plugins { application } // This is provided by "org.cloudburstmc.math.mutable" too, so yeet. // NeoForge's class loader is *really* annoying. provided("org.cloudburstmc.math", "api") architectury { platformSetupLoomIde() neoForge() } val includeTransitive: Configuration = configurations.getByName("includeTransitive") dependencies { // See modules { module("") { replacedBy("", "listenablefuture is part of guava") } } neoForge(libs.neoforge.minecraft) api(project(":mod", configuration = "namedElements")) shadow(project(path = ":mod", configuration = "transformProductionNeoForge")) { isTransitive = false } shadow(projects.core) { isTransitive = false } // Let's shade in our own api shadow(projects.api) { isTransitive = false } // cannot be shaded, since neoforge will complain if floodgate-neoforge tries to provide this include(projects.common) // Include all transitive deps of core via JiJ includeTransitive(projects.core) } application { mainClass.set("org.geysermc.geyser.platform.forge.GeyserNeoForgeMain") } tasks { remapJar { archiveBaseName.set("Geyser-NeoForge") } remapModrinthJar { archiveBaseName.set("geyser-neoforge") } } modrinth { loaders.add("neoforge") }