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synchronisiert 2024-12-27 08:30:09 +01:00
Fix non-full chunk sending to 1.17 clients
Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
@ -117,13 +117,10 @@ public class ChunkSection {
public int getPaletteEntry(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= palette.size()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
return palette.getInt(index);
public void setPaletteEntry(int index, int id) {
if (index < 0 || index >= palette.size()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
int oldId = palette.set(index, id);
if (oldId == id) return;
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ import com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_17to1_16_4.metadata.Metadat
import com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_17to1_16_4.packets.EntityPackets;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_17to1_16_4.packets.InventoryPackets;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_17to1_16_4.packets.WorldPackets;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_17to1_16_4.storage.BiomeStorage;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_17to1_16_4.storage.EntityTracker1_17;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.rewriter.MetadataRewriter;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.rewriter.RegistryType;
@ -235,7 +234,6 @@ public class Protocol1_17To1_16_4 extends AbstractProtocol<ClientboundPackets1_1
public void init(UserConnection user) {
user.put(new BiomeStorage(user));
user.put(new EntityTracker1_17(user));
@ -21,8 +21,9 @@ import com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.CompoundTag;
import com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.IntTag;
import com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.ListTag;
import com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.Tag;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.api.Via;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.api.connection.UserConnection;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.api.minecraft.BlockChangeRecord;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.api.minecraft.BlockChangeRecord1_16_2;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.api.minecraft.chunks.Chunk;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.api.minecraft.chunks.ChunkSection;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.api.minecraft.entities.Entity1_17Types;
@ -34,7 +35,6 @@ import com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_16_2to1_16_1.ClientboundPac
import com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_16_2to1_16_1.types.Chunk1_16_2Type;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_17to1_16_4.ClientboundPackets1_17;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_17to1_16_4.Protocol1_17To1_16_4;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_17to1_16_4.storage.BiomeStorage;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_17to1_16_4.storage.EntityTracker1_17;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_17to1_16_4.types.Chunk1_17Type;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.rewriter.BlockRewriter;
@ -137,25 +137,20 @@ public class WorldPackets {
public void registerMap() {
handler(wrapper -> {
Chunk chunk = wrapper.read(new Chunk1_16_2Type());
if (!chunk.isFullChunk()) {
// All chunks are full chunk packets now (1.16 already stopped sending non-full chunks)
// Construct multi block change packets instead
writeMultiBlockChangePacket(wrapper, chunk);
// Normal full chunk writing
wrapper.write(new Chunk1_17Type(chunk.getSections().length), chunk);
// 1.17 uses a bitset for the mask
chunk.setChunkMask(BitSet.valueOf(new long[]{chunk.getBitmask()}));
BiomeStorage biomeStorage = wrapper.user().get(BiomeStorage.class);
if (chunk.isFullChunk()) {
biomeStorage.setBiomes(chunk.getX(), chunk.getZ(), chunk.getBiomeData());
} else {
// Biomes always have to be sent now
int[] biomes = biomeStorage.getBiomes(chunk.getX(), chunk.getZ());
if (biomes != null) {
} else {
Via.getPlatform().getLogger().warning("Biome data not found for chunk at " + chunk.getX() + ", " + chunk.getZ());
chunk.setBiomeData(new int[chunk.getSections().length * 64]);
for (int s = 0; s < chunk.getSections().length; s++) {
ChunkSection section = chunk.getSections()[s];
if (section == null) continue;
@ -190,11 +185,7 @@ public class WorldPackets {
CompoundTag currentDimensionTag = wrapper.get(Type.NBT, 1);
// Tracking
String world = wrapper.passthrough(Type.STRING);
UserConnection user = wrapper.user();
user.get(EntityTracker1_17.class).addEntity(wrapper.get(Type.INT, 0), Entity1_17Types.PLAYER);
@ -206,25 +197,6 @@ public class WorldPackets {
handler(wrapper -> {
CompoundTag dimensionData = wrapper.passthrough(Type.NBT);
String world = wrapper.passthrough(Type.STRING);
BiomeStorage biomeStorage = wrapper.user().get(BiomeStorage.class);
if (!world.equals(biomeStorage.getWorld())) {
protocol.registerClientbound(ClientboundPackets1_16_2.UNLOAD_CHUNK, new PacketRemapper() {
public void registerMap() {
handler(wrapper -> {
int x = wrapper.passthrough(Type.INT);
int z = wrapper.passthrough(Type.INT);
wrapper.user().get(BiomeStorage.class).clearBiomes(x, z);
@ -232,6 +204,36 @@ public class WorldPackets {
blockRewriter.registerEffect(ClientboundPackets1_16_2.EFFECT, 1010, 2001);
private static void writeMultiBlockChangePacket(PacketWrapper wrapper, Chunk chunk) throws Exception {
long chunkPosition = (chunk.getX() & 0x3FFFFFL) << 42;
chunkPosition |= (chunk.getZ() & 0x3FFFFFL) << 20;
ChunkSection[] sections = chunk.getSections();
for (int chunkY = 0; chunkY < sections.length; chunkY++) {
ChunkSection section = sections[chunkY];
if (section == null) continue;
PacketWrapper blockChangePacket = wrapper.create(ClientboundPackets1_17.MULTI_BLOCK_CHANGE);
blockChangePacket.write(Type.LONG, chunkPosition | (chunkY & 0xFFFFFL));
blockChangePacket.write(Type.BOOLEAN, true); // Suppress light updates
//TODO this can be optimized
BlockChangeRecord[] blockChangeRecords = new BlockChangeRecord[4096];
int j = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
int blockStateId = Protocol1_17To1_16_4.MAPPINGS.getNewBlockStateId(section.getFlatBlock(x, y, z));
blockChangeRecords[j++] = new BlockChangeRecord1_16_2(x, y, z, blockStateId);
blockChangePacket.write(Type.VAR_LONG_BLOCK_CHANGE_RECORD_ARRAY, blockChangeRecords);
blockChangePacket.send(Protocol1_17To1_16_4.class, true, true);
private static void addNewDimensionData(CompoundTag tag) {
tag.put("min_y", new IntTag(0));
tag.put("height", new IntTag(256));
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
* This file is part of ViaVersion - https://github.com/ViaVersion/ViaVersion
* Copyright (C) 2016-2021 ViaVersion and contributors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.viaversion.viaversion.protocols.protocol1_17to1_16_4.storage;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.api.connection.StoredObject;
import com.viaversion.viaversion.api.connection.UserConnection;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class BiomeStorage extends StoredObject {
private final Map<Long, int[]> chunkBiomes = new HashMap<>();
private String world;
public BiomeStorage(UserConnection user) {
public @Nullable String getWorld() {
return world;
public void setWorld(String world) {
this.world = world;
public int @Nullable [] getBiomes(int x, int z) {
return chunkBiomes.get(getChunkSectionIndex(x, z));
public void setBiomes(int x, int z, int[] biomes) {
chunkBiomes.put(getChunkSectionIndex(x, z), biomes);
public void clearBiomes(int x, int z) {
chunkBiomes.remove(getChunkSectionIndex(x, z));
public void clearBiomes() {
private long getChunkSectionIndex(int x, int z) {
return ((x & 0x3FFFFFFL) << 38) | (z & 0x3FFFFFFL);
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