Mirror von
synchronisiert 2024-12-27 08:30:09 +01:00
Minor optimization
Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
@ -106,22 +106,22 @@ public final class WorldPackets {
final List<BlockEntity> blockEntities = new ArrayList<>(oldChunk.getBlockEntities().size());
for (final CompoundTag tag : oldChunk.getBlockEntities()) {
if (!tag.contains("x") || !tag.contains("y") || !tag.contains("z") || !tag.contains("id")) {
final NumberTag xTag = tag.get("x");
final NumberTag yTag = tag.get("y");
final NumberTag zTag = tag.get("z");
final StringTag idTag = tag.get("id");
if (xTag == null || yTag == null || zTag == null || idTag == null) {
final int x = ((NumberTag) tag.get("x")).asInt();
final int z = ((NumberTag) tag.get("z")).asInt();
final byte packedXZ = (byte) ((x & 15) << 4 | (z & 15));
final short y = ((NumberTag) tag.get("y")).asShort();
final String id = ((StringTag) tag.get("id")).getValue();
final String id = idTag.getValue();
final int typeId = protocol.getMappingData().blockEntityIds().getInt(id.replace("minecraft:", ""));
if (typeId == -1) {
Via.getPlatform().getLogger().warning("Unknown block entity: " + id);
blockEntities.add(new BlockEntityImpl(packedXZ, y, typeId, tag));
final byte packedXZ = (byte) ((xTag.asInt() & 15) << 4 | (zTag.asInt() & 15));
blockEntities.add(new BlockEntityImpl(packedXZ, yTag.asShort(), typeId, tag));
final int[] biomeData = oldChunk.getBiomeData();
@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ public final class WorldPackets {
section.addPalette(PaletteType.BIOMES, biomePalette);
final int offset = i * ChunkSection.BIOME_SIZE;
for (int biomeIndex = 0; biomeIndex < ChunkSection.BIOME_SIZE; biomeIndex++) {
biomePalette.setIdAt(biomeIndex, biomeData[offset + biomeIndex]);
for (int biomeIndex = 0, biomeArrayIndex = offset; biomeIndex < ChunkSection.BIOME_SIZE; biomeIndex++, biomeArrayIndex++) {
biomePalette.setIdAt(biomeIndex, biomeData[biomeArrayIndex]);
@ -161,8 +161,7 @@ public final class WorldPackets {
MathUtil.ceilLog2(tracker.biomesSent())), chunk);
final ChunkLightStorage lightStorage = wrapper.user().get(ChunkLightStorage.class);
// Mark chunk as loaded
boolean alreadyLoaded = !lightStorage.addLoadedChunk(chunk.getX(), chunk.getZ());
final boolean alreadyLoaded = !lightStorage.addLoadedChunk(chunk.getX(), chunk.getZ());
// Get and remove light stored, there's only full chunk packets //TODO Only get, not remove if we find out people re-send full chunk packets without re-sending light
// Append light data to chunk packet
@ -170,7 +169,7 @@ public final class WorldPackets {
if (light == null) {
Via.getPlatform().getLogger().warning("No light data found for chunk at " + chunk.getX() + ", " + chunk.getZ() + ". Chunk was already loaded: " + alreadyLoaded);
BitSet emptyLightMask = new BitSet();
final BitSet emptyLightMask = new BitSet();
emptyLightMask.set(0, tracker.currentWorldSectionHeight() + 2);
wrapper.write(Type.BOOLEAN, false);
wrapper.write(Type.LONG_ARRAY_PRIMITIVE, new long[0]);
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