAU_BLOCK_CHORUS_PLANT = §eChorus Plant LAUFBAU_BLOCK_NETHER_BRICK_FENCE = §eNether Brick Fence LAUFBAU_BLOCK_IRON_BARS = §eIron Bars LAUFBAU_BLOCK_END_STONE_BRICK_WALL = §eEndstone Brick Walls LAUFBAU_BLOCK_SMALL_AMETHYST_BUD = §eSmall Amethyst Bud LAUFBAU_BLOCK_MEDIUM_AMETHYST_BUD = §eMedium Amethyst Bud LAUFBAU_BLOCK_LARGE_AMETHYST_BUD = §eLarge Amethyst Bud LAUFBAU_BLOCK_AMETHYST_CLUSTER = §eAmethyst Cluster LAUFBAU_BLOCK_CHAIN = §eChain LAUFBAU_BLOCK_BIG_DRIP_LEAF = §eBig Drip Leaf LAUFBAU_BLOCK_DRAGON_EGG = §eDragon Egg LAUFBAU_BLOCK_AZALEA = §eAzalea LAUFBAU_BLOCK_CANDLE = §eCandle LAUFBAU_BLOCK_CANDLE_CAKE = §eCake with Candle LAUFBAU_BLOCK_LECTERN = §eLectern LAUFBAU_FACING_NORTH = §8-§7 Facing North LAUFBAU_FACING_SOUTH = §8-§7 Facing South LAUFBAU_FACING_WEST = §8-§7 Facing West LAUFBAU_FACING_EAST = §8-§7 Facing East LAUFBAU_FACING_UP = §8-§7 Facing Up LAUFBAU_FACING_DOWN = §8-§7 Facing Down LAUFBAU_COUNT_1 = §8-§7 Count 1 LAUFBAU_COUNT_2 = §8-§7 Count 2 LAUFBAU_COUNT_3 = §8-§7 Count 3 LAUFBAU_COUNT_4 = §8-§7 Count 4 LAUFBAU_LAYERS_8 = §8-§7 Layers 8 LAUFBAU_LAYERS_7 = §8-§7 Layers 7 LAUFBAU_LAYERS_6 = §8-§7 Layers 6 LAUFBAU_LAYERS_3 = §8-§7 Layers 3 LAUFBAU_LAYERS_2 = §8-§7 Layers 2 LAUFBAU_TYPE_BOTTOM = §8-§7 Type bottom LAUFBAU_TYPE_TOP = §8-§7 Type top LAUFBAU_HALF_BOTTOM = §8-§7 Half bottom LAUFBAU_HALF_TOP = §8-§7 Half top LAUFBAU_OPEN = §8-§7 Opened LAUFBAU_ATTACHMENT_CEILING = §8-§7 Attachment Ceiling LAUFBAU_ATTACHMENT_FLOOR = §8-§7 Attachment Floor LAUFBAU_ATTACHMENT_DOUBLE_WALL = §8-§7 Attachment double Wall LAUFBAU_ATTACHMENT_SINGLE_WALL = §8-§7 Attachment single Wall LAUFBAU_ATTACHMENT_WALL = §8-§7 Attachment Wall LAUFBAU_CONNECTION_FLOOR = §8-§7 Connection Floor LAUFBAU_CONNECTION_NORTH = §8-§7 Connection North LAUFBAU_CONNECTION_SOUTH = §8-§7 Connection South LAUFBAU_CONNECTION_EAST = §8-§7 Connection East LAUFBAU_CONNECTION_WEST = §8-§7 Connection West LAUFBAU_CONNECTION_DOWN = §8-§7 Connection Bottom LAUFBAU_CONNECTION_UP = §8-§7 Connection Top LAUFBAU_HANGING = §8-§7 hanging LAUFBAU_SHAPE_STRAIGHT = §8-§7 Shape straight LAUFBAU_SHAPE_OUTER_LEFT = §8-§7 Shape outer links LAUFBAU_SHAPE_INNER_LEFT = §8-§7 Shape inner left LAUFBAU_TILT_NONE = §8-§7 Tilt none LAUFBAU_TILT_PARTIAL = §8-§7 Tilt partial # UTILS SELECT_HELP = §8/§eselect §8[§7RegionsTyp§8] §8- §7Select a region type SELECT_EXTENSION_HELP = §8/§eselect §8[§7RegionsTyp§8] §8[§7Extension§8] §8- §7Select a region type with or without extension SELECT_NO_PERMS = §cYou are not allowed to use the slection tool here SELECT_GLOBAL_REGION = §cThe global region cannot be selected SELECT_NO_TYPE = §cThis region has no {0} SELECT_NO_EXTENSION = §cThis region has no extension SELECT_MESSAGE = §7WorldEdit selection set to {0}, {1}, {2} and {3}, {4}, {5} SKULL_HELP = §8/§eskull §8[§eplayer§8] §8-§7 Receive a player head SKULL_INVALID = §cInvalid player name SKULL_ITEM = §e{0}§8s Head SPEED_HELP = §8/§espeed §8[§71§8-§710§8|§edefault§8] §8-§7 Set your flight and walking speed. SPEED_CURRENT = §7Current speed§8: §e{0} SPEED_TOO_SMALL = §c{0} is too small SPEED_TOO_HIGH = §c{0} is too big SPEED_ITEM = §eSpeed SPEED_ITEM_LORE = §7Currently: §e SPEED_TAB_NAME = Input speed WORLDEDIT_WAND = WorldEdit Wand WORLDEDIT_LEFTCLICK = Left click: select pos #1 WORLDEDIT_RIGHTCLICK = Right click: select pos #2 TNT_CLICK_HEADER = §8---=== §eTNT §8===--- TNT_CLICK_ORDER = §eEntity Order§8: §e{0} TNT_CLICK_FUSE_TIME = §eFuseTime§8: §e{0} TNT_CLICK_POSITION_X = §7Position §eX§8: §e{0} TNT_CLICK_POSITION_Y = §7Position §eY§8: §e{0} TNT_CLICK_POSITION_Z = §7Position §eZ§8: §e{0} TNT_CLICK_VELOCITY_X = §7Velocity §eX§8: §e{0} TNT_CLICK_VELOCITY_Y = §7Velocity §eY§8: §e{0} TNT_CLICK_VELOCITY_Z = §7Velocity §eZ§8: §e{0} TNT_CLICK_COUNT = §7Count §8: §e{0} TNT_CLICK_ISOLATE = §eIsolate SELECT_ITEM_CHOOSE_EXTENSION = Choose extension SELECT_ITEM_CHOOSE_SELECTION = Choose selection SELECT_ITEM_NORMAL_EXTENSION = §eNormal SELECT_ITEM_EXTENDED_EXTENSION= §eExtension SELECT_ITEM_SELECT= §eSelect SELECT_ITEM_AUSWAHL= §7Selection: §7{0} {1} SELECT_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK=§7Right-Click to change SELECT_ITEM_BAURAHMEN=§eBuild area SELECT_ITEM_BAUPLATTFORM=§eBuild platform SELECT_ITEM_TESTBLOCK=§eDummy CHESTFILLER_FILLED = §eChest filled CHESTFILLER_COUNT = §7{0}§8: §e§l{1} PISTON_HELP_1 = §7Right click on piston with a slime ball to calculate the moved blocks. PISTON_HELP_2 = §7Count is red, if one unmoveable block is present. PISTON_HELP_3 = §7Count is yellow, if too many blocks are present. PISTON_INFO = §7Moved Blocks {0}{1}§8/§712 # Warp WARP_DISALLOWED = §cYou are not allowed to use the warp here WARP_LOC_X = §7X§8: §e{0} WARP_LOC_Y = §7Y§8: §e{0} WARP_LOC_Z = §7Z§8: §e{0} WARP_EXISTS=§7The warp with the name §e{0} §7already exists WARP_NAME_RESERVED=§7You can not use §c{0} §7as name for a warp WARP_CREATED=§7The warp §e{0} §7was created WARP_DELETE_HOVER=§7delete §e{0} WARP_DELETED=§e{0} §7deleted WARP_TELEPORT_HOVER=§7Teleport to §e{0} WARP_MATERIAL_CHOOSE=Choose material WARP_GUI_NAME=Warps WARP_GUI_NO=§cNo warps exist WARP_GUI_DISTANCE=§7Distance: §e{0} §7blocks WARP_GUI_LCLICK=§7Left click to teleport WARP_GUI_RCLICK=§7Rickt click to edit WARP_INFO_NAME=§7Name: §e{0} WARP_HELP_ADD=§8/§ewarp add §8[§7name§8] §8- §7Create a new warp WARP_HELP_TELEPORT=§8/§ewarp §8[§7name§8] §8- §7Teleport to a warp WARP_HELP_INFO=§8/§ewarp info §8[§7name§8] §8- §7Information regarding one warp WARP_HELP_DELETE=§8/§ewarp delete §8[§7name§8] §8- §7Delete a warp WARP_HELP_GUI=§8/§ewarp gui §8- §7Open the Warp-GUI WARP_HELP_LIST=§8/§ewarp list §8- §7List all warps # WORLD STOP_HELP = §8/§estop §8- §7Stops the server STOP_NO_PERMS = §cYou do not have the permission to stop the server STOP_MESSAGE = §eServer is stopping WORLD_EDIT_NO_PERMS = §cYou do not have the permission to use WorldEdit KICKALL_HELP = §8/§ekickall §8- §7Kick all players from the server except the owner KICKALL_NO_PERM = §cThis is not your world! # Techhider TECHHIDER_HELP = §8/§etechhider §8- §7Toggle Techhider TECHHIDER_GLOBAL = §cNo techhider in global region TECHHIDER_ON = §aTechhider activated TECHHIDER_OFF = §aTechhider deactivated # XRAY XRAY_HELP = §8/§exray §8- §7Toggle Xray XRAY_GLOBAL = §cNo xray in global region XRAY_ON = §aXray activated XRAY_OFF = §cXray deactivated # WorldEdit COLORREPLACE_HELP = §8//§ecolorreplace §8[§7color§8] §8[§7color§8] §8- §7Replace all blocks of one color with another TYPEREPLACE_HELP = §8//§etyreplace §8[§7type§8] §8[§7type§8] §8- §7Replace all blocks of one type with another