# # This file is a part of the SteamWar software. # # Copyright (C) 2021 SteamWar.de-Serverteam # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # PREFIX = §eBau§8System§8» TIME = HH:mm:ss DATE=........ COMMAND_HELP_HEAD=§7---=== (§e{0}§7) ===--- ONLY_SCHEMS=§cFolders are unselectable PAGE_LIST=§e Page ({0}/{1}) »» LIST_PREVIOUS_PAGE=§ePrevious page LIST_NEXT_PAGE=§eNext page # Scoreboard SCOREBOARD_TIME = Time SCOREBOARD_REGION = Region SCOREBOARD_TRACE = Trace SCOREBOARD_LOADER = Loader SCOREBOARD_TPS = TPS SCOREBOARD_TPS_FROZEN = §e Frozen SCOREBOARD_TRACE_TICKS = Ticks # Flags FLAG_COLOR = Color FLAG_TNT = TNT FLAG_FIRE = Fire FLAG_FREEZE = Freeze FLAG_PROTECT = Protect FLAG_FIRE_ALLOW = §con FLAG_FIRE_DENY = §aoff FLAG_FREEZE_ACTIVE = §aon FLAG_FREEZE_INACTIVE = §coff FLAG_PROTECT_ACTIVE = §aon FLAG_PROTECT_INACTIVE = §coff FLAG_TNT_ALLOW = §aon FLAG_TNT_DENY = §coff FLAG_TNT_ONLY_TB = §7no §ebuild area FLAG_COLOR_WHITE = §fWhite FLAG_COLOR_ORANGE = §6Orange FLAG_COLOR_MAGENTA = §dMagenta FLAG_COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE = §bLight blue FLAG_COLOR_YELLOW = §eYellow FLAG_COLOR_LIME = §aLime ## This cannot be converted FLAG_COLOR_PINK = §ePink FLAG_COLOR_GRAY = §8Gray FLAG_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY = §7Light gray FLAG_COLOR_CYAN = §3Cyan FLAG_COLOR_PURPLE = §5Purple FLAG_COLOR_BLUE = §1Blue ## This cannot be converted FLAG_COLOR_BROWN = §eBrown FLAG_COLOR_GREEN = §2Green FLAG_COLOR_RED = §cRed FLAG_COLOR_BLACK = §0Black # Region REGION_TYPE_NORMAL = Normal REGION_TYPE_BUILD = Build area REGION_TYPE_ONLY_TB = Dummy # AttributesCopy ATTRIBUTES_CANT_COPY = §cYou need to hold the same item type and hover over the same block to copy. ATTRIBUTES_NO_COPY = §cNo attributes to copy. ATTRIBUTES_COPIED = §eAttributes copied. ATTRIBUTE_REMOVE_COMMAND_HELP = §8/§eattributeremove §8[§eattribute§8|§7all§8|§7*§8] ATTRIBUTE_REMOVE_ALL = §eAll attributes removed. ATTRIBUTE_REMOVE_SINGLE = §eAttribute §7{0}§e removed. ATTRIBUTE_REMOVE_NOT_FOUND = §cAttribute not found # AutoStart AUTOSTART_COMMAND_HELP = §8/§etimer §8- §7Retrieve AutostartTimer Tool AUTOSTART_ITEM_NAME = §eAutostartTimer AUTOSTART_ITEM_LORE = §eRight Click Block §8- §7Start Timer AUTOSTART_MESSAGE_NO_REGION = §cYou are not inside any region AUTOSTART_MESSAGE_RESET = §eAutostartTimer restarted AUTOSTART_MESSAGE_START = §eAutostartTimer started AUTOSTART_MESSAGE_RESULT1 = §eTime §7until §eexplosion §7at enemy§8:§e {0} AUTOSTART_MESSAGE_DATE_PATTERN=mm:ss SSSS AUTOSTART_MESSAGE_RESULT2 = §eTime difference in game-ticks §7until {0} seconds§8:§e {1} AUTOSTART_MESSAGE_RESULT3 = §7positive, if too few, negative if too many # Backup BACKUP_HELP_CREATE=§8/§ebackup create §8- §7Create a region backup BACKUP_HELP_LOAD=§8/§ebackup load §8[§7BackupName§8] §8- §7Load a region backup BACKUP_HELP_LIST=§8/§ebackup list §8- §7List all region backups BACKUP_HELP_GUI=§8/§ebackup gui §8- §7Open the backup GUI BACKUP_REGION_NO_REGION=§cYou are not inside any region BACKUP_NO_PERMS=§You do not have permission to use the backup system BACKUP_CREATE_SUCCESS=§7Backup created BACKUP_CREATE_FAILURE=§cBackup failed BACKUP_CREATE_NO_CHANGE=§7No changes to save BACKUP_LIST_HEAD=§7---=== (§eBackup §7{0}§7) ===--- BACKUP_LIST_ENTRY=§7{0} §e[Load] BACKUP_LOAD_FAILURE=§cBackup load failed BACKUP_LOAD=§7Backup loaded BACKUP_INV_NAME=§eBackup BACKUP_ITEM_NAME=§eBackup §7from §e{0} BACKUP_LORE=§eClick to load # Bau BAU_COMMAND_HELP_INFO = §8/§ebau info §8- §7Alias for §8/§ebauinfo BAU_COMMAND_HELP_TOGGLEWE = §8/§ebau togglewe §8[§7Player§8] §8- §7Edit the WorldEdit permissions of a player BAU_COMMAND_HELP_TOGGLEWORLD = §8/§ebau toggleworld §8[§7Player§8] §8- §7Edit the World permissions of a player BAU_UNKNOWN_PLAYER = §cUnknown Player BAU_NO_PLAYER = §cThe player is no member of your world! BAU_NO_WORLD = §cThis is not your world! BAU_INFO_ITEM_NAME = §eBau-Management ## This is used in BauInfoBauGuiItem.java BAU_INFO_ITEM_LORE_TNT = §7TNT§8: §e{0} BAU_INFO_ITEM_LORE_FREEZE = §7Freeze§8: §e{0} BAU_INFO_ITEM_LORE_DAMAGE= BAU_INFO_ITEM_LORE_FIRE = §7Fire§8: §e{0} BAU_INFO_ITEM_LORE_COLOR = §7Color§8: §e{0} BAU_INFO_ITEM_LORE_PROTECT = §7Protect§8: §e{0} BAU_INFO_COMMAND_HELP = §8/§ebauinfo §8- §7Information regarding this build server BAU_INFO_COMMAND_OWNER = §7Owner: §e{0} BAU_INFO_COMMAND_MEMBER = §7Member: §e BAU_INFO_MEMBER_INFO = §e{0}§8[{1}§8,{2}§8] §8 BAU_INFO_MEMBER_WE_ALLOW = §aWE BAU_INFO_MEMBER_WE_DISALLOW = §cWE BAU_INFO_MEMBER_WORLD_ALLOW = §aW BAU_INFO_MEMBER_WORLD_DISALLOW = §cW BAU_INFO_COMMAND_FLAG = §e{0} §8: §7{1} BAU_INFO_COMMAND_TPS = TPS:§e # Countingwand COUNTINGWAND_COMMAND_HELP = §8/§ecountingwand §8- §7Receive a CountingWand COUNTINGWAND_ITEM_NAME = §eMeterstick COUNTINGWAND_ITEM_LORE1 = §eLeft-Click §8- §7Set the first position COUNTINGWAND_ITEM_LORE2 = §eRicht-Click §8- §7Set the second position COUNTINGWAND_MESSAGE_RCLICK = §7First position at: §8[§7{0}§8, §7{1}§8, §7{2}§8] ({3}§8) ({4}§8) COUNTINGWAND_MESSAGE_LCLICK = §7Second position at: §8[§7{0}§8, §7{1}§8, §7{2}§8] ({3}§8) ({4}§8) COUNTINGWAND_MESSAGE_VOLUME = §e{0} COUNTINGWAND_MESSAGE_DIMENSION = §e{0}§8, §e{1}§8, §e{2} # Detonator DETONATOR_LOC_REMOVE = §e{0} removed DETONATOR_LOC_ADD = §e{0} added DETONATOR_BUTTON_SWITCH=Lever DETONATOR_BUTTON_WOOD_BUTTON=Button DETONATOR_BUTTON_STONE_BUTTON=Button DETONATOR_BUTTON_PRESSURE_PLATE=Pressure plate DETONATOR_BUTTON_WEIGHTED-PRESSURE_PLATE=Pressure plate DETONATOR_BUTTON_TRIPWIRE=Tripwire DETONATOR_BUTTON_NOTEBLOCK=Noteblock DETONATOR_BUTTON_DAYLIGHTSENSOR=Daylight sensor DETONATOR_BUTTON_POWERABLE=Activateable block DETONATOR_BUTTON_INVALID=Invalid DETONATOR_WAND_NAME=§eDetonator DETONATOR_WAND_LORE_1=§eLeft-Click §8- §7Sets a point to be activated DETONATOR_WAND_LORE_2=§eLeft-Click + Shift §8- §eAdds a point DETONATOR_WAND_LORE_3=§eRight-Click §8- §eActivates all points DETONATOR_HELP_WAND=§8/§edetonator wand §8-§7 Receive a Detonator DETONATOR_HELP_CLICK=§8/§edetonator click §8-§7 Activate a Detonator (main-hand -> hotbar -> inventory) DETONATOR_HELP_CLEAR=§8/§edetonator clear §8-§7 Clear a Detonator DETONATOR_HELP_AUTOSTART=§8/§edetonator autostart §8-§7 Enable a Autostarttester automatically DETONATOR_AUTOSTART_ENABLE=§7Autostart with detonate §aenabled DETONATOR_AUTOSTART_DISABLE=§7Autostart with detonate §cdisabled DETONATOR_POINT_ACT=§eSingle point activated DETONATOR_POINTS_ACT=§e{0} points activated DETONATOR_INVALID_POINT=§cOne point could not be activated DETONATOR_INVALID_POINTS=§c{0} points could not be activated DETONATOR_INVALID_BLOCK=§eThe block could not be addded # Hotbar HOTBAR_HELP_GENERIC=§7Saves a hotbar. While joining a bau with an empty inventory this hotbar will be used HOTBAR_HELP_SAVE=§8/§ehotbar save §8-§7 Saves your current hotbar HOTBAR_HELP_LOAD=§8/§ehotbar load §8-§7 Loads the saved hotbar HOTBAR_HELP_SHOW=§8/§ehotbar show §8-§7 Displays the saved hotbar HOTBAR_SAVED=§7Hotbar saved HOTBAR_LOADED=§7Hotbar loaded HOTBAR_INVENTORY=Standard hotbar # GUI GUI_EDITOR_ITEM_NAME=§eGui editor GUI_NAME=Bau GUI GUI_NO_PERMISSION=§cYou do not have enough permissions for this GUI_NO_OWNER=§cYou are not the owner of this World GUI_NO_WORLD=§cYou do not have permissions to change the World GUI_NO_WORLDEDIT=§cYou do not have permissions to use WorldEdit GUI_NO_MEMBER=§cYou need to be a member of this World GUI_ITEM_LORE1=§7Use this item to open the bau gui GUI_ITEM_LORE2=§7or press swap hands twice. GUI_EDITOR_TITLE=Bau GUI Editor GUI_EDITOR_ITEM_ROW_P=§e+1 Row GUI_EDITOR_ITEM_ROW_M=§e-1 Row GUI_EDITOR_ITEM_TRASH=§cTrashcan GUI_EDITOR_ITEM_TRASH_LORE=§7Drop item here GUI_EDITOR_ITEM_MORE=§eMore items GUI_EDITOR_ITEM_CLOSE=§eClose GUI_EDITOR_TITLE_MORE=Select item # Script ## Errors SCRIPT_SLEEP_ERROR = §cInsert a sleep into your script SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_UNKNOWN_VAR = §cUnknown variable {0} SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_EXPRESSION = §cExpression error with: {0} SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_FIRST_ARG_NOVAR = §cThe first argument is missing and should be a variable SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_FIRST_ARG_NONUMER = §cThe first argument is missing and should be a number SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_FIRST_ARG_NOVAR_OR_VALUE = §cThe first argument is missing and should be a variable or a number SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_FIRST_ARG_NOJUMPPOINT = §cThe first argument is missing and should be a jump-point SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_SECOND_ARG_NOVAR = §cThe second argument is missing and should be a variable SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_SECOND_ARG_NOVALUE = §cThe econd argument is missing and should be a value SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_SECOND_ARG_NOJUMPPOINT = §cThe second argument is missing and should be a jump-point SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_THIRD_ARG_NOVAR = §cThe third argument is missing and should be a variable SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_THIRD_ARG_NOVALUE = §cThe third argument is missing and should be a value SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_THIRD_ARG_NOVAR_OR_NUMBER = §cThe third argument is missing and should be a variable or a number SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_FOURTH_ARG_NOVALUE = §cThe fourth argument is missing and should be a value SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_BOOLEAN_COMPARE = §cOnly booleans can be compared SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_NUMBER_COMPARE = §cOnly numbers can be compared SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_NO_BOOLEAN = §cThe value is not a boolean SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_ONLY_STRINGS_ALLOWED = §cOnly strings are allowed SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_ONLY_NUMBERS_ALLOWED = §cOnly numbers are allowed SCRIPT_COMMAND_ERROR_UNKNOWN_OPERATION = §cUnknown operation: {0} ## Commands SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_ADD_ERROR = §cOnly numbers or strings can be added SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_DIV_ERROR = §cOnly numbers can be divided SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_MUL_ERROR = §cOnly numbers can be multiplied SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_SUB_ERROR = §cOnly numbers can be subtracted SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_POW_ERROR = §cOnly numbers can be raised to a power SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_MOD_ERROR = §cOnly whole numbers can be used for modulo SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_BIT_AND_ERROR = §cOnly whole numbers and booleans can be used for and SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_BIT_OR_ERROR = §cOnly whole numbers and booleans can be used for or SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_BIT_XOR_ERROR = §cOnly whole numbers and booleans can be used for xor SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_BIT_LEFT_ERROR = §cOnly whole numbers can be used for left shift value SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_BIT_RIGHT_ERROR = §cOnly whole numbers can be used for right shift value SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_BIT_RIGHT_LOGIC_ERROR = §cOnly whole numbers can be used for logic right shift value SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_CEIL_HELP_1 = §eceil §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_CEIL_HELP_2 = §eceil §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_CEIL_HELP_3 = Ceils the second number and writes it in the first or ceils the second number with the precision from the third number and writes it in the first SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_CEIL_ERROR_1 = §cOnly floating point numbers can be ceiled SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_CEIL_ERROR_2 = §cThe precision needs to be a whole number SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_FLOOR_HELP_1 = §efloor §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_FLOOR_HELP_2 = §efloor §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_FLOOR_HELP_3 = Floors the second number and writes it in the first or floors the second number with the precision from the third number and writes it in the first SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_FLOOR_ERROR_1 = §cOnly floating point numbers can be floored SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_FLOOR_ERROR_2 = §cThe precision needs to be a whole number SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_ROUND_HELP_1 = §eround §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_ROUND_HELP_2 = §eround §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> §8<§7variable§8|§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_ROUND_HELP_3 = Round the second number and writes it in the first or rounds the second number with the precision from the third number and writes it in the first SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_ROUND_ERROR_1 = §cOnly floating point numbers can be rounded SCRIPT_COMMAND_ARITHMETIC_OTHER_ROUND_ERROR_2 = §cThe precision needs to be a whole number SCRIPT_COMMAND_IO_ECHO_HELP_1 = §eecho §8<§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_IO_ECHO_HELP_2 = §7Send a message to the player. If the value is empty, the message will be empty as well SCRIPT_COMMAND_IO_ECHO_MESSAGE = §f{0} SCRIPT_COMMAND_IO_ECHOACTIONBAR_HELP_1 = §eechoactionbar §8<§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_IO_ECHOACTIONBAR_HELP_2 = §7Send a message to the player to the action bar. If the value is empty, the message will be empty as well SCRIPT_COMMAND_IO_INPUT_HELP_1 = §einput §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7text§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_IO_INPUT_HELP_2 = §7Request an input from the player, which will be written in the variable. The text is optional SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_INSERT_HELP_1 = §einsert §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7number§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_INSERT_HELP_2 = §einsert §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7number§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_INSERT_HELP_3 = Insert something into a String at a given index. The number is the index and the variable is the string. Optionally the result can be written in another or a new variable SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_REMOVE_HELP_1 = §eremove §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7from variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_REMOVE_HELP_2 = §eremove §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7from variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_REMOVE_HELP_3 = Removes all occurrences of a string from another string. SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_REPLACE_HELP_1 = §ereplace §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7from variable§8> §8<§7to variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_REPLACE_HELP_2 = §ereplace §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7from variable§8> §8<§7to variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_REPLACE_HELP_3 = Replaces all occurrences of a string from another string with a given string SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_SUBSTRING_HELP_1 = §esubstring §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7number§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_SUBSTRING_HELP_2 = §esubstring §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7number§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_STRING_SUBSTRING_HELP_3 = Shortens a string either from the start or the end, depending on whether the given index is positive (start) or negative (end) SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_CONST_HELP_1 = §econst §8<§7variable§8> §8[§7value§8(§7s§8)§8] SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_CONST_HELP_2 = Writes a value in a constant, which can be a number, a boolean or a string SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_CONVERT_HELP_1 = §econvert §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7value§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_CONVERT_HELP_2 = Converts a value to 'number' if it's a number, or to 'boolean' if it's either 'true' or 'false'. Otherwise it remains of type 'text'. SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_GLOBAL_HELP_1 = §eglobal §8<§7variable§8> §8[§7value§8(§7s§8)§8] SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_GLOBAL_HELP_2 = Writes a value in a variable, which can be a number, a boolean or a string SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_UNGLOBAL_HELP_1 = §eunglobal §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_UNGLOBAL_HELP_2 = Deletes a global variable. SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_UNVAR_HELP_1 = §eunvar §8<§7variable§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_UNVAR_HELP_2 = Deletes a local variable. SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_VAR_HELP_1 = §evar §8<§7variable§8> §8[§7value§8(§7s§8)§8] SCRIPT_COMMAND_VARIABLE_VAR_HELP_2 = Writes a value in a variable, which can be a number, a boolean or a string SCRIPT_COMMAND_WORLD_GETMATERIAL_HELP_1 = §egetmaterial §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7number§8> §8<§7number§8> §8<§7number§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_WORLD_GETMATERIAL_HELP_2 = Writes the material of a block in the world in the variable SCRIPT_COMMAND_WORLD_SETMATERIAL_HELP_1 = §esetmaterial §8<§7variable§8> §8<§7number§8> §8<§7number§8> §8<§7number§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_WORLD_SETMATERIAL_HELP_2 = Sets a block in the world with the given material, given in the variable SCRIPT_COMMAND_EXIT_HELP_1 = §eexit SCRIPT_COMMAND_EXIT_HELP_2 = Exits the script SCRIPT_COMMAND_IF_HELP_1 = §eif §8<§7true/false§8> §8<§7jump-point§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_IF_HELP_2 = §eif §8<§7true/false§8> §8<§7jump-point§8> §8<§7jump-point§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_IF_HELP_3 = §7Jump to the first jump-point if the given value is true or the second jump-point otherwise. SCRIPT_COMMAND_JUMP_HELP_1 = §ejump §8<§7jump-point§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_JUMP_HELP_2 = §7Jump to a jump-point. A jump-point is a line with §8'§7.§8'§7 before. SCRIPT_COMMAND_JUMP_ERROR = §cUnknown jump-point: {0} SCRIPT_COMMAND_CALL_HELP_1 = §ecall §8<§7jump-point§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_CALL_HELP_2 = §7Jump to a jump-point. A jump-point is a line with §8'§7.§8'§7 before. Building a return stack alongside. Use 'return' to jump back. SCRIPT_COMMAND_CALL_ERROR = §cUnknown jump-point: {0} SCRIPT_COMMAND_RETURN_HELP_1 = §ereturn SCRIPT_COMMAND_RETURN_HELP_2 = §7Jump back to the last 'call' command SCRIPT_COMMAND_RETURN_ERROR = §cNo 'call' command executed before SCRIPT_COMMAND_SLEEP_HELP_1 = §esleep §8<§7time§8> SCRIPT_COMMAND_SLEEP_HELP_2 = Pauses the execution by the given number of game ticks. SCRIPT_COMMAND_SLEEP_ERROR = §cThe given number needs to be greater than zero. ## GUI SCRIPT_GUI_ITEM_NAME = §eScript Help ## CustomScript SCRIPT_HOTKEY_ITEM_NAME = §7Hotkey§8: §e{0} §8-§7 {1} SCRIPT_EVENT_ITEM_NAME = §7Event§8: §e{0} §8-§7 {1} SCRIPT_COMMAND_ITEM_NAME = §7Command§8: §e{0} ## Script Menu GUI SCRIPT_MENU_GUI_ITEM_LORE_1 = §7Click to retrieve SCRIPT_MENU_GUI_ITEM_LORE_2 = §7Shift-Click to copy SCRIPT_MENU_GUI_NAME = §eScript Commands {0}{1}§7% SCRIPT_MENU_GUI_ITEM_ADD_NAME = §eInsert SCRIPT_MENU_GUI_ITEM_ADD_LORE = §7Click with a book to insert SCRIPT_MENU_GUI_DUPLICATE_COMMAND = §cCommand '{0}' already defined SCRIPT_MENU_GUI_UNKNOWN_EVENT = §cEvent '{0}' cannot be defined SCRIPT_MENU_GUI_LIMIT = §cScript-Book limit reached ## ScriptCommand SCRIPT_COMMAND_HELP = §8/§escript §8- §7Opens the ScriptGUI SCRIPT_COMMAND_HELP_MENU = §8/§escript menu §8- §7Opens the ScriptGUI for custom commands shares across baus ## Script GUI SCRIPT_GUI_NAME = Script Elements SCRIPT_GUI_COMMAND_CHAT = §eScript Command§8: §e{0} SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_HOTKEYS = §eCustom Hotkeys SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_HOTKEYS_COMMANDS_LORE_1 = §7Write§8: §e#!HOTKEY 'Char' SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_HOTKEYS_COMMANDS_LORE_2 = §7at the beginning of a Script Book to use a custom hotkey. The 'Char' can be any char between '§eA§7' and '§eZ§7' as well as '§e0§7' and '§e9§7'. While executing two variables are available: §epressed§7, §ereleased§7. SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_HOTKEYS_COMMANDS_LORE_3 = §7You can add modifiers like "SHIFT", "CTRL", "ALT" or "META" to the hotkey. §7Example: §e#!HOTKEY SHIFT+A SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_HOTKEYS_COMMANDS_LORE_4 = §7 SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_HOTKEYS_COMMANDS_LORE_5 = §cThis can only be used in conjunction with the Fabric-Mod: §eAdvancedScripts §7found on §ehttps://steamwar.de/downloads SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_COMMANDS = §eCustom Commands SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_COMMANDS_LORE_1 = §7Write§8: §e#!CMD 'COMMAND' SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_COMMANDS_LORE_2 = §7at the beginning of a Script Book to use a custom command. The command always starts with §e/§7 and can be structured as you wish. Everything in pointy Brackets '§e<>§7' will be counted as a Parameter and therefore as a variable. Parameters in round brackets '§e()§7' are optional. Simple texts as parameters get a variable with the same name with the values true/false, depending on whether the value was given or not SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS = §eCustom Events SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_1 = §7Write§8: §e#!EVENT 'EventName' SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_2 = §7at the beginning of a Script Book to use a custom event. Every event can ve canceled by using 'var cancel true'. After the event name are the variables which are usable in a Script Book. SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_3 = §7Usable Events are: SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_4 = §eFF SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_5 = §ePlaceBlock §8-§7 blockX, blockY, blockZ, blockType SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_6 = §eBreakBlock §8-§7 blockX, blockY, blockZ, blockType SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_7 = §eRightClick §8-§7 blockInHand, action, handType, SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_8 = §7 hasBlock §8[§7blockX, blockY, blockZ, blockFace§8]§e* SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_9 = §eLeftClick §8-§7 blockInHand, action, handType, SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_10 = §7 hasBlock §8[§7blockX, blockY, blockZ, blockFace§8]§e* SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_11 = §eTNTSpawn SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_12 = §eTNTExplode §8-§7 x, y, z SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_13 = §eTNTExplodeInBuild §8-§7 x, y, z SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_14 = §eSelfJoin §8-§7 x, y, z, playerName SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_15 = §eSelfLeave §8-§7 x, y, z, playerName SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_16 = §eDropItem §8-§7 material, x, y, z SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_17 = §eEntityDeath §8-§7 entityType, x, y, z SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_18 = §eScoreboard SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_EVENTS_LORE_STAR_1 = §e* §8-§7 Everything in brackets is only set if the variable before is set on §etrue§7. SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER = §eOther SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_1 = §7Comments start with §e#§7. SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_2 = §7Jump_Points start with §e.§7. SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_3 = §7A variable name enclosed in '§e{}§7' is replaced by its value. A variable can be prefixed with '§econst.§7' or '§elocal.§7' or '§eglobal.§7'. SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_4 = §7The following applies: SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_5 = §7- Local variables are only available in the script book. SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_6 = §7- Global variables are available in every script book. SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_7 = §7- Constant variables are variables from the server (e.g. player name, TPS, etc.) SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_8 = §7A variable can be appended with '§e.length§7' or '§e.type§7' or '§e.isset§7'. SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_9 = §7The following applies: SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_10 = §7- Length returns the length of the variable as a number. SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_11 = §7- Type returns the type (number, floating_number, text or boolean) as text. SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_12 = §7- Isset returns as a boolean whether the variable exists. SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_13 = §7Mathematical as well as logical operations can be specified in '§e{}§7'. SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_14 = §7The following applies: SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_15 = §7- arithmetic operators: §e+ * - /§7 as well as §e%§7 for modulo SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_16 = §7- Logical operators: §e==§7; §e!=§7; §e<=§7; §e>=§7; §e<§7; §e>§7; §e&&§7; §e||§7 (this is the character for or) SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_17 = §7- Bitwise operators: §e&§7; §e|§7; §e^ SCRIPT_GUI_OTHER_LORE_18 = §7- Shift operators: §e<<§7; §e>>§7; §e>>>§7 SCRIPT_GUI_COMMAND_NAME = §7Command: §e{0} SCRIPT_GUI_CUSTOM_VARIABLES = §eCustom Variables SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TIME_NAME = §7Constant §etime SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TIME_LORE = §7Formatted time variable. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TICKS_NAME = §7Constant §eticks SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TICKS_LORE = §7Ticks since server start. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TRACE_NAME = §7Constant §etrace SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TRACE_LORE = §etrue§7 if the trace is activated. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_AUTO_TRACE_NAME = §7Constant §eautotrace SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_AUTO_TRACE_LORE = §etrue§7 if the auto trace is activated. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TRACE_STATUS_NAME = §7Constant §etrace_status SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TRACE_STATUS_LORE = §7One of: §eOFF§8, §eIDLE§8, §eIDLE_AUTO_EXPLODE§8, §eIDLE_AUTO_IGNITE§8, §eIDLE_SINGLE SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TRACE_TIME_NAME = §7Constant §etrace_time SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TRACE_TIME_LORE = §e0§7 if the trace is not active, otherwise the time in ticks since the trace was started. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_LOADER_STATUS_NAME = §7Constant §eloader_status SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_LOADER_STATUS_LORE = §7One of: §eOFF§8, §eSETUP§8, §eRUNNING§8, §eSINGLE§8, §ePAUSE§8, §eEND SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TNT_NAME = §7Constant §etnt SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TNT_LORE = §etrue§7 if tnt is not deactivated. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_ONLY_TB_NAME = §7Constant §etnt_onlytb SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_ONLY_TB_LORE = §etrue§7 if tnt no build is activated. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_FREEZE_NAME = §7Constant §efreeze SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_FREEZE_LORE = §etrue§7 if freeze is not deactivated. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_FIRE_NAME = §7Constant §efire SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_FIRE_LORE = §etrue§7 if fire is not deactivated. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_PROTECT_NAME = §7Constant §eprotect SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_PROTECT_LORE = §etrue§7 if protect is activated. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_X_NAME = §7Constant §ex SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_X_LORE = §ex§7 position of the player. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_Y_NAME = §7Constant §ey SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_Y_LORE = §ey§7 position of the player. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_Z_NAME = §7Constant §ez SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_Z_LORE = §ez§7 position of the player. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_NAME_NAME = §7Constant §ename SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_NAME_LORE = §eDisplay§7 name of the player. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SNEAK_NAME = §7Constant §esneaking SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SNEAK_LORE = §etrue§7 if the player is sneaking. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SPRINTING_NAME = §7Constant §esprinting SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SPRINTING_LORE = §etrue§7 is the player is sprinting. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SLOT_NAME = §7Constant §eslot SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SLOT_LORE = §e0-8§7 for the selected slot. SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SLOT_MATERIAL_NAME = §7Constant §eslotmaterial SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SLOT_MATERIAL_LORE = §eMaterial§7 of the item in the current slot SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_OFF_HAND_MATERIAL_NAME = §7Constant §eoffhandmaterial SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_OFF_HAND_MATERIAL_LORE = §eMaterial§7 of the item in the off hand SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SLOT_MATERIAL_DISPLAY_NAME = §7Constant §ematerialname SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_SLOT_MATERIAL_DISPLAY_LORE = §eName§7 of the item in the current slot SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_OFF_HAND_MATERIAL_DISPLAY_NAME = §7Constant §eoffmaterialname SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_OFF_HAND_MATERIAL_DISPLAY_LORE = §eName§7 of the item in the off hand SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_REGION_TYPE_NAME = §7Constant §eregion_type SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_REGION_TYPE_LORE = §eregion type§7 of the current region SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_REGION_NAME_NAME = §7Constant §eregion_name SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_REGION_NAME_LORE = §eregion name§7 of the current region SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TPS_NAME = §7Constant §etps SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TPS_LORE = §etps§7 of the server SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TPS_LIMIT_NAME = §7Constant §etps_limit SCRIPT_GUI_CONSTANT_TPS_LIMIT_LORE = §etps_limit§7 of the server # Shield Printing SHIELD_PRINTING_NO_REGION = §cYou are not in a region. SHIELD_PRINTING_NOT_RUNNING = §cThe shield printing is not running. SHIELD_PRINTING_DISALLOWED = §cYou are not allowed to use shield printing here. SHIELD_PRINTING_START = §aThe shield printing has been started. SHIELD_PRINTING_COPY = §aThe shield has been copied. SHIELD_PRINTING_APPLY = §aThe shield has been applied. SHIELD_PRINTING_STOP = §aThe shield printing has been stopped. # Unsign Book UNSIGN_HELP=§8/§eunsign §8- §7Make a signed book writable again # Simulator SIMULATOR_HELP = §8/§esimulator §8-§7 Gives you the simulator wand SIMULATOR_CREATE_HELP = §8/§esimulator create §8[§7name§8] §8-§7 Create a new simulator SIMULATOR_CHANGE_HELP = §8/§esimulator change §8-§7 Change your simulator wand selection SIMULATOR_DELETE_HELP = §8/§esimulator delete §8[§7name§8] §8-§7 Deletes the simulator SIMULATOR_START_HELP = §8/§esimulator start §8[§7name§8] §8-§7 Starts the simulator SIMULATOR_COPY_HELP = §8/§esimulator copy §8[§7to-copy§8] §8[§7name§8] §8-§7 Copy the simulator SIMULATOR_NO_PERMS = §cYou are not allowed to use the simulator here SIMULATOR_GUI_ITEM_NAME = §eTNT Simulator SIMULATOR_NO_SIM_IN_HAND = §cNo simulator item selected SIMULATOR_GUI_SELECT_SIM = Simulator selection SIMULATOR_GUI_CREATE_SIM = §eCreate simulator SIMULATOR_GUI_CREATE_SIM_GUI = Create simulator SIMULATOR_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS = §cSimulator already exists SIMULATOR_NAME_INVALID = §cInvalid name SIMULATOR_NOT_EXISTS = §cSimulator does not exist SIMULATOR_CREATE = §aSimulator created SIMULATOR_EDIT_LOCATION = §7Edit position SIMULATOR_EDIT_PROPERTIES = §7Edit properties SIMULATOR_EDIT_OTHER = §7Edit other SIMULATOR_EDIT_GROUP = §7Edit group SIMULATOR_EDIT_GROUP_MENU = §eEdit group SIMULATOR_WAND_NAME = §eSimulator SIMULATOR_WAND_NAME_SELECTED = §7Simulator §8- §e{0} SIMULATOR_WAND_LORE_1 = §eRight click §8- §7Adds a position SIMULATOR_WAND_LORE_2 = §eSneaking §8- §7Free movement SIMULATOR_WAND_LORE_3 = §eLeft click §8- §7Start the simulation SIMULATOR_WAND_LORE_4 = §eRight click in air §8- §7Opens the gui SIMULATOR_WAND_LORE_5 = §eOffhand §8- §7Simulator preview SIMULATOR_REGION_FROZEN = §cSimulator cannot be used inside frozen regions ## Other SIMULATOR_PLUS_ONE = §7+1 SIMULATOR_PLUS_PIXEL_SHIFT = §eShift §7Click for §e+0,0625 SIMULATOR_PLUS_FIVE_SHIFT = §eShift §7Click for §e+5 SIMULATOR_MINUS_ONE = §7-1 SIMULATOR_MINUS_PIXEL_SHIFT = §eShift §7Click for §e-0,0625 SIMULATOR_MINUS_FIVE_SHIFT = §eShift §7Click for §e-5 SIMULATOR_POSITION_X = §7x-Position SIMULATOR_POSITION_Y = §7y-Position SIMULATOR_POSITION_Z = §7z-Position SIMULATOR_BACK = §eBack SIMULATOR_GUI_TOTAL_TNT = §7Total TNT§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_DELETED = §cSimulator deleted ## GUI SIMULATOR_POSITION_EDIT = §eEdit position SIMULATOR_POSITION_ADD = §eSet position SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_SPAWN_NAME = §eTNT SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_SPAWN_LORE_1 = §7TNT-Count§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_SPAWN_LORE_2 = §7Tick§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_SPAWN_LORE_3 = §7Lifespan§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_SPAWN_LORE_4 = §7 SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_SPAWN_LORE_5 = §7x§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_SPAWN_LORE_6 = §7y§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_SPAWN_LORE_7 = §7z§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_GROUP_NAME = §eTNT group SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_GROUP_LORE_1 = §7Element count§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_GROUP_LORE_2 = §7Tick§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_GROUP_LORE_3 = §7 SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_GROUP_LORE_4 = §7x§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_GROUP_LORE_5 = §7y§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_GROUP_LORE_6 = §7z§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_TNT_DISABLED = §cDisabled SIMULATOR_GUI_NAME = Simulator SIMULATOR_GUI_DELETE = §cDelete TNT SIMULATOR_GUI_START = §eStart SIMULATOR_GUI_AUTO_TRACE = §eAutoTrace§8: §7{0} SIMULATOR_GUI_MOVE_ALL = §eMove all SIMULATOR_ALIGNMENT_CENTER = §7Alignment§8: §eCenter SIMULATOR_ALIGNMENT_POSITIVE_X = §7Alignment§8: §ePositive X SIMULATOR_ALIGNMENT_NEGATIVE_X = §7Alignment§8: §eNegative X SIMULATOR_ALIGNMENT_POSITIVE_Z = §7Alignment§8: §ePositive Z SIMULATOR_ALIGNMENT_NEGATIVE_Z = §7Alignment§8: §eNegative Z SIMULATOR_MOVE_ALL_GUI_NAME = Move TNT SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_GUI_NAME = Configure TNT {0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_EDIT_LOCATION = - Location SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_EDIT_PROPERTIES = - Properties SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_EDIT_OTHER = - Other SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_LORE = §eClick to change SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_COUNT = §7TNT-Count §8- §e{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_COUNT_ANVIL_GUI_NAME = TNT-Count SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_TICK = §7Tick §8- §e{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_TICK_ANVIL_GUI_NAME = Tick offset SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_FUSE = §7Lifespan §8- §e{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_FUSE_ANVIL_GUI_NAME = Fuse-Ticks SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_VELOCITY_NAME = §7TNT SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_VELOCITY_X = §7TNT §eJump X §8- {0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_VELOCITY_Y = §7TNT §eJump Y §8- {0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_VELOCITY_Z = §7TNT §eJump Z §8- {0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_VELOCITY_ON = §aon SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_VELOCITY_OFF = §coff SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_POSITION_X = §7x-Position §8- §e{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_POSITION_Y = §7y-Position §8- §e{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_POSITION_Z = §7z-Position §8- §e{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_ACTIVATED_NAME = §7Primed by SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_ACTIVATED_WITH = §7Primed by §8- §e{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_ACTIVATED_WITH_COMPARATOR = Comparator SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_ACTIVATED_WITH_REPEATER = Repeater SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_ACTIVATED_WITH_OBSERVER = Observer SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_INACTIVE = §7> §7{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_ACTIVE = §e> §7{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_MATERIAL = §eMaterial SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_MATERIAL_LORE_1 = §7Current material§8: §e{0} SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_MATERIAL_LORE_2 = §eLeft-Click §7to change SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_MATERIAL_LORE_3 = §eRight-Click §7to reset SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_ENABLED = §aEnabled SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_DISABLED = §cDisabled SIMULATOR_MATERIAL_GUI_NAME = Change material SIMULATOR_MATERIAL_NAME = §e{0} SIMULATOR_MATERIAL_NAME_LORE = §7Material §8- §e{0} SIMULATOR_MATERIAL_CLICK = §eClick to choose SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_ADD_IGNITION_PHASE = §eAdd prime phase SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_ADD_TNT = §eAdd TNT SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_REMOVE_TNT = §cRemove SIMULATOR_TNT_SPAWN_POSITION_ANVIL_GUI_NAME = Position # SmartPlace SMART_PLACE_HELP = §8/§esmartplace §8-§7 Toggles SmartPlace SMART_PLACE_INFO = §7Places rotatable blocks §eaway§7 from you when §esneaking§7. SMART_PLACE_ENABLE = §aSmartPlace activated SMART_PLACE_DISABLE = §cSmartPlace deactivated # InventoryFiller INVENTORY_FILL_HELP = §8/§einventoryfill §8- §7Toggles InventoryFill INVENTORY_FILL_INFO = §7Helps you fill containers by looking at them while sneaking and dropping the item. Or just scroll on a container to change the amount of the item inside. INVENTORY_FILL_ENABLE = §aInventoryFiller activated INVENTORY_FILL_DISABLE = §cInventoryFiller deactivated # Killchecker KILLCHECKER_HELP_ENABLE = §8/§ekillchecker enable §8- §7Enables Killchecker / Recalculates kills KILLCHECKER_HELP_DISABLE = §8/§ekillchecker disable §8- §7Disables Killchecker KILLCHECKER_INFO = §7Shows the overlaps of cannon kills in your build area. KILLCHECKER_INFO2 = §7Only colorable blocks like Wool, Terractotta, Stained Glass and Concrete are counted. KILLCHECKER_ENABLE = §aKillchecker activated KILLCHECKER_DISABLE = §cKillchecker deactivated KILLCHECKER_BOSSBAR = §e§l{0} §7(§e{1}%§7) §e§l{2}§7 cannons # BlockCounter BLOCK_COUNTER_HELP_TOGGLE = §8/§eblockcounter §8- §7Toggle on/off BLOCK_COUNTER_HELP_ENABLE = §8/§eblockcounter enable §8- §7Toggles BlockCounter on BLOCK_COUNTER_HELP_DISABLE = §8/§eblockcounter disable §8- §7Toggles BlockCounter off BLOCK_COUNTER_MESSAGE = §7Counter §8> §e{0} §7Blocks §e{1} §7TNT §e{2} §7Blocks/TNT §e{3} §7Blocks/tick BLOCK_COUNTER_MESSAGE_SECOND = §7Counter §8> §e{0} §7Blocks §e{1} §7TNT §e{2} §7Blocks/TNT §e{3} §7Blocks/s BLOCK_COUNTER_ENABLE = §7BlockCounter activated BLOCK_COUNTER_DISABLE = §7BlockCounter deactivated # DepthCounter DEPTH_COUNTER_COMMAND_ENABLE_HELP = §8/§edepthcounter enable §8- §7Activate the depth-counter DEPTH_COUNTER_COMMAND_DISABLE_HELP = §8/§edepthcounter disable §8- §7Deactivate the depth-counter DEPTH_COUNTER_COMMAND_INFO_HELP = §8/§edepthcounter info §8- §7Lists active counting modes DEPTH_COUNTER_COMMAND_TOGGLE_HELP = §8/§edepthcounter toggle §8<§7CountMode§8> §8- §7Toggle counting modes DEPTH_COUNTER_ENABLE_MESSAGE = §7You activated the depth-counter DEPTH_COUNTER_DISABLE_MESSAGE = §7You deactivated the depth-counter DEPTH_COUNTER_ACTIVE_MESSAGE = §7Active couting modes: §e{0}§8. DEPTH_COUNTER_MESSAGE = §7Damage §8> §7{0} DEPTH_COUNTER_HIGHLIGHT = §e DEPTH_COUNTER_SEPARATOR = §7 §7 DEPTH_COUNTER_X = X: {0} DEPTH_COUNTER_Y = Y: {0} DEPTH_COUNTER_Z = Z: {0} DEPTH_COUNTER_TNT = §7TNT§8: §e{0} # TPSLimit TICK_STEP_HELP = §8/§etick step §8<§7Ticks§8> §8- §7Step n ticks TICK_STEP_SINGLE_HELP = §8/§etick step §8- §7Step one tick TICK_WARP_HELP = §8/§etick warp §8<§7Ticks§8> §8- §7Warp n ticks TICK_CANCEL_HELP = §8/§etick cancel §8- §7Cancels tick step/warp TICK_ERROR = §cYou can not activate another §8'§e/tick step§8'§c or §8'§e/tick warp§8'§c TICK_CANCEL_ERROR = §cYou have no §8'§e/tick step§8'§c or §8'§e/tick warp§8'§c active TICK_STEP = §eSkipping {0} ticks TICK_STEP_LEFT = §eSkipping {0} more ticks TICK_WARP = §eWarping {0} ticks TICK_WARP_LEFT = §eWarping {0} more ticks TICK_CANCEL = §eWarps and Steps canceled TPSLIMIT_GUI_ITEM_NAME = §eTPS limiter TPSLIMIT_GUI_ITEM_LORE = §7Currently: §e{0} TPSLIMIT_ANVIL_GUI = New TPS limit TPSLIMIT_HELP = §8/§etpslimit §8[§7TPS§8|§edefault§8] §8- §7Sets TPS on Build TPSLIMIT_CURRENT = §7Current TPS limit§8: §e{0} TPSLIMIT_NO_PERMS = §cYou are not allowed to use the TPS-Limiter here TPSLIMIT_SET = §eSet TPS limit to {0} TPSLIMIT_FROZEN = §eTPS frozen TPSLIMIT_INVALID = §cOnly numbers between 0,5 and {0}, and 'default'{1} allowed. TPSLIMIT_INVALID_FROZEN = §c and '0' # Trace TRACE_RECORD=§aon TRACE_IDLE=§coff TRACE_IDLE_SINGLE=§esingle TRACE_IDLE_AUTO_EXPLODE=§eauto §8(§7explode§8) TRACE_IDLE_AUTO_IGNITE=§eauto §8(§7ignite§8) TRACE_MESSAGE_AUTO_IDLE_EXPLODE = §aAuto-Tracer explode started TRACE_MESSAGE_AUTO_IDLE_IGNITE = §aAuto-Tracer ignite started TRACE_MESSAGE_START = §aTNT-Tracer started TRACE_MESSAGE_SINGLE = §aSingle-Tracer started TRACE_MESSAGE_STOP = §cTNT-Tracer stopped TRACE_MESSAGE_DELETE = §cAll TNT-positions deleted TRACE_MESSAGE_SHOW = §aAll TNT-positions shown TRACE_MESSAGE_HIDE = §cAll TNT-positions hidden TRACE_MESSAGE_ISOLATE = §aTNT-positions isolated TRACE_MESSAGE_UNISOLATE = §cTNT-positions hidden TRACE_MESSAGE_CLICK_ISOLATE = §eClick to §aisolate§8/§cunisolate TRACE_MESSAGE_DISALLOWED = §cYou are not allowed to use the TNT-Tracer here TRACE_MESSAGE_NO_REGION = §cYou are not in a region TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_START = §8/§etrace start §8- §7Starts recording of all TNT-positions TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_SINGLE = §8/§etrace single §8- §7Starts a single recording of all TNT-positions TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_STOP = §8/§etrace stop §8- §7Stops the TNT-Tracer TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_AUTO = §8/§etrace toggleauto §8- §7Automatic start of recording TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_SHOW = §8/§etrace show §8<§eParameter§8> - §7Shows all TNT-positions TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_HIDE = §8/§etrace hide §8- §7Hides all TNT-positions TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_DELETE = §8/§etrace delete §8- §7Deletes all TNT-positions TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_GUI = §8/§etrace gui §8- §7Shows the Trace GUI TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_REPLAY = §8/§etrace replay §8[§7tick§8] §8- §7Replays your recording TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_REPLAY_DISABLE = §8/§etrace replay disable §8- §7Stops the replay TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_REPLAY_NEXT = §8/§etrace replay next §8[§7step§8] §8- §7Jump one§8/§7step tick forward TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_REPLAY_PREVIOUS = §8/§etrace replay previous §8[§7step§8] §8- §7Jump one§8/§7step tick back TRACE_COMMAND_HELP_REPLAY_LOOP = §8/§etrace replay loop §8<§7start§8> §8<§7end§8> §8[§7speed§8] §8- §7Loop the replay TRACE_GUI_ITEM_NAME = §eTracer TRACE_GUI_ITEM_LORE = §7Status§8: {0} TRACE_GUI_NAME = Trace Gui TRACE_GUI_TRACE_INACTIVE = §eStart Tracer TRACE_GUI_TRACE_ACTIVE = §eStop Tracer TRACE_GUI_TRACE_ACTIVE_AUTO = §eAuto-Trace is active TRACE_GUI_AUTO_TRACE_INACTIVE = §eacitvate Auto-Tracer TRACE_GUI_AUTO_TRACE_ACTIVE = §edeactivate Auto-Tracer TRACE_GUI_DELETE = §eDelete trace TRACE_GUI_TITLE = Trace GUI TRACE_GUI_ITEM_BACK = §eBack TRACE_GUI_ITEM = §eTrace §8- §e{0} §7TNT TRACE_GUI_CLEAR = §eDelete traces TRACE_GUI_RECORD_ITEM = §eTNT §8- §e{0} §7Positions TRACE_GUI_RECORD_CLEAR = §eDelete TNT TRACE_GUI_POSITION_ITEM = §ePosition TRACE_GUI_POSITION_X = §7X§8: §e{0} TRACE_GUI_POSITION_Y = §7Y§8: §e{0} TRACE_GUI_POSITION_Z = §7Z§8: §e{0} TRACE_GUI_POSITION_SOURCE = §7Source§8: §e{0} TRACE_GUI_POSITION_EXPLODED = §7Exploded§8: §e{0} # Loader LOADER_OFF = §coff LOADER_SETUP = §eSetup LOADER_RUNNING = §aRunning LOADER_SINGLE_SIDEBAR = §aSingle LOADER_PAUSE = §7Pause LOADER_END = §8Finished LOADER_MESSAGE_CLEAR = §7Loader cleared LOADER_MESSAGE_CLEAR_HELP = §cYou have to be in Setup-Mode to clear the Loader LOADER_MESSAGE_TNT = §eTNT added {0} LOADER_MESSAGE_INTERACT = §e{0} added {1} LOADER_BUTTON_SWITCH=Lever LOADER_BUTTON_WOOD_BUTTON=Button LOADER_BUTTON_STONE_BUTTON=Button LOADER_BUTTON_PRESSURE_PLATE=Pressure plate LOADER_BUTTON_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE=Pressure plate LOADER_BUTTON_TRIPWIRE=Tripwire LOADER_BUTTON_NOTEBLOCK=Noteblock LOADER_BUTTON_DAYLIGHTSENSOR=Daylightsensor LOADER_BUTTON_INVALID=Invalid LOADER_HELP_SETUP=§8/§eloader setup §8- §7Starts recording actions LOADER_HELP_UNDO=§8/§7loader undo §8- §7Removes last recorded action LOADER_HELP_START=§8/§eloader start §8- §7Playback of previously recorded action LOADER_HELP_WAIT=§8/§7loader wait §8[§7Ticks§8] - §7Sets wait time between shots LOADER_HELP_SPEED=§8/§7loader speed §8[§7Ticks§8] - §7Sets wait time between actions LOADER_HELP_PAUSE=§8/§7loader pause §8- §7Pauses Loader LOADER_HELP_RESUME=§8/§7loader resume §8- §7Resumes Loader LOADER_HELP_STOP=§8/§eloader stop §8- §7Stops recording/playback LOADER_HELP_CLEAR=§8/§eloader clear §8- §7Clears recording LOADER_HELP_SINGLE=§8/§eloader single §8- §7Starts a single shot LOADER_HELP_OTHER=§7The loader works with §eIngame§8-§eTicks §7(20 ticks per Second) LOADER_NO_LOADER=§cYou have no Laoder. Create one with /loader setup LOADER_BACK_SETUP=§7DYour Loader is in Setup again LOADER_NEW=§7Load your cannon and fire it once, to initialise the loader. LOADER_HOW_TO_START=§7Then, execute /§eloader start§7 to start the Loader LOADER_ACTIVE=§7The Loader is now active. LOADER_STOP=§7The Loader has been stopped. LOADER_PAUSED=§7The Loader is now paused. LOADER_RESUME=§7The Loader is resuming. LOADER_SINGLE=§7The Loader is shooting once. LOADER_SMALL_TIME=§cThe wait time is too small LOADER_NEW_TIME=§7The wait time is now: {0}, before {1} LOADER_NEW_LOAD_TIME=§7The action wait time is now: {0}, before {1} LOADER_UNDO=§7Undo succesful. LOADER_PERMS=§cYou are not allowed to use the Loader here LOADER_GUI_NAME=§eLoader LOADER_GUI_NEW=§eNew Loader LOADER_GUI_START=§eStart Loader LOADER_GUI_PAUSE=§7pause Loader LOADER_GUI_UNDO=§7Undo last action LOADER_GUI_WAIT=§7Shot delay LOADER_GUI_WAIT_LORE=§7Currently: §e{0} LOADER_GUI_WAIT_TITLE=§7Shot delay LOADER_GUI_SPEED=§eSpeed LOADER_GUI_SPEED_LORE=§7Currently: §e{0} LOADER_GUI_SPEED_TITLE=§7Block placing speed LOADER_GUI_STOP=§eStop Loader # Loadtimer LOADTIMER_HELP_OVERVIEW=§7Compete with your friends loading your cannon and get information about the cannon LOADTIMER_HELP_START_1=§8/§eloadtimer start §8-§7 Starts the simple Loadtimer LOADTIMER_HELP_START_2=§8/§7loadtimer start §8[§7full/half§8] - §7Starts the Loadtimer in a given mode LOADTIMER_HELP_START_3=§7Loadtimer Modes: Full -> Measures from the priming of the first TNT to the explosion of the first propellant. Is better at calculating the shot frequency. Half -> Only measures until activation LOADTIMER_HELP_STOP=§8/§eloadtimer stop §8-§7 Stops current Loadtimer LOADTIMER_GUI_GLOBAL=§eLoadtimer does not exist in the global region! LOADTIMER_GUI_STOP=§eStop Loadtimer LOADTIMER_GUI_START=§eStart Loadtimer LOADTIMER_GUI_TITLE=Loadtimer Mode LOADTIMER_GUI_FULL=§eFull LOADTIMER_GUI_HALF=§eHalf LOADTIMER_WAITING=§7Place a TNT to start... LOADTIMER_BOSSBAR=§7Tick: §e{0}§7(§e{1}§7) Time: §e{2}s §7Tnt: §e{3} §7Blocks LOADTIMER_ACTIVATED=§7Waiting until priming LOADTIMER_IGNITION=§7Waiting for explosion LOADTIMER_SUMARY_HEAD=§7---=== (§eLoadtimer-Results§7) ===--- LOADTIMER_SUMARY_PLAYERTABLE_HEAD=§7Player: §eTNT §7(§eTNT/s§7) LOADTIMER_SUMARY_PLAYERTABLE_PLAYER=§7{0}: §e{1} §7(§e{2}/s§7) LOADTIMER_SUMARY_PLAYERTABLE_ALL=Total LOADTIMER_SUMARY_TIMES_HEAD=§7Time: §eSeconds §7(§eTicks§7) LOADTIMER_SUMARY_TIMES_START = §7 || §7Start! LOADTIMER_SUMARY_TIMES_ACTIVATION = §7 || Activation: §e{0}s §7(§e{1}t§7) LOADTIMER_SUMARY_TIMES_IGNITION = §7 || Priming: §e{0}s §7(§e{1}t§7) LOADTIMER_SUMARY_TIMES_EXPLOSION = §7 || Explosion: §e{0}s §7(§e{1}t§7) LOADTIMER_SUMARY_TIMES_LAST=§7\\/ LOADTIMER_SUMARY_STATS_HEAD=§7Cannon-Stats§8: LOADTIMER_SUMARY_STATS_TNT=§7TNT: §e{0} LOADTIMER_SUMARY_STATS_FREQ=§7Loading frequency: §e{0}/m§8, §7Shot frequency: §e{1}/m # Observer OBSERVER_HELP = §7Right-Click an Observer to get the Trace. Flame particles have to be enabled. The Particles will be shown in the block. OBSERVER_HELP_ENABLE = §8/§eobserver enable §8-§7 Activates the Observer-Tracer OBSERVER_HELP_DISABLE = §8/§eobserver disable §8-§7 Deactivates the Observer-Tracer OBSERVER_HELP_DELETE = §8/§eobserver delete §8-§7 Deletes the Obersver-Tracer OBSERVER_HELP_RETRACE = §8/§eobserver retrace §8-§7 Retraces The Observer-Tracer OBSERVER_ENABLE = §7Observer trace started OBSERVER_DISABLE = §7Observer trace stopped OBSERVER_DELETE = §7Observer trace deleted OBSERVER_RETRACE_DONE = §7Observer trace retraced OBSERVER_RETRACE_NO_TRACE = §7No Observer trace to retrace # Other OTHER_ITEMS_TELEPORT_NAME=§eTeleporter OTHER_ITEMS_TELEPORT_GUI_NAME=Teleport OTHER_ITEMS_TELEPORT_PLAYER_OFFLINE=§cThis Player is offline OTHER_ITEMS_CLEAR_NAME=§eClear OTHER_ITEMS_DECLUTTER_NAME=§eDeclutter OTHER_ITEMS_GAMEMODE_NAME=§eGamemode OTHER_ITEMS_GAMEMODE_LORE_1=§eRight-Click§8:§7 Toggle between creative and spectator OTHER_ITEMS_GAMEMODE_LORE_2=§eLeft-Click§8:§7 Toggle between survival and adventure OTHER_ITEMS_KILLALL_NAME=§eKillAll OTHER_ITEMS_KILLALL_LORE_1=§eWithout Shift§8:§7 only this region OTHER_ITEMS_KILLALL_LORE_2=§eWith Shift§8:§7 global OTHER_ITEMS_INVENTORY_FILL_NAME=§eInventoryFill OTHER_ITEMS_INVENTORY_FILL_LORE_ACTIVE=§aActivated OTHER_ITEMS_INVENTORY_FILL_LORE_INACTIVE=§aDisabled OTHER_SLOT_INVALID_SLOT=§cInvalid slot OTHER_NOCLIP_SLOT_INFO=§7With /slot you can change the selected slot and take another block in the slot. OTHER_NOCLIP_SLOT_HELP_PICK = §8/§eslot pick §8-§7 Take the faced block into your inventory. OTHER_NOCLIP_SLOT_HELP_DROP = §8/§eslot drop §8-§7 Clears your slot OTHER_CLEAR_HELP_SELF=§8/§eclear §8- §7Clears your inventory OTHER_CLEAR_HELP_PLAYER=§8/§eclear §8[§7Player§8] §8- §7Clears a player inventory OTHER_CLEAR_CLEARED=Your inventory was cleared. OTHER_CLEAR_FROM=Your invetnory was cleared by {0}. OTHER_CLEAR_TO=The inventory of {0} §7was cleared. OTHER_CLEAR_NO_PERMS=§cYou are not allowed to clear other's inventory here. OTHER_DECLUTTER_HELP=§8/§edeclutter §8- §7Organise your inventory OTHER_DECLUTTER_DONE=§aYour inventory was organised. OTHER_GAMEMODE_UNKNOWN=§cUnknown gamemode. OTHER_GAMEMODE_POSSIBLE=§cPossible gamemodes: survival, adventure, creative, specator. OTHER_KILLALL_HELP_SELF=§8/§ekillall §8- §7Remove all entities from your region OTHER_KILLALL_HELP_ALL=§8/§ekillall §8[§7Global§8/Local§7] §8- §7Remove all entities from your region or globally OTHER_KILLALL_REGION=§a{0} Entities removed OTHER_KILLALL_GLOBAL=§a{0} Entities removed from the world OTHER_TELEPORT_HELP = §8/§etp §8[§7Player§8] §8-§7 Teleports you to another player OTHER_TELEPORT_SELF_0=§cBe one with yourself! OTHER_TELEPORT_SELF_1=§cYou need someone to play with? We have a TeamSpeak! OTHER_TELEPORT_SELF_2=§cBlocks left to travel: 0; ETA: 0:00 OTHER_TELEPORT_SELF_3=§cA little Movement is important. OTHER_TELEPORT_SELF_4=§cFor such a distance? OTHER_TIME_HELP=§8/§etime §8<§7Time 0=Morining§8, §76000=Midday§8, §718000=Midnight§8> - §7Sets the time on the Build OTHER_TIME_NO_PERM=§cYou are not allowed to change the time here OTHER_TIME_INVALID=§cPlease input a time between 0 and 24000 OTHER_TIME_RESULT=§7§oWhooosh OTHER_TPS_HEAD = §7TPS: 1s 10s 1m 5m 10m OTHER_TPS_MESSAGE = §7 §e{0}§7 §e{1}§7 §e{2}§7 §e{3}§7 §e{4} OTHER_TPS_SINGLE = §8TPS: §e{0} OTHER_WORLDSPAWN_HELP=§8/§eworldspawn §8-§e Teleport to the spawn # DebugStick DEBUG_STICK_COMMAND_HELP=§8/§edebugstick §8-§7 receive a debugstick DEBUG_STICK_NAME=§eDebugstick #Skull Gui SKULL_GUI_ITEM_NAME = §ePlayer Heads ANVIL_INV_NAME=Player name # StructureVoid STRUCTURE_VOID_COMMAND_HELP=§8/§estructureVoid §8-§7 Receive a StructureVoid # Dragon Egg DRAGON_EGG_COMMAND_HELP=§8/§edragonegg §8-§7 Receive a Dragon Egg # NightVision NIGHT_VISION_HELP=§8/§enightvision §8-§7 Toggel nightvision. NIGHT_VISION_OFF=§eNightvision deactivated NIGHT_VISION_ON=§eNightvision activated NIGHT_VISION_ITEM_ON = §7Nightvision: §eActivated NIGHT_VISION_ITEM_OFF = §7Nightvision: §eDeactivated #Navigation Wand NAVIGATION_WAND=§eNavigation Wand NAVIGATION_WAND_LEFT_CLICK=§eLeft click: jump to location NAVIGATION_WAND_RIGHT_CLICK=§eRight click: pass through walls # Material MATERIAL_SEARCH_PROPERTY_TRUE = §aShould have MATERIAL_SEARCH_PROPERTY_FALSE = §cShould not have MATERIAL_SEARCH_PROPERTY_IGNORE = §eIgnore MATERIAL_INV_NAME=§eMaterial {0}/{1} MATERIAL_SEARCH=§eSearch MATERIAL_BACK=§eBack MATERIAL_SEARCH_NAME=§eName MATERIAL_SEARCH_TRANSPARENT=§eTransparent MATERIAL_SEARCH_SOLID=§eSolid MATERIAL_SEARCH_GRAVITY=§eFalling MATERIAL_SEARCH_OCCLUDING=§eOccluding MATERIAL_SEARCH_INTERACTEABLE=§eInteractable MATERIAL_SEARCH_FLAMMABLE=§eFlammable MATERIAL_SEARCH_BURNABLE=§eBurnable MATERIAL_SEARCH_WATERLOGGABLE=§eWaterloggable MATERIAL_SEARCH_UNMOVEABLE=§eUnmoveable MATERIAL_SEARCH_BLASTRESISTANCE=§eBlast resistance MATERIAL_SEARCH_VALUE=§8: §e{0} MATERIAL_BLAST_RESISTANCE=§8- §eBlast resistance§8: §7{0} MATERIAL_HARDNESS=§8- §eHardness§8: §7{0} MATERIAL_TNT_BREAKABLE=§8- §eDestructible by TNT MATERIAL_TNT_UNBREAKABLE=§8- §eIndestructible by TNT MATERIAL_TRANSPARENT=§8- §eTransparent block MATERIAL_SOLID=§8- §eSolid block MATERIAL_GRAVITY=§8- §eFalling block MATERIAL_OCCLUDING=§8- §eOccluding block MATERIAL_INTERACTABLE=§8- §eInteractable block MATERIAL_FLAMMABLE=§8- §eFlammable block MATERIAL_BURNABLE=§8- §eBurnable block MATERIAL_WATERLOGGABLE=§8- §eWaterloggable block MATERIAL_UNMOVABLE=§8- §eUnmovable block # Redstonetester RT_HELP=§8/§eredstonetester §8-§7 Gives you the redstone tester RT_GIVEN=§7Measure the time between activation of components RT_ITEM_NAME=§eRedstonetester RT_ITEM_LORE_1=§eLeftclick block §8-§7 Sets the 1. Position RT_ITEM_LORE_2=§eRightclick block §8-§7 Sets the 2. Position RT_ITEM_LORE_3=§eShift-rightclick in air §8-§7 Reset RT_LOC=§8: §e{0} {1} {2} RT_INVALID_LOC=§cUnknown Position RT_RESULT=§7Difference§8: §e{0}§7 Ticks §8,§7 R-Ticks §e{1} RT_ACTIVATE=§7Positions deleted§8. # Region Items REGION_ITEM_COLOR=§7Color: §e{0} REGION_ITEM_COLOR_CHOOSE=Choose color REGION_ITEM_FIRE_ALLOW=§7Fire: §eActivated REGION_ITEM_FIRE_DISALLOW=§7Fire: §eDeactivated REGION_ITEM_FREEZE_ALLOW=§7Freeze: §eActivated REGION_ITEM_FREEZE_DISALLOW=§7Freeze: §eDeactivated REGION_ITEM_PROTECT_ALLOW=§7Protect: §eActivated REGION_ITEM_PROTECT_DISALLOW=§7Protect: §eDeactivated REGION_ITEM_RESET=§eReset REGION_ITEM_TESTBLOCK=§eDummy REGION_ITEM_TNT_OFF=§7TNT: §eDeactivated REGION_ITEM_TNT_ONLY_TB=§7TNT: §eonly dummy REGION_ITEM_TNT_ON=§7TNT: §eActivated REGION_ITEM_SELECTOR_TITLE=Tnt Mode REGION_ITEM_SELECTOR_ON=§eActivate REGION_ITEM_SELECTOR_ONLY_TB=§eonly dummy REGION_ITEM_SELECTOR_OFF=§eDeactivate #Region REGION_COLOR_HELP_COLOR=§8/§ecolor §8[§7Color§8] §8- §7Sets the color of the region REGION_COLOR_HELP_COLOR_TYPE=§8/§ecolor §8[§7Color§8] §8[§7Type§8] §8- §7Sets the color of the region or globally REGION_COLOR_GLOBAL=§7All regions color set to §e{0} REGION_COLOR_NO_REGION=§cYou are currently not in any region REGION_COLOR_NO_PERMS=§cThis is not your world! REGION_FIRE_HELP=§8/§efire §8- §7Toggle fire damage REGION_FIRE_NO_PERMS=§cYou are not allowed to toggle fire damage here REGION_FIRE_ENABLED=§cFire damage deactivated in this region REGION_FIRE_DISABLED=§aFire damage activated in this region REGION_FREEZE_HELP=§8/§efreeze §8- §7Toggle Freeze REGION_FREEZE_NO_PERMS=§cYou are not allowed to freeze this world REGION_FREEZE_ENABLED=§cRegion frozen REGION_FREEZE_DISABLED=§aRegion thawed REGION_PROTECT_HELP=§8/§eprotect §8- §7Protect the region REGION_PROTECT_DISABLE=§cProtection disabled REGION_PROTECT_ENABLE=§aProtection enabled REGION_PROTECT_NO_PERMS=§cYou are not allowed to protect the floor here REGION_PROTECT_FALSE_REGION=§cYou are not currently in a (M)WG-region REGION_REGION_HELP_UNDO=§8/§eregion undo §8- §7undo the last 20 /testblock or /reset REGION_REGION_HELP_REDO=§8/§eregion redo §8- §7redo the last 20 §8/§7rg undo REGION_REGION_HELP_RESTORE=§8/§eregion restore §8- §7Resets the region, without removing your builds REGION_REGION_HELP_RESTORE_SCHEMATIC=§8/§eregion restore §8[§7Schematic§8] §8- §7Resets the region, withoout removing your builds REGION_REGION_HELP_COPYPOINT=§8/§eregion copypoint §8- §7Teleport to the regions copy point REGION_REGION_HELP_TESTBLOCKPOINT=§8/§eregion testblockpoint §8- §7Teleport to the regions dummy point REGION_REGION_HELP_CHANGETYPE_INFO=§8/§eregion changetype §8- §7Returns the region type REGION_REGION_HELP_CHANGETYPE=§8/§eregion changetype §8[§7Type§8] §8- §8Sets the region type REGION_REGION_HELP_CHANGESKIN_INFO=§8/§eregion changeskin §8- §7Returns the region skin REGION_REGION_HELP_CHANGESKIN=§8/§eregion changeskin §8[§7Skin§8] §8- §8Sets the region skin REGION_REGION_NOTHING_UNDO=§cNothing left to undo REGION_REGION_UNDID=§7Last action undone REGION_REGION_NOTHING_REDO=§cNothing left to redo REGION_REGION_REDID=§7Last action redone REGION_REGION_RESTORED=§7Region reset REGION_REGION_FAILED_RESTORE=§cError resetting the region REGION_REGION_COLORED=§7Region recolored REGION_REGION_COLORED_FAILED=§7Use §e/rg restore§7 to manually change the region's color REGION_REGION_FAILED_COLORED=§cError recoloring the region REGION_REGION_TP_COPY=§7Teleported to the copy point REGION_REGION_TP_TEST_BLOCK=§7Teleported to the tesblock REGION_REGION_TP_UNKNOWN=§cUndefined teleport point REGION_REGION_NO_REGION=§cYou are not inside any region REGION_REGION_NO_PERMS=§cYou are not allowed to change the region REGION_REGION_CHANGETYPE_INFO=§7RRegion type is §e{0} REGION_REGION_CHANGETYPE_UNKNOWN=§cRegion type is invalid REGION_REGION_CHANGETYPE_INVALID=§cRegion type is not allowed here REGION_REGION_CHANGETYPE_CHANGE=§7Region type changed to §e{0} REGION_REGION_CHANGETYPE_CHANGE_UPDATE=§7Click §e§lHERE §7to change the region type REGION_REGION_CHANGETYPE_CHANGE_UPDATE_HOVER=§8/§ereset REGION_REGION_CHANGESKIN_INFO=§7Region skin is §e{0} REGION_REGION_CHANGESKIN_INFO_CREATOR=§7Skin created by §e{0} REGION_REGION_CHANGESKIN_UNKNOWN=§cRegion skin is invalid REGION_REGION_CHANGESKIN_INVALID=§cRegion skin is not allowed here REGION_REGION_CHANGESKIN_CHANGE=§7Region skin changed to §e{0} REGION_REGION_CHANGESKIN_CHANGE_UPDATE=§7Click §e§lHERE §7to apply the skin REGION_REGION_CHANGESKIN_CHANGE_UPDATE_HOVER=§8/§ereset REGION_RESET_HELP_RESET=§8/§ereset §8- §7Resets the region REGION_RESET_HELP_SCHEMATIC=§8/§ereset §8[§7Schematic§8] §8- §7Resets the region using a schematic REGION_RESET_RESETED=§7Region reset REGION_RESET_ERROR=§cError reseting the region REGION_RESET_NO_PERMS=§cYou are not allowed to reset the region here REGION_RESET_NO_REGION=§cYou are currently not in any region REGION_TB_HELP_RESET=§8/§etestblock §8- §7Reset the dummy REGION_TB_HELP_RESET_EXTENSION=§8/§etestblock §8[§7ExtensionType§8] §8- §7Reset the dummy REGION_TB_HELP_SCHEMATIC=§8/§etestblock §8[§7Schematic§8] §8- §7Reset the dummy using a schematic REGION_TB_HELP_SCHEMATIC_EXTENSION=§8/§etestblock §8[§7Schematic§8] §8[§7ExtensionType§8] §8- §7Reset the dummy using a schematic REGION_TB_DONE=§7Dummy reset REGION_TB_ERROR=§cError resetting the dummy REGION_TB_NO_PERMS=§cYou are not allowed to reset the dummy here REGION_TB_NO_REGION=§cYou are currently not in any region REGION_TNT_HELP=§8/§etnt §8- §7Change the TNT behaviour REGION_TNT_HELP_MODE=§8/§etnt §8[§7Mode§8] §8- §7Set TNT behaviour to a given mode REGION_TNT_ON=§aTNT-Damage activated REGION_TNT_OFF=§cTNT-Damage deactivated REGION_TNT_TB=§aTNT-Damage activated outside the building area REGION_TNT_NO_PERMS=§cYou are not allowed to toggle tnt damage here REGION_TNT_BUILD=§cAn explosion would have destroyed blocks in the building area # Team LOCK_SCHEM_NO_USER=§7This player does not exist! LOCK_SCHEM_NO_SCHEM=§7This player does not have a schem with that name! LOCK_SCHEM_DIR=§7The given schem is a directory LOCK_SCHEM_LOCKED=§e{0} §7by §e{1} §7was reset from §e{2} §7to §eNORMAL §7. LOCK_SCHEM_HELP=§8/§eschemlock §8[§7Owner§8] [§7Schematic§8] - §7Lock a schematic (Notify user about locking reason!) AFK_KICK_MESSAGE=§cNothing happened on this server for 5 minutes. AFK_WARNING_MESSAGE=§cThis server will stop in one minute if you remain inactive SKIN_HELP = §8/§eskin §8[§7Shortform§8] §8[§7Creator§8|§epublic§8] §8[§7Name...§8] §8- §7Creates the skin schematic. Use 'public' as creator to have no creator, then copy the message to YoyoNow by clicking SKIN_NO_REGION=§7You are not in a region with a changealbe skin SKIN_ALREADY_EXISTS=§cThis skin already exists like this SKIN_MESSAGE=§7Skin created SKIN_MESSAGE_HOVER=§eClick to copy for YoyoNow and send # Panzern PANZERN_HELP = §8/§epanzern §8[§7Block§8] §8[§7Slab§8] §8- §7Armor your WorldEdit selection PANZERN_PREPARE1 = §71. Check, if barrels reach until border of armor. PANZERN_PREPARE2 = §72. Carpet on the floor in walkways helps with armoring. PANZERN_PREPARE3 = §73. Shieldtechnology should be encased. PANZERN_PREPARE4 = §74. Standing in the region that is being armored can improve armoring. PANZERN_NO_PERM = §cYou are not allowed to use the armoring system here PANZERN_NO_WORLDEDIT = §cYou have no WorldEdit selcetion PANZERN_PROGRESS = §e{0} §7Blocks left, §e{1} §7Blocks per second, §e{2} §7block delta PANZERN_DONE = §aDone # Laufbau LAUFBAU_HELP = §8/§elaufbau §8[§7smallest§8|§7blastresistant§8] §8- §7Build a barrel in your WorldEdit selection using the traces LAUFBAU_HELP_SETTINGS = §8/§elaufbau settings §8- §7Opens the settings GUI LAUFBAU_PREPARE1 = §71. Trace the cannons as often as necessary, in all modes. LAUFBAU_PREPARE2 = §72. Try to delete all fails from the traces. LAUFBAU_NO_PERM = §cYou are not allowed to use the barrel building system here LAUFBAU_NO_WORLDEDIT = §cYou don't have a WorldEdit selection LAUFBAU_STATE_FILTERING_TRACES = Filtering traces LAUFBAU_STATE_PROCESSING_TRACES = Connnecting traces LAUFBAU_STATE_CREATE_LAUF = Create Barrel LAUFBAU_SIMPLE_PROGRESS = §e{0}§8: §e{1}§8/§e{2} §7Time left§8: §e{3} LAUFBAU_DONE = §aDone LAUFBAU_SETTINGS_GUI_NAME = §eLaufbau LAUFBAU_SETTINGS_ACTIVE = §aActive LAUFBAU_SETTINGS_INACTIVE = §cInactive LAUFBAU_SETTINGS_MIXED = §e{0}§8/§e{1} §aActive LAUFBAU_SETTINGS_GUI_BACK = §eBack LAUFBAU_SETTINGS_TOGGLE = §eClick §8-§7 Toggle LAUFBAU_SETTINGS_ADVANCED = §eMiddle-Click §8-§7 Advanced settings LAUFBAU_BLOCK_COBWEB = §eCobweb LAUFBAU_BLOCK_GRASS_PATH = §eGrass Path LAUFBAU_BLOCK_SOUL_SAND = §eSoul Sand LAUFBAU_BLOCK_COCOA = §eCocoa LAUFBAU_BLOCK_TURTLE_EGG = §eTurtle Eggs LAUFBAU_BLOCK_CHEST = §eChest LAUFBAU_BLOCK_SNOW = §eSnow Layer LAUFBAU_BLOCK_PLAYER_WALL_HEAD = §ePlayer Wall Head LAUFBAU_BLOCK_STONECUTTER = §eStonecutter LAUFBAU_BLOCK_PLAYER_HEAD = §ePlayer Head LAUFBAU_BLOCK_CAKE = §eCake LAUFBAU_BLOCK_END_STONE_BRICK_SLAB = §eEndstone Brick Slabs LAUFBAU_BLOCK_SEA_PICKLE = §eSea Pickles LAUFBAU_BLOCK_CAMPFIRE = §eCampfire LAUFBAU_BLOCK_FLOWER_POT = §eFlower Pot LAUFBAU_BLOCK_IRON_TRAPDOOR = §eIron Trapdoor LAUFBAU_BLOCK_LILY_PAD = §eLily Pad LAUFBAU_BLOCK_WHITE_CARPET = §eCarpet LAUFBAU_BLOCK_END_ROD = §eEnd Rod LAUFBAU_BLOCK_LIGHTNING_ROD = §eLightning Rod LAUFBAU_BLOCK_CONDUIT = §eConduit LAUFBAU_BLOCK_BREWING_STAND = §eBrewing Stand LAUFBAU_BLOCK_BELL = §eBell LAUFBAU_BLOCK_GRINDSTONE = §eGrindstone LAUFBAU_BLOCK_HOPPER = §eHopper LAUFBAU_BLOCK_LANTERN = §eLantern LAUFBAU_BLOCK_END_STONE_BRICK_STAIRS = §eEndstone Brick Stairs LAUFBAU_BLOCK_CHORUS_PLANT = §eChorus Plant LAUFBAU_BLOCK_NETHER_BRICK_FENCE = §eNether Brick Fence LAUFBAU_BLOCK_IRON_BARS = §eIron Bars LAUFBAU_BLOCK_END_STONE_BRICK_WALL = §eEndstone Brick Walls LAUFBAU_BLOCK_SMALL_AMETHYST_BUD = §eSmall Amethyst Bud LAUFBAU_BLOCK_MEDIUM_AMETHYST_BUD = §eMedium Amethyst Bud LAUFBAU_BLOCK_LARGE_AMETHYST_BUD = §eLarge Amethyst Bud LAUFBAU_BLOCK_AMETHYST_CLUSTER = §eAmethyst Cluster LAUFBAU_BLOCK_CHAIN = §eChain LAUFBAU_BLOCK_BIG_DRIP_LEAF = §eBig Drip Leaf LAUFBAU_BLOCK_DRAGON_EGG = §eDragon Egg LAUFBAU_BLOCK_AZALEA = §eAzalea LAUFBAU_BLOCK_CANDLE = §eCandle LAUFBAU_BLOCK_CANDLE_CAKE = §eCake with Candle LAUFBAU_BLOCK_LECTERN = §eLectern LAUFBAU_FACING_NORTH = §8-§7 Facing North LAUFBAU_FACING_SOUTH = §8-§7 Facing South LAUFBAU_FACING_WEST = §8-§7 Facing West LAUFBAU_FACING_EAST = §8-§7 Facing East LAUFBAU_FACING_UP = §8-§7 Facing Up LAUFBAU_FACING_DOWN = §8-§7 Facing Down LAUFBAU_COUNT_1 = §8-§7 Count 1 LAUFBAU_COUNT_2 = §8-§7 Count 2 LAUFBAU_COUNT_3 = §8-§7 Count 3 LAUFBAU_COUNT_4 = §8-§7 Count 4 LAUFBAU_LAYERS_8 = §8-§7 Layers 8 LAUFBAU_LAYERS_7 = §8-§7 Layers 7 LAUFBAU_LAYERS_6 = §8-§7 Layers 6 LAUFBAU_LAYERS_3 = §8-§7 Layers 3 LAUFBAU_LAYERS_2 = §8-§7 Layers 2 LAUFBAU_TYPE_BOTTOM = §8-§7 Type bottom LAUFBAU_TYPE_TOP = §8-§7 Type top LAUFBAU_HALF_BOTTOM = §8-§7 Half bottom LAUFBAU_HALF_TOP = §8-§7 Half top LAUFBAU_OPEN = §8-§7 Opened LAUFBAU_ATTACHMENT_CEILING = §8-§7 Attachment Ceiling LAUFBAU_ATTACHMENT_FLOOR = §8-§7 Attachment Floor LAUFBAU_ATTACHMENT_DOUBLE_WALL = §8-§7 Attachment double Wall LAUFBAU_ATTACHMENT_SINGLE_WALL = §8-§7 Attachment single Wall LAUFBAU_ATTACHMENT_WALL = §8-§7 Attachment Wall LAUFBAU_CONNECTION_FLOOR = §8-§7 Connection Floor LAUFBAU_CONNECTION_NORTH = §8-§7 Connection North LAUFBAU_CONNECTION_SOUTH = §8-§7 Connection South LAUFBAU_CONNECTION_EAST = §8-§7 Connection East LAUFBAU_CONNECTION_WEST = §8-§7 Connection West LAUFBAU_CONNECTION_DOWN = §8-§7 Connection Bottom LAUFBAU_CONNECTION_UP = §8-§7 Connection Top LAUFBAU_HANGING = §8-§7 hanging LAUFBAU_SHAPE_STRAIGHT = §8-§7 Shape straight LAUFBAU_SHAPE_OUTER_LEFT = §8-§7 Shape outer links LAUFBAU_SHAPE_INNER_LEFT = §8-§7 Shape inner left LAUFBAU_TILT_NONE = §8-§7 Tilt none LAUFBAU_TILT_PARTIAL = §8-§7 Tilt partial # UTILS SELECT_HELP = §8/§eselect §8[§7RegionsTyp§8] §8- §7Select a region type SELECT_EXTENSION_HELP = §8/§eselect §8[§7RegionsTyp§8] §8[§7Extension§8] §8- §7Select a region type with or without extension SELECT_NO_PERMS = §cYou are not allowed to use the slection tool here SELECT_GLOBAL_REGION = §cThe global region cannot be selected SELECT_NO_TYPE = §cThis region has no {0} SELECT_NO_EXTENSION = §cThis region has no extension SELECT_MESSAGE = §7WorldEdit selection set to {0}, {1}, {2} and {3}, {4}, {5} SKULL_HELP = §8/§eskull §8[§eplayer§8] §8-§7 Receive a player head SKULL_INVALID = §cInvalid player name SKULL_ITEM = §e{0}§8s Head SPEED_HELP = §8/§espeed §8[§71§8-§710§8|§edefault§8] §8-§7 Set your flight and walking speed. SPEED_CURRENT = §7Current speed§8: §e{0} SPEED_TOO_SMALL = §c{0} is too small SPEED_TOO_HIGH = §c{0} is too big SPEED_ITEM = §eSpeed SPEED_ITEM_LORE = §7Currently: §e SPEED_TAB_NAME = Input speed WORLDEDIT_WAND = WorldEdit Wand WORLDEDIT_LEFTCLICK = Left click: select pos #1 WORLDEDIT_RIGHTCLICK = Right click: select pos #2 TNT_CLICK_HEADER = §8---=== §eTNT §8===--- TNT_CLICK_ORDER = §eEntity Order§8: §e{0} TNT_CLICK_FUSE_TIME = §eFuseTime§8: §e{0} TNT_CLICK_POSITION_X = §7Position §eX§8: §e{0} TNT_CLICK_POSITION_Y = §7Position §eY§8: §e{0} TNT_CLICK_POSITION_Z = §7Position §eZ§8: §e{0} TNT_CLICK_VELOCITY_X = §7Velocity §eX§8: §e{0} TNT_CLICK_VELOCITY_Y = §7Velocity §eY§8: §e{0} TNT_CLICK_VELOCITY_Z = §7Velocity §eZ§8: §e{0} TNT_CLICK_COUNT = §7Count §8: §e{0} TNT_CLICK_ISOLATE = §eIsolate SELECT_ITEM_CHOOSE_EXTENSION = Choose extension SELECT_ITEM_CHOOSE_SELECTION = Choose selection SELECT_ITEM_NORMAL_EXTENSION = §eNormal SELECT_ITEM_EXTENDED_EXTENSION= §eExtension SELECT_ITEM_SELECT= §eSelect SELECT_ITEM_AUSWAHL= §7Selection: §7{0} {1} SELECT_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK=§7Right-Click to change SELECT_ITEM_BAURAHMEN=§eBuild area SELECT_ITEM_BAUPLATTFORM=§eBuild platform SELECT_ITEM_TESTBLOCK=§eDummy CHESTFILLER_FILLED = §eChest filled CHESTFILLER_COUNT = §7{0}§8: §e§l{1} PISTON_HELP_1 = §7Right click on piston with a slime ball to calculate the moved blocks. PISTON_HELP_2 = §7Count is red, if one unmoveable block is present. PISTON_HELP_3 = §7Count is yellow, if too many blocks are present. PISTON_INFO = §7Moved Blocks {0}{1}§8/§712 # Warp WARP_DISALLOWED = §cYou are not allowed to use the warp here WARP_LOC_X = §7X§8: §e{0} WARP_LOC_Y = §7Y§8: §e{0} WARP_LOC_Z = §7Z§8: §e{0} WARP_EXISTS=§7The warp with the name §e{0} §7already exists WARP_NAME_RESERVED=§7You can not use §c{0} §7as name for a warp WARP_CREATED=§7The warp §e{0} §7was created WARP_DELETE_HOVER=§7delete §e{0} WARP_DELETED=§e{0} §7deleted WARP_TELEPORT_HOVER=§7Teleport to §e{0} WARP_MATERIAL_CHOOSE=Choose material WARP_GUI_NAME=Warps WARP_GUI_NO=§cNo warps exist WARP_GUI_DISTANCE=§7Distance: §e{0} §7blocks WARP_GUI_LCLICK=§7Left click to teleport WARP_GUI_RCLICK=§7Rickt click to edit WARP_INFO_NAME=§7Name: §e{0} WARP_HELP_ADD=§8/§ewarp add §8[§7name§8] §8- §7Create a new warp WARP_HELP_TELEPORT=§8/§ewarp §8[§7name§8] §8- §7Teleport to a warp WARP_HELP_INFO=§8/§ewarp info §8[§7name§8] §8- §7Information regarding one warp WARP_HELP_DELETE=§8/§ewarp delete §8[§7name§8] §8- §7Delete a warp WARP_HELP_GUI=§8/§ewarp gui §8- §7Open the Warp-GUI WARP_HELP_LIST=§8/§ewarp list §8- §7List all warps # WORLD STOP_HELP = §8/§estop §8- §7Stops the server STOP_NO_PERMS = §cYou do not have the permission to stop the server STOP_MESSAGE = §eServer is stopping WORLD_EDIT_NO_PERMS = §cYou do not have the permission to use WorldEdit KICKALL_HELP = §8/§ekickall §8- §7Kick all players from the server except the owner KICKALL_NO_PERM = §cThis is not your world! # Techhider TECHHIDER_HELP = §8/§etechhider §8- §7Toggle Techhider TECHHIDER_GLOBAL = §cNo techhider in global region TECHHIDER_ON = §aTechhider activated TECHHIDER_OFF = §cTechhider deactivated # XRAY XRAY_HELP = §8/§exray §8- §7Toggle Xray XRAY_GLOBAL = §cNo xray in global region XRAY_ON = §aXray activated XRAY_OFF = §cXray deactivated # WorldEdit COLORREPLACE_HELP = §8//§ecolorreplace §8[§7color§8] §8[§7color§8] §8- §7Replace all blocks of one color with another TYPEREPLACE_HELP = §8//§etyreplace §8[§7type§8] §8[§7type§8] §8- §7Replace all blocks of one type with another # Schematic SCHEMATIC_GUI_ITEM=§eSchematics