Mirror von https://github.com/ViaVersion/ViaVersion.git synchronisiert 2024-09-21 03:20:05 +02:00
creeper123123321 4c07b6d28d
Squash Velocity platform commits
incomplete velocity code

untested velocity version detector

update velocity module version

Injecting, but not working


Fix handler type

Should work now

will it work now?

it works!!!

fix npe in command tab completion

Do not forward command to server

implement server changing with different versions
thanks @Leymooo

Fix memory leaks

maybe cleaner code?

trying to port mainhandpatch, added todo

fix version

Use separated protocol version, add todo

Trying to mitigate UserConnection#toServer concurrent issue

port elytrapatch

it works but horribly and needs a modification in velocity

replace with a semaphore and EventLoop#submit

Lock for incoming packets

fix version

remove some TODOs

Listen to DisconnectEvent

Relocate snakeyaml
2018-11-12 15:05:48 -02:00

154 Zeilen
7.1 KiB

# Thanks for downloading ViaVersion
# Ensure you look through all these options
# If you need help:
# viaversion.com - Discussion tab
# IRC - https://elmer.spi.gt/iris/?nick=&channels=viaversion #viaversion on irc.spi.gt
# Docs - https://docs.viaversion.com/display/VIAVERSION/Configuration
# Should ViaVersion check for updates?
checkforupdates: true
# Send the supported versions with the Status (Ping) response packet
send-supported-versions: false
# Block specific Minecraft protocols that ViaVersion allows
# List of all Minecraft protocol versions: http://wiki.vg/Protocol_version_numbers
block-protocols: []
# Change the blocked disconnect message
block-disconnect-msg: "You are using an unsupported Minecraft version!"
# If you use ProtocolLib, we can't reload without kicking the players.
# (We don't suggest using reload either, use a plugin manager)
# You can customise the message we kick people with if you use ProtocolLib here.
reload-disconnect-msg: "Server reload, please rejoin!"
# BungeeCord allows you to have different server versions inside.
# Instead of you entering all the versions of these servers, we can ping them.
# What interval would you like us to ping at? (in seconds)
# Use -1 to disable.
bungee-ping-interval: 60
# If the above is enabled, should we save the info to the config (in the section below)
bungee-ping-save: true
# To get a servers protocol, ViaVersion will do the following:
# Look for the server in the following section, then look for the last ping if bungee-ping is enabled
# otherwise use default.
# The format for the following is:
# servername: protocolversion
# You can find protocol ids on http://wiki.vg/Protocol_version_numbers
# It will fallback to the default option if none found.
bungee-servers: {}
# Velocity allows you to have different server versions inside.
# Instead of you entering all the versions of these servers, we can ping them.
# What interval would you like us to ping at? (in seconds)
# Use -1 to disable.
velocity-ping-interval: 60
# If the above is enabled, should we save the info to the config (in the section below)
velocity-ping-save: true
# To get a servers protocol, ViaVersion will do the following:
# Look for the server in the following section, then look for the last ping if velocity-ping is enabled
# otherwise use default.
# The format for the following is:
# servername: protocolversion
# You can find protocol ids on http://wiki.vg/Protocol_version_numbers
# It will fallback to the default option if none found.
velocity-servers: {}
# Packets Per Second (PPS) limiter (Use -1 on max-pps and tracking-period to disable)
# Clients by default send around 20-90 packets per second.
# What is the maximum per second a client can send (Use %pps to display their pps)
# Use -1 to disable.
max-pps: 800
max-pps-kick-msg: "You are sending too many packets!"
# We can also kick them if over a period they send over a threshold a certain amount of times.
# Period to track (in seconds)
# Use -1 to disable.
tracking-period: 6
# How many packets per second counts as a warning
tracking-warning-pps: 120
# How many warnings over the interval can we have
# This can never be higher than "tracking-period"
tracking-max-warnings: 4
tracking-max-kick-msg: "You are sending too many packets, :("
# Should we enable our hologram patch?
# If they're in the wrong place enable this
hologram-patch: false
# This is the offset, should work as default when enabled.
hologram-y: -0.96
# Should we disable piston animation for 1.11/1.11.1 clients?
# In some cases when firing lots of pistons it crashes them.
piston-animation-patch: false
# Should we fix nbt for 1.12 and above clients in chat messages (causes invalid item)
chat-nbt-fix: true
# Experimental - Should we fix shift quick move action for 1.12 clients (causes shift + double click not to work when moving items) (only works on 1.8-1.11.2 bukkit based servers)
quick-move-action-fix: false
# Should we use prefix for team colour on 1.13 and above clients
team-colour-fix: true
# We warn when there's a error converting from pre-1.13 to 1.13, should we suppress these? (Only suggested if spamming)
suppress-1_13-conversion-errors: false
# 1.13 introduced new auto complete which can trigger "Kicked for spamming" for servers older than 1.13, the following option will disable it completely.
disable-1_13-auto-complete: false
# No collide options, these allow you to configure how collision works.
# Do you want us to prevent collision?
prevent-collision: true
# If the above is true, should we automatically team players until you do?
auto-team: true
# When enabled if certain metadata can't be read we won't tell you about it
suppress-metadata-errors: false
# When enabled 1.9 & 1.10 will be able to block by using shields
shield-blocking: true
# Enable player tick simulation, this fixes eating, drinking, nether portals.
simulate-pt: true
# Should we use nms player to simulate packets, (may fix anti-cheat issues)
nms-player-ticking: true
# Should we patch boss bars so they work? (Default: true, disable if you're having issues)
bossbar-patch: true
# If your boss bar flickers on 1.9 & 1.10, set this to 'true'. It will keep all boss bars on 100% (not recommended)
bossbar-anti-flicker: false
# This will show the new effect indicator in the top-right corner for 1.9 & 1.10 players.
use-new-effect-indicator: true
# Show the new death messages for 1.9 & 1.10 on the death screen
use-new-deathmessages: true
# Should we cache our items, this will prevent server from being lagged out, however the cost is a constant task caching items
item-cache: true
# Patch the Anti xray to work on 1.9 & 1.10 (If your server is 1.8) This can cost more performance, so disable it if you don't use it.
anti-xray-patch: true
# Should we replace extended pistons to fix 1.10.1 (Only on chunk load)
replace-pistons: false
# What id should we replace with, default is air. (careful of players getting stuck standing on them)
replacement-piston-id: 0
# Force the string -> json transform
force-json-transform: false
# Minimize the cooldown animation in 1.8 servers
minimize-cooldown: true