import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.ShadowPlugin plugins { `java-library` `maven-publish` } allprojects { group = "nl.matsv" version = "3.3.0-21w14a" description = "Allow older clients to join newer server versions." } subprojects { apply() apply() tasks { // Variable replacements processResources { filesMatching(listOf("plugin.yml", "", "fabric.mod.json", "bungee.yml")) { expand("version" to project.version, "description" to project.description, "url" to "") } } withType { options.encoding = } withType { options.encoding = options.compilerArgs.addAll(listOf("-nowarn", "-Xlint:-unchecked", "-Xlint:-deprecation")) } } val platforms = listOf( "bukkit", "bungee", "sponge", "velocity", "fabric" ).map { "viabackwards-$it" } if (platforms.contains( { configureShadowJar() } if ( == "viabackwards") { apply() } repositories { maven("") maven("") maven("") maven("") maven("") maven("") } java { sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 withSourcesJar() withJavadocJar() } publishing { publications { create("mavenJava") { groupId = as String artifactId = version = rootProject.version as String if (plugins.hasPlugin( { artifact(tasks["shadowJar"]) } else { from(components["java"]) } } } repositories.maven { name = "Via" url = uri("") credentials(PasswordCredentials::class) authentication { create("basic") } } } } tasks { withType { onlyIf { false } } }