-- This file is a part of the SteamWar software. -- -- Copyright (C) 2021 SteamWar.de-Serverteam -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU Affero General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . --- --- This file contains the definitions for the SteamWar.de script API. --- It is used by the IDE to provide code completion and type checking. --- Created by Chaoscaot --- inventory = {} ---@param title string ---@param size number ---@return Inventory function inventory.create(title, size) return nil end ---@alias InventoryClick 'LEFT' | 'SHIFT_LEFT' | 'RIGHT' | 'SHIFT_RIGHT' | 'MIDDLE' | 'NUMBER_KEY' ---@class Inventory local Inventory = {} ---@overload fun(slot: number, material: string, name: string, handler: fun(click: InventoryClick)): void ---@overload fun(slot: number, material: string, name: string, handler: fun(click: InventoryClick), lore: string[]): void ---@overload fun(slot: number, material: string, name: string, handler: fun(click: InventoryClick), lore: string[], enchanted: boolean): void ---@param slot number ---@param material string ---@param name string ---@param handler fun(click: InventoryClick): void ---@param lore string[] ---@param enchanted boolean ---@param amount number ---@return void function Inventory.item(slot, material, name, handler, lore, enchanted, amount) end ---@param handler fun(): void ---@return void function Inventory.setCloseHandler(handler) end ---@return void function Inventory.open() end player = {} ---@return string ---Get the name of the player. function player.name() return "" end ---@return void function player.chat(...) end ---@return void ---Send a message to the actionbar of the player. function player.actionbar(...) end ---@overload fun(): number ---@param newX number function player.x(newX) end ---@overload fun(): number ---@param newY number function player.y(newY) end ---@overload fun(): number ---@param newZ number function player.z(newZ) end ---@overload fun(): number ---@param newYaw number function player.yaw(newYaw) end ---@overload fun(): number ---@param newPitch number function player.pitch(newPitch) end ---@return boolean function player.sneaking() return nil end ---@return boolean function player.sprinting() return nil end ---@overload fun(): number ---@param newSlot number function player.slot(newSlot) end ---@return string function player.item() return nil end ---@return string function player.offHandItem() return nil end ---@return void function player.closeInventory() end ---@field nextBool fun(): boolean random = {} ---@overload fun(): number ---@overload fun(bound: number): number ---@param origin number ---@param bound number ---@return number function random.nextInt(origin, bound) return nil end ---@overload fun(): number ---@overload fun(bound: number): number ---@param origin number ---@param bound number ---@return number function random.nextDouble(origin, bound) return nil end ---@return boolean function random.nextBool() return nil end ---@alias RegionType 'wg' | 'mwg' | 'as' | 'ws' | 'ws_inner' | 'ws_rumpf' | 'ws_rahmen' | 'spawn' ---@class iregion ---@field tnt tnt ---@field trace trace local iregion = {} ---@class region: iregion region = {} ---@return string function iregion.name() return nil end ---@return RegionType function iregion.type() return nil end ---@return boolean function iregion.fire() return nil end ---@return boolean function iregion.freeze() return nil end ---@return boolean function iregion.protect() return nil end ---@return string function iregion.loader() return nil end ---@alias TNTMode 'ALLOW' | 'DENY' | 'ONLY_TB' ---@class tnt local tnt = {} ---@return TNTMode function tnt.mode() return nil end ---@return boolean function tnt.enabled() return nil end ---@return boolean function tnt.onlyTb() return nil end ---@class trace local trace = {} ---@return boolean function trace.active() return nil end ---@return boolean function trace.auto() return nil end ---@return string function trace.status() return nil end ---@return number function trace.time() return nil end ---@param name string ---@return iregion function region.get(name) return nil end ---@return iregion[] function region.list() return nil end ---@class Position ---@field x number ---@field y number ---@field z number ---@class server ---@field tps tps server = {} ---@return string function server.time() return nil end ---@return number function server.ticks() return nil end ---@param position Position ---@return string function getBlockAt(position) return nil end ---@param position Position ---@param material string ---@return void function setBlockAt(position, material) return nil end ---@class tps local tps = {} ---@return number function tps.oneSecond() return nil end ---@return number function tps.tenSecond() return nil end ---@return number function tps.oneMinute() return nil end ---@return number function tps.fiveMinute() return nil end ---@return number function tps.tenMinute() return nil end ---@return number function tps.current() return nil end ---@return number function tps.limit() return nil end ---@class storage ---@field global storageLib ---@field player storageLib ---@field region storageLib storage = {} ---@class storageLib local storageLib = {} ---@param key string ---@return any function storageLib.get(key) return nil end ---@param key string ---@param value any ---@return void function storageLib.set(key, value) end ---@param key string ---@return boolean function storageLib.has(key) return nil end ---@param key string ---@return void function storageLib.remove(key) end ---@param key string ---@return Accessor function storageLib.accessor(key) return nil end ---@class Accessor ---@overload fun(): any ---@overload fun(value: any) ---@class Selection ---@field max Position ---@field min Position ---@class _worldedit _worldedit = {} ---@overload fun(pos: Position[]): void ---@return Selection function _worldedit.selection() return nil end ---@param msg string ---@param callback fun(value: string): void ---@return void function input(msg, callback) end ---@param ticks number ---@param callback fun(): void ---@return void function delayed(ticks, callback) end ---@param x number ---@param y number ---@param z number ---@return Position function pos(x, y, z) return nil end ---@return void function exec(...) end ---@param obj any ---@return number function length(obj) return 0 end ---@param separator string ---@param table any[] ---@return string function join(separator, table) return "" end ---@class EventType ---@class events ---@field DoubleSwap EventType ---@field PlaceBlock EventType ---@field BreakBlock EventType ---@field RightClick EventType ---@field LeftClick EventType ---@field TNTSpawn EventType ---@field TNTExplode EventType ---@field TNTExplodeInBuild EventType ---@field SelfJoin EventType ---@field SelfLeave EventType ---@field DropItem EventType ---@field EntityDeath EventType events = {} ---@param id EventType ---@param handler fun(params: any): void ---@return void function event(id, handler) end ---@param command string ---@param handler fun(params: string[]): void ---@return void function command(command, handler) end ---@param trigger string ---@param handler fun(pressed: boolean): void ---@return void function hotkey(trigger, handler) end